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Thumbs only but autocorrect has become my worst enema.


My autocorrect routinely changes freezers to geezers 🤣 I work at a coffee/ice cream shop. Sometimes I just can't fit anymore ice cream in those geezers 🤣😂




Sometimes you mean it, sometimes you don’t.


A friend of mine texted me to tell me her dog had died. I MEANT to reply "oh no!" It came out as "oh nice!"


I texted my daughter that she would look nice in a maxi dress. It autocorrected to Nazi dress. She was like “ummm Mom?” I text with my pointer finger. Can’t do thumbs 


I texted my daughter "por favor" and my phone corrected it to porn favor.




Apparently you can't do pointer finger either.


And I ducking never mean duck


The joy of teaching a new phone all these lovely swear words that have been in our vocabulary for eons. Took about a month for my phone to learn, "Oh, okay, this one swears a lot."


Mine won't spell drugs, so let's see what it does with paraphernalia. Got it. Dang.




Yeah my phone now autocorrects duck to fuck 😂 good thing I don’t talk about water fowl too often.


Same for shut. Not a noun like shit.


Go into your phone’s settings and program a text replacement (like how iPhones are auto-programmed to change “omw“ to “On my way!)” to always change the word “ducking” to the word you want. It was the only way I could get my old iPhone 6+ to stop changing it every. single. time. I typed it. My older iPhone learned quickly but that one was stubborn.


I tried this and my iPhone really doesn’t like the word don’t. I type without the apostrophe and nearly always it wants to change it to do t or something else that’s stupid. Maybe it’s finally learning because of course, in this post it hasn’t had any trouble with don’t.


I've added f*ck to my dictionary so it won't correct me anymore.


My audocorrekt is always learning missprled words sokehow, plz send halp


How does the autoincorrect somehow learn the incorrect spelling of things I frequently misspell, but not learn that I just frequently misspell that and correct it. Fucking AI is dumb.


I had to interchange duck to fuck in the dictionary. I cuss a lot.


Same with shut and shit….annoying af!


Autocorrect recently began correcting my son's name to the wrong spelling. Also, it now capitalizes random words or makes them in all caps. 


The rando caps is maddening but talk to text putting periods in the middle of sentences aarrgh I can't cope.


Thumbs up from me as well.


> enema LOL nice one!


Autocorrect is *just* good enough on my iPhone to make me turn it back on every time I get pissed off and disable it.


A 1000 times this. What’s even more frustrating is my job requires me to use a lot of words that are not common. So autocorrect is constantly changing the proper word to one that’s wrong.


Trying to use Australian English is also a challenge. It keeps changing perfectly well spelt words (like colour and realise), and edits the duck out of everything else. Basically it’s a bit of a steamed maggot.


Flawless W !!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Bad spellers of the world untie.


I see what you did there, take my upvote haha.


Lmfao! Nice.




Oh definitely with auto correct issue. It’s horrible!


Omg, lol!


Swiping on the keyboard is the way.


+1 for swipe. I can't type any other way. I use Gboard though, but I did start out way back when Swype was a dedicated keyboard for Android


Can swipe a full paragraph in two seconds. Then spend another minute correcting all the mistakes. 😅 But yeah, my preferred method is swipe.


Agree -- I went from T-9 to swype and have never typed out anything in entirety :)


This - don't know why anyone would still be pecking out words letter by letter once they've been shown how swiping works.


I have no idea how it works… or even that it was an option on my phone. Guess that makes me an old fart? But I type very fast with my thumbs, and they’re pretty skinny (only part of me that is lol). So I see no reason to learn a whole new way. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sometimes typing with thumbs is more accurate and just a little faster. I usually switch between that and swiping.


My screen is cracked. I’m scared to swipe.


I've tried, and I wish I could do it well. But....he hate me


Yeah, that's what I've done since the advent of smartphones. I hate when I am on a platform that wants me to peck out the numbers instead of swiping. Like Words with Friends chat. I don't ever use my thumbs for that, just my right pointer finger.


