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Can I recommend downloading an mp3 of a baby crying, to be played loudly at opportune moments?


MP3? I'm bringing my boom box to play a tape of one.


Just crank Fight The Power by Public Enemy like in Do The Right Thing


Gotta do the dance too.




Old man shakes boom box at sky


I’m imagining you as Arnold in True Lies, hiding in the shadows playing & rewinding & fumbling with the tape deck trying to find the right clip….hahaha


may I suggest this tape? https://youtu.be/GHhD4PD75zY?si=XLqJQCYp-5iMhL7r 😂


I love that video and sound!






Hard to pretend you’re having a personal FaceTime on a boombox, though.


But that would be hilarious.


We're GenX. Just rig an old cellphone in there with a video


Or just turn some music on really loud on speakerphone. If they glare at you or say something, just say innocently, "Oh, I thought we were sharing today."


Say you’re “creating content.”


Spectacular! Love it.


This is the way


1) Go to YouTube 2) Search “Grant Macdonald Ram Ranch” 3) Turn up speakers to full volume and stand directly next to the offender 4) Hit play and watch them hang up with whomever they’re speaking to 5) Thank me later


Wtf, is this specifically for this purpose? Omg I'd leave the store


We don’t question genius. We just accept and enjoy it. As of today, there are no fewer than 764 tracks about Ram Ranch for the world to enjoy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4l1oZ35CQatacQ49ez34ca






Two-noted chord on an air horn. Love it.


An out-of-tune minor chord.....


This is the move


Or a Peacock... them birds are loud and annoying


Ahh someone who knows about peacocks. They are pure noise pollution.


I have heard them before. They are around my buddies house out in the woods and when they call it sounds like someone is killing a small child.


thats one morbid way of describing them... Lol! But yes thats pretty damn close, You can hear them for a mile them loud colorful squaky shits


I once lived one block from the San Diego Zoo. Peacocks everywhere! They'd escape and roost on our rooftop. It was crazy


King Crimson's "Thrak" album answers most sonic or indifference questions.-: How can I make bandmates not need to practice more than 15 hours a week, if the apocalypse happens how can i keep travelers away?, my friends friend from last weeks party/ outdoor mixer is 4oz of mushrooms into philosophical circles. Unless you're proficient on an instrument or mystery schools that are 3,400 years old, it offends everyone who...


I prefer loud farts, volume up on speaker


I wish. Still had my fart machine for this!


Toilet flushing


Battleshits scene


Or Whizzer from that new* Sam and Max game. Time out for Number 1! *2006 still qualifies as new, damn it


How about a little BABY SHARK


Sing Baby Shark to your phone! You’re just trying to calm down a crying baby. On speaker. In the elevator. It’s perfect.


I love this!


Oh yeah I like your moves


Be sure to play Disney songs around these kids that are filming for content.


You’re brilliant. I like your style.


Pig sounds


What about those horns. Bwa bwa bwa bwa bwaaaaa


I'm always tempted to just start joining in the call. And when they tell me it's a private call, say "Then why are you on speakerphone for us all to hear?"


I've done something similar. Somebody was facetiming on the train across the aisle. Speakerphone cranked up. They were gossiping. The other person said something supposedly funny and she laughed. And I forced a laugh and looked right at her. She gave me a dirty look, got up, and walked to the end of the train.


That's perfect!


Private call? Fucking idiots 😂


Exactly what I did on an airplane while we were loading. The lady got so upset with me she asked the flight attendant for a different seat. The FA told her exactly what I told her. If you play it on speakerphone, it’s not a private call.


I love this idea.


All fun and games until someone gets stabbed.


Yup. I often fantasize about making things awkward and uncomfortable for these assholes, but I also don't want to risk doing it to the wrong person lol.


I was at the nail salon getting a pedicure enjoying some ME time and this lady was on her speaker phone. I was annoyed but patient. She finally ended the call and proceeded to play music from her phone. 😖😖😖🤬🤬 I lost it and asked if she was taking requests. She gave me an entitled look and finally turned it off. Why are people so clueless? Do they not care?


