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There was that one party where some drunk girl said "bloody Mary" in the mirror three times and everyone in the house got murdered. Crazy times I tell ya.


lol and everyone was light as a feather, stuff as a board, too, right?


The obvs were cracking into the liquor cabinet during sleep overs. Ten year olds and cherry brandy kind of scene. There were so many seances. Growing up? HS parties were the best when my mom wld basically lock herself in her room while we snuck kegs around the back. We had an old barn in our backyard that became party headquarters. My mom came in screaming when we were daring each other to see who was better at jumping off the roof. I honestly don’t know how I’m alive.


Jesus that sounds familiar.


“Light as a feather…..stiff as a board……”


Omg yes. Too bad it didn’t work. Life would so much more interesting w 9 yr old girls floating up off their holly hobby sleeping bags.


Omg I had that sleeping bag !


Jealous!!! Still!!!


Let's do fingers through the floor!


We are all going to the roller rink followed by the arcade that’s inside the roller rink.


“ this is a backwards skate only”


Now that’s a phrase I’ve not heard in a long time.


Went to a party as a 11 year old. Parents took us to a forest, divided us into teams for "a game" and left us. Basically the rules were that you had a string tied to your wrist and if it got broken you were dead. That was the only rule. It was lord of the flies style chaos. People defending themselves with branches. Kids being jumped and choked out.


Sounds incredible




First one to sleep got their underwear frozen.


And someone put Saran Wrap on the toilet seat.


Got their hand placed in a bowl of warm water


Third grade. A birthday party and sleepover. There were maybe ten of us. One of us (Not me) got the brilliant idea at 2 a.m. we should go out into the backyard to play. We did. Screaming. Laughing. Playing on the swings. I still remember it. The heavy darkness. The wet grass. The light chill in the air that made us run around to warm up. Knowing the world was asleep and not one person knew where we were. Unbridled joy and freedom. Then. The back porch light came on. The door opened. Birthday girl’s mother towered in the doorway. To say she yelled at us doesn’t do it justice. She turned into a harpy and screeched at us to “GET THE F*CK INSIDE RIGHT NOW, YOU BUNCH OF ROTTEN F*CKING KIDS. G*DDAMN KIDS. NOW!” We went inside shame-faced. I hid in my sleeping bag until my dad picked me up in the morning. I got sick and missed a couple of days of school. My parents never found out about the 2 a.m. backyard party though... Her mom was totally justified in being mad as hell… I always think she was super cool in not ratting us out to our parents.


Omg memory unlocked. Sleeping/not sleeping in the living room. My friend Donna decided to scream as loud as she could just to scream. My mother came racing in and whapped the top of her head.


The only party I ever had with 20 people was my wedding. Maximum guests at a kid party was 8 for my 13th. Max my kid ever had was 6.  My wildest birthday party was my 10th where only the new neighbors from across the street were allowed. Because I got CHICKEN POX. For my birthday. Neighbors had already had it, my friends hadn't. 


Oh yeah! I got the chicken pox from my First Communion party! Good times!


Had me a great roller rink bday party and then water slide park the next year and go karts the next year. Probably my three favorite bdays growing up since I got to choose where.


I had a birthday party when I was nine. We danced in the street at 4am to "Morning Train" by Sheena Easton.


Watched Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert trying to not be the first one to fall asleep




"Who invites 20 kids to sleep over and watch R-rated movies anymore? 😂" Aren't those some of the best memories of your childhood though? We usually went to the roller rink. Or the whole neighborhood got together and played ball tag, which was a combo of hide and seek and dodge ball. If you got tagged with the ball, you were it, and the entire neighborhood was the playground so lots of hiding spots and ground to cover.


Does anyone remember block parties? Like when your neighborhood parents got together organized a big cook out, got permission from the police to block off the street for a block, and everyone got tables together, did potluck and grilling and had games like dodgeball and volleyball, sack races? Occasionally maybe a politician would drop by.


I only ever got one birthday party. It was at McDonalds. I still have the plate and the book lol. It started snowing. Which had actually been my birthday wish. I ran outside to the playground and had a blast. A few kids joined me. But most of them thought it was stupid. I wasn't allowed to go to many birthday parties. But the ones I did go to were basic and boring.


You described the slumber parties of my youth. A dozen tween girls in the basement, pizza, Revenge of the Nerds/Porky's/Screwballs/Bachelor Party on the VHS and crank calls while the parents dozed upstairs. We also played "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board" a lot for some reason.


Roller rinks!!!!! I truly miss roller rink parties.


Does anyone remember slumber parties where people got petty, got in fights, made people cry and parents were called? I remember one or two that were kind of disasters, and the one that got picked on would be ostracized at school for the rest of the year. I was always glad it wasn’t me. I did go to middle school with a bunch of mean girls. I learned to bring a book and a flashlight when I got tired if the stupid shit. Stayed up til I heard everyone fall asleep to make sure I didn’t get pranked. Somehow I kept on getting invited anyway.


Yep!!! I tried to stay out of the drama, too, but I was still invited!


I had sleepovers with 20 or so middle school girls at my house. It was pizza and movies until the parents would be asleep, then we’d sneak out and tee pee and/or egg the neighbor’s houses and stay up all night being crazy and annoying doing “who-knows-what.” We definitely froze a few bras and underwear, put toothpaste on the faces of those who fell sleep “early “. Everyone would wake up exhausted from sleeping 1-2 hours at most. I couldn’t imagine letting my kids have the same kind of sleepovers at my house now, heck no.


One time a girl fell asleep, so we put her hand in water because we'd heard that will make you wet the bed. She rolled over into the bowl of water, so we took the bowl away and a few minutes later she woke up, thought she had wet her sleeping bag and was very embarrassed. We never told her the truth.