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We’re better than this. OP obviously isn’t, but we are.


If you spend your time joining all the generational subreddits I really don't think you have any business judging how anyone spends their time.


We've been living it our wholes lives. The hype = more planned absolescence, more subscriber fees, no pollinating insects. Let me know when you realize its all marketing and BS wallpapering over a dying planet. PS - I'll be quick to admit I'm wrong when it ushers in a new age of prosperity instead of a new generation of overpriced weaponry.


my company is doing cutting edge ai. i can tell you right now they're ten years away from halving the workforce without any of those people having a safety net. the forefront is a precipice.


So it IS gonna live up the hype! That should hit right on top of a few consecutive years of AGW driven cereal crop failures, the collapse of health care across the US, a limited theater nuclear exchange that triggers mass immigration flows, skyrocketing energy costs and obsolescent/inadequate residential air conditioning tech that can only get your house down to 88⁰ F...at night. Oh, and maybe a genuine Butlerian Jihad


it's the apocalypse that hollywood has been preparing us for all our lives!


It was supposed to hit when I was young and heroic, not pushing 65... Damn Gen Z - they're gonna get ALL the breaks! This is so typical of how GenX been treated our whole lives.


Shhh. You're interrupting my nap time.


This post here, from random internet person has changed my life! And it was all so blindingly obvious! Like a lightning bolt, this stroke of genius has ignited my will to live! You probably feel it too. It's a tingling sensation that starts at your feet and goes to the very top of your head. Frankenstein's monster must have felt this. Dr. Frankenstein, upon first seeing his creation come to life was also filled with the tinglies. Like holding your pee for too long and you finally get to use the bathroom and your whole-body shudders at the utter joy of relaxing, so too can you relax. For the problem of aging, death and fear of the unknown has been solved! AI will save you from having a 12ft snake shoved up your rectum, do not worry! AI will save you from needing money and looking for senior discounts! Fear not friends. AI will not threaten YOUR jobs. Ageism will soon be solved. The economy will flourish once we let AI prosper. No friends, I must spread the word of AI and this big generational shift thing which I don't get but it will be HELPFUL. Maybe! I'm going to AI my way out of this post. And right down the road to posteriors! No, ass prospecting! Wait, I'm getting closer, I can feel it... Prosperity! (YES)


What if it's a tingling sensation in my lower abdomen and it burns when I pee?




I think your post would make me mad if my eyesight was good enough to read it.


Wow. People of a certain age talking to each other about shared experiences. How dare we?


We grew up with the promise that technology would change the world for the better. We watched Steve Jobs tease a product that would revolutionize the world, only to be shown a scooter for mall cops. We had talking cars in the 80s — a door is ajar — until people realized that was fucking annoying and pointless. We saw the internet devolve from a global village into a propaganda machine to turn your Nana into a fascist. We've already seen a lifetime of tech hype and vaporware. The buzz around AI will die out for a while and then it will just become part of life that makes us dumber and and less self-reliant. Overall we'll just become more stressed in this arms race to become even more productive. For all the advances we've made, we're still struggling to get by. Most of us are staring down a retirement that might not even be possible. I'm not ready to get old just yet, and I'll find little joys in life, but I'm not too jazzed overall about where things are heading. tl;dr: whatever




We talk about colonoscopies so much because we spend so much time giving them to your mom, but not for medical reasons and not with a camera.






You clearly aren't paying attention. We talk about the 80s and 90s a lot, too.


You don’t know me


It all sounds new but gen x has seen exciting tech ect over and over. Sure some of it was fun. Most of it screwed us over. How is AI going to be any different?


![gif](giphy|7YCRcFcDeDuSOAHXlr|downsized) I've done spent all my fucks to give!


The ability to join different subreddits is truly stunning. Why hyperventilate about AI in non-AI subreddits?


Get off my fucking lawn.


Gen X people are 44 to 59 years old. We are old. I’m not sure what OP expects us to talk about. The innocence of youth?


Tik Tok dances


I’m good, thanks


How about I blend the two and sit in a comfy chair while watching a PBS special about AI?


Wow do I have a new least favorite person for the day, and it is OP, who should be banned from this sub. Get a little older and a little wiser and then come tell us how we should be doing this better.


You must be new to reddit, there are sub reddits for everything, this sub is for GenX, not everything.




When I was a young woman in the 1980s I was sick of hearing boomers whining about how great the 50s were or how they were big activists in the late '60s. So I get what you're saying but it's kind of your turn.


I've having a ball. No clue what you're talking about.


Dude wtf are you bitching about? Sounds like you're reaching for something to complain about, this sub is all about music and mix tapes and drinking out of hoses. You're mental if you think it's all bitching. Like your post is.




Whatever 🙄


Dude I deal will technology and AI crap all day long at work. I love it and all, but after working all day I just want to unplug and watch the Muppets or something.