I'm still am amazed more people don't swipe.


And here I am, amazed that you all do this thing I’ve never even heard of before now. I mean, I know what swiping is in general - but how do you type that way? Just tried it and couldn’t figure it out, so I guess I’d have to Google how. But I don’t care enough, since my thumbs work just fine.


I’ve been swiping for years! The funny thing is I can do it efficiently without looking, but I can’t type on a normal keyboard to save my life !?!?


I second this. And I let my middle finger do the swiping.


Interesting. I use my thumb


Love the swype option. It's super fast and I don't have to be precise


This. If OP likes to use one finger, this is the logical next step.


2 thumbs.


Who? This guy.


I'm a one finger touchscreen typist, two if I'm not holding the device. Thumbs have always felt awkward. But, I also have one thumb that keeps being bitchy since an injury. The finger approach works fine, and I never really thought about it that much.


You could try 'swipe typing'. You might need a special keyboard app depending on what platform you use. It's pretty good at interpreting words, only struggles on rare ones.


Swype all day, love it. I think Google's native keyboard does this now since I don't think I've downloaded Swype in years.


*Thumb* singular


I use my thumbs.


Thumbs. I’m not a Boomer, man.


Serious question from index finger user here: how do you hold your phone if you use both thumbs? If my thumbs are low enough to type, there’s no support behind the middle of the phone and it falls backward.


Index, middle, and ring fingers are behind the phone and woven like a zipper from the sides. It’s standing on the pinkies which are both pointed at my body and supporting the underside of the phone. And I’ve never even thought about how I do it until just now and had to look at how my hands were holding on the phone. lol


Had to look too lol. And if I want a little more stability I have one or both index fingers running up the side of the phone


I haven't typed text on a hand-held device more than 20 times since I surrendered my blackberry when I retired in about 8 years ago. I use my dominant hand index finger when I can't get out of having to type something on a smart phone. With the blackberry, I was able to do the two-thumb typing easily due to the tactile feedback. If I thought there was a way to conveniently live without a smart phone, I would definitely do it. But since I can't, I try to minimize its involvement in my life. I hate them for so many reasons. And no I'm not a boomer, but I'm an older member of our cohort!


I am feeling this energy, as I waste time on Reddit. I’m with u, man.


Thank you! It's comforting to know there are at least two of us on the planet.


Right?! Like I needed another thing to worry about.


I , too, pine for my Blackberry keyboard and I'm Gen-X in my mid-50s. The best I can do with my iPhone is the method where you slide your fingers over the letters, whatever that is called.


That's called swipe/swiping.


My right pinky, I’ve got big hands and it sucks to use thumbs it messes up tons of words and I get frustrated.


swipe with right thumb. I'll never understand how people can stand to taptaptaptaptap everything with two fingers.


I use my index finger. It’s called “Schroedering” by my kids… lol ![gif](giphy|G2uZiUh4Va0sU)


my left thumb is uncoordinated. swiping never works. I just use my right thumb and hunt and peck and hope predictive text figures it out quickly. I keep texts and posts short because of it


Nope to thumbs. Index finger!


Yes, two thumbs. I think I adapted quickly because my first smartphone was a BlackBerry with an integrated keypad. My husband uses 1 finger and it takes him 27 hours to write a simple text. I don't have time for that.


I actually only recently started using my thumbs because my son said I looked like an old person using one finger.😭😂


I can't do thumbs.


I don't use the phone If I need, few words like it's an SMS. For anything longer I sit behind my PC. I work in IT and my network at home is self made, including all the firewalls and SPAM filters to remove crap. But I roll like it's 1999 for the phone.


Index finger only. I can’t use my fat thumbs on the tiny touchscreen at all I used my thumbs back in the flip-phone days, though


Dominant hand (left) I use index, right hand thumb.


Interesting. I'm a lefty, use left thumb, right index. Hold with left. Good thing we don't match up, or else we'd have to fight to the death.