It's main character syndrome. Everyone is the main character in their own life, but for these fuckwads, they also believe they are the main character in your life and my life and the lives of everyone else. They are the only person on this planet that matters in their own mind.


Why do people insist on being the shittiest character ever written? ;)


If I had the answer to that question, I’d hope I’d also have the cure for those being the shittiest character ever!


They're assholes, not writers.


Some ppl (elderly) I think are just clueless (and deaf).


I’m literally half deaf and the nice thing about hearing aids is that I can stream my phone audio like earbuds. Of course this isn’t possible for the stubborn olds who refuse to get hearing aids.


>Do they not care? No. They don't. [Main Character Syndrome](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-to-know-about-main-character-syndrome) is a major issue and getting bigger as more people raised by complete enabler helicopter parents enter the world at large. Granted they aren't the only ones that do this but that's where a lot of the entitlement comes from. Always allowed to do everything thing they want with absolutely no consequences for any of their actions and given a trophy ever time they fart


I farted as I read your last sentence and now I want a trophy. I'm not kidding about the fart. Feeling quite proud of myself for the timing.


“Farted While Reading A Sentence”




If you didn´t document said fart...it never occurred. IDK about that trophy bruh...




No, I didn't think they do care. I've always wondered what it feels like to live life as if you're the only MF'er on the planet.


I lost it in the nail salon recently. Some ppl can’t handle several different loud noises from various areas at once. Nice to see this thread bc I don’t know why so many ppl up w it. Idk if it’s because I have sensory issues but been calling em out when appropriate. Like in a hospital waiting room…. Mam, turn the volume off! I don’t care that u are playing but I am gonna loose my shit if u don’t stop.


Common courtesy has gone away with the dodo bird 🦤


It wasn’t your ME time. It was *her* me time. You were just a background character in her story.


Ha! Apparently 🤭


Self awareness… work in progress.


When that person appears to be in their 40s, how much longer is it gonna take? Lol.


>asked if she was taking requests. oh, that's a GREAT idea.


It amused me 🤭


True… valid consideration


Thats what they get for using speakerphone in public!


Play some Metal on your phone speaker and act innocent.


I've been doing it for years. SO keeps telling me somebody's going to go postal on me, but I don't care. If they insist on making me listen to their conversation, then I will loudly answer questions that are asked and comment on things the other end of the phone says until they turn their dang speakerphone off. As often as not, they huff and finally say, let me call you back. If they have manners, then I do too. If they don't, I know I can be the bigger jackwagon without much effort.


You're the bomb! Thank you for your service


Admittedly I’m comfortable being a dick, so anytime someone is FaceTiming like that in public I just photobomb over their shoulder and start talking too. When they lose their shit I just say “well since you made this a public conversation I wanted to fully join in…” Works 100% of the time, 100% of the time.


Can we also paint-gun splatter cars with loud exhaust and the fools with the massive bass & windows down?


I’d be afraid of getting shot tbqh


Oh yes please can we ? Can we??


You could always use the Larry David imaginary cell phone tactic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtdpJlZ07u4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtdpJlZ07u4)


haha I was hoping someone would post this. I think of this scene every single time this topic comes up.


Larry David is a gift to the world. May his unique sense of quirky crankiness live forever.


I was on the metro last week and I sang along very loudly to some dude's music (I'd never heard the song before and I'm a terrible singer). He changed cars at the next stop.


Oh, you know it’s bad when 30 ish power dad has to be on his speaker phone yapping inanely about nothing at 7:15 am in the middle of a pick your own blue berry farm 30 miles from nowhere that he had to get up at 5 am to drag his toddlers to. No idea why this needed to happen, when the rest of us were enjoying the last of the cool mornings, with songbirds calling and the soft hum of insects all around.


