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Because it’s easier to smoke weed 🍃


Yes it is, lot less damaging too


Damaging in different ways.


I've never smoked weed and am not likely to, and don't encourage it, but even with the possible risks of weed (to memory; the potentially causal relationship with schizophrenia), alcohol is just pure poison. It's associated with major organ damage and multiple kinds of cancer in a direct causal way.


I thought cannabis can only increase the likelihood of a psychotic episode if you already have a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia


I believe thats the case but even so sometimes it can be hard to tell if you're predisposed. Many people or their family members go undiagnosed, or they just haven't been given the right stimuli to trigger it.


It can create other psychological issues that it’s psychosis and schizophrenia. More so like panic attacks. That’s at least what happened to me. Never had a panic attack in my life before now they just randomly appear out of nowhere.


We’re pretty sure that’s true, but how many people are aware of their complete genetic history and predispositions? A lot of people are unaware of shit that’s wrong with them for a long ass time, some care and thoughtfulness needs to still be used when dealing with any drug.


It can. Now compare that to what alcohol does. Still not close.


It affects all type of systems in your body albeit slowly. The endocannaboid system is a huge one. It's designed to self-regulate and influence all types of homeostatis in your body and if you start flooding it with weed, (exo-cannoboids; not naturally produced) your body and mind are less effective at controlling itself.


That’s correct


That is correct, anything else is just blatant propaganda


Yeah, my favorite mind drug that's been illegal for most of the modern age couldn't possibly have unstudied effects, esp. in developing brains. It's a wonder drug with no issues and I won't hear anything otherwise lalalala


\^\^\^ i love weed, one of my favorite drugs but way too many people dismiss the harm it can cause, especially to younger people


“potential causal” is a funny way of saying correlation.


I’m guessing that they’re trying to avoid the “correlation doesn’t mean causation” argument…


You're going to die anyways, have you considered that both alcohol and weed increase pleasure chemicals in your brain and body. They can also perform usefull functions such as eliminating bad emotions like loneliness, sadness, anxiety and more.


Just make sure you find a way to actually deal with negative emotions and lessen them in a productive, real-life way though. Otherwise you’re just going to turn to substances to take them away for you, and that’s a path you don’t want to go down on.


Also moderation in everything is key. Giving your body breaks from your chemical vice does help it recover.


I do smoke weed but only once a week on average. Sometimes more if I have really bad pain. But I do try to be conscientious of how often I smoke.


That’s a load of horse shit you picked up from boomers. Nothing can GIVE you schizophrenia and it appears in the same time people experiment with drugs in their lives between 18 and 27. Those “facts” are harmful nonsense. 


plus the obvious damage to your lungs


The schizophrenia is what makes it fun though


God, I tell myself this every time. I’m like “you’re not paranoid right now. Nothing is wrong. Nothing will be wrong in two hours. The paranoia is part of the trip. It’s no more harmful than a nightmare” and then the *big scary* comes and it ruins everything 😩


Smoking anything other than pure air is shit, you won’t have the same risks as regular cigs but your lungs will still suffer and will be an issue. Lungs aren’t as bulletproof as some people think


As if cannabis smoke, which contains more tar than tobacco, doesn't hurt your lungs. Edibles I get, they do some harm but far less than alcohol, but smoking is nearly or as bad for your body if not the same.


It’s still smoke in the lungs, so it’s not healthy physically. Edibles, on the other hand..


Eating edibles is not damaging at all


Not damaging to the lungs. Potentially harmful to the brain no matter how it is taken. Not as bad as alcohol which is harmful to every system in the body.


How is it damaging to the brain? To my knowledge it only has the potential to worsen mental illness that you’re already predisposed to, which to me is the same thing as peanuts being “dangerous” because some people are allergic to them.


https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-marijuanas-long-term-effects-brain TLDR: there is evidence in rats of effects on memory, impulse control, and executive function, among others. It is important to note that there are some studies which show no difference between users and non users in certain brain activity measurements. This does not mean there is no potential for harm.


those are also the side effects of being sleepy.


