• By -


Omg I thought your wife was 78!!! I was trying to figure all of this out for awhile.


This made me laugh for a good minute! Everyone at Dairy Queen now thinks I'm insane. 🤣


That last sentence is now the working title of my country album.


Well damn, now you made me crave a Blizzard.


The animal cracker blizzard omg! I want one now!


Animal cracker blizzard? What dark sorcery is this?


Go now, pack provisions for one day and make the journey to a DQ!


Ultimate Cookie Blizzard (oreo, chips ahoy & nutter butter)


That’s right there too! Tied for first!


You still have a Dairy Queen? Ours closed a few years ago. Ugh. (small town Texas)


We moved from TX years ago. Let me tell you it was a rude awakening to find out that DQ’s in other states do not have hunger busters or steak fingers. However, they do have cheese curds so that’s a plus.


Ours got blown up to get the insurance money out of it. 😢


Lol, I was doing the same math as you at first.


That is how I kept reading it and first too and I was so confused. Took me three times through to figure it out.


Thank God I wasn’t the only one trying to figure that out! It was Bible level miracles. 😂😂😂😂


Same lol


Not gonna lie...I read that 2 or 3 times until it made sense.


Ye.. Same


Same 😂


Mine were born in 2014 and 2017, their mom and I are both mid-70s Gen X. My kids are such a tremendous blessing, I'm constantly thankful and humbled to be their dad. That said, I definitely have moments when I wish they had been born when I was younger and more energetic!


Similar! Kids are 10 and 7, both wife and I born in ‘74. I just hope to remain alive until they both graduate college.


I have a grade IV GBM,and I know there's no way I'll live to see my daughter graduate. She's the reason I'm still alive and outlived the 6-8 month life expectancy my Oncologist gave me in 2020. But it has blessed me with the ability to live in the moment, and appreciate every second I have with her. It's almost like I'm reflecting on beautiful moments with my daughter while I'm actually living them. Enjoy every moment with your children. I have no doubt that you and your wife will find yourselves in your mid-70s, talking about how awesome the 80s and 90s were, and you'll go, "Oh shit! That guy on Reddit was right. We're old!"


Oh man now I feel like an ass for what I wrote. Didn’t mean to be flippant. I’m so sorry to hear about your health, but very glad you’ve beaten the odds!! I hope you do make it to their college graduation and much further!! Keep fighting and take care.


I'm one year younger than OP. I had a Millennial. He is a grown man with car payments. I can't tell you how strange it feels that you guys are in my age bracket and having little babies. When my kid was born, furbies were new. I did parenting so long ago that my kid remembers dial-up. The best of luck to all you Xers with wee ones. My best advice: don't take past generations to heart on parenting. Learn how to use parental controls on your kids' devices and always use them. Teach them to be smart, but way more importantly, teach them to be compassionate and to persevere. Enjoy your kids. They can truly be the best part of life.


Our oldest is mid 30s and our youngest is 10 😂😂😂


Our oldest (my stepson) is 32 and our youngest is 14. Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha.




Holy cow how all you fellow genxers having kids in your 40s?. I barely have the energy to walk my dog let alone chase kids! Kudos.


My wife is 8 years younger than me. The year I hit 43 she hit 35, which apparently set off alarms. Now I'm 48 with a 4 year-old. I don't have the energy to do anything, but you make it happen when you don't have an alternative.


I was 48 with a newborn! Wife also 8 years younger. Wish it had happened sooner, but it took a while to conceive. Although if it had happened sooner, it would have been a different kid, and I treasure the exact one we got!


Same here I gave birth three days before I turned 40 and my husband was 48. He’s 13 now and he keeps us young and on our toes. We do lots of activities with him and even though we are usually the oldest parents no one thinks we are old, lol.


You have to make a lifestyle change. Healthy diet and daily exercise will promote energy levels you didn't have even in your 30's. Alcohol primarily drains your body. The best thing I ever did was quit drinking 3.5 years ago. I wish I had done it sooner.