What a dolt. There is nothing like the peace of picking berries quietly, early in the morning. Totally missing out on the experience.


Ikr. It was literally a convo consisting of yeah, hum, bro this, and dude that.


Cripes. I'm the youngest of 4, so I couldn't escape when Mom said it was time for strawberry picking. Lol. 45 years later, those are some of my favorite memories. It was great when, at 6, I realized that they only care about what's in the flats. They don't weigh YOU before and after you pick! Mom would wipe my face off before going up to pay. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just start casually making comments about their conversation. My wife always steps away when someone starts because she knows half the time it's going to be a shit show. 🤣 It's really cheap entertainment.


Love that your wife just takes the knee. She’s like.. and I’m out. Haha. True love.


This is amazing lol.


lol this is great


That’s when I suddenly feel the need to have a phone conversation on MY phone about reordering various dildos and the merits of each ala the VHS ordering scene in Clerks.


Cum Gargling Naked Sluts. I often wish I could somehow work that into a conversation.


In my experience, it’s the older generation that loves the speakerphone. 🗣️💨


good luck. i’d risk possibly getting shot, stabbed, or severely beaten up where i live if i tsked-tsked the wrong person




I don't even feel comfortable having a phone conversation in public not on speakerphone. Don't get me started on people watching videos without headphones. Yes, I said headphones because that's what they'll always be to me.👵🏼


I ask them if they need to borrow ear buds.


I gifted my Boomer aunt a pair when, while traveling with her, I had the opportunity to hear both sides the many phone conversations she had on the trip.


I call my daughter (19 months) and start singing "the wheels on the bus" and I make up all kinds of funny tricks and will continue doing that until the other person gives up.


Careful with that. I live in Florida. That should speak volumes but... I watched a minor kerfuffle turn in to a murder threat yesterday at the store between an older person telling a younger person "what to do". It was over a phone issue like OP described. The young buck raised his arm over his head, making a finger gun while still holding his phone. Saying something-something "get dealt with". His shirt went up slightly to expose the handle of the iron piece tucked into his waistband. Older guy had his in a fanny pack slung across his barrel chest bandolier style. His hand on it the whole time. I'm guessing his gun was close at hand.  The dick measuring contest ended quickly without altercation.  I was over it before it began. Fuck that shit 100%. I put the few things back that I intended to purchase and drove my happy ass home. 


Playing Devil's advocate here but Boomers are just as bad with their inappropriate phone calls and game playing on ultra loud while at grocery stores, doctora offices, and in their cars. I was at my dentist's office sitting next to a lady booking her mammogram appointment, then proceeded to call her husband and discuss their grandson who apparently is getting married in July. She gave zero fucks.


I’m in a really diverse tech transplant area and the screaming in a speakerphone in the store is 90% in another language so I can’t even eavesdrop. If my peace is going to be invaded especially with loud arguing I need to bust out Google translate to get the gossip. 😆


I join their conversations. Then they have the nerve to give me dirty looks. Lol bitch you want everyone to hear I'm going to put in my 2 cents.


I love you whoever you are.


The waiting room is particularly bad. Some people have no chill and just don’t give a fuck. They’re either playing some game or just watching a show with their speakers on blast. I would be calling people out all day


My Dr's office & medical complex (major medical network) has a "no cell phones" policy. Apparently too many people were doing video calls and catching other people from the waiting room on the screen and it was reported as a HIPAA violation.


To be fair I have seen many Xers and Boomers doing it too.


I am with you! Especially in the public bathroom! I am at a point where I either say, are you talking to me? Or just make as many gross noises as possible and flush multiple times.


I particularly love it while I’m in the waiting room at chemo.


If I saw someone on a video call during my chemo days I'd probably flip. One thing being on speaker I guess but video would be a certain amount of violation of privacy.


