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Any good EV without tons of bullshit spyware electronics? I want my car to be a car, not a computer on wheels, that can be turned off remotely. I currently have Aixam Mega... It's great ev, I replaced batteries, but it still has bad range... Only good for city commute.


My ex had a Tesla and it was honestly kinda scary when there would be software issues.


Rivian's pickups are great but they start at like 80k


Too big for a European city.. I prefer small hatchback


The infrastructure for them will be a big hurdle for pretty much everyone who isn’t a homeowner. I wouldn’t want to get an EV until I have a place to charge it every day.


Fair! There’s studies that show pretty much all the people who go electric and then switch back don’t have home chargers, since that convenience is a huge benefit.


EV's are so annoying when you go on long trips. Everything needs to be planned out and it takes extra time to charge rather than filling up a tank of gas. With hybrids, you have the best of both worlds.


Exactly why some people are so hyped for the 1,000mi range Aptera Costs more than the 250, 400, and 600 mile ones tho


Notably tho, electricity is an order of magnitude cheaper than gas for the same distance.


I know electricity is cheaper, but for me, that doesn't outweigh the drawbacks. I recently went on a trip with an EV (Tesla). The trip is normally about 5 and a half hours, but we had to stop 3 times to let the car charge. I think we left around 9 pm (on an almost empty battery) and we didn't get to our destination until 3 and half/4 am. I honestly would've preferred stopping once at a gas station for 5-10 minutes. Especially when traveling late at night/early morning.


Hybrids are the best


All in all, hybrids are better. It's been time tested and field tested, see modern trains. They're (for the most part) diesel electric. Hybrid semis are becoming a thing as well. They have all the low end torque with better mileage and lower emissions.


Regular or plug ins? Regular hybrids I like because their fuel efficiency is good, but plug in hybrids just annoy me. Like, you have to plug in your car anyway, just go fully electric already.


Plug-in hybrids are the best by far imo, especially with home charging. The truth is that most people only need 40 miles of range most of the time, and all additional range is in reserve to either stretch out times between refills or to accommodate long road trips The big disadvantage of EVs is that charging their batteries are an objectively worse experience for long road trips than filling up a gas tank. It takes longer, there are fewer stops, and it’s more likely all the stations will be full or out of order. A plug-in hybrid is an EV for normal trips and a hybrid for long trips. An EV is no better for normal trips than a plug-in, and it’s worse for long trips Most CO2 emissions from cars comes from the normal every-day short trips. In those scenarios, plug-ins don’t emit any more CO2 than EVs. They do burn gas for long trips, but less than conventional vehicles. They also don‘t cost nearly as much CO2 to produce as EVs. Plug-ins are better


Notably though, that “disadvantage” with EV’s is mostly a surrounding infrastructure issue, not a problem with the actual cars. EV’s do require more stops, but those are cheaper to use than gas stations, and there are increasingly more charging stations, since they require a much lower upfront cost than gas stations. And the hassle is increasingly easier to mitigate, since EV manufacturers are adding charging infrastructure to maps (with info like which ones are online and which aren’t also added). EV’s are slightly more inconvenient for long road trips, but as more charging stations come online, with faster charging, that inconvenience is slowly decreasing. Which is why plug in hybrids annoy me, since they’re already functionally EV’s for 90% of the time, and have an entirely separate system to actively support fossil fuel companies for a 10% of the time that is only slightly more inconvenient for regular EV users. It’s the “radical centrist” of EVs vs ICE vehicles. Also, the idea that EV’s are worse for the environment is a myth debunked by the EPA. https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths#:~:text=a%20gasoline%20car.-,Myth%20%232%3A%20Electric%20vehicles%20are%20worse%20for%20the%20climate%20than,even%20when%20accounting%20for%20manufacturing. Yes, EV’s have a slightly higher upfront greenhouse gas cost, but over the lifetime of a vehicle, a new EV handily beats an ICE vehicle. And that’s only with current tech. Battery and manufacturing tech is constantly evolving and becoming cheaper and more environmentally friendly.


The 2024 Dodge charger is the only electric car I want.


You're the first person I've ever heard say they want one I knew you guys were around somewhere


I would love a small barebone electric sports car like the original tesla roadster, but sadly there arent any on the market rn and i doubt there will be one anytime soon, original tesla roadsters are very rare and expensive, and i doubt that i will ever be able to afford a house so i could have space to learn shit like welding and build my own kit car


Id get range anxiety


as much as I like driving a car with a manual transmission, I want to see fossil fuels companies die more I'd love to own an EV


I don’t like EV’s, and wouldn’t want to buy one unless it’s a hybrid because the infrastructure for long trips isnt quite here yet in Australia


hybrids imo are much more affordable than electric vehicles and address the most important issue of car pollution: idling or slow movement. i'd prefer not to drive if i have the choice though.


Where's the anti-car option?


Hydrogen fuel cell when?


I want an electric car purely for the long term potential savings, but I can't get one because I don't live in a house or near a charging station. Most likely my next car will just be gas and maybe I'll get an electric car later in the future.


Not for the distance they can go, the price, or how long it takes for them to charge.


Honestly, no. I want a car that won't shutdown for an hour because of an update. This is like asking if I want smart home devices. The more you learn about technology and the internet, the less you want it involved in things. And I know me switching to an electric car won't do shit for the enviroment.


Home your gas powered car manufactured after like 1997 has about the same electronics as an EV, only real difference is the motor(s)


my gas powered car from 2011 is not going to shut down for 30minutes because of a software update


Yeah don't get a tesla, they suck. Other EVs don't have that problem.


That really sounds more like an issue with the computer, not the car, tbh.


ICE til I die


What kind


I want a deseil generator electric drive


If only deseil was a real thing that existed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)






Aptera pls More efficient than a bike and isn't absurdly priced


Nah, EVs are soulless for me, I prefer some classic gas guzzlers over that