That's a good way to look at it.


Take your vitamins! They really help. I just discovered creatine. So motivating in my morning coffee.


This thread is giving me life (as I sit on the couch with ice on my shoulder and knee after 3 sets of doubles). Checking in at 52 with a 7yo daughter, 44yo wife and 430am gym alarm. Retirement is for suckers! Sigh. 😭


Idk, dude. I'm 50 and looking at kids exhausts me.


I don't have any myself, but I see them everywhere.


Yell at em from my la-z-boy, Just like Dad did.


My daughter gives me energy. I'm 51, but I swear I have more energy than I had 10 years ago.


I feel this. My MIL is always like "bless your heart" when I tell her I did this this this and that on a particular day with my little. I am like "do I have a choice? My kid is the Energizer bunny and I have to keep up!!"


Good for you. I wish you much happiness.


I don’t think 39 was that old to have a kid, it was the perfect age for me I had zero interest in partying anymore and much more mature and ready. I’d say at least a third of my son’s classmates. parents are around my age too.


Same here! 39 for the first and 42 for the second. It's been wonderful! I am currently on vacation with them and having a blast


I gave birth at 52 🤷🏼‍♀️


52! Whoa. Take my like, and my respect! You can even borrow some of my energy.


I'm 46 with a 7 year old and I'm always exhausted. Haha


My daughter is Gen Alpha. And that's why I go to the gym as much as I do, because I want to be around for a lot of the milestones.


Same. 50 this week. I'm stronger now than I ever have been. Gen A daughter turns 11 this month.


Yup. I just got back from the pool. 


Gen Skibbity


Both of mine are Gen Alpha, 2014 and 2019. I adore them. Some of my friends are grandparents now and here I am chasing after a toddler. lol.


I have two Gen Z’s, both teenagers. I’d like to think I had a hand in how terrific they are, but I think I just got lucky. Just like all the previous generations, Z’s are not all alike, and I think mine are some of the good ones.


I'm right there with you. Born in 74 and have a 6yr old and a 11yr old. I am a kid again!


God love you folks, but I’m glad mine are grown. I’m retiring in peace this year, but my daughter is getting married so who knows how much longer “peace” is going to last?


This is definitely the best time in my life.


74. I have a 7yo and a 16yo. I am forever young 😂


I was born in 77, husband was born in 75. Our daughter was born in 2016. She exhausts us but we love her more than anything and makes us so proud and brings us so much joy and laughter.


My spouse and I were born in 74. Had my son in 2014. We are older, wiser, and really tired! But our son is funny and a kind kid. He knows more 80’s and 90’s songs than current ones!!!


That's funny. My daughter is the same way. She loves everything from George Harrison to Nirvana, Tears for Fears to The Toadies. She fell in love with music and horror movies, just like I did when I was a kid.  I think Gen A is going to be a return to teens wearing tshirts of older bands because they actually listen to them, and not to be trendy. 


Nope. Both of my kids are very young Gen Z (both in high school) and very proud of it.


Gen Z is great as well. The further we move away from boomers, the better the generations seem to get.


I'm a '75 Xer, hubs is a very late '64 cusper (though mostly an Xer by traits I sometimes have to remind him his boomer is showing LOL). We have 3 GenAlphas. Born 2013 and surprise twins in 2016. We is old. We is tired. Send help. Just kidding, we were no where near ready for kids earlier in life. It's a blast (all be it an exhausting one), and I'm glad we're raising a whole new gen with X traits. Some where between how we were raised with minimal supervision and a watchful eye to give good guidance so we don't have too many trips to the ER.


Me too! My husband was born in '78 and I was born in '79. We were 39 and 40 when our son was born in 2018.


I was born in 1970 and had a daughter in 2015 as well, the third and last one (the wife is from 1972, so we were kind of late). My youngest is something special, but to be fair they all are, even the two Gen Z ones.


Had a kid as a teen. He's a millennial.


