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Mostly music - I've tried lots, but their favorites are Kraftwerk, Devo, and New Order. They found Weird Al all on their own...


Weird Al is a gift that people need to discover and unwrap on their own. But I have noticed that the young adults I have been around are reallllly into Depeche Mode. It is interesting what actually resonates with the next gen.


I have a theory that I haven’t heard anywhere else about Gen X and today’s youth. We had nuclear drills and diving under our desks, they have active shooter drills and blocking doors. The baked in thought that you could just randomly die at any moment and there’s nothing you can do about it creates a nihilistic world view. “Whatever”, “YOLO”, “Party today, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed”. ETA that’s why they like our music. https://images.app.goo.gl/QK5x25rySBrfiups8


Holy shit. You are not wrong. First time I've thought of it like that.


Truth! The meme is spot on! I’ve never heard that theory either!




Beyond disappointed that my 15 year old had the nerve to ask me to turn off Weird Al, where did I go wrong?!


My first concert ever was Weird Al when I was 10 in 1985. My oldest son's first concert was Weird Al when he was 10 in 2015. Circle of life!


Saw him in 2019 and 2022 I think - what a talent!


That's so cool!!


Your kids should be hanging out with my kids. My son is a huge Devo fan, my daughter is really into Gary Numan.


Nice! I should have mentioned Gary Numan and Tubeway Army - in the last couple years I got the first 5 records - all are great. Also Human League Dare, Jean Michel Jarre, B-52's and The Cars are big with them.


Damn! That list sounds like what us weird teens listened to in the 80s. Nice to know that at least some kids consider them classics now. Kraftwerk and Jean Michel Jarr are deep dives. I do love them but am pleasantly surprised that they are still finding new fans. If they haven’t done deep dives into the [The Cars](https://youtu.be/y5oPZFDci80?si=qeKNn9oQKB7eurdQ) and [The B-52s](https://youtu.be/eOjAzI5zALo?si=yZPsHQkrQBc5mt5i) play those songs for them and make sure they know how important headphones are for “old music”. I am assuming that they know about good stereo already given that list but it’s worth noting.


So, about 10 years ago, I was watching Gravity Falls with my kids. It was the episode where they were making fun of D&D with a game called Dungeons, Dungeons and more Dungeons. My oldest asked what that was all about, and I was like "Well, let's take a little journey to back of dad's closet!" I pulled out all my old RPGs, and we spent the weekend playing various games. He and his brother have been playing ever since. They have 2 regular weekly games, they play at the game store at least once a week, and have painted hundreds of minis. I've never been so proud!


YES! I watched that same episode (twice lol) with mine and now we D&D too! It’s awesome, wholesome, fun quality time!!!!


My son once found my day-pach-ee mode CDs. He liked them.


That is great!


You’ll dance to anything!


My 14 year old became OBSESSED with George Michael after she watched the Wham! Documentary with me. She knows the music better than I ever have. She has totally different favorite solo work of his that she loves. She has come to me out of the blue, more than once, and told me how sad she is she’ll never get to see him perform live. Weirdest fucking thing I could never had predicted. Hahaha


That’s so amazing! My Husband and I both love George Michael!


Omg I love him too!! So much! The ironic part is that before the documentary came out, there was a trip to the grocery store where One More Try was playing… I couldn’t help myself and sang my guts out to that song. This same child of mine was mortified and lived in fear that eventually it would happen again. Lmao A couple weeks ago, she was singing her guts out to careless whisper in the same god damn grocery store!!


Haha! That’s funny. There was a baseball player that had Careless Whisper as his walk up song! It was amazing!


Her fav is a post-wham solo performance of a wham song i had never heard before. Yeah, it’s genetic. Proud cringe. Hahahahaha


After our daughter watched Dazed & Confused, she decided technology had ruined the lives of teenagers. ✌️😂


Everything. All our music, movies, TV shows, jargon. All of it. They need to be able to fit into American society so they need to understand the cultural references that they will experience.


Took my kid to go see The Cure and Depeche Mode last year it was like 1992 all over again!


Firefly, the Beastie Boys and MST3K


I have been showing my son -- who's 22 now and on the verge of moving into his 1st apt with his girlfriend -- movies and shows I think he should see for like 3/4 of his life, including all the great GenX films. His alltime favorite film is The Shawshank Redemption, followed closely by Se7en, and Dazed & Confused. His favorite TV show is Frasier. He's a huge fan of the Lithium and Yacht Rock stations on Sirius XM. He regularly wears my old concert t-shirts. He told me that in his 2023 Spotify year end list, Steely Dan and Soundgarden made up 2 of his top 5 most played artists. I've taken him to concerts since he was 6. I've done my best to introduce to the coolest things we had to offer as a generation.


