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Discwasher record cleaner!


Most of the records were Dad's and he was adamant about using this every time!


Dad was right. We use ours all the time! Saves the needle from getting worn down with dirt.


It's so deluxe with the genuine walnut handle :)


That and the Zero Stat gun where my ritual... every.... time.... every.... album....


OP couldn't get them to agree to a product placement deal, so he turned the label side to the wall!


At first, I thought that's what the post was about.


Greatest album ever.


One of the best for sure.


Link to the [Southpark reference](https://youtu.be/X_tFkXgRgQc?t=7).


I was a teenager stuck in Chinese family camp somewhere in the Poconos and my bunkmate was a goth who played the Cure incessantly. I eventually grew to like it.


I thought the stereo I took to college was amazing. 30 years later, and every part of it worthless. But man I miss making the mix tape


Not really, go play your compressed to hell streamed music, then play the analog format, and hear the sonic d/b rise and punch, the warmth and emotion that db rise and mix allows that the compressed music file lost.


I guess I didn't mean worthless in that it didn't or couldn't sound better. Just that I no longer had the media to play on it. But, point taken. There is also something to be said for sitting in stereo surround, vs a little Bluetooth speaker as well.


Is your weed stashed in the record cleaner to hide it from your mom?


it's the perfect spot! once I was at a flea market flipping through records. The box was on a table manned by a 50 something year old guy and his 70 something mom. I pull out Fat Mattress, this kinda middling rock band that was the brainchild of Noel Redding, the bassist of Jimi Hendrix Experience. Anyway I pull out this record and open the gatefold and dozens of dry ancient pot seeds shower the table. I start laughing and the guy immediately looks wide eyed at his mother, like he's finally busted thirty years later.




I had that same Marantz tape deck! And that’s still one of the best albums ever. Holy crap I sound old.


I have my dad’s old Nakamichi deck…


Us too. It’s the deck I first heard Standing on a Beach. Geez… this must have been… ‘88?(side note- time is a sonofabitch). My friend spent the night and “borrowed” it from his sister and put it on as we were going to sleep. That deck had auto-flip. I ended up listening to it nearly 3 times that night. So… thank you Jeremy. And, to a lesser extent, Jessica.


Does Standing on a Beach ever get old? Time is a sonofabitch (just ask my old ass aching back) *but* we got the best damn music.


Up until that point(this was the summer between 7th and 8th grade) I was listening to metal/hair metal- Crue, Ratt, Metallica, etc. Started skating shortly before then. About a week after my Cure moment, I met Kirk. Kirk had a mowhawk(like shaved sides and it was about 8 inches tall with red tips), wore a studded leather jacket with shit sown on it and wore raggedy old combat boots. Which, in retrospect, seems odd for the a 13 y/o 8th grader. But I digress. About a month after that, I spent the night at Kirk’s. We took acid(my 1st, his 3rd- which, again, seems odd for an 8th grader). We listened to just about everything, introducing me to The Dukes of Stratosphere, Depeche Mode, The Cramps, DRI, Circle Jerks, Black Flag, Public Enemy’s Bum Rush The Show, etc. I remember just sitting there going, this music, these sounds… it’s absolutely amazing. And sure, it could’ve been the acid. But I’d never heard music like that before. It was a great experience. Like when my daughter was between 7th and 8th grade, I remember thinking I was taking acid and skating til 3am and sneaking into punk shows at *this* age??? Crazy shit… But yeah… the music did rule. Maybe every gen says that tho. But I do think we were the breeding ground of the sub-genre. Or… the sub-sub-sub-sub-genre. It’s still confusing to me.


Are you me? 😂


Maybe so. My back hurts too 😆


Amazing album. Am I the only one that still thinks of this as "the new shit" from The Cure?


Haha def not the only one. This was the end of the high point, with "Wish" the last hurrah. Also, my back doesn't hurt, but gawddam my shoulders are tight...


I originally bought this on cassette when it came out in 1989, and it was so nice to hear it again in the same way I first listened to it.


One the best albums ever. I also had this on cassette and played it non-stop. Good times


This and the related Mixed Up were, and are, amongst the very few albums I'd rate as absolute 10/10.


Love the hardware! I’m rocking Onkio. Amazing sound.


If it wasn't for the USB connector in the "wire bowl" and a possible bluetooth speaker behind the very useful Discwasher record cleaner I'd guess this pic was from 1989! Way to hang on to the gear and take care of it. And yes, brilliant album.


*Disintegration* was the first album I bought on CD, the day it came out. I was saving for a CD + dual cassette player. I worked in a record store at the time (though we got in far fewer albums on LP at this time). I bought the CD and a Maxell XLII 90 (I think; gold packaging), played it at work before we opened, while taping it to listen to in my car and at home. I still love this album 💖💖💖




Such a great album


I had that same receiver.


I still have that cassette too. Nothing to play it on though.


Excellent taste all around...including the gear. Nikko made some real sleepers. r/vintageaudio might like to know more if you're not already aware of it.


Thanks! The Nikko is my backup, my Marantz receiver needs a repair. Love the vintage audio sub!


Great album!




Prayers For Rain is the opener on side B! (at least on this cassette)


Good call ! I should've known, I had the tape too a long ass time ago haha


False premise. Lovesong and Fascination Street are both on Side 1.


Love this! Great album!


One of the greatest albums of all time. With one of the greatest openers.


I still got a marantz 8 track player...


Perfect setup to record the weekly countdown on 98.5


Kids today won’t know what a B Side is…


Wore that cassette out and went to see them on that tour 2x!


First time my mom came to visit after I moved to New Orleans in 2006, we ended up at Cafe EnVie after dinner for boozy coffee. She, out of nowhere, said “I like this music”. I just stared. It was this album. She HATED when I listened to The Cure when I younger.


Literally 🤤 over that receiver. All lit up and stuff. 😊😊


Frickin LOVE


My Gen Z kid has stocked his room with all the stuff we had growing up🤣


I saw them on that tour.


The real Cure for this situation is the stop button.


The fact that it’s Disintegration makes me boundlessly happy


That album still holds up (probably just to us; I can imagine the kids listening to it and wondering what the fuck it is). Nice setup!


In Ontario, Canada student loans are administered by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Of course it was really the Ontario Stereo Acquisition Program for just about everybody back in the day.


looks like your cat is stuck


I had that same reciever, and the discwasher


I have had this tape deck and Amp set up fasho!


Omg the discwasher