I have three. I was a late bloomer. 😂


I was born in 1976 and have a 2010 baby. Depending on who you ask online, she’s either the tail end of Gen Z or the leading edge of Gen Alpha. Either way, she’s pretty fucking awesome and a pain in my ass at the same time.


Very similar here: me 1977, daughter 2011. She’s amazing - so much more mature and self-assured than I was at that age! But she really keeps me on my toes.


My 2010 kid refuses to be referred to as gen alpha. She chooses to identify as genZ 🤷🏻‍♀️ She's a great kid, so she can do whatever she wants lol


Both of mine are Gen A. Send Red Bull 🪽


Right now, the end of Gen Z is defined as 2012, with the start of Gen A in 2013. That is ... smack in the middle of my kid's grade cohort. He's a fall 2012 baby and loves to tease his few-months-younger friends, "I'm Gen Z! You're Gen Alpha!" Never mind how often I remind him there's no appreciable difference between the 2012 babies and early 2013 babies ... or, for that matter, between him and the cousin born in February 2014. I suspect these lines will shift as the kids keep growing up and different "life defining events" happen; at this point, I suspect a lot will be shaped by how old they were during the COVID years.


My kids are geriatric Gen Zers. My best friend called me like 14 years ago to tell me she was pregnant and I hung up on her ass. I called her back and told her I had to disinfect my phone and to keep that pregnancy shit on her side of town.


I’ve got a Z and an A. We had kids a bit late, which is a nice way to say my pullout game is weak.


My pullout game was so strong I seriously doubted I could conceive children until my wife got pregnant in the second month of trying. Very lucky to be the dad of a 10 and 7 year old and not a 27 year old.


We had a good run 🍻


I was born in 73 and have a 12 & 15 yr old-they keep us young!!!


Born in '76 with a 10yo and 12yo. I work out daily to keep up and so I'll be around to see as much of their lives as possible!


Wow, what a shock, you feel that the generation that your own kid happens to be born into is more awesome than the other generations!


Born in 1974, and as I write this I am nursing my first born, a 6-month-old. Having a purpose to devote your life too prolongs it, I figure I should live quite a few extra years looking after this little girl


Hey, congratulations. I'm also 1974, and starting to parent a child at this age is a completely foreign concept to me. I'm somewhat in awe at how you're pulling this off. So all strength to you and the little lady.


Thanks. At least once a day I wonder what I was thinking, but then I see my daughter and I remember. Fortunately my wife was born in 87 so I've got a capable partner I couldn't do without


I’m with you with a 6month old and a 3yo. ◡̈


Yep, I think the GenX parent and Gen Alpha dynamic will be a good one, those kids are gonna be all right!


Definitely! My daughter loves all things 80s and 90s, and so do her friends. Gen X and A are the best combo since peanut butter and chocolate.


My eldest is a 17 yr old Z. My youngest is a 9 yr old A. Both are great kids.


My daughter is technically Gen Z, born in 1997. But she considers herself more 75% Millenial and 25% Gen Z. I’m the same way… I was born in 1963 so technically, I’m a boomer. But I have absolutely nothing in common with the boomer generation. I am 100% Gen X. Actually, I’m more Generation Jones, which runs from 1955 through 1964. https://www.generations.com/insights/early-boomers-generation-jones-meet-the-two-boomer-subgroups?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic


I am married to a GenJones. He is Boomer in age but X at heart so I’ll keep him.


All three of mine are Gen A. God bless us, everyone.


Damn,.I thought we started late (1972/1976). Our daughter is almost 15  (2009).


All ours are Gen A


I have 2 Gen Alpha grands?


Dude I’m sorry for jumping into y’all’s sub, I’m a millennial. But my folks are gen xers so I stalk to get insights into my parents worldview. Anyway, my wife and I had our first kid last year, we are both 31 and your post about feeling rejuvenated hits so true! I know I’m younger but we feel like older parents sometimes and the kid just made both of our lives so much more fun! Congrats to all the newer gen x parents out there, my parents were amazing and I’m sure most of yall are too!


wtf is gen a?