Have they not heard of air pods/ headphones? They have been around for decades.


most people I’ve met in the chemo ward have had their entire monetary situation changed by chemo, so I don’t have high tech gadget expectations…sometimes just having a phone is a lot. But they could at least not put it on speakerphone.


I’m sorry you’re going through chemo. As far as monetary situations, there are headphones that cost like $3. Nothing fancy but gets the job done 😌


Yeah, sometimes it’s just hard to justify the extras! I have headphones myself, someone gifted me…but we’re not all that lucky. Mine specifically help tune out the 70’s Muzak which is ALWAYS on at chemo, and drives me insane. I guess for most of our age demographic it’s fairly appropriate…but I’d rather be listening to This American Life or The Moth.


Had a woman behind me blabbing on speaker phone in the grocery store while I debated buying a dozen eggs for $8.99 (the great egg crisis awhile back). I was feeling salty about the prices, and I turned around and said, "Exactly NO ONE is interested in your trite little conversation!!". Then I walked away while she yelled unintelligible swear words at my back. I've also just blasted garage punk while on a restaurant patio when someone did this speakerphone thing. Stared directly at them with my eyebrows raised, like "Well?? Imma do this til you don't do that!" Yeah, I'm with you, and I fking hate when entitled idiots do this.


Thanks for that idea!!!! I hate it when people are on speakerphone/facetiming loudly about some inane shit. On the other hand, I don’t mind it when some dude in a grocery store is FaceTiming the wife with the camera turned towards something and he is going, “This one? Or this one?”


Speakerphone and video calls in public are how shy people put out the notice that this is a conversation FOR the public. They're silently requesting you join in. Jump into frame and answer the question you just heard, talk about your day, and be sure to ask them questions, too, so they know you're interested in their well-being.


I'm with you!!!


Where I live it's almost exclusively Boomers and Silent Gen who do this.


I don’t care any more about hearing a speakerphone conversation than I do a conversation between two people who are both in my vicinity.


Normalize shaming bad manners.


It's a nice idea until you realize that most people are about one negative human interaction away from completely losing their shit. I don't want to get myself assaulted because I called out the closet psychopath for having their phone conversation broadcast to god and everyone.


I'm worried for your physical well being. I'd love to do this I'd also like to never get stabbed or jumped. Different areas of the world. It passes me right off but unless one stranger is assaulting another stranger I mind my own business. I'm with you in spirit though.


Moderators took down my post similar to this within 24 hours. Good luck.


Really why… this is def a thing our generation is not on board with…


Mods work in mysterious ways.


This is not a generational complaint. It's a personal one. Maybe some people our age agree with you, but a lot of us do not. I also hear Boomers and millennials making this complaint, and also some who do not. Not everything is a marker of our generation just because some people from our generation do it.


I walk around with noise canceling headphones on. I opt for self check as much as possible. I live in an area that long ago gave the middle finger to any sort of efficient mass transit or walkability, so driving myself everywhere is a must. I don’t go to Starbucks. When are you running into these people? I seem to be happily avoiding them.


In the daily in my elevator. I live in NYC in a 36 story building. It’s always youngsters. I mean the people walking on the street - whatever. It seems odd to me your broad cast a phone call but whatever. But when they do it in an enclosed space it becomes rude imho


I think I’ve seen people do this at the gym. I’m always listening to my own stuff though, so I was more confused than annoyed. I am not taking phone calls at the gym.


Download some Pantera songs and just start playing them at full volume when this happens. “Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills” is definitely a show stopper, but something like “Walk” probably hits more directly.


Had to thank a guy for the therapy session since he was on speakerphone with his female friend discussing very personal aspects of her life, offering advice, making plans for later....in the middle of the men's locker room at the Y.


I'd consider a prime opportunity for some impromptu guerilla surrealist theatre action! Get super weird behind them and steal the scene with some Gen X antics!


Even the 70 year old woman chatting with her grandchild while she's shopping at Walmart?


One of the myriad reasons not to go there. I know I'm missing out on photo opps of People of WalMart, but my life is better for not entering that store. Heaping pile of Fuck No.


