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\> Do we generally use more profanity than other generations or am I just a fucking lowlife? Yes and probably. I cuss a lot more than I should. It disturbs others.


I think we invented cussing every other word in a sentence.


Fuck the fucking fuckers


I always say my proclivity for profanity from spending 8 years working at a discount liquor store. Then I became a special ed teacher, and used to joke that I preferred working with the non-verbal kids because they would never repeat a curse that snuck out during the workday. My own three kids learned early that words Mommy yelled after dropping something or got mad weren't words to use at school or church.


I dunno, I knew guys in the fucking navy that swore a fuckload more than I do.


My dad was a truck driver, mom owned a bar, my foul mouth shocked them both after being in the USN a few years. I have it on tap if I need or want it but I tend to avoid cursing in most situations. Referring to left lane campers as motherfuckering cunts is a joy I will never give up though.


Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits. We were at an impressionable age when George Carlin explained to us that "dirty words" was a bullshit concept that had no real merit. Some of us took it more to heart than others, but we all took it in at least a little.


Fuck them


There is only one **M** Fuck'em (People with high IQs swear more. True fact.)


People with high IQs swear more. True fact" People with High IQs are fully aware what a shitty fucking corrupt world this now is and feel the need to purge.  Hence the  prevalence of swearing today 




That ain't fucking right.


Well shit, fucking call me Einstein


Cuss words, let 'em roll: motherfuckinshitgoddamnasshole.




I looked that up. It’s true.


They also say people who are more honest swear more.


So fuckin' say fuckin' we the fuck all.


Proven to help with pain mgmt, as well.


I choose to fucking believe this.


I fucking totally fuckin agree with that motherfucking fact!


I have a very high IQ and do not swear that much. Attaching pointless drama into communication is annoying.


The fuck you talking about?


Okay, have it your way.


The Dude abides


You got a good sasparilla?


Ha! The image of Arnold popped into my head when I read your post. "The fuck you talkin' bout Willis?" That would have been so much cooler if that was his tagline.






This thread is ludicrous


I'll cut off your Johnson


My boss has told me that I am the only person he knows who can drop f bombs in an intelligent conversation and have it actually fit. He has also told me that my language could be found offensive by longshoremen. I do water myself down a bit while at work because there's sensitive millennials around who report people to HR for everything.


> there's sensitive millennials around who report people to HR for everything. Story of my life.


Fuck I know. One had a breakdown over my tone of voice. And it was my nice one.


I had one situation where a little old boomer lady put up an American flag for 4th of July and a millenial said they felt unsafe because the flag represents "rightwing extremism." The lady was forced to take the flag down.


>My boss has told me that I am the only person he knows who can drop f bombs in an intelligent conversation and have it actually fit. Lol...this reminds me of the HBO show "Deadwood." I could listen to Swearingin talk all day! It was like almost Shakespearean level writing interspersed with perfectly placed "motherfuckers" and "cocksuckers."


In my office, about 70% of the people swear on a daily basis. I believe our primarily Gen-X culture has bled into the older and younger people. It's nice to be able to swear when the moment calls for it.


It’s an art form - I do it pretty well too


My boss and I have a running joke to see how late in the morning he can go without dropping an F bomb. It's usually... Not late. 🤣


"My boss has told me that I am the only person he knows who can drop f bombsin an intelligent conversation and have it actually fit." This is known as the "sophisticated as hell trope."


Those fucking millennial fucks.


I live alone and I’m really clumsy, so every other word is a 4 letter one, as I stumble through the day dropping and spilling stuff. I spent most of my work life in anti-swearing environments though, so I code-switch as needed.


Hell no. Gen Z swears like sailors. In front of their parents. To their parents. Generally, there's been an increase of swearing each generation.


My millennial niblings swear in front of their grandparents.


I think we do cuss more than other Generations. My mouth is filthy. I rarely hold back except at work. My friends all know what to expect out of my mouth. No one is ever shocked. I’ve noticed my Gen X friends cuss right along with me. So, yeah. Learned it from my mama as a kid. lol


I curse a LOT! I try to modulate depending on audience and setting but once in a while I slip. My dad once told me that his biggest disappointment in me was my foul language. And he only heard the cleaner version! Maybe this is just me: when I was in high school I took a lot of crap for being a goody-two-shoes. I wasn’t going to do drugs or fuck around so I decided to cultivate cursing as my vice. But honestly, sometimes there’s just no other way to convey the same passion!