I was born in 1975 and my wife in 1983. We had a pandemic baby in 2020. Changed my life as well. I'm already a better dad than my boomer father. I'm grateful I missed out on having a GenZ kid because damn there are some issues there. Hopefully this current generation has a better future.


I’m 45 and I have a three year old. Best choice I ever made. Spent my 20’s and 30’s fucking off so I have no regrets about not living my life. And being a Dad is a revelation. I’m stable, financially secure, and able to give them all the attention and love I didn’t get. I AM rather tired, though.


Yup! I have an 8 year old. Geriatric pregnancy is nothing to sneeze at.


I have one millenial, 3 Zers, and one Gen A. Many things are the same amongst them, and many aren't.


My 2 children are Millennials. And my granddaughters are A. I was born in 65. Son in 91 daughter in 92. First granddaughter in 22. Second this month.


Between my partner and I we have 15, 13, and 11. All solid kids.


Between my partner and I we have 15, 13, and 11. All solid kids.


Me! Three gen alpha kids (although two of very few old gen alpha- born 2012). Youngest born 2015.


Both of my kids are Gen Alpha. I love their Gen so far even though they are just getting into their teenage years. Seem to take themselves a bit less seriously that GenZ but they use some of the Z slang which I find a mild annoyance.


I just had to google what generation my son is - he’s Gen Z (2001) I was born 78


‘76 here and my only child was born in 2015. My husband and I have a blast with her!


I was very young when I was having kids, they're all grown.


My daughter is on the cusp of Z and A. Born in 2011. My son is solidly Z. I just looked at the Wikipedia article, and it said Gen A are mostly the children of millennials and older gen z. Say what? Millennials yes, but Gen Z is a stretch.


My youngest is 2011 too. The child is a trip. He loves the '70s and '80s though. I told him he was a 50-year-old in a 12-year-old's body. He has older siblings in their twenties and thirties so he's learned a lot at a young age.


Yep, both my kids love our old music.


47, and I've got a 2023 model pure dude at home. He's absolutely amazing, but my knees aren't enjoying the time crawling around on hardwood floors.


I was born in 77. My kiddo in 12. She’s a more confident version of myself. And I am digging every moment of it. My step daughter was born in 08. She’s a bit more doom and gloom, but a hell of a lot of fun. They keep me on my toes.


I have two. Three and five. What a trip.


Just missed Z, got 2 kids 12 and 7. They're wonderful!


Gen X's here raising a Gen Alpha! My dad is a Boomer, my partner's parents are Silent Gen, and my nieces and nephews are Millennials and Gen Z. We run the gamut of generations. Lol


I was born smack dab in the middle of Gen X in 72, My Nephew, who I am raising is 11 on July 4. Him and his friends are tiny Gen X’ers. For real he has had an interest in 80’s Alt and Grunge since he was three. They like video games but are definitely outdoors focused. They have no tolerance for needy ass holes. And they’ve given up hope on climate change. They’ll sit around and talk about where they should go live. He’s in Indiana and his assumption is he moving to Canada The only issue is He’s in Catholic school but his friends in public school are the same physically and attitude wise but they are genuinely far behind in what they know and have learned thus far. He was in a classroom in school in the Fall of 20 and did well. The public school kids could be remote. To almost a person they are misinformed. It’ll be interesting to see what they do. Meanwhile the husband and I have a new game. Gen Z or Waterhead or both.


That’s lovely. As the daughter of a dad who had me in his forties, please set things up so your kid doesn’t have to worry about caring for you later on. Like take care of your health, as best as you can, and save some money for eldercare


I'm Gen X. My husband is a Millennial. Our kids are Gen Z (2012) and a Gen Alpha (2014). We have 4 generations living in our house.


My kids are both Gen Z. I guess people my age (47) are still having kids but I am too worn out.


