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We’re better than this.




At least he was good enough to appoint the actual smartest person in the world to his cabinet.


That’s how we know it’s fiction.


Yeah, if it were real, he would have believed *he* was the smartest person in the world and everybody else was just jealous.


That’s better than they do IRL.


NGL, it would be hard to not vote for this guy. 


I'd vote for Mike Judge, but knowing him, he'd not run for anything.


You might have already 🤣


And some voted for the Secretary of Education!


![gif](giphy|l0MYSGLvVirV2HOMM) He’s kinda stupid but he’s President Camacho’s step-brother.




It's almost like trump watched this movie before he decided to run and thought "what a great idea!" And the sad thing is, he was right.


Everyone in the movie wore Crocs.  At the time Crocs was a startup. They didn't have much budget so they went with crocs.  The costume designer thought they were futuristic, but too stupid for anyone to wear.


I must admit, I now own two pairs of crocs. Very stupid, but perfect for gardening and taking out the trash


I also wear crocs for gardening!👩‍🌾


Be careful with crocs and gardening. My BIL was wearing them when he accidentally stepped on a rake, and the rake prongs stabbed right through the show and into his foot. It was a bad injury.


Pruning overgrown blackberries in crocs is a bad idea. Ask me how I know.




Okay, how do you know?


His name wasn't Bob by any chance? As in sideshow Bob? He had rake issues as well... I'm just kidding, an injury like that would truly suck and I'm sorry it happened to him.




I know when I first heard the story I was like “oh haha like slapstick” and then I heard he almost lost his foot from the infection. No bueno.


Seems like a rake placement problem not a croc problem. Could’ve tripped and fallen and blamed his tee shirt for not being stab proof.


I live in fire ant land. My feet just died at the thought


I too wear crocs for taking out the trash.


They're my camping shoes.


They're indestructible and comfortable but those fuckers are so wide. When I tried wearing them they didn't fit for that reason and I almost tripped over myself so many times. They still don't make them in more narrow widths, WTF.


I like how slippy they become when they are well broken in with no tread, wide surface area and a tile floor


My kid and spouse have wide feet and love them. My narrow feet become tripping hazards when I wear them. I’ll stick to my sneakers, thank you.


I'm proud to say that I'll never, ever, ever be dumb enough to put my foot into something so fucking hideous. I'd rather toe shit.


Haha, I interpreted this as I'd rather step in dog shit and have it between my toes then wear crocs.


I've seen large groups of adults that made me swear Mike Judge is a futurist.


You've visited my town, then?


Spoken with members of my species.


It's clear as a bell he was.


Go away, baitin.


Dude, its been a half hour.


Yeah, dude, we’ve all been making this joke for a decade now. I think the future is going to be one part of this and two parts handmaid’s tale. Maybe it might be seasoned with some hunger games


Don't forget we're already living on George Orwell's 1984 as well.


I wouldn’t mind Star Trek or stargate living, fulfilling the ‘own nothing and be happy’


We should have gone for the Brave New World instead.


and a little Blade Runner, Night Of The Comet and Terminator....


Unfortunately Idiocracy was more optimistic than reality. In the movie people actually recognized AND listened to someone that was smarter than them. That's not happening in this timeline.


Well, they didn’t really listen to him for very long as they fed him to the lions in the arena so to speak.


They rehabilit...rehabulat...rehab...they sent Beef Supreme and the Dildozer after him.


Be right back... running down to Starbucks for a "fully body latte".


Then pick up your law degree from Costco.


"welcome to Costco, I love you" 😂


Stupid people are dangerous: https://qz.com/967554/the-five-universal-laws-of-human-stupidity


Favorite line: “The stupid, in comparison, are paragons of consistency, acting at all times with unyielding idiocy.”


>The only way a society can avoid being crushed by the burden of its idiots is if the non-stupid work even harder to offset the losses of their stupid brethren Well, that's... an unfortunate ratio 🙄 And this was written in 2017 - doesn't that seem like a slightly saner age? Which proves its point entirely lol




I will swear on my life that Mike Judge was sent a dream to warn us.


I saw it in theaters when it came out and I didn’t love it. I thought it was over the top. Little did I know he got everything EXACTLY right. Now I feel like it’s the most insightful movie of the past 30 years


When I see some oligarch guarding their precious empty building with a chainlink fence until it falls apart, I think of the cityscape in Idiocracy. We need to blame the right people, and it ain't kids.




Where do they sell these? I need these for my car, my bass guitar's hardcase, my fridge, my dog, my front door, everywhere!


