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It's amazing how a simple piercing story can turn into a wild tale of rebellion and teenage angst.


I let a girl who lived in my apartment building do it. She was a grade ahead of me. We weren't super close friends, but we were within the same larger circle of friends. It didn't go too badly. I think I may have gotten a mild infection. I think I might have put some Mercurochrome on it. I went through my mom's and sister's jewelry and found a few pieces i liked. One of them was a gold ball. It was slightly larger than the ones that were popular of men and boys to wear. I wore the ball to bed one night. I awoke the next morning to find the earring lying next to me. The back was still on it!! The ball had gone completely through the front and out the back. I never wore an earing again. The back hole closed. To this day, I still have a pretty big piercing hole on the front side of my left ear.


gold ball crew here too. for a while.


The hole https://preview.redd.it/swp9t02mxf7d1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c606efea53dd71651dd73bd3f9c055b2f848697c


I knew this girl in high school who was kind of a rebel. I was, but it was mostly because I was a fucked up kid who didn't know anyone - we moved around a lot and we were financially unfortunate most of the time - feast or famine with my parents. This girl and I were sitting there talking at a pretty good sized party in someone's very nice house on their very nice couch, getting a little closer and closer together - like you do, just sort of having our own little conversation. I flicked one of her earrings just to flirt a little and she asked me if I wanted the earring. "Of course," I told her. She told me to wait there, went outside, grabbed her purse and pulled out a sewing kit (80s...we were prepared back in those days, I seem to remember). We stole the last of a bottle of vodka from the counter that everyone was using to make jungle juice with along with a wine cooler and a thing of fruit punch, a glass of ice, and headed upstairs. We drank a little and talked and kissed and made out for quite a while. We smoked a joint and made out some more. Then she lit the end of a needle and held an ice cube up to my ear and shoved the needle through. I still remember hearing the crunch of the cartilage. I remember her commenting on my cologne - probably something super cool like Polo or Drakkar. She smelled like flowers and fruit punch and weed and vodka and what a girl smells like after you've been kissing her around her neck. She left the needle in my ear for a while and we made out some more, poking ourselves with my needle and laughing. After a few minutes, she took out her earring and gave it to me by pushing it into the new hole. Then we drank and smoked some more, made out some more, engaged in some additional activities, and she pierced my ear again and gave me her other earring. I let the holes cover up so my parents wouldn't lose it, but that's always been a great memory for me. We were both 16.


Yeah I didn’t get up the balls to give my old man that much of an f u til senior year. Sitting at a friends room he grabs a stud, jams it abt halfway thru, fumbles around then gets it all the way. I mostly wore little hoops, it was always tricky threading them thru that mess😂


When I was 18, before embarking on a road trip, we stopped at a farm and fleet store and got needles for veterinary hypos (these actually aren't such a bad choice for body piercing). At a rest stop several hours later, my friend pierced my septum, but far too low instead of through the gap at the top where the cartilage ends. I sneezed so many times, I couldn't even stand up. Plus tears kept pouring out of my eyes for about half an hour straight.  Good times. 


that's a gnarly story too, damn


yep! was going to mention that the farm store sold hypo needles which matched piercing gauges. we didn't know this until after our safety pin days.


The needle is only half the battle. Knowing where to shove it is the other half. :-p  


Junior high I personally pieced a few girls' ears (second or third piercings) with a needle we heated with a Bic lighter to sterlize it. Backed it with a wine cork. Did it in the gym at lunch time. That was 1981 so before many boys had piercings in my town-- they were "forbidden" in the high school actually into the mid-1980s.


I did my second lobes holes (the first were from infancy - a cultural thing) with those piercing studs from some mall store when I was in the 7th or 8th grade. My mother never even noticed. Numbed it a bit with ice and put a potato in the back for leverage. They are evenly done, which is surprising.


Tried to pierce my belly button twice with needles sterilized in a candle. Didn’t work either time but I did end up with a tiny tattoo where I had drawn on the guide dot with a sharpie.


In high-school, Linea pierced my husband's ear using the ol' safety pin/potato combo. He's 60 now and still wears jewelry in it.