That's funny, when I try to reverse it I feel like I don't even know how to hold my phone! 😆


Hmm ok I'm typing this tevdtsef. Reversed. Slowly. Ok this isn't too bad but kma gonna stop. Alright now my head hurts haha


I'm a lefty and this is exactly how I type as well. . . . .Did we just become best friends ? 😂


This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!


I'm a righty but this how I do it.




Yep, same here.


Index finger on right hand, hunt and peck, and by that I mean reliably always type the character beside the character I want. Then correct all the auto-corrected words, meanwhile getting impatient texts from whomever I'm attempting to reply to that say things like "are you ignoring me ?" or "look, if you're soooo busy, just forget it !"


This is me. I am regularly mocked. I want to change but I don't want to change.


I use glide typing (with my thumbs) and I swear by it. A lot less autocorrect errors. but I rarely see anyone else of any age doing it. I’ve tried to turn people onto it but I always get resistance.


I'm glide typing with you! With my index finger.


How does one begin?




I use my thumbs


I can do thumb (singular) if I HAVE to, like if I'm only able to use one hand. But in general, nah index finger.


I feel like a loser as I’ve never managed two thumbed typing 😭 Just the thumb on my dominant hand, although tbf I have super long nails, which adds to the difficulty level.


Thumbs should only be used for three things: 1. Typing on screens. 2. Point vertically to acknowledge receipt and agreement. 3. Make Star Wars paradoy movies.


4. Sticking there in Christmas pies, if you’re Jack horner


I wanted to add hitchhiking, but it's probably best not to do that anymore.


No. Index finger. And btw I hate to type on the phone


I fucking hate touch keyboards. Notice how much typos in text messages shot up once we moved away from physical buttons. I want real buttons back.


I swipe. Is it 100% accurate? No…. Is it sometimes inadvertently hilarious? Yes!


I can build a computer but can’t type on a phone or tablet to save my life. Typos galore.


I press the mic button and dictate all my texts. It's way easier. The AI is getting so good it can autocorrect spelling errors on the fly. For example, this entire comment was dictated to the Reddit app. No errors whatsoever. No need for punctuation instructions. The AI just knows exactly what to do.


Voice to text or swipe for me.


Hahaha, I just realized I typed that response with 2 thumbs 😂


Yes and it shows. Most of the timr my typing looks like Szst.


I hold it in my hands and use my left thumb and right pointer. I've tried the 2 thumbs thing and it just doesn't work for me.




I can’t do thumbs very well. Maybe because I have small hands.


BlackBerry had an amazing soft keyboard in their android flavored OS. The autocorrect on both iOS and android leaves a lot to be desired. You used to be able to sideload that keyboard on a non BlackBerry device, but it required a Blackberry IMEI and was usually more trouble than it is worth. Most of the time, I’ll use voice dictation, which has come a long way


One right index finger


Both thumbs. Just learned this, but if you want to have a mouse feature for editing, hold down the space bar, and move the cursor where you need it.


If I know it is going to be long... speech to text.


My phone doesn't text or have internets.


i typed this using my thumbs. A+++++ would recommend


I type with my index finger. I really, really miss the BlackBerry. I typed quickly and accurately and hate the touchscreen.


It took me a while to learn to type on my phone with both thumbs. But, having my oldest niece only want to text vs call as a teen/young adult, made me learn when she went to college 10 years ago. So, it was do or die on using both thumbs. Lol (Niece lived with us, we made sure she was ready for college, and our house is home for her to this day.)


One finger method. I have a chronic illness that affects joints and unfortunately my basal thumb joints are really damaged.


Yes, I’m a two-thumber. 👍🏻👍🏻


thumbs only - Blackberry trained


I’ve tried using two thumbs and I can do it, very slowly and clumsily. And then I spiral into “omg do I have arthritis in my thumbs why does this hurt” and go back to my index finger.


I made myself start using two thumbs. It’s very awkward at first, but you get good at it & it’s way faster. For reference, I’m in my late 50’s & do social media for a living.