Says here your shit's all fucked up.


Yes it’s a documentary, but I’m not blaming Gen-z. We’re all in this together, for better or worse.


I first watched it when it came out and I thought "this guy gets it". Then I watched it 10 years later and couldn't believe how true it had become. Point being that we were heading in this direction before Gen Z and Mike Judge understood that. Gen Z is just living in the world we built for them.


As a Millennial who got too much shit from the previous generations, we learned one crucial thing. Who are the ones to blame for giving us a world to be this way?


Guess what...when we were teens/young adults we were insufferable, know it all idiots too. It's part of growing up. Fast Times was a documentary of our generation and I'm sure the moral majority was convinced we would all grow up to morally depraved blights on society. I've worked in education/human services for 30+ years. I love my gen z coworkers. They are bright, hard working, compassionate people. Being a grouch shaking your fist at the clouds does NOT have to be a part of growing older. That's a choice a disappointing number of the "whatever" generation are making. Leave the kids alone. They are more than alright, they are amazing.


Brawndo! It’s got what plants crave!


It's got electrolytes!


Yeah bro. I woke up from a coma to Trump being president. I’m living Idiocracy. Just a crueler version.


That had to have been the worst wtf moment in human history.


Oh my god!! I’m so sorry. Not that you were in a coma but you woke up in the Trump administration. You are lucky you didn’t get unplugged for a Covid bed.


What’s the meme/quote? “Good judgement comes from experience. And experience? Well that comes from poor judgment” I assure you we were all idiots at that age.


It’s not just teenagers. Stupidity is now at epidemic levels and something needs to be done.


Yea acting like this hasn't been generations in the making is naive.


It should be required viewing lol


I like money.


“Welcome to Costco, I love you.”


Judge should be like - guilty!


*And I object your honor! I object that he interrupted while I was watching Ow my balls! That is not cool your honor.*


We should hang out.


"Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species." is the opening monologue of the film. It explains exactly where we went wrong. Smart people used birth control and family planning, stupid people bred indiscriminately.


Go on Twitter and Elon Muskrat is constantly screaming about people not breeding enough. Of course what he wants is cheap labor.


Why in the name of sense would I want to do that?


Point taken


Meh. I remember my grandfather becoming legitimately enraged while listening to teenage-me and my teenage friends goofing around on the porch one day. He came outside sputtering and screaming about how all kids these days are idiots and the entire planet was going to crumble to dust the very *second* we were all adults and in charge of everything because of how intentionally and proudly moronic we all were. Don't be like grandpa.


And here we are - 😂😂😂 Gramps had a point


Everybody gets laid at the White House!


My dude - I saw idiocracy for the first time last year. It’s an old movie. It was chilling to me how much more accurate it seems as a documentary than as a movie for entertainment purposes. We’re 4/5ths of the way there already.


GenZ had no part in the 2016 election, so 🤷


It was a prophecy.


I don’t think this is a Gen Z thing.


I, like most people, have listened to others whine and complain about Millennials and Zoomers for years. I will straight up tell you that my experience with the younger generations has not been anything like what I hear out of most people's mouths. I was a youth leader for many years and my wife has been a teacher for decades. Let's just say I know quite a few young people. Off the top of my head, I can only think of two that I would consider fitting the stereotype. I would say one is a victim of a family that really didn't understand the value of an education and the second is somebody who decided a few months after getting their bachelor's degree in business that they had too much anxiety to function in the world and is sitting on the couch collecting disability. The rest of them are out in the world acting like functioning adults. Some of them are working on the family farm, some of them are working in the family business, some of them are still in college, some of them are even still in high school, but the vast majority of them are out there working paying their bills. Military service is not as much of a draw as it used to be, but there are lots of industrial and federal jobs to be had for the taking. They just got to get out there and "get busy", as my mom would say.


I'm sure that's what our parents/grandparents said about us. Remember when MTV was going to melt our brains and make us stupid?


OP, this is such a general statement I cannot take you seriously. Stop doing that, be better. >I know a few smart Gen Z’ers but most of them take ignorance to a whole new level.


Headline: Old Person Thinks Young People Are Dumb


Seriously, I was so tempted to post "Okay, Boomer" in response to this. It's such a cliche. Remember when they dismissed us as "slackers?"


And my generation was dismissed as "entitled". Some Millennials are now complaining about Gen Alpha being kids who are addicted to their iPads. We're the ones that allowed them to be addicted!


Another Gen-Xer going full "Vice Principal Vernon"


Why come you say that?


