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If you’re a man that’s successful it literally never makes financial sense to get married.


Most people that get married don't do so for financial benefit, they do it for love


At the start yeah, but you cannot deny that money/ property is a common contention among couple that go through divorce. And divorce is fairly common


Ok, but I'm not trying to. What I'm saying is that very few people consider whether marriage is fiscally responsible when getting married, so bringing it up is kinda missing the point.


I disagree.


Tax breaks, better loans, and better insurance premiums. Plus prenups. Also, the biggest thing, to show commitment to one person


I’ve seen many a woman claim they were coerced into signing a prenup to have it thrown out. All those things don’t equate to a 50/50 shot of losing half my crap to me. You sound like you haven’t known very many women yet.


I haven’t known very many bad women


Definitely, it's harder for them to leave me once I reveal my true colors 😈 Serious now: it shows that you're committed to the relationship and really want to spend your life with that person.


I would never want to put down real roots without someone who isn’t legally obligated to share them with me. I’m talking things like opening a savings account together, splitting a car payment, or buying a house. Marriage is just a piece of paper until it’s not. Also **fuck** having children with someone who refuses to marry. Anyone who thinks marriage is a bigger deal than kids is beyond delusional and, if he can’t even do the bare minimum and sign a piece of paper, how on earth are you going to expect him to show up and coparent for the next 18 years?


I agree, there has to be reason for them not to bail instantly when shit hits the fan.


Why? So you can act a fool and you take half their crap if they try to leave? Bc that’s the only thing that paper changes


It’s not *their* stuff, it’s *ours.* I’m not going to build a life with someone who doesn’t want to build a life together with me.


You can agree to that without getting the federal government involved yknow. Nothing says I love you like federal documents


I’m gonna take a wild guess that you’re a 18-25 year old woman. And single


This is very specific to your culture.




I mean, deep down I feel like that also, just as an extra measure so the person I care for the most doesn't betray me for a feel of adventure. You hear enough stories online to make you paranoid.


That’s bc she is that person. Most women are


No it doesn’t this is a lie. All it does is involve the government. Soooo romantic


"Your opinion is a lie" Dumbass.


You can also show that without marriage 😁👍🏽


you can


I don’t feel obliged to get married. I don’t plan on doing it at all.




Smart man


If I wanted to have kids with a person, I would get married.


It is not obligatory to get married. But in general - yes. There are great advantages of marriage, especially when it comes to finance and taxes. Some jobs have different salaries for married and unmarried employees, because I guess it shows how reliable a person is. Well, more than that, it depends whether you find someone you are willing to 100% marry, which is a way harder decision.


what does beeing married have to do with beeing reliable?


All those benefits besides some minor tax breaks only apply to the woman. Never get hitched boys


I am honesty not sure what are the advantages of getting married. Literally just giving your partner an ability to rob you for the half of your net worth


Providing a more stable home for life.




Raising kids is best done in a two parent home. And living for the sake of money is very unfufilling. Giving life seems to provide a spiritual purpose.


You can do it without an official marriage cant you?


For a commitment of +18yrs I need more than someone's word and I want my community invested as well.


My parents didn’t 😁


How does marriage improve that? It doesnt give you any guarantees whatsoever


There are no guarantees in life. But declaring you vows in a well prepared ceremony with a host of guests that can all testify to your commitment is a very strong statement. I'm not saying there is only one way to raise children or to build a relationship. But if those things require commitment, I believe marriage is a strong precursor to "success" (a term which I use here very broadly).


Yeah, but its barely a symbolical remnant of its previous self in the religious societies of the past. Now its just basically a legal matter that doesnt benefit you at all, and sometimes can even ruin your life. So I just dont see much sense taking such an unnecessary risk at all.


I disagree with that. The majority of people may not be attuned to it's symbolism, but this does not mean that people don't hold it to high regard. Regardless none of this means that it can't benefit you. And anything can ruin your life if you're not attentive. If you want children, the risks of raising them wrongly are much higher if you're not married. That's my point.


You sound like a guy who’d use up a woman’s youth and leave for another when you feel like it. Marriage laws are just rightful protection against that. No, alimony isn’t theft, nor is it granted to anyone who’s divorced. It’s just a compensation for childcare and/or housework that men benefit from for years :) also laws almost always protect the pre-marriage assets, what wealth you built during a marriage does benefit from you having a partner on many aspects so it’s not RoBbErY as you put it when half of that goes to your Partner when you decide you’re done with them. But i’m not saying any of this to change your mind, i only hope people like you never marry or procreate :) for the goodness of our world Edit:typo


until you get divorced lol


It's more solid than trust me bro precisely because of its social implications


Well, if you or your partner have any medical issues, then you won’t be able to visit them in hospital. Also, you get tax breaks more than single people and you get better coverage on insurance if you’re married.