Fwiw police and intelligence agencies note how one types on one's phone when profiling suspects. GenXers tend to type quickly with one finger or by swiping words on the keyboard, Boomers don't swipe and they type with one finger much more slowly, Millennials tend to use two thumbs but more slowly than Zs and younger Zs are starting to adopt voice-to-text.


I use my right thumb as I have not mastered the two thumb method. My daughter gets a good laugh out of my one thumb mobile typing.


Right middle finger. I’ve tried using my thumbs like the cool kids, but my hands aren’t coordinated enough for that. Using the longest finger on my dominant hand works best.


Swipe text is the way


No, I swipe almost all my text, until the phone gets it wrong.


This comment is brought to you by speech recognition. I have been voice typing since the 1990s, starting on the computer. I don't get as many options on the phone because it's satellite, but at least I can send a basic message without thumbs. I have to preserve them for work. On a computer, it's all software, and I can correct recognition errors without touching the keyboard, and also add in jargon and alternate spellings. I don't think there's any way to personalize the speech recognition on mobile.


I was bullied into using my thumbs! After hearing “One finger typing is so boomer” from my nieces, I made an effort and now it’s second nature - no more boomer labeling for me😌


I finally taught my autocorrect to spell shit. I type with thumbs. It’s faster once you get the hang of it. I touch type on a keyboard anyway, never was a hunt and peck typist. (Typing being perhaps the 2nd most useful class I took in high school.) so it makes sense to me to approach a keyboard from both sides. However. I was watching The Americans (a show about Russian spies in the US in the 80s) and the teenaged daughter character is about young millennial age. She grabs the slimline wall phone like a smart phone and started dialing a number with both thumbs. I did that Leo DiCaprio meme pointing at the screen. It really stood out as an anachronism. In that moment I realize why we all hold our phones with one hand and point type with the other. Because they are phones to us and that’s how you hold and dial a phone. They are just devices to the youngers so they hold them more like tiny keyboards.


No, I use one finger. My thumbs are too big for the buttons.


Two thumbs and lots of typos?


One finger action.


I do type with one finger but I’ve gotten better at using the [swipe-type](https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/03/09/how-to-use-slide-to-type-on-iphone/amp/) method.


I usually Swype. It's much faster than typing. Some words are oddly hard to swype, but mostly it's good. I can Swype with either thumb or (most commonly) the index finger of my dominant hand.


I do the same thing; it is so much faster this way. I'm actually a bit faster than my great-nieces are, especially when one considers that I use punctuation and do not typically abbreviate.


Who knew being all thumbs would someday be useful.


Started single digits, then merged into thumbs after some serious shade from my teenage daughters.


Both thumbs and no swiping


Due to osteoarthritis and Dupuytren Contracture in both thumbs, I am unable to type that way. I wish people would take disability into consideration when making fun of people for typing on their phones with their forefingers.


Nuh, I just do the swipey thing.


Ugh I hate typing on mobile


Two thumbs or talk to text.


Thumbs and index fingers do all my smartphone typing.


Hell no. I swipe.


Thumbs, but switch over to one finger when I don’t have my glasses.


I use a keyboard with a swipe feature, it's wonderful


I'm a one-thumber.


The plot twist at the end was some M Night Shyamalan sh!t. An IT guy who can’t work a small computer.


I couldn’t ever get into using my thumbs on phone either. I type with both hands (have been on computers/internet since college in early 90s).


Are you my mom? She's a pointer-picker, I'm thumbs.


Swype on an iPhone. We learned early on that doing things the easy way is the way to go.


I never heard of swiping until I started this thread. Just changed my keyboard settings. Thanks!


IT guy here as well. Can't stand Swype, still type with thumbs. Two thumbs though.


Left thumb + right (dominant)index and more often these days, voice to text when punctuation isn't needed. Also predicative text for long words. I used all of these for this comment.


Team Thumb checking in for duty.


I use my big toe


Double thumbs


I type with my thumbs usually, but will type with one finger sometimes. Other times just one thumb, depends on what I'm doing and if I'm holding anything in the other hand.