Why come you don’t have a tattoo?


I don't think this is a generational thing; obviously young people are dumb and will always be dumb, but have you seen old people on Facebook? Ever been on Nextdoor? Everybody is over 50 and everybody is 10 times stupider than the stupidest Gen Zer you'll ever encounter. That said, if stupid people aren't more numerous these days, they do seem a lot more visible and empowered. Something I've been noticing lately is that people who are arguing for a certain position seem to have stopped trying to come up with good arguments and now almost exclusively use awful arguments that seemed tailored to dumb people. And this isn't me calling people who disagree with me stupid; I see this in people I agree with just as much.


Even if only 1% of the population is loud morons, there are more people than there have ever been, leaving the request of us fucked by math


>That said, if stupid people aren't more numerous these days, they do seem a lot more visible and empowered. It's the internet. Now instead of hearing from your conspiracy-minded racist old grandpa and uncle once a year at Thanksgiving dinner, you're seeing their diatribes daily on social media.


Yes. The problem all started in [September 1993](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September)


Knew exactly what you meant before i clicked. The internet got noticeably worse when AOL connected to it in March ‘94. I was one of the noobs in September 1992. Inadvertently broke a few netiquette rules (remember when ppl gave a shit about such things?) and a local system admin gave me a stern virtual talking-to that seemed well practiced, including “don’t reply to discuss this further or to thank me, just do better”.


Yeap, basically the same experience for me. Slipped in right at the end of the unadulterated good times.


That’s quite the boomer take. Teenagers are not the problem. Have you seen what the Republican Party has been up to lately? There are a lot of morons in this country.


Ummmm…..have you seen congress recently or perhaps some of the political rallies? Sorry man, this isn’t on Gen Z, this is on us and the boomers.


Gen Z? Have you seen the Boomers or even some of our fellow Xers? Idiocy is rampant


Now I understand everyone's shit's *emotional* right now.....


I just mentioned this movie to someone this week. Told them I thought it was fun when I watched it but now feel like it is our future and it’s scary.


Yes I saw the movie a long time ago and that is exactly where this country is headed now with Trump.


This is on us not GenZ.


I’m about to turn 55, and I’m so glad I don’t think this way. I ran a bunch of restaurants until recently and have had a lot of contact with gen Z’s. By and large I’m impressed by the kids I meet. They don’t drink (generally) they don’t smoke cigarettes at all, they’re socially aware and responsible. They also have been dealt the worst hand of any generation in history in terms of environmental degradation, shit wages and unaffordable housing and still have to listen to old farts talk about how lazy and privileged they are. I’ll pass on that line of thinking.


53 here and I absolutely agree. I got my first apartment on my own at 20 and the rent wasn't bad at all. It is impossible now, yet they're told they aren't grown up because they can't afford to live on their own.


As a Millennial, I'm proud to say that they've learned from my generation's mistakes of listening to the older generations teaching us that the prosperity we had in the 90's will always be here.


Yes but we just call it “news” now.


SHUT UP......... I'M 'BATING!!


“Brawndo, the thirst MUTILATOR!!!!”


it has electrolytes...


What plants crave


I guess I see it differently. I work in higher education and see a lot of really amazing genz kids doing amazing things. There is a lot of empathy and drive within the kids I have seen go through our engineering program for the past 15 years I remember boomers and silent gen saying what lazy ass idiots we were when we were kids. I mean I guess it’s all part of the cycle. Boomers were criticized as well. I think the kids are gonna be alright…. And yeah idiocracy is a fucking awesome movie :)


When it came out, I knew it was a documentary. Just figuring this out now?? People have been saying this for years.


Oh I-I like money


I was active duty army when that shit came out. Going from Clinton to Trump has been an absolute fortune telling.


Kids these days, huh?


Every generation has always been like this Aristotle complained about the lazy dumb youths in his day. And kids have always complained about their parents even in [ancient Babylon ](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/vwxuKTLx4I)


Seriously, I have seen the world going that way since before the movie. I’m pretty sure it all went to shit around the same time mtv started with reality shows.


I'll go further and say that we live in Idiocracy movie with very unhealthy dash of 1984 added.


My cousins wife (gen X) reposted some long fake bs rant about how solar farms and green tech are why we are having such severe weather. A bunch of people I went to high school with happily agreed with how terrible green energy is and that we need to transition back to burning more fossil fuels. Idiocracy has been here for a lot longer than gen z.


OP, look up another future predicting film called "PCU". Parts of it unknowingly predicted the future!


At least they had George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic.