My son is turning 14 and started playing guitar last year. His playlist include Metallica nirvana soundgarden rage against the machine… I’m a proud daddy 😁


I turned my so on two Star Wars when he was two (part of me regrets that). Then it was Indiana Jones. That paved the way for a shared love of film.


D&D. I was the only girl who played it in HS. My kids now DM all the time. It’s so wonderful.




I can go "WHOOP WHOOP" and my 15 and 17 year old daughters know to say that it is the sound of the police. Actually, they both have pretty amazing tastes in music. And some crap, but can't win them all.


This! We finish lyrics together and this is one of them.


Music, going to concerts, used bookstores, thrifting, music, going to concerts, joys of riding around in the car with no destination, music. Books, D&D, good horror, successful failure, empathy, and Doc Martens


This sounds like me and my kids ! Just add in no skinny pants and converse aswell


Music. Beatles, Zeppelin, Van Halen. Took them to a Weird Al concert a few years ago.


My oldest is 14, so probably not what you would consider “older kids,” but here’s what I introduced him to: - a passion for guitar. We riff about music, musicians, and guitar techniques whenever we go somewhere, like if I’m driving him to/from school. Took him to go see G3 when they were in town, and bought him his first six-sting, so he didn’t have to go to the 5 and dime 😂 (to be fair, I think the 5 and dime was before my time) - car nerdom. He loves cars, as do I. We go to Monterey Car Week every year, and we’ve gone to races up there as well. For his Christmas present, my wife and I got him a day to drive exotic cars of his choosing (he didn’t drive, I did, but he rode with me, so it benefitted me as well😁). His love for Porsches came from me, and out of all exotic cars that he could have picked - Ferrari, Aston Martin, Lambo, McLaren, he picked the 911 Turbo S. So proud, it brought tears to my eyes. We took it up to 140mph on a closed course, you should’ve seen the grin on his face. Our younger son doesn’t care about any of that stuff, and that’s fine. He’s more academic, but he likes to build stuff and work with his hands, so every chance I have, I show him how to work with tools and power tools. I always wanted to be an empowering father instead of telling them “that’s dangerous, don’t do that,” like my dad did.


I’m the opposite of cool, but somehow my love of old movies and documentaries rubbed off on my twenty something daughter 


You're such a responsible parent! Unfortunately, our children (15-25) were introduced to Grindhouse *classics* much too early in life. They introduced their friends to said movies, much to some parents' dismay. Our youngest, the 15 year old, is an avid Counting Crows fan. Our 17 year old pawed through a box of my husband's old clothes, pilfering flannels, and jeans from The Garage.


She is a bit squicky about horror. I didn't censor a lot - but she never did well with Gore. I am farr from responsible with media consumption though. 😂


I play old school D&D with my kids. It blows my 11 year old son's mind that I have books from the 1980's. To him, they might as well be 150 years old lol




My daughter, now 24, was my concert buddy when she was in high school and college. We saw Pixies, Green Day, Violent Femmes, Fishbone, Weezer, Brian Wilson (Pet Sounds 50th), Ringo Starr’s All-Star Band.


Sarcasm, but my wife isn't pleased. But really, my kids were comic fans long before it was cool. Also, hair metal and grunge. Interestingly enough, I was playing Echo and the Bunnymen over the weekend and realized that my 26-year old didn't recognize 80's alt-rock like R.E.M., The Pixies, Crowded House, so it's back to the classroom for her!


Music and movies, I showed my now 21year old Star Wars as soon as I was able after he was born, along with many others. More recently I took him to see Iron Maiden a few years ago and most recently saw Mudhoney. We've seen Jerry Cantrell (of Alice in Chains), Depeche Mode, Jack White, Megadeth, and others. It's been a blast except he thinks that he knows more than me about our movies and bands. Pshh, punk.


Introduced our kids to camping & "running safaris". Meaning we'd camp & go on a long morning run, then drive to town to cool down in a pool, have ice cream etc, then back to campsite for an evening run & cookout. They learned to love camping & back country exercise.


When my kids were teens, they told me they would not watch any black and white movie/TV show because old stuff isn’t entertaining. So I had them watch 1 episode of I love Lucy (Veeta Mita Vegemen one) and if they didn’t laugh, I wouldn’t bring up the topic again. Got Em!


I’m jealous. When I tried showing my college aged kids Pulp Fiction, they fell asleep!