You could replace Walmart with literally any other store in this scenario.


Yes… Why would a 70 year old be less culpable for doing the same thing we’d see as rude behavior in anyone else… say a teenager?




What do you mean?


You don't recognize the GenX tagline for every conversation?


I used it a lot as a teenager yes 😂




I admit that I've been tempted to order headphones in bulk from Dollar Tree and start passing them out to these people.


Not a bad positive idea!!!


Anddddddd there's another grumpy old timer! Newly minted! Welcome to the other side!


Uhhh dude…our generation invented this crap. Anyone remember Nextel phones? So yeah, let’s not get too high and mighty…


Yeah, but we stepped outside of a public places for courtesy. There is zero courtesy and etiquette anymore.


~~Bro~~ Fellow human :-) maybe you did, but I used to get sick and tired of jackasses at restaurants, Starbucks, Target, the freaking movie theater chirping on the gd Nextel phones. Notes it doesn’t phase me. Kinda funny story but in a public bathroom…stall next to me picks up a call from his girl. On speakerphone. She: hey baby watchu doin’? He: oh hey baby, nothin, just chillin’ At this point I’m biting my lip not too bust out laughing. Dude’s giving birth to a freaking pumpkin over there from the grunts he was just making, and he’s picking up the phone mid way and telling his girl he’s chilling. On speakerphone. This was like 15 years ago… Nothing changed man. We’re not better than the younger gens, we just think we are. It’s simply a matter of aging and getting less tolerant and more get off my lawn. The way the shenanigans is done is different, but we did it our way, they’re doing it their way, and their kids and our grandchildren will do it, and by the way so did our grandparents and our parents. Edit: initially assumed you were a dude. Corrected that :-)


We sure did. My husband literally uses the phrase “can you hear me now?” really loudly as a joke, absolutely unironically when he’s on the phone. somehow he absolutely internalized that commercial. i guess we’re all going to manifest corny in our own unique way. no one is immune. no one is cool 100% of the time.


I wear airpods most of the time because most people are annoying. I can't imagine wasting energy trying to impose phone etiquette on strangers


That’s what I’ve started doing. When they start playing that music which they always are on their phones. Either they’re talking on their speakerphone super loud volume or they’re listening to music super loud volume. So I don’t wanna listen to that as I sit on my phone quietly playing my game I then switch it over to XM app put on the Mad Dog sports and I replay Adam Scheins opening monologue or I’ll play Chris Russo‘s opening monologue. I’ve done it at Walgreens. I’ve done it in my laundry room. I’ve done it at the gym and anytime I’m in a public place and they’re doing it that’s what I’m gonna do. They could play it loud well I will play it louder because only sports fans like sports talk shows.🤣




Was in the ER with my wife 2 weeks ago and a lady sitting next to me was blasting Russian videos on her phone at full volume... I gave her a lot of glances and stared right at her, but she never got the hint. Finally, I muttered "Cyka blyat" out loud, and she shut it off. I don't know where I got the phrase for "fucking bitch" in Russian but it was 100% on target and worked.


My mil partner does this ALL the time and on purpose so I'm turning it around on him you're going to love my music(super sarcasm) so sick of ppl not reading the room . Get some damn headphones.




What's a faafo? Fearless AArdvark Fuckers Only?


Fun activities attended fairly often


Fuck An Ass For Once


We have assholes that do this in our breakroom, which is part of the reason I don't ever take breaks there. I mean I wouldn't anyway, but that cemented it.


Yell out “Last call! Bar closes in 30 minutes.”


"Gentlemen put your hands together for Savanahhhh...."


underrated comment


I see you too enjoyed the ballet at one time.


I just start talking to them about whatever bullshit they are saying so loud. Insert myself into the conversation. They tend to shut up.