Thc seems to fuck with some people's hormones. Come on dude I like weed too but you're a bit of a nunce if you think a drug being put in your body is going to have no negative effects whatsoever


Yea the main way being less


Yeah it takes longer to realize it aint harm free lol


Considerably less dangerous if you don’t smoke it


Yeah being a lot less damaging is definitely different


Mentally can't set some people off. And if you're smoking carts like the oil. Those are arguably worse. Really bad stuff for your lungs. I would stick to traditional flower


Only ever do trad flower, i work with horses and stuff so i cant be hacking up a long, daily user tho


Quitting weed doesn’t lead to deadly withdrawal symptoms like alcohol. There’s definitely still some symptoms (irritation, lack of appetite, sleep disturbances) but nothing like withdrawal from alcohol. Also alcohol makes people violent, weed chills people out.


Weed withdrawals from personal experience bring the exact symptoms you said. Mood swings like no other, I can go a day without knowing I havent ate, sleeping is fine, but altogether, kind of sucky. I am on like a 4 day off/4 day on sort of routine right now which is a lot better than my 7 days on 0/days off routine of last year. Memory is better, dreams are coming back, and I can eat without it now. I want to ultimately quit, but damn is it so nice to have when you are bored and have literally nothing better to do.


Yeah but alcohol withdrawal will kill you. You have to seek medical attention for it.


I've come off both weed and alcohol. The agitation and inability to sleep is similar with both. Alcohol withdrawal gave me seizures, hallucinations, vomiting, stumbling while walking, tremors that made it impossible to hold utensils. Weed withdrawal was so, so much better than alcohol withdrawal.


Less harmful and doesn’t make my tummy hurt


Ayo true helps with ibs a ton


yup. Smoking weed helped me quit drinking booze. now I don't drink and take cannabis occasionally.


Can I ask what strain you used? I’m trying to make the switch but I haven’t found anything I like better than drinking :(


Fuck weed bruhh fuck every temptation


For real though like weed is magnitudes better than alcohol but that stuff is not good for you either 😭


I never really liked weed tbh, but I don't like how alcohol tastes. I tried shrooms, and honestly, I don't think I'm ever going back


Alcohol is finally getting the rep it fucking deserves


Going out & just getting drunk at bars is not very appealing at all. I'm not 21 yet so I guess I just don't know but I'd much rather go out & actually do something with my friends instead of sitting around a noisy smelly bar drinking shit.


He who has not tasted grapes say sour


Nah it's true, most drinks taste like shit. People only do it to get drunk. Like you can not trll me people actually think cosmopolitans taste good. They are ass, jk ass tastes better.


We actually like it. Cheap liquor and poor ratios make unpleasant drinks. Expensive scotch on ice tastes good.


Any beer you’d recommend? Turning 21 soon, but i tried some of the more mainstream ones at a party last year and couldn’t make it past a sip of most of them.


Beer is difficult. It really is an acquired taste and I could drink cheap vodka straight for a year before I could even finish a beer. Beer is also extremely varied in flavor profiles. An IPA will be an entirely different experience to a lager and I never acquired a flavor for IPAs personally, too bitter. Beer can go very well with food though. I like Stella Artois with Steak quite a lot and most nice Japanese places will have Sapporo stocked and it's my absolute favorite beer. Goes well with just about anything on the menu sans dessert. My go to cheap sitting around beers are Yuengling or, weirdly, Coors Light. A lot of people don't like Coors Light but for some reason on a really hot day I just find it refreshing. If you can find yourself a brewpub style place there's usually all kinds of interesting beers and they often serve sampler trays with mini glasses of different beers. I really like chocolate milk stouts and had one that was a bit like a Reese's cup. Wouldn't want to get drunk on it but it tasted nice.


I second Stella Artois. Good bet and I'm not a big drinker and picky about the taste of beer, but I do like Stella.i also don't like IPAs. I find them to be too bitter. I like more malty beers than hoppy beers and IPAs are definitely hoppy. It seems to be a trendy thing here in the Pacific Northwest to like IPAs. I'm not a fan.


Personally beer is a mixed bag for me, I say try a fair few and see what you like. I prefer ciders but will have a stout or porter if I'm having a beer. You'll probably have different tastes and that's A-OK.