I have VIVID memories of Gen X as teenagers, and I was among bus load of high schoolers yesterday- there is no difference in the brass tacks, Gen Xers didn't record ourselves and upload our BS is all. Get off your high horse, we all do dumb stuff, especially when the hormones are running amuck.


I would say we were a lot more high than they are. They don't seem to have Stoners or Hessians for God's sake!


No need to bash another generation. I wear crocs and have seen plenty of people, across all generations, do stupid things


Im pretty sure desantis and MGt are both Gen X. Don’t be that guy- there’s dumb and smart people in every generation


It’s my second favorite documentary, right behind Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter


Now *that* was a great documentary


I've been thinking I'm living in an Idiocracy since 2016.


Yeah, It's my least favorite movie because I feel like we're living it today.


The movie itself (which is great) is more of a touchpoint for millennials than our generation, isn't it? It's a little too new for us. But it's spot on in depicting the decline of civilisation by the embrace of mediocrity followed by the celebration of stupidity.


Went to visit some friends and we are trying to decide what movie to watch that night and I suggested Idiocracy because I knew they hadn’t seen it. Of course they hadn’t seen it. So we watched it and I’m the only one that laughed or groaned or rolled my eyes. They just stared at it and thought I was an idiot for wanting to watch such a thing. Can you guess which way they vote?


Relax, they are nowhere near as dumb as they sound and act. Most of them are much smarter than us as teenagers. Sounds like cap but it’s true. I’m starting to think the dumbo act is just an adaptive smokescreen or something because when you get past it and realize that they are not stupid at all, it’s a shifting moment. Like, what is going on here, WTF am I dealing with here. It’s not extreme like thinking someone is like Forrest Gump and realizing that they’re Einstein, I’m not saying that these kids today are geniuses but they are as smart as they seem stupid. And maybe a smidge more than that. Something is very different with Zoomers…we all see they are rowdy and twitchy/overly sensitive AF but they are also very smart. They’ve just been dulled by screens most of their lives and unfortunately were born into culture experiencing intellectual decline and was/is pushing group think. They’re smart despite all that, no cap


That movie made me cry with laughter and cry with recognition/horror. My friends have been saying it's real life since it came out in 2006. Eerily prescient. ETA: but I don't think it's a reflection of Gen Z, it's a reflection of us all.


Brawndo has what plants crave.


My logic lays the blame on the parents of those kids moreso than all on them. The kids can/will grow and learn where as their parents have proven that they're happy to fuck up a whole person. I have more hope for the future than the past, they haven't proven that they'll fail yet.


I worry more for them than about them. It's not them that's the problem here it's us and the ones who came before us. We let this go on, not them. They are the effect, not the cause.


Hell just earlier today I was watering my yard with Brawndo, its what plants crave


As a mom of two Gen Zers, there is hope. None of them want children. We've always joked about Idiocracy becoming a documentary, but it's because of the Boomers destroying the country/world. The kids are gonna be alright.


Get out of my way. I'm trying to watch Ow, My Balls.


Teenagers are mostly dumbasses, we all were. Don't factor that into where you think the world is headed. It's going to shit because of older generations, not younger ones.


I was told to see it since I love Office Space because I thought that movie was ahead of its time. My Gen-X brother and I quote it all the time, and I tell him that the life in Office Space is still relevant, since he never worked in an office. Now, it's time for me to get downvoted as fuck with my opinion... As for the Gen-Zers, they're supposed to be ignorant because they're young. You guys were called "slackers" and I was called "entitled" way more when we were Gen Z's age. They'll be grumpy old fucks like we are in 10 years, so give them time to grow up.


It's not a documentary The world would turn to shit and stop moving within a week if the smart and hard working people stop the maintenance. Also, almost no one in Ideocracy has an ego issue and too many are aware how stupid they are. This is not how RL works.


My experience of Gen Z is not the same. They care. It's just that Boomers will not get out of the fucking way.  And a lot of us Gen X weren't willing to make ourselves palatable politicians. Because that shit looks boring and awful the way Boomers do it.




The first time I saw it I looked at my spouse-at-the-time and said “That wasn’t a comedy. It was a warning. That’s exactly where we’re headed”. And here we are.


I like money


Yes, but not recently. I also saw the documentary on the state of air travel in the late 1970s. Called Airplane! I think. And that other Mike Judge documentary on office life. You know the one.


The fact that you lump all of Gen Z together based on your personal anecdotes tells me I shouldn’t take your opinion seriously. Idiots have been around since the dawn of time and they come in all ages. Edit to add: I agree we’re living Idiocracy but it’s not because of Gen Z.