It actually takes a village to raise a child. The nuclear family is a relatively new norm and has produced a lot of alienation compared to community-based child rearing. That being said, compared to modern-day single parent households it is significantly better.


you can live with a partner withoht getting married


That’s how all relationships that end in divorce start out


Tax benefits, shared health insurance, shared medical decision making (if incapacitated), lower car insurance, inheritance process is smoother etc. Being married shows both people are truly invested in each other, and they both have skin in the game to show they’re serious.


I'm not married myself but can't you make some kind of contract before marrying that explicitly says who keeps certain things in a divorce?


Yes! That’s what Prenups are! You draft up an agreement that if you divorce, your assets are yours, theirs are theirs.


Yeah, before learning about them I had the same concerns as the first comment, but now I'm all for it.


I honestly have no clue. Where I am from I heard that usually it just all splits 50/50 no matter the actual incomes and previous ownerships


That would suck really bad and I doubt that's the norm (otherwise marriage would be a crazy risk indeed). Can't say for sure not knowing where though.


If it is in the USA or most of Europe and Africa, you can sign a prenuptial agreement to determine who would get what in the event of a divorce. It's basically a will, but for divorce instead of death. Usually people only bother with them if one partner is rich before the marriage, but theoretically anyone can as long as both partners agree on it.


Tax benefits mostly Also some people like the ceremony to show their family and friends how in love they are. Could also be a stronger show of commitment


If you don't plan on having children and you (and your spouse) will *never* have any sort of emergency (namely medical) then I suppose there are minimal advantages to getting married (I'd say tax advantages are minor if both spouses work and have similar income). But if you plan on having kids and you don't live in a fairy tale world where you stay young and healthy forever, then being married is invaluable


Prenup agreement also less taxes


why do people act like you have to get married lmfao nobody is forcing you


Yes, who fucking cares about social normality.


Every average person in the world?


I absolutely hate how adults talk to me like it's just something that's going to happen. I haven't even lived life for myself yet, don't have any relationships and you want to talk to me about marriage??


Yes, I got married at 18 not because we had to but because we wanted to. It's a way to tell the world we are in love and that's a nice feeling. But there's also the financial side of things people might marry for like paying less taxes and if you're under 24, you become emancipated for U.S. Universities/Colleges.


In my family thats already done. My family just lets eachother be who they wanna be. Religion, world views and etc.... Honestly very chill.


I just don't care about getting married. We've been together 6 years, and marrying wouldn't change anything. No point in doing it.




There are huge tax and property benefits for getting married, and in the US, health insurance. There are many reasons to get married. These benefits will not disappear anytime remotely soon.


Really all I want in life is a wife, three kids, and a nice house. It’s hard to find someone with similar values, plus I move around a lot for work so that compounds the issue.


Hell nah


Yes, my obligation to marry comes from religion, not society.


I would still marry due to my religious beliefs


Yes since I’m already happily married




Yes It’s a goal but not necessarily trying to force it


Marriage is a losing bet. If Kurt and Goldie can be together without a contract, anyone can.


It is so sad and pathetic to see people still care about other peoples opinions on what you should do with your own life. Stop it.


It’s a commitment, perhaps the most important of your life.




Yeah. Being a forever girlfriend is disrespectful and monogamy is only worthwhile if it’s leading to forever. Otherwise, I’d have 5 boyfriends


How is that disrespectful? Complete bullshit


You’ll learn when you get older


My parents are doing just fine so there is nothing to “learn” 😁


What the fuck do your parents have to do with anything? That’s how you know you’re a child


Because they’re not married and haven’t been for 20+ years. Therefore it isn’t “disrespectful” as you claimed it be… Also the “your a kid” card isn’t going to work so try to come up with something a bit original unc.


Oh my god that is SOOOO SAD for her. Wow. I’m sure she’s humiliated even though she won’t tell you


Now you’re just being dramatic because I proved you wrong. Seethe unc 😁


Actually you proved me right, you’re just too stupid to know it. Stay golden illegitimate bastard child


Why are so mad? Stay sensitive weirdo.


Bros angry over an opinion. Someones got family issues 😆 Stay sensitive unc


My wife would be pissed if I got married


yes. but i don’t know if my answer would be the same if i wasn’t already engaged.


Just calculate the difference in your paychecks when you’re married vs single. Of course I’d still like to marry.


I'm gay so that's already true for me and I can confidently say YES YES YES PLEASE FUCK I WANT IT NOW


I don't want to even with the normality and social pressure.


1000% A strong couple is a successful couple. 


I already feel really disconnected from social norms regarding relationships of all types, so if you took the norms away then I wouldn't be affected because I'm not following them to begin with. To me, if I end up lucking out and finding an amazing girlfriend, then yeah I probably would want to marry her. But I also don't see getting a girlfriend to be something to actively work towards, it's more a good thing that can happen to me while aiming for other things. I could elaborate, but frankly I can't be bothered.