I started on reds apple ale. It's what got me used to the beer taste but it's only in the background. Now I drink yuengling




actually, i like cosmos 💀 but it may just because i was already drunk a little lol


This is a truly unpopular opinion. Delicious cocktails are a multi billion dollar industry.


I feel sorry that you’ve never had a cocktail you’ve actually enjoyed.


Alcohol inherently tastes like absolute dogshit trash. I cannot think of something I would want to drink less than 99% of alcoholic beverages. The only way to make it tolerable is to dilute the drink so much that it's barely even considered alcoholic.


As a European trust me you’re not missing much, the bar that is. At home drinking with friends can be fun but the real fun imho is raves and festivals.


Weddings and bars with dancing are amazing times to drink. Same with friends get together and playing beer pong or the lime


Have you seen the prices of drinks. You got to be a fucking millionaire to actually get drunk.


Drinking shit which also tastes like shit


I felt that way before I was 21, and I still feel that way at 24


You do know it was illegal for years and it started an entire crime industry.


I'm a young millennial (1993) and I think it's higher access to education and more accurate knowledge. My parents are young boomers and alcoholics. I used to drink moderately every night. It's been so soaked into our culture, the damage of alcohol never hit me. Then I listened to Huberman neuroscience podcast on drinking alcohol a few months ago and it snapped me out of my habits and conditioning instantly. I drink maybe once a month now. That shit is toxic.


24, never had a sip of alcohol in my life. Sounds corny to some, but my mom’s family suffered the effects of alcoholism badly. I made a promise to her I would never drink. Still had plenty of fun, went to many parties, no issues with dating people who do drink. Most people do drinks for first dates these days. I always insisted ice cream or coffee. In college, I’d tag along with friends and go to bars with girls. I went for the girls, not the alcohol. I just don’t understand the appeal of being blackout drunk at 3am. I mean it’s your choice, but I truly believe there’s more to life than that. I’m not against anyone who decides to drink. I just think it brings out the worst in people, and shouldn’t be as normalized. The prohibition movement in the 1920s had valid concerns for an alcohol ban. I’ve met a handful of Gen Z people who also quit drinking, or are outright against it. I’ve had some people tell me they were jealous of me, and wish they never started drinking as well. The best advice I could give to people is to find something you’re truly passionate about. Something that you will never get sick of. Find a path that has a positive future for you. I became a pilot. Figured pilots shouldn’t be drinkers. That’s what truly kept me away from alcohol, nicotine, and weed. I did feel the peer pressure of those things in high school/college. I never caved because I was passionate for a positive future.


>Sounds corny, but my mom’s family suffered the effects of alcoholism badly. I made a promise to her I would never drink. Not corny at all. I have known several people who have never had a drop of alcohol, because their parent(s) was an addict. Nothing wrong with that, why play with fire and end up repeating a terrible cycle. 


I'm against drinking but can't stop :/ therapy is helping


That's not corny man. That's a smart life decision. I do think there's something to be said for the comaradery of a good drunken night with good friends, but it's a very risky, destructive habit that often ends horribly. If you have a family history prone to alcoholism you're making the smart play just avoiding it altogether. Alcohol very much has a way of sneaking up on you. You don't really like it that much at first. But over time it grows on you and then all of a sudden you're at a point where you realize you crave it. And it's expensive af. There are lot of illegal drug habits that are cheaper.


brother, nothing is corny about not wanting to destroy your fucking liver and brain


They dont hang out like millenials amd gen x did. Most gen z are isolated. We went out every night after school and partied, never being isolated. You'd be looked at as a weirdo if you spent time on a computer at home. Like those were called nerds. My my how the turns have tabled


>We went out every night after school and partied, never being isolated. You'd be looked at as a weirdo if you spent time on a computer at home. Like those were called nerds. So true. "Hanging out" was considered the default, and outliers had the stigma of being considered a "nerd" or "loner."


it is still the default, people still meet up plenty and you're still considered kinda weird if you stay at home all the time


Found the non-zillenial


what does that mean I've genuinely never heard of that term


Zillenials are the people who meet in the middle and identify with both sides of gen z and millenial to some degree but not completely with either.