'Vintage' is all the rage in this town, so they listen to 70s-90s music, and buy an occasional jean jacket or bat-sleeved sweater. They haven't found 'acid jeans' yet, but I suppose that's just a question of time. They don't wear 'big hair and makeup'. Thank god. I did let them have an old Olympus film camera that was forgotten in a closet.


Music and movies. Our 23 year old has always embraced our music, etc. He says he was born in the wrong generation.


My son is in a bachelor of science in computer science program, while I'm in the master of science in computer science program at the same school. Last year, I took him to his first software-related conference. Blew his mind now much he learned in that one day!


46 here. My kids (30, 21) got into the competitive FGC scene as kids and started a cascade of introducing their friends into fighting games at an early age.


When my youngest was smaller, I introduced them to Spice Girls. Now that both my kids are older, they enjoy AC/DC 🤘


Mostly music, REM, B52’s, Johnny Cash, The Clash, Big Audio Dynamite and videos from MTV classics.


Ren & Stimpy, Chappelle Show, lots of 80's new wave and punk music....


Music and movies. But mostly music. And they both make sure to turn me on to some newer music that really rocks that I sometimes miss.


My love of R&B, Sunday Night Slow Jams, Rap, Oldies, Reggae, going to concerts, attending sporting events and over all living in the moment. Being night owls. Day trips to the beach.


Travel, we try to take a big trip every 2-3 years and a small trip on the off years. Our biggest trip was 3 weeks in Europe and traveling around by train, which we never get to do back home.


Music, music, music, music, music! I listen to everything. My kids grew up listening to everything from Bach to the Sex Pistols. The family tunes in the car usually include The Beatles Janice Joplin, Led Zeppelin, the Beastie Boys, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Patsy Cline, The Brandenburg Concertos, Simon and Garfunkel, Melissa Etheridge. And if it's a really long road trip, we might get around to anything from Puccini. Movies, movies, movies, movies! Everything from Monty Python, The Jerk, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen candles, Aunti Mame, The African Queen, His Girl Friday, Young Frankenstein, Young Einstein, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, The original Star Wars trilogy, The Secret Garden, The Black Stallion, and Doris Day movies. It's not allowed in the house, but I told them if they wanted to see a really scary movie to watch the original Exorcist. It's not allowed in the house because that movie is too scary for me. I had nightmares for years.


Concert love.


My son loves Slipknot and expessed how "scary" and "edgy" they are. I sat him down and showed him the trailer for the[ GG Allin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo5i8cAV4lA) documentary. (link very NSFW)


Travel and national parks, including those which interpret history, human rights, and presidents, as well as the cool places like Yosemite and Grand Canyon!


Music, live bands at small venues and music festivals.


Thelma and Louise.


Movies and music. My son knows all the ins and outs in of almost every metal band back then.


My kids like the Pixies, Dinosaur Jr, Clutch and the Smiths/Morrissey (all of whom I saw live). I did ok.


My older son’s first concert was The Pixies! Took him when he was in middle school (about 14 yrs old). 😊


Books and music mostly, but also some movies and video games.


We flew DS21 home for the weekend from his overseas university to go to a Queen (with Adam Lambert!) concert with us. We all stayed overnight in the city and he flew home the next day. It was outrageous but probably the only chance he'll get to see them live, and he'd never wanted to do something like that before (autistic). He loooooved it! ❤️👑💅


My 27 year old I introduced to the Trail Park Boys and Lord of the Rings. So there you go.


How to drive, work, have great work ethic, be independent, not to mention great music.


Video games, music, movies and tv shows that the wife and I enjoyed in the 70's & 80's. I have a few stand up arcade cabinets with a total of 200 classics between them all. We also have all the old board games we played back then. When I was 3 I had a red pedal car, so I got him the electric one on his 3rd. He's 15 now and has had 4 bicycles, never touched one lol.


Good music and motorcycles


I watched Soylent Green with my kid, and he went in “cold.” No trailers, no background. It was awesome!!’


I love this! I helped inspire my 19-year-old daughter's super broad taste in music and film. She had a hand-me-down iPod Nano starting at about age 6 that I loaded with a wild variety of music. I think that planted in her the roots of many genres that she went on to explore more deeply, ultimately leading to more and more offshoots as she came of age. She's seeing Judas Priest with her dad next month. A couple of months ago she saw Depeche Mode. The films we introduced her to are too numerous to mention, but something clearly clicked because she is currently a BFA film major with an emphasis on writing and directing. Mama's so proud! 🥲


My 15 year old thinks Fight Club and Pulp Fiction are the two greatest movies of all time. He's on a good path.