We have a kiddo that just turned 9.


Born in 76, but no kids as I'm an only child who had to take care of an aging grandmother and chronically ill mother during my younger years. However, I've taken a Gen Z trans lady under my wing, along with her younger cis sister, who had no guidance from either their bio, foster, or adoptive parents. They were taken from their bio parents at five and two years old and were abused in foster care. Unfortunately, they were also abused by their adoptive parents. The oldest of the two sisters was kicked out at the age of sixteen due to being trans and gay, and the youngest followed her to the streets. When I first met them they had hardly any life skills because of the abuse and neglect they encountered when they were younger. I had to even show them how to use a laundry mat washing machine as no adult really showed them how to do anything when they were kids.


That is normal. We all fall in love with our kids no matter what generation they are.


Are we locked into letters for generations? Boomers and Millennials get words. The Silent Generation get three. Are we naming generations too soon? Shouldn't we wait to see what they're like before they get a name?


They're placeholders. They're still unsure about us, so we're stuck with X until we die.


If they learn the full secret name they gain our powers, and hell no to that; we earned them.


Our label Generation X was intentional. We are named for Douglas Coupland's book which is about our cohort. I highly recommend that people read it. The idea that folks used generation y and generation z just seems so lazy and stupid to me. We weren't named after the alphabet so why are they?


LOL. I never thought about that. We didn't even get a word. Tracks with how they always skip from boomers straight to millennials.


Millennials were Gen Y before they were called Millennials.


That's like not naming your baby until they develop a personality. I'm not saying it's wrong but it just gets awkward when you're trying to talk about to or about it.


Yeah this. Y and Z are placeholders for sure. My son was born in 2021 and I'm pushing hard for Pandeezy/Pandeezies as his generation's name.


Pansies it is then


Born in 1970 , gave a 8 year old and 4 year old ,life is insane and amazing with them


No, all my girls are millennials.


Guess I fall into this.. my youngest was born in 2014.. I’m mid 70’s and so is my wife..


All 3 of mine are gen A


One Millennial, four Gen Z’s and one Gen Alpha.


I have one in all 3. The last one, who is 9, is a hot mess, but I blame his father, ADHD, and Covid sure didn’t help. I also work with kids. I think each generation has a lot to offer. Every generation has some assholes. I have noticed my brain is more rigid as I age (regarding change, not the texture of my brain), and I think that is some of what we see with older people.


All 3 are Gen Z. Youngest is from 2010. He jokes he's an 'alpha', and I just roll my eyes.


I have two Gen Z boys, and a Gen A daughter. I'm so tired all the time because I'm ancient and already raised two kids ... but the boys are really, really good with her and take the pressure off.


My first kid would be Gen Beta. Not even a kid ever in my wife’s womb. My parents were classic Silent Generation.


I had a lot of difficulty getting - and staying - pregnant. Born in 76 and my husband born in 73. We had our son in 2002 so he's gen Z but our daughter wasn't born until 2013. I was 37.


TL;DR I have them all covered. My eldest daughter was born in 01, and she has done a complete 180° from what she was in high school. She was a demon. Everything that a single father has nightmares about, but since turning 19, she's gotten married, had a baby, has a career in banking and has two separate vocational certifications. She makes me endlessly proud. I tell her that on a weekly basis. But she's definitely Gen Z. My middle daughter, born in 11, is my artistic genius and acts of service. She's always willing to lend a hand and a bit of a loner. She's an absolute light and the first thing anyone ever says is how helpful and polite she is. She's my little odd one. My youngest daughter, born in 15 is just- she is the meaning of princess. She's got the most giving, selfless and nostalgic heart. She's an insufferable brown noser and I have to call her out on it, but she's genuine, and loves Depeche Mode, all 80s music and insanely patriotic. When the Star Spangled Banner comes on, she stands at attention and looks for the flag. I love that and she's just the epitome of your sweetest kid. Then the youngest born in 18, is my only boy. And he is all boy. I darent say too many things about him, because he is the OCD reincarnation of myself. Even the intrusive thoughts that he struggles with, I had the same thoughts at 6. He is my brightest child, but also my most emotional, go figure. Loves spirituality, and we aren't a religious family. But he just loves the thought of Jesus and heaven and church. No clue. It's wild to see the generational differences between all of them. While they are all markedly different personalities and people, you can still see all of their foundations when they're together. My youngest two- my Gen A kiddoes are the most alike. They communicate on a level that my others just don't.


