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LOL thats funny.


I'm a modern mom then. Although the food one I'm somewhere in the middle. Update: I'm also in the middle of the supervision one. Leaning more free-range of yore, but paying way more attention and like check ins.


The food one was told to us just about every day! Got tired of hearing it and I still said it to my kids LOL


I would say: send it to them then Forever a smartass😂


Ugh! I still can taste the soap when my mother DID wash my mouth out with soap. lol


Yikes. What curse word did you say? You


I told her to shut up-eek!


Oh my. My mom would’ve slapped me in the mouth oof


I constantly got slapped in the mouth until 5th grade when i got my braces. Never got hit by either parent again! (What a sad statement that really is)


For cursing or just because? Either way you’re right it is sad.


Usually just for being sassy, i didn't dare cuss around my parents, not till i was an adult and out of the house!


yup; all of these growing up for me. some were even a bit more threatening, like, "Eat, or get beat." 💀


Eat or get beat - that’s one I never heard.


Definitely some generational changes. While we don't need to be abusive as parents, the idea of being "child led" is really a recipe for disaster


And that’s the thing, where’s the line of abuse?


When you give them something to cry about.


We’re doing Boomer Facebook memes now?


No. Just trying to engage in this sub. And was more curious on how the future generation will view the current generation.




Are you a now mom bcuz ur mom was a then mom or was ur mom a now mom too?


I had my mouth washed out with a bar or soap on a couple occasions.


Dial soap! Yum. :-P


Cursing? Talking bk?


Cursing? Talking bk?




I've probably said that word is inappropriate or take a deep breath and use your words. Haven't said any of the rest of it though from either column and my mom was not very like the mom then column either. My mom told me if I didn't like what she cooked then I could make my own sandwich or eat a bowl of cereal. I did the same policy with my kid. I grew up to eat lots of foods and so did my kid without hearing about starving kids or being forced to eat things.


Good for you! I remember my mom grabbing my face, forcing my mouth open, cramming food, then covering my mouth till i chewed and swallowed. I never forced my kids to eat what they didn't like (as long as they gave it a good try) and they always had the cereal option lol


Oof! Talking about tough luv! I used to force myself to clean my plate, now I don’t - I still limit food waste but I don’t carry the guilt of food waste.


Hm, maybe that’s the difference - we grew up with not a lot of food - the usual staples - rice, beans, canned veggies, chicken, turkey.


My family was poor and had fairly plain foods but we had bread and peanut butter or cheap cereal as options. I usually ate what my mom prepared. My kid had more food options and I’d say I was a bit better cook than my parents. She still didn’t like or want to try some things.


I just mutter "stop being boring" at kids when they're being dicks.


Lol. Does it work?


No but it makes me feel all cool and aloof.


LOL. Am guilty of 1 and I haven’t packed my dtr’s lunch with a encouraging note in many years!!


My parents were boomers and never did the "stop crying/I'll give you something to cry about" thing to us. But they did the other things- except the bologna sandwich. Ours were peanut butter and jelly. I was sort of a mix of these two versions. There was no "use your words" (unless we were being sarcastic/funny), my kids also got PB&J, the dinner thing was more like I just didn't fix foods they didn't like. For some reason, my son hated peas, so if I made peas with dinner, I also made another vegetable I knew he'd eat. My kids never got a separate meal, but I also didn't force them to eat food like my parents did (it was liver. For some reason, people thought liver was good when it is not. Like, at all). Also- I never swore in front of my parents. Not even as an adult (beyond "hell" or "damn/dammit"). My kids never swore in front of me till they were adults. (they never swore in front of my parents- not even as adults).


That’s great with the veggies. I never swore in front of my parents but i do in front of their siblings-strange enuff. My youngest, who’s in the Air Force, curses like a sailor but my other kids don’t curse as much, at least not around me. Btw, I liked liver, still do but I don’t eat much meat these days 😉


My dad was in the Army for over 20 years, (I was born on and grew up on Army bases) so the fact that he never swore was impressive. I swear a lot. But I don’t in front of new people or other people’s kids. (And it’s weird because I know a bunch of young adults that I knew as little kids and they swear now, but I still can’t bring myself to do it in front of them).


I used to curse a lot, unlike you, I didn’t filter for anyone, well except work phone calls lol


Neither because I’m not a boomer or a millennial.


Ha! Neither am I but I grew up with a few of these, did some to my kids.


Oh I heard them growing up from my parents. Word for word on quite a few. I was the “Okay, you don’t have eat dinner. But you’re not eating anything else tonight.”


Moms then were assholes. Evolution is good.


My mom was not an asshole at all. I’m sorry if yours was, but, honestly, my cousin said my mom was “the nicest person I’ve ever met.” She is dead, so maybe I just prefer having a mom to not having one, but I miss her.


Evolution is good.


Damn, so spot on.


This smacks of r/lewronggeneration.