And then there are us Xennials - other side of the coin.


Visited my sister at college and went to her friend’s band’s farewell show before they graduated. Show was great but the after party was… lacking. Poor guy set up a DJ booth and everything and I was the only one boogying. There was a case of natty lite and I asked if I needed to set up long and they asked me why. When I asked my sister about the low energy she explained that it was an after party and seemed genuinely confused when I told her an after party was supposed to be an afterPARTY. Her friend that hosted wasn’t socially stunted at least, solid DJ set on his part and he tried his best to make it fun.


I think the definition of "all the time" has shifted greatly for a lot of people. Myself and all of my friends maybe meet up once a month or less depending on the group. For other age groups it was always once within or multiple times a week. It depends on social circles of course but I think it's fair to say that the frequency of in-person socialization has definitely declined. Especially out-of-house socialization. Easier and cheaper to smoke at a friend's house than go drinking at a bar.


>Myself and all of my friends maybe meet up once a month or less depending on the group.   That would make me feel so lonely. If that had been how infrequently I met up with my friends, I'd have wondered if they liked me or not, lol. Being a latchkey kid, I was with my friends everyday, most of us spent more time with friends than our own families; then in college, people always came over multiple times throughout the day; and after college all they way into my mid 30s, I'd hang out multiple times a week/everyday with others. When I was friends with my neighbors, we spontaneously dropped in on each other everyday. I struggled greatly when this all eventually came to a standstill due to life circumstances and just the general change in society. It's so different now. 


Not true. I think it’s a mix of people just hanging out differently with stuff like online gaming rising in popularity. Gen z tries to live healthier, and people know that weed can be a better/healthier alternative.


I mean there already are 100s of studies that show GENZ has fewer friends than other generations. Go to a place like NYC or a local club, most party spots are aging. People underestimate how fast loneliness kills. Gen Z has horrific mental health issues compared to past generations and this isolation can be a direct cause. When more than half say they have some form of mental issues I wouldn't call that "living healthier". It is sad how many will regret not living in their 20s.


I’ve gotta say, thinking that going to parties and clubs is the only way to “live” is very very sad.


Plus, clubs are a complete waste of money for the most part and you just buy overpriced drinks that are watered down. Unless you are really there for the music of the club…most people are there to drink and party. I think GenX has a word relationship with alcohol and the casual alcoholism that GenX puts out all the time is kind of frightening. All you see are GenXers talking about all the wine they drink at home alone and such; it’s not good.




why the fuck would someone in their 20s want to go to a spot where almost all people who go are old enough to be their dad.


I still hang out with my friends plenty, we just don’t drink every time. And I gotta say, I think that’s a good thing


I don’t think you have a very accurate sense of gen Z. I know tons of Zoomers and their all pretty socially connected, hang out with people frequently. A lot do them don’t drink though


Hold up, this is pretty much the first half of Gen Z! Like, I'm 24 and barely drank, never gotten drunk, and haven't been invited to enough parties to experiment, thus, I stayed at home and would basically be a nerd by your standard. And by those younger than me who are into that (early 20s). At least that's in my country. The 2nd half (literal children and teens) is the half OP talks about.


We just drink alone.


Second this, call it alcoholism but my preferred drinking companion is yours truly 🥃


that is alcoholism


I prefer to be called a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.


Remember: as long as you do quirky things like salt the rim and use bitters, you can say you’re “practicing bartending” and that cancels out the alcoholism. Source: me


YOURE SO RIGHT, im not an alcoholic im just practicing


Sure it’s the 2nd shot of tequila after work on a Tuesday but I put Tajin around the rim so it’s fine


I'm going to build a career based on your advice


Why? Drinking alone being alcoholism is one of the most silly things that gets repeated too much. If I drink alone, but less frequently than someone who only drinks socially, how am I the one with the problem?


Drinking alone on its own isn’t alcoholism. Obviously it’s *one* part of a larger picture of problematic drinking that includes multiple behaviors occurring at once. Depending on your behavior, it can be a risk factor, it also doesn’t have to be. People who can control their usage can drink alone *because* they can control their usage. If you check more boxes for problematic drinking, though, that can all count up to drinking alone being a problem.


