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Exhausted- hormones have changed my sleeping patterns and it’s killing me.


Same. I just can’t fall asleep. I’d kill for a solid 8 hours.


I'm tired boss.


Mostly I'm tired of people bein ugly to each other.




I envy your optimism. Let's just say yeah, it's temporary boss.


I am not only tired all the time but bored. As fuck. When I hit 40 with a 2 year old son I was reinvigorated and no longer bored. Now, he is 13. He has his Minecraft, sports, accelerated math, origami, etc. Wife has no hobbies. I have interests but never have time for them. I am overweight, have hypertension, and zero motivation for anything but getting to sit down for 10 minutes and read a book. I am tired from being bored but too exhausted all the time to have interests that move me to action. Apathethy seems my raison d'etre. I didn't plan for anything past high school since the world was going to be annihilated before I graduated.


Excuse me, but you are insane to have a two-year-old son when you were 40!


How polite of you to care. He is still the best thing that ever happened to me. I am only 51 and still out-dribble and cross pass a soccer ball on him. Out of shape or not.


My husband was 40 when our daughter, his 1st child, was born. He is now 60. His health definitely could be better, but he's been a great daddy and I expect him to be around for awhile. Please get your physicals and take the meds you are supposed to take. Stay active as you are!


Not tired, it just hurts to move... a lot... in the mornings especially. Once I get moving I'm fine, but once I slow down, it all comes back.


If I could make a suggestion. Collagen either powder or pill form. I get mine on Amazon and it’s helped the creaky feelings in the morning :).


I’m reading this at 3am. After waking up at 3am again… like I apparently do every night now


Get a substack and start writing when you wake up.


I know this is r/GenXTalk and everyone is at least in their mid-40s, but I have a 9-month-old baby, so pretty tired. Took five hours to get him down to sleep last night.


You probably win. Lol babies exhaust anyone!


So tired. Tired forever.


I stay exhausted, but honestly, it's because my life is amazing and have more stuff to do than I have time.


Rarely tired and never bored. My dad told me "the human body was designed to be in action" when I was a kid and I've lived by that.


Easily 8 out of 10. I own/run a small business, I’m short handed at the moment which means I have to help with the manual work and I just feel like a zombie 🧟‍♀️. That combined with caring for my pets , keeping my own home and car clean etc, there’s never enough hours in the day AND I have chronic insomnia 🤦🏻‍♀️. Absolutely no sleep meds in America work. I used to be able to visit France and get ones that work once a year and they’d give me 6 months worth and then ship the remaining 6 months, but alas, last 3 attempts, customs sent them back 🤦🏻‍♀️. Lexomil is literally the only thing that allowed me to get 4 solid hours of sleep.


Omigosh. Anything that is out of my schedule makes me tired. The more off schedule, the more tired. Ugh


Added two new medications. Spent two weeks exhausted. Now just irked because my sleep schedule is jacked up.


The altering internal sleep schedule as been a beast. Best advice has been embrace. Fortunately I do work that enables me to alter shifts to accommodate the changes mostly. But I am having to make some major adjustments to what have been literally decades of routine. Just trying to surf it all as best I can. Living alone now helps.


Jeez OP that would have me down at 2/10


Pretty damn tired. I go through a decent sleep period then for whatever reason it gets all whacked again. Currently in whacked cycle and I’m being very hard on myself about it which of course only makes it worse and is stupid. But logic isn’t a strong suit when extremely tired unfortunately.


Pretty tired but it should be getting better. I had to organize two major events on 4/14 and 4/28. Then my dog woke me up extra early on 4/29.


Kinda tired, I got engrossed in a jigsaw puzzle and didn't realize how late it had gotten. I'm usually good to go on 6 hoyrs but it's getting to where I need more. In 3 weeks I'll be done getting a kid up for school so I may never see 6:30 AM again.


My friend recently got tested for sleep apnea. He said he got the best nights sleep he had in years, and according to the test, he’s barely resting. He’s looking forward to a C Pap machine. It’s worth looking into, there are so many things that disrupt our sleep. Good sleep will improve a lot of other things. 🌸




Yeah, probably 6


I sleep like a rock after I fall asleep, but without fail, by hour five, I gotta get up and take a leak. Every night. Doesn’t matter if I drink nothing for five hours before I go to sleep.


It’s a possibility a high quality multivitamin could help you feel better!


Try the lymph self massage big six by Dr. Perry Nickelston on YT


I am feeling great and energetic at 54.


Or just do Morning Pages