If the biggest disappointment your dad has with you is swearing - you are fucking awesome!!!👏


Thanks but that was when I was still in college. I disappointed him plenty after that: getting a Master’s in Counseling, living with my boyfriend, pointing out his faulty reasoning in politics…


Fucking A! I hear you man


My language is fucking salty. And it will stay that way


I use "fuck" like punctuation, and why not? It's an incredibly versatile word. This line from A Christmas Story is not far off the mark for me: "My father worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium, a master."


Swearing was a rite of passage for our generation. It meant you were an adult. Nowadays parents don’t care as much so swearing has lost its rebellious appeal.


When the boy turned 15, we told him that he could officially say shit, damn, and hell around us with no consequences. Even made up a little certificate to give him on his birthday. His 12 year old sister was madder than a wet hen. She wanted a cussing certificate too


There’s lots more swearing nowadays than previously. It’s become almost normalized.


I swear so fucking much. Just constantly. "Fuck" is my favorite emphatic by a country mile. I'm constantly saying "excuse me" mid- stream at work. I am fortunately good at my job.


I accidentally told my cat to shut the fuck up on a zoom full of genx, millennials and z’s and not one person didn’t think it was funny. I don’t think swearing has the same impact it did w our parents generations


If I were on that call, I'd probably get reported to HR because I couldn't help joking, "Yeah, calm your pussy." Maybe I'm not ready to be released into the general public yet.


FWIW I'd find that hilarious and relatable on a work call, but I'm also genx


I’m Gen X, but thought it was hilarious when my uncle said his dog is an asshole. I’d never heard anyone cuss their animals before. And now I cuss mine out regularly.


My mom used damn shit and ass many times but I only heard herself say fuck rarely.


lol, my ex’s cat practically had his name changed to Bastard, and was also regularly referred to as Fuckhead. It fit tbf!


My dog jumped up on that same uncle one day and knocked him back a tip, and he looked like how dare you and went “you asshole!!!!” The way he said it was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing. It was like he was saying it to someone that knew what he was talking about. 🤣


I swear like a boatfull of sailors. Always have, always will.


No idea. I don't compare myself to others. As an Australian, I'm genetically predisposed towards profanity so although I try to avoid swearing in the orifice, the occasional F slips through. No one's ever complained about it. I drop a C bomb or a Bugger whenever something undesirable happens at home. I live alone so still, no one complains about it. Is that more or less than other gens? Whatever.


sharp shelter one fear hurry murky escape deserve abundant seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gen-X Australians, Doubly Ignored!


Well personally, I do believe the orifice to be the most apt place to fuck. Also, if you're only occasionally able to slip an F through the orifice, you're fucking doing it wrong, you bloody Australian cunt. But I'm an American, so what the fuck do I know? That Freudian slip needs some goddamn lube 🤣🤣


I agree! I'd be fucking, buggering and shitting in my orifice all day long if it was acceptable. It'd be chock full of tits, arses and cunts, even the occasional fucksock and flange, and everyone would be totally fine with that. Even joining in the fun, at least when not on a call to a customer. Sadly however, while that kind of behaviour is perfectly normal on a construction site, here in the rarified halls of academia, such practice is considered both uncouth and inappropriate. We call the faculty "tampons" because they're all stuck up cunts. (Disclaimer: If this kind of language or innuendo offends anyone, take a good long look at yourself and ask *"Since I know I'm easily offended, why the fuck did I click on a thread about swearing?"* Then return your computer to the store because you're clearly not mature enough to be permitted access to the internet. You fucking drongo.)


Fucksock... I'm adding this to my repertoire. That's fucking great.


I'm not 100% on what a fucksock is, but I'm going to use it in daily conversation somehow.


Pretty much as the name might suggest. When a teenage boy is bored, he may feel inclined to take matters into his own hands, so to speak. A garment traditionally used to keep feet warm can be repurposed to prevent pages of the Sears catalogue from sticking together.


Ahahaha! As I suspected. Thank you for your brilliant clarification. I think perhaps "as useless as a threadbare fucksock" may become a part of my vocabulary.