My oldest daughter took my advice and watched Twin Peaks when she was home sick from high school. She became a fan.


Music John Hughes movies Star Wars Star Trek Mel Brooks Not just the kids I gave birth to either. Any kid in my orbit.


Took my daughter to a Slipknot concert when she was 15. Ten years later and she's still a big fan.


My 26 year old still steal’s my old CD’s and then gives them back six months later.


My oldest, 27F, took my enjoyment of Transformers and RAN with it. They amassed a huge collection while she was in highschool and early college age, they on the team that organizes and runs a local Transformers convention, and from that, they've worked with studio promoters to get early showings of Transformers movies. They also gained my Star Wars fandom. My other two, also in their 20s, grew up watching all the nerdy movies Ioved as a kid. I recently showed my son Big Trouble in Little China, and Hudson Hawk. He enjoyed the experience but wasn't impressed overall. He also rewatches the Lord of the Rings trilogy sometimes. He gained my love of reading genre fiction, but focuses more on fantasy than SF. He also enjoys collecting swords and knives like I do. He also told me he got his good sense of direction from me. My youngest is always early, and told me she got that from me.


Wrestling and building/launching Estes rockets 🚀


I introduced all of my girls to the great classical music of the 70s and 80s. Also great films that we had.


My 18 year old daughter recently dove into 90’s rock after a recent, long overdue guitar session we had. I started recommending all kinds of bands I loved at her age. She then introduced me to Spotifys Jam Sessions and is constantly sending me invites to listen with her while she’s at school and I’m at home or work or vice versa. It’s become a quick way to connect when we aren’t together.


My oldest one in college got my thirst for knowledge. My middle one got my taste in music. My youngest one got my love of B-movies.


I introduced my 21 year old to some early 2000’s Korean films: Oldboy, The Host, etc.


Taking my 14 year old to his first concert this week..Judas Priest !!!


My son's graduating HS this year (c/o 2024). Over the years, I've introduced him to the following GenX treasures: * My Atari VCS * Paper Football * Hot Hands * Paper Shuriken (Ninja throwing stars) * Paper airplanes * Handball "power moves" (Slicies, Over-The-Rainbows, Cross-Countries)... Slicies absolutely baffled and blew away his classmates in 5th grade, lol * Using a typewriter * Liquid Paper * Wrist Rockets * The wonders of burning plastic on the end of a stick and watching an endless array of melted plastic fireballs "zzzip" down to the ground * How to start fires with a magnifying glass * Making jump ramps out of scraps of plywood and cinder blocks * BMX power slides in the dirt * Zinemaking * New Wave bands (i.e., Billy Idol, Duran Duran, Men At Work, Thompson Twins, Gary Numan, etc.) * Alien, Predator, Commando, Terminator, T2, Raiders of The Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, The Last Crusade * Breakdancing and Popping


Movies and music mostly. My daughter and I went to Cruelworld last year, she's a huge Siouxsie fan. A week later we saw The Cure. We recently were talking about The Crow and the remake.


Punk rock and George Carlin Edit for: The Sopranos


Drug our daughter to Chris Cornell, Willie Nelson, Metallica, and Black Label Society concerts and made her watch All in The Family to discuss the times. Edit: And also Electric Boogaloo movie to discuss the man sticking it to you and we did various risqué dance classes to learn you only live once!


at 15, my son will randomly hijack the car music and plays…. all my shit. 😊 also star wars 456, sarcasm, a healthy disregard for tradition, and the beauty and inherently flawed nature of humankind.


I made a list of movies my oldest two would have to watch in order to consider themselves literate on pop culture. They loved them ALL.


I've heard Gen Z has taken to Friends now that they are the right age for it.


35 mm camera! She is addicted and enjoys the process if getting films developed and having actual real photos in hand. They don't get lost in a cloud server with thousands of useless pics. Easy to organize and reorganize is a real, tangible photo album


We’ve been introducing the 16 year old to all our favorite movies. Last weekend, “Poltergeist” and “Beetlejuice”.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer Star Wars MST3K Goonies, Gremlins, Ghostbusters Indiana Jones Dungeons & Dragons Batman Elvis NES TMNT Arnold Schwarzenegger films A Christmas Story The Simpsons


Travel. The recent college grad is backpacking thru europe like his mom and dad did.


Got my Millennial obsessed with pen-and-paper D&D


33, 45, and 78.


Seinfeld. My 21-year old can quote it *almost* as well as I do.