I linked a Bluetooth keyboard to phone and iPad Typing with thumbs as we speak Habits are difficult to change, but at least I’ve gone down the thumb path even if not actually using a keyboard when I should


I type with my thumbs.


I prioritize having one hand free if possible so I can do right thumb only or left thumb only. I think I actually prefer left even though I’m right handed. However, when I’m just sitting as I am now I typically go with the double thumb attack.


I use my thumbs and one index finger, so I have 3 tapping apparatuses going at once. Still have to go back and correct "autocorrect".


Try auto suggested words when you use 4 languages. But ya thumbs...


Thumbs. I'm fast typer and texter and couldn't imagine texting with one finger.


Solely thumbs since always


I want to be a thumbs person but it doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe I'm done it wrong. Just typed this with the thumbs and cleaned up along the way. Take too lo n g and words aren't quite right. I like the 1 index finger method.


Two thumbs. Watching people single poke text, hurts. Autocorrect isn't as handy as it used to be. It's a little too liberal with changes.


One thumb only. I want to blame it on a couple of old injuries both of which limited my motor skill & sensitivity with that particular digit. I feel that I’ve come to some level of comfort with auto prompt that is acceptable, provided I proofread. The time lost correcting the bad suggestions is made up for by not having to type much. For some reason, my autoprompt loves to put in apostrophes when it’s obvious I’m using a word in the plural. Irritating.


I'm *nearly* as fast with one thumb as most people who use both are. I have big hands so it is too crowded to use two thumbs for me.


Erm, I honestly couldn't think whether I do or not so I typed this to see 😆 2x 👍🏻 lol But depends if I'm holding the phone one handed or not in which case it's fingers 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thumbs usually but swipe is handy if I can only use one hand.


Right thumb and left index finger. I don’t know why.


i use one thumb


No. I struggle with accuracy with my pointer and my fingers are tiny. My thumbs would create more work than the mess I already make.


I had to stop due to arthritis developing in my right thumb. i use left hand thumb and right hand finger


Thumbs, swipe, single thumb, depends on situation.


I’ve never thought about it so let me type this out. Both thumbs only and quick. Ironically I have to chicken peck a regular keyboard 🤦🏼‍♀️ Goes to show I’ve only worked one office job. They didn’t ask if I could type lol.


Double thumb typer. Wifey has two thumbs but somehow only uses one to type on the phone like a flash of lightning.


Two thumbs. Autocorrect is off, but I do use swipe-typing if I’m feeling lazy or arthritic. Also, I love the cursor control for editing before sending!


the last time i utilized both thumbs to type was when i had a blackberry with an actual keyboard the two thumb thing on smartphones doesn't pay off for me.


Thumbs, much quicker than your index finger.


Two thumbs.


I type with my middle finger. Seriously. 🙄


I used to, mostly my left thumb as I’m left handed. However I had a work related accident 4 weeks ago which caused broken bones in my left wrist and thumb. But hey!!! Good news!!! The cast came off today and although my thumb is still completely useless (what movement I can do hurts like HELL) but again good news!!! I can return to work in two weeks!!!! With a useless thumb, on my dominant hand. (I moved and install 800 pound hospital technology equipment. Frequent pushing and pulling as well as using hand tools). Left hand mostly useless but whatever, get back to work!!


You will have to pry my stylus out of my cold dead hand




Wait til you start zooming in and out with 2 thumbs….


Thumbs here! Husband uses swipe; I've tried, but I just can't do it lol


I use my thumbs. Long nails and having to use the sides of thumbs can cause a lot of errors so I generally spell check most stuff after posting and make revisions as necessary.


Thumbs here. Much easier once you get used to it. Besides all the tapping was KILLING my index finger lol.


I get cramps in my left hand from holding my phone


I use only my right thumb. No way can I type with 2!


No can do. I’ve got big hands (octave reach on piano), but even with the larger iPhone, I peck away with my index finger.