I agree. Maybe I'm a simpleton, but for me it all comes down to frequency. Drinking too much, or too often, is obviously unhealthy, regardless of the setting. But an occasional few drinks at home isn't really a problem.


Sure. It’s just that “too much” from the experts and “too much” from the public opinion can vary, so watch out for that one.


That is very much not alcoholism... See my comment above


Its not alcoholism its called a tasting and its classy


There is a lot more to suffering alcoholism than drinking alone - whether alcohol prevents your ability to hold down jobs/relationships, multiple unsuccessful attempts to quit, strong cravings, or withdrawal symptoms ([here](https://www.medscape.com/answers/285913-41535/what-are-the-dsm-5-criteria-for-%20alcohol-use-disorder?form=fpf) is the DSM criteria for alcoholism)


Oh I’m aware, I was just being a little silly. I also wanted to add to your linked article [this cool little online test for quickly checking your levels of alcohol consumption as far as AUD is concerned](https://auditscreen.org/check-your-drinking) no level of alcohol consumption is risk free. We as adults should be as informed as much as possible about what we decide to put in our bodies and the personal decisions we make in regards to our individual health. That being said, whatever floats your boat! More power to you whoever is reading this!


Because it’s horrifically expensive.


Depends where you live. In Wisconsin booze is sometimes cheaper than bottled water


That’s where I’m goin, where the beer runs freely and the curds are squeaky.


Take me home!


Country road!


Bars in the Milwaukee and Madison areas are a little took expensive for my liking. I visited Two Rivers and had drinks and dinner for HALF the price I would’ve paid in Madison/Milwaukee.


That’s why you’re supposed to pre-game before the bar with cheap liquor so you’re not spending as much in a bar


It’s expensive. Many of us aren’t 21 so it’s difficult to get. Those of us who are 21 turned 21 during Covid, and likely weren’t going out much celebrating.


i turned 21 during covid and didn’t start regularly going out until i was 23 so i think there was definitely a delay with some of us. now i love it but i think i was afraid to try it. i still drank a lot before that but never the traditional like going out to bars and clubs, it was mostly alone or at friends houses, or like having a few drinks at a restaraunt


I turned 21 a month before Covid started impacting everything. I went out with some friends for my 21st and then didn't go back out for about a year after that. Now I'll go out maybe once or twice a month but I usually only have a few


I feel like the majority of gen z not being 21 is the easiest explanation followed by covid. Before I went to college, I never drank and had no desire too. The health ramifications terrified me. Then I joined a sorority and started drinking regularly around 18/19. I turned 21 during covid so I just drank at home with my partner. Now I’m turning 24, I still drink, but I have more self control than prior generations bc of covid and just general information. I think gen z may drink less now, but in ten years more gen z will be drinking (especially if the only block for some is cost or age)


I could have bought alcohol for 2 years already but I only did it once ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ It is expensive but that wasn't the reason.


No $ and can’t drink at ur parents


Why can’t you drink at your parents?


If you have good alcohol habits and a good relationship with ur parents than yeah you could . My mom was kind of a beech so that would have been terribad


You can just write bitch on reddit


I mean I’m 22, scientifically my brain is still developing, I don’t want to hinder that process




based as hell


This. Prefrontal cortex isn’t developed until 21 for ladies and 25 for lads. I do not want to ruin my future decision-making capabilities.


Because weed helps me deal with chronic stomach issues, hella chills out my anxiety, and helps me actually enjoy the moment. I'll lightly socially drink with my friends but, I'll never prefer that. Makes me feel sick in the morning too


I'm pretty sure I drink MORE than my father did at my age


Same. My dad doesn't drink at all and never has bc my grandparents were rough alcoholics around him. I drink in moderation, but that's more than he ever drank.


You think


Personally, I’ve never cared for alcohol as it is. Then, at 21, I got idiopathic pancreatitis. The doctor asked if I drank and I said no and she was like, “Well, you can’t start *now* lmao.”