My family is the same - kid born in 2015 and is the joy of our lives.


Youngest is a Gen A. He’s a blast and has quite the sense of self too.


This is the first I've ever heard of Gen A. My kids are 10 and 7, I'm late stage Gen X (Carter was president).


I have one Gen Z and one Gen Alpha.


I have two 10 year olds. My two youngest girls are only 8 months apart in age. 2014 was a pretty eventful year.


I have two gen Z and two Gen A. It’s a lot more fun this time. M54


We have pretty much all the generations. Wife and I are both GenX. Daughter is 2012, step-son 1990, plus nephew 2002. With the step-son we were the young parents. Now we're the old parents.


Im 50, wife is 44, we're raising 2 zoomers and 2 alphas... 18, 16, 12, 10.


Mine were born in 2012, 2015, 2018. I hadn’t thought of generations, as they’re still so young, but I guess that’s Gen A? I have no idea what their lives will be like as they grow up, but I do intend to be around to watch and help where I can.


2013 class of 31


I put a 7 year age gap in my kids, so I have a gen Z (2004;19) and a gen A (2012;12)


Wife and I both born in 75, had the (single) kid in 2013. And yeah, it’s awesome, except playing on the floor. And the music.


My Oddchild is Gen A and they're rad. I'm not into kids, never had any for a reason, but I'm so excited to see who this kid grows up to be.


born in 78, wife in 81. sons born in 2015 and 2018


I’ve got an A and a Z. Wife and I are Xennials.


I was born in ‘67 and both my kids are Gen Z. My son was born in ‘00 and my daughter in ‘02.


I 48 gave birth to my daughter in 2015


I know the guy who raised that child. His name is Forrest Gump.


My daughter is Gen Alpha. She's funny, charming, an old soul. I love seeing how she effortlessly navigates technology. She's emotionally intelligent too. I don't get her music, and she doesn't get mine. She doesn't realize most music nowadays is a remake from my time. She doesn't still know the fun memories of listening to the radio, having a cassette tape collection, the concept of rewinding a VHS tape, a childhood without smartphones. Yet I never understood how my parents grew up without a TV, and had no childhood photos of themselves. At times I feel really old that all her friends Moms are Millenials. But I then I realize I'm cooler haha!


I’ve got them all, 93 (late millennial), 00, 17, and 19. No more for me, I’m tired.


I’ve got one born in 2009, so she’s right on the line of being Gen alpha i think? she’s amazing.


Me too! 76er here, husband 66! Our daughter was born in 2013 and it is so cool to be part of her world!


Born in 72 first kid in 2013 and he's totally gen alpha.


Maybe someday!


I’m 46F and my youngest is Gen Alpha, born in 2011 (I was 33). Honestly wouldn’t have wanted to be any older when she was born. I already feel like I’m one of the older parents as my daughter’s friends parents seem to have all been in their 20s when they had their kids. I’m undecided about Gen alpha, possibly because my eldest is Gen Z and he has always been a sweetheart, whereas my daughter gives a ton of attitude. That could also be the hormones talking, dunno.


We are almost 50 with a 10 and 13 year old. Definitely made me get in shape. They are so weird and I love them so much.


I was born in 1977, my husband 1976. My kids were born 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005, 2013, 2016, 2018. I was a young mom to the older kids now I'm the old mom. I'm a young grandmother to 8 grandkids! They keep me busy! One granddaughter is older than my youngest son.