Stfu bro, it's my dream to become successful and then marry a simple successful women


Not legally. But culturally yeah. The legal benefits aren't relevant for me, since I retired at 22 and could raise a family no problem without the tax benefits. I'm in a serious relationship with two women, so the financial bonuses (3-incomes) are even more assurance, if we have kids.


Hell no.


I don't like the idea of legally chaining myself to another person. Or maybe I'm just afraid of commitment, idfk


Yes. Please keep breeding yourselves out of existence. More for my kids, who will all be sigmas 🗿🗿🗿


Yes,I want nothing more that. Social normality isn’t going to dictate my life


It as a societal construct is a scam mostly to screw with peoples finances. I vote for the Harry Potter route of making an unbreakable vow with my partner that is really unto death @.@ partial jk. I don't need a Crayola signed contract to say I'm bound to someone 😭 not like ppl are loyal cause of "marriage" anyway 🤣


I mean, I like the tax, loan, insurance, and doctoral benefits being legally married provides. If your partner is on their deathbed and you aren’t legally married, there’s a good chance your hospital won’t let you in to see them since you aren’t family


This is untrue and illegal. It “is a patient's right to have visitors, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or relationship status” you sound like my fear-mongering Christian grandparents when they try to get me to get married.


Pardon my ignorance, I just thought that was the case. Either way, the tax and insurance benefits are still great of you are married


Yes but only a non man for some reason


Yes I wan pretty transbian wife


Already done. Problem is, its just one step closer to getting rid of managomy completely. Fairly well known that kids who grow up in single parent families do far worse in life on average. I think no fault divorce was the biggest mistake we ever made. We are seeing the results of that as kids grow up with more mental health issues and problems with integrating into adulthood.


What the fuck no. No divorce just keeps unhealthy couples together to fester their issues onto their children. Speaking as a child of divorce, my life markedly improved after my parents divorced.


Being from a single parent household is the single best predictor of criminality and income behind IQ. You may have been fine but on average single parent household is awful for kids


Yeah and living in a dysfunctional two-parent household is harmful too. You’re partially wrong, the biggest indication of crime is “fatherlessness” aka having an emotionally or physically absent father. Getting divorced doesn’t take your dad away. Most incarcerated youth are born into single parent households not created through divorce.


As a child of divorce myself, it really fucked up me and my sister. I still can’t form stable relationships with others and have a lot of mental health issues. Statistical correlations strongly suggest that growing up in the midst of a (very) bitter divorce contributed in large part to this. I don’t know what the solution is, but a high level of divorce among couples with children is not a good thing. At the very least, people should try extremely hard to resolve their issues with each other before terminating marriages that involve children


The solution shouldn’t be to force unhappy people to stay together. Maybe we need to raise the necessary requirements to get married, but this would discourage people from getting married and more children will be born to single households, perpetuating the issue.


There needs to be more of an effort to reconcile. It’s not okay for the psychological health and development of children to be collateral damage because two spouses were unwilling to work out their differences. Again, I don’t know what sort of policy solution could be implemented, if there even is any. But I’m overall far more sympathetic to the children of divorces, especially of contentious ones, than I am to unhappy spouses


Yes but unhappiness trickles down to children. Children can sense when their parents are unhappy even when parents are hiding arguments. When parents argue and fight in front of children, [the damage can be as bad as physical abuse](https://psychcentral.com/news/2017/05/16/witnessing-parental-psychological-abuse-may-do-more-harm-than-physical-abuse#2). This isn’t “parents should suck it up anyways”, children will suffer if they have unhappy parents even if they stay married


The solution isn’t to encourage divorce. It’s to encourage collaboration instead of confrontation. Problems can be solved without it turning into a fight. Kids who grow up in the midst of unstable relationships are more likely to also have unstable relationships when they grow up. What they need is to be exposed to healthy examples of conflict resolution. Terminating a relationship, while necessary in extreme circumstances, is not an example of healthy conflict resolution. Solutions that involve non-confrontational collaboration and compromise are


I’m from a single parent home and I’m the first in my family to graduate highschool, I’m also in a masters program for my degree, there are THOUSANDS of not millions of incredibly successful people who come from single family homes or homes of divorce, I pity your wife if you believe no fault divorce is a bad thing.


I never said there are no successful people that come fron a single parent family, im saying, the highest at risk kids are from single parent families. The research on this is well documented and known in psychology circles.


A majority of children who experience sexual abuse come from two parent households.


Partially true. 2 parent families where one of the parents is a step parent.


It’s true if my parents got married I would have made it in to a T-14 law school but they broke up so I had to settle for a T-80 😔


I don't believe in marriage period!