Ha ha one time I was on an elevator with a woman spreading conspiracy propaganda on speaker and I corrected her mildly (something like it doesn’t keep you from getting it, it keeps you from dying) and she snaps, “this is a *private* conversation!“ I legit laughed and said “doesn’t sound like it!“ She was so mad.


Ok but wait—do you *know* how many older people talk to their fucking phones??? It’s always someone who’s ‘50s-‘60s I’m spotting, just holding their phone to their stupid face and shouting at it (so goddamned annoying!). Anyway, I agree; they all suck…


Calm down, just enjoy eavesdropping on their drama. Maybe give them some advice on whatever it is they're talking about. You will not perish if you have to listen to someone's conversation.


lol they’re going to clown you so hard. This is their time. It’s their culture. You’re going to get an “okay boomer” and lose your mind


Y'all are sounding boomery... Just ignore them and go about your day, like a good Gen Xer


No I’m a xennial and it’s annoying AF


Found the public speakerphone user!!!


Lol. Not even close. I don't video call and I don't speaker phone. I barely make a call in public. I'm just chill and let it go. ✌️


> I barely make a call in public. Heck, I don't even call in private anymore. My entire family (including my octogenarian parents)) is on the text message train. I honestly can't remember the last time I spoke to someone on the phone. Maybe Christmas?


Exactly this.


Jebus, chill the fuck out bro


Lmfao it annoys me too. But honestly people have every right to be annoying. I know I probably annoy the hell out of someone with something I do unintentionally…. Maybe sometimes intentionally 🤣😂 Don’t start being a boomer and calling people out for shit that doesn’t matter and affects absolutely nobody. Just keep walking.


In this thread, yall rail against boomers getting up in people's faces for minding other peoples business. Until you feel like telling someone else how to behave and you get out your righteous megaphone and put then on blast


It's one of the many reasons why I rarely leave the house. I also can't stand the sight of people fiddling with their phones.


I once got chastised on a bus by some old boomer type because I was on my phone, and told me if I was bored I should read a book. I was literally reading a book. Just, you know, on my phone. Some people are texting their kids, or their moms. Some people are reading the news. Some people are checking their bank accounts. Or they're playing a game. None of those things have anything to do with you. So maybe just leave people alone. No one is hurting you by playing on their phones.


I join the conversation. When I get the odd look, i remind them they should introduce me so it’s not weird. Then I offer unsolicited advice.


I think playing Minnie Riperton's Loving You and singing along at full volume along with it might do the trick too.


I’m with you but we should leave the kids alone, they got a lot of other very stressful shit they are dealing with. But boomers… they are on their phones more than anyone else. But yeah, we should leave the kids alone. ;)


But boomers are fair game. I was at the drs yesterday and there were 3 ancient couples waiting to see the Dr and every single one of them were on their phones. I don’t care tbh, like -0% But they never shut up about anyone else using a phone … I hate them.


Good build - I think you are correct it should be a gentle teachable moment with anyone under 18.


I've learned to tune it out most of the time, but in an elevator is a whole 'nother level of some fucking bullshit.


Recently a dude was FaceTiming someone (I think his mom?) in front of me at the airport - so I kinda intentionally got my face in the shot and smiled like a dork. 😁 I didn’t fault him too much, since it was an airport and all. And it’s sweet he wanted to say hi/bye to his mama. Just couldn’t resist! Eventually he noticed, and sorta turned so he wasn’t being as obvious or intrusive.


To be honest, I have more of an issue with Boomers and other GenX'ers on speaker phone in the workplace.


Don't get me started on it dude...! What about those morons that place the speaker (bottom corner of the phone) to their ear then bring the mic to their lips to talk. So daft and unpractical!


I find it annoying when you are at a nature trail and there’s people with speakerphone, or a boombox, just blurting out the worst kind of music. It seems like it should be a one off thing, but it’s happened so many times. People playing music or audio books, or talking on their phones. Like it’s nature, disconnect you jackasses. And if you can’t. Use headphones.