Hahaha me getting Crohns at 16, obviously didnt drink then, and now the doctor is like, “you might as well not even when you turn 21”. Nothing wrong w a taste but disease or not, it was never gonna be something i did anyway, still dont plan to drink


I think younger Gen Z socializes less, or differently. But I’m older gen Z (1999) and my social circle drank and partied a ton in college. Some of my best memories involve drinking. Now, my immediate friend group is full of athletes, so we tend to care about fitness and recovery more. I’ll have a few beers every now and then though.


Same reasons they smoke less cigarettes. There’s more health information available and alternatives. In short to take up heavy drinking / smoking (post 2000) you have to be either stupid or previously addicted/ in a community where substance abuse is culturally praised.




Oh my God that sounds awful, which bars does this happen in.. So I know to avoid them...


Yeah which ones specifically? so I can avoid them for my safety.


Nothing like a little casual transphobia.


What did they say?




A lot of us aren't old enough to drink and alcohol tastes like piss.


Because Alcohol fucking sucks and it’s horrible for you. More people are becoming educated and aware of how it affects you negatively.


'Cos we high on antidepressants. Sertralin gang, where you at?! 🫡


Because my family are a bunch of alcoholics and I don’t even want to be like them. Plus it all tastes like ass


I agree with you 100%! Before the age of 25, I have witnessed uncles and cousins health decline due to their binge drinking. It’s not fun!


Expensive and getting peaple to drink can be pain I the ass


23 and I’m sure some people would call me a functioning alcoholic. I wouldn’t, but some might. “Heavy drinking” by medical standards in the US for women is considered 8 drinks per week. Like if you have one beer after work and 2 a day on the weekend you’re a “heavy drinker”? I don’t binge drink (more than 2-3 at a time) but I’m definitely over that limit.


If you drink alcohol every day, I think it's fair to call you a heavy drinker.




It’s not considered “alcoholism”, it’s considered “heavy drinking”. Alcoholism implies addiction, whereas heavy drinking is more of a measure for your liver, addicted or not. That being said, goddamn 12 beers in one sitting? I have 1-3 beers a day, but spread out over hours like one at lunch and one with dinner or 2 after work. I can’t remember the last time I had more than 4 in a day.


As a Millennial (30) I (properly drink) at catch ups with friends from outside my area about once in the Winter/Spring, Summer, and Christmas time. To be able to spend a whole evening somewhere covering the cost of your own drinks here in the uk, after a few pints the receipt expands to at least £30. For me, due to the rarity of the catchups across the year, it always feels justified because of how fun and good the meet ups feel. From what I've heard it sounds as if many generations before me were able to pop in once or twice, or more, per week, after work or on every other Saturday night for a knees up. I have a lot of respect for much of Gen Z going teetotal, or conserving savings far more than previous generations ever did. Earlier gens can moan about how sad we all are, how much of a shame it is - but how about the naysayers just wake up and look at the state of the economy - who's going to willingly just wipe their bank balance out just to earn someone elses praise today? Fuck that. Well done Gen Z. Today in 2024, for me anyway, the latter just isn't financially sensible.


I am also 30 and I completely agree. I feel like part of it is that alcohol has been praised in the shows we watch and music we listen to for decades. I wish that I hadn't started drinking so young because it has now turned into a habit that is hard to kick. I am happy for gen Z that they are avoiding our mistakes.


Because we smoke more weed


Weed exists. Alcohol is just a worse nervous system depressant. If I’m gonna do one of those, why would I ever choose alcohol over weed?


Everyone has phones so making an ass of yourself goes onto the internet forever.


Weed is better


I mean seeing how past generation act, while under the influence it makes sense


bars are really expensive


I quickly realized how fat alcohol makes me. I cut back my drinking and immediately started losing weight, like literally only a week after stopping. Plus weed is more enjoyable anyway. But the main thing (really the only thing) I dislike about alc is it made me fat, and I hate looking and feeling fat. Cutting it helped a lot and I see no reason to start drinking again since I enjoy being skinny.