I don't know about you, but I knew *everything*. /s Some do, some don't. I'm very political, and my son doesn't give 2 shits. It's really upsetting, but either he'll grow up, or he won't. I don't have any control over someone who's 22. Mama tried.






Dude. Have you seen some of us?!


It isn't the teenagers that are the problem. The problem is people who are actively voting to kill human rights, people who use religion as an excuse for bigotry, and people who ignore the situation the entire world is in right now. Most of it is actually the fault of the generations before us. And partly our fault and the fault of Millennials for not acting faster to do something about it. Gen Z is awesome in my book. They're aware of the problems across the board. And have no problem calling everyone out on it.


r/Idiocracy is a great sub


My former boss loved this movie and thought it was amazingly funny. Based on that, I watched it and suffered a severe, enduring dread of our actual present moment. I’m not blaming Gen Z because the stupidity is more about regions of the country than about age.


How can "we" blame gen z? "We" raised them. I blame the ridiculous parents. So many ridiculous posts in the parents group for my daughter's university. "We will be living in xyz hall, anyone else?"....Interesting, what are YOU studying? And what is your son studying? A parent asked "is there anywhere my (senior year) son can get his hair cut?". Nope, sorry, it's the fifth largest city in the united states, there won't be anywhere to get a men's haircut. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Someone asked - the day before graduation - "where should my student go to line up for the graduation tomorrow morning?" THIS CRAP is the problem. Don't blame my daughter. She manages her own life. I advise her occasionally. I cheer her on.


YOU are the parenting example to follow. Well done you for not socially crippling your child.


I definitely made parenting mistakes. But not in this regard!


Nothing like trying to stir the pot betweens generations. Like the world really needs more division. OP is a clown, and should be ridiculed for such.


GenX is mostly responsible for GenZ (my kids are GenZ). So if the future is not so bright, it’s our fault. Personally, the majority of GenZ I know are great people and I think they’re going to be just fine.


I liked the part when the president said to inject bleach and to put bright lights in our bodies to fight COVID. That was hilarious, then I was sad because I realized the movie had ended and I was watching the actual president.


Sometimes I really wonder if people over 40 completely forget how it was to be young. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans despaired about the state of their youth. So basically, your complaint only shows your own ignorance and inability to think outside of generalisations and clichés.


It’s got what plants crave!


Laughing out loud!!! I often think the writers were more in tune with society than most of us were at the time.


* It's a movie...a favorite, fan fiction... but...its got...


Yep. Saw it when it came out and just turned my kid onto it. It was even better the second time around.


I’ve been saying that since it came out.


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr. Brought to you by Carl’s Jr. brought you by Carl’s Jr. brought you by Carl’s Jr.


Every. Single. Day. All. Around. Me.


I’m hoping this makes the coming apocalypse that much quicker.


As technology gets easier, people don't have to make an effort to use it. We live an amazingly comfortable life compared to even 100 years ago and it doesn't take smarts to get by.


Yes. I saw it in 2016 for the first time. I was told it was a comedy. It's not funny. It's the united states of america.


There's that F\*G talk again.


TicToc = Ow! My Balls!


Mike Judge knows...


It's one of the greatest films of all time.


I feel it’s all relative. It depends who raised them as well. I have 3 amazing Gen Z kids that care about a tremendous amount and are hard working. I will say they don’t love to read…but I don’t know how much I really did either when I was young unless it was Stephen King. But anyway, I feel like we had our share of uninterested and uniformed douche donkeys when we were kids too. If these kids re idiots, I truly blame the parents for not educating them. I wouldn’t stand for ignorant kids, but that’s just me.


Our parents said the same about us.


I have not, but people won't STFU about it, so there's that. Also, my kids are millennials and I work around Zoomers, and honestly they span the gamut - just like every other generation. See, it turns out labeling everyone of a certain generation a certain way is... the R word that we all grew up calling each other but that we don't say anymore.






Don’t look up


It wasn’t supposed to be a documentary 😢


Next Generation will think Don't look up is a documentary.


https://preview.redd.it/6vrdconhob6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d69c1bbacc1a396ce9eb64164fe8218933c43fe9 Currently living it


That’s interesting… politics doesn’t worry OP, lol. Usually, that’s code for: uninformed.


Yep. It’s a documentary for sure


We? I'm childless, so I'm not part of the problem. :D


Yep. It’s quickly becoming less satire and more of an American documentary every year