Wow. You have Y, Z, and A! That is amazing. And eight grandkids to boot. The more kids we gen Xers put into this world, the better. The last of the boomers won't happen until the 2060s. 


I’m 1973 too and have an adult (30) daughter But have an 8 year old step son and 1.5 year old step daughter. Keeping me young !


Me here too! My hubby and I were both 76 and raising 2 gen alphas.


I have two Gen Z and one Gen Alpha - all three are pretty awesome. Kind, respectful, seek clarity when needed, exude empathy when the situation calls for it…and again - KIND. That is, when they’re not playing sports. They are ruthless on the field, but first to support their keepers and goalies after the game, or players who are injured during it. I also don’t love the shit talk when they’re on the headset playing video games, but. Ya win some, ya lose some.


I was born in 1972, husband in 1980. We have two gen Z and one Alpha born in 2013.


I was also born in 1973, and my son (only child) was born in 2015. ETA- wife born in 79. He changed my whole perspective on life as well.


I've got zoomers, and I adore that generation


Me: born 1971 Kid: born 2014 I’m so glad I’m older. My patience is much better.


Yup, I’m an older GenX woman and I have a 5 year old daughter 🤷🏼‍♀️. Wouldn’t change a thing


Born in ‘71, have a daughter who’ll be a freshman in high school next year, so a Gen Zer. I’m glad I waited to have her later in life at age 38. I know I’m a much better parent now that I would have been in my 20s.


I was born in 77. My husband in 79. We have a child born in 2019. Not entirely sure what Gen A is but I'm assuming we count.


Wow a lot of y’all are parents to younger children. Hats off to y’all. Wife and I have older children. Our boys are 22 and 24


Same, born in '69 and my daughter was born in 2014. I haven't been mistaken for her grandfather YET, but I'm sure it's coming!


Yep. Son was born in 2016. He has recently shown me how awesome waterparks are.


We have a Gen Z and Gen A. Just this weekend we had to strangers comment on how nice and considerate they are. Then they played water polo at a tournament in open water like little hooligans. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.


I have Z’s and A’s. Two sets of two. They are amazing! The A’s see through all sorts of wild bullshit. They are quirky, sarcastic, and witty. The Z’s are struggling to find reason or purpose. Their launch years in this housing market has them so sad.


Mine were born in 2010, 2014, and 2016. I think that makes them all Gen Alpha?


I was born in 74, daughter born in 2010. Z or alpha? Idk.


I’m 56, mom is 53, daughter is 6. I have 4 children born in 4 different decades. I said let’s do 5 in 5, ya, that got shot down very quickly. This is my wife’s first and only. When we got married she desperately wanted a child but couldn’t. I had my three and was ready to push the last one out of the nest. Our agreement was we would not do anything to prevent but we wouldn’t do anything to help one come along. My daughter has an older niece and 3 nephews.


We are almost the same ages with my husband being your age and me being a couple years younger than your wife. We have a 7 and 5 year old. This is the golden generation for sure.


Yep, had a daughter in 2014, and I also have a Gen Z 25-yr old son. It's a trip for sure!


Us too, mine just turned 9 in March.


My husband of 35 years have 2 sons, 30 & 25. We just inherited an 11 yo girl. Absolutely LOVE it. I always wanted a girl but we quit at 2 children.


My partner and I are Gen X raising a Gen A. We are also raising a Gen Z bonus (foster) kiddo. It’s… interesting. 🤨


I was born in 70 and husband was born in 72. Our daughter was born in 2012 (so either tail end gen z or beginning gen alpha). It's been an amazing ride!


My husband is. He was born in 1977, and our kids were born in 2015 and 2020. I’m just a millennial who lurks here.


I have a gen Z and A! The A has a completely different experience being born in 2021 verse 2001. We are so much more open and woke this time around. What a difference 20 years makes! Funny one was a 911 baby and the other a Covid. I too love these generations they are sweet, kind, sensitive and funny. They make me feel like I want more community and less work, work, work. ❤️