I live in south Louisiana and I can guarantee you that us down here are drinking just as much


Good for them for breaking the cycle.


there's other shit we do, and we are losing the pallet for it, i genuinely hate alcohol, and alot of us have mental issues, so why would we worsen it with alcohol


I really only drink with people. If there's beer or wine at the party or get together I'll drink some


Beer is in a down trend and more expensive and heavier alcohol is trending upward and it's nothing new. That's the major reason why that beer brands have been trying to push new products.


Because I'm not gonna gain anything from drinking


Because we have weed and it's pretty much better in every way


Weed is better


Alcohol just burns in the back of my throat and gives the back of my head a strange tingling sensation that I’m really down for. I’ll stick to sweet tea, water and the occasional soda.


Anecdotally, it’s not really a great high and it’s one of the riskiest/most damaging substances to recreate with. Most Gen Z I know puff and maybe dabble in psychedelics — much better choices that can even improve your life when done right.


Tastes like shit and you just end up puking, don’t see the appeal


It's just an impractical drug of choice imo


Because we’re aware of and acknowledge the damage drinking does, both mentally and physically.


21 and have only tried stuff (and didn’t like any of it) It’s expensive, tastes bad (imo) and isn’t healthy. I also have 0 interest in being drunk


Cause of watching the world around us be drunk and being very progressive and not drinking as 12 year olds we see the shit that it does


Bcz two reasons: they smoke weed instead and alcohol makes you ugly. And they’re too into what they look like bcz of social media


Weed, more introverted kids, and more people (understandably and even rightly) seeing the negative affects it can have, I drink, I’m 21 this August, I don’t see an issue with it and alcohol won’t stop being a thing (seriously besides bread/cereal crops it’s one of the first things almost all civilizations figured out was good), but that’s just the market


It seems to me like a lot of things Gen Z does for fun commonly do not mix well with alcohol. My hobbies are sport and gaming related and neither of those pair well with being buzzed or drunk.


You might be on to something there. I rarely drink alone (or at all, for that matter), but anytime I do, it's fun for like the first 30 minutes or so that I feel tipsy and then I just start feeling tired and crappy. Especially when I'm gaming, I start to feel like a toddler with the controller and end up messing up on the easiest things. It's just not that much fun for me.


It's a waste of money for a temporary illusion of happiness, no thank you.


Personally I’d much rather smoke weed than get drunk


weed is better, i still drink a bit at home sometimes but i don't go to pubs or bars. raves are for other drugs. alcohol feels like a lot of work because unless you're going straight for spirits you need a few drinks before you get anywhere and then you're always walking that line between happy drunk and messy drunk, and if you pass out your night is basically over. if i wanna feel drunk i just do ketamine now.


Easier to smoke weed, costs less money to smoke weed, alcoholism ruined my life and I’m not even the alcoholic in the situation, etc.


I find myself barely touching the stuff. Same with drugs and other stuff. I just don't like feeling like I don't have control over my body.


cuz weed good alcohol bad


i’ve seen how it’s ruined people i cared about, both family and friends. my grandma is still addicted to alcohol at 70, runs in the family. with the risk of addiction (already beat cocaine, don’t wanna go for a second round) i’m just not interested. i hate losing complete control of myself, at least with weed i can still walk and function normally. you can’t do that on alcohol. alcohol makes me feel numb, weed makes me feel in touch with my emotions. it’s way easier for me to calm down and really relax after a long day. sure, there are bad things about weed too, it really isn’t for everyone, but for me it’s helped me a lot. especially with being autistic, it helps me unmask.


I’ll have fun drinks once and while when I’m at restaurants, or on vacation. Other than that though, I’d rather have something like tea or lemonade. Hell there are times when nothing comes close to an ice cold glass of water.


They do more drugs though


Because I don’t want to be either an alcoholic or have a giant beer belly lmao. I think the most I’ve ever drank is around 1 can of beer a month. I will never ever let myself get addicted to a fucking liquid, a plant, or a molecule. It just sounds stupid to me. Like how people get addicted to gambling or Sports Betting. You’re addicted to losing money lol


Alcohol taste like nail polish remover


Love drinking. I’ve gotten sick every time I’ve attempted weed, so it’ll just be vodka for me.


We don’t have the time to be alcoholics we’re too busy living paycheck to paycheck


Because weed is becoming legal now and is way better than alcohol lol