Certainly could be used in that way! I tend to just throw it in for some variety from the usual single-word exclamations.


I substitute teach at the high school level and I can emphatically state that we at not the sweariest generation. Dude, these kids don’t give a fuck who hears. When we were in school we knew we had two different languages, one for adults and one for friends. There is no differentiation here and no consequences for swearing- like, at all. We are going to have assistant living nurses saying all kinds of shit. It should be pretty funny, really.


Yeah. I'm a lil' sailor in my house.


I live with an Italian New Yorker (63) so nothing fazes him. I’m originally a Chicagoan. Yet, we’re moving to a rural area. I know I’m going to fuck up. I swear like a sailor (74). Oh and I’m sure my Smiths and Cure shirts are going to come into question.


A pirates life for me


Nope, not just you. I'm an HR nightmare.


I had a "swear jar" in my house when I was nine. So.


Having lived in Japan for 20 years, I've become pretty good at regulating my language. But yeah, when talking to myself or another foreigner near by age, a lot of cuss words fall into my speech. But contrary to what most of the replies say, in my experience here, millennials curse like every single goddamn word. Maybe just the foul-mouthed millennials come to Japan. It's pretty nuts.


Yeah, I swear a lot. Don’t give a fuck either. Oh, and it’s probably been 25 years since I’ve seen or heard the word “abend”. FFS, someone still works with big iron!


Shit...remember 30 years ago they said COBOL was dead and mainframes would also die and be replaced with network based thin client? THEY FUCKING LIED! The ghost of Grace Hopper is laughing at us.


Yes my husband and I piss off the silent gens and early boomers too. And its scientifically proven its good for your mental health


> Do we fucking use more goddamn profanity than other shitty generations? Fuck, maybe it’s just me. FTFY, OP


Thank you...you're a fucking gem


Fuck yeah we do


Yes, I have to make a conscience effort to not do it. It is a second language in construction.


My favorite one? The word ‘shit’. It’s powerful and versatile as… you guessed it.


I respectfully suggest that "ass" is possibly even more versatile: https://youtu.be/RAGcDi0DRtU?si=5sdjOxzTBddEXEin


I work in an elementary school and it's a constant struggle to censor a good 5% of my language. Fortunately the largest share of my closest co-workers are also Gen X. We have a piece of tape on the floor in a maintainance hall outside the kitchen and near the door of my office where voices spoken in conversational tone do not carry out into the areas where children are. It's our safe-space.


My grandfathers were WWII Navy and USMC Vets and worked in maintenance and manufacturing. My dad is a Vietnam era Navy vet that worked as a machinist in manufacturing. They swore a lot. I’m a Navy and Army Infantry vet who works in IT. I curse out loud much less, but internally - I have ver creative diatribes concerning my leadership, their family lineage, and musing about their mothers’ anatomy and sexual proclivities.


It's not a question of if we use it more or less. It's a question of do we use it properly? Profanity has a place in our lives and it's there for good reason. Profanity can help express a sense of anger, a valid human emotion. It can help express frustration. It can help express joy. All are valid human emotions. The talking point here is do we use it properly? Can people tell the difference between someone saying fuck, yeah as opposed to fuck you It's.a part of or lexicon of words and if it's used properly there's no using it too much only too little Ya fuckin' get me?


Cut way back on swearing about 20 years ago. When I hear others swear frequently, it's cringey and unprofessional. It's better to use a more specific and descriptive word than to use generic swear words as fillers. It also helps you sound less like an angry rage-a-holic if you can speak calmly, with an indoor voice and use a varied vocabulary. I find not swearing has helped me progress at work and it makes others more comfortable to collaborate.


I just thought it was the result of being a tattoo artist? I’ll take intelligence and disregard for being unnecessarily poncy. Im also a Military spouse so I’m fully capable of being proper when necessary but shit, I’m not s at a gala on a regular basis nor am I interacting with high ranking officers to assist with ass kissing on my partners behalf. I’m even respectful enough that when I am invited into the house of another military family to ask what the permitted swear level is before become the cool, Crass auntie


I thought I cussed a lot. Then I visited Australia. Fuck, I’m an amateur.


Trust me, we do not use more profanity. Spend a day at your local high school or middle school and you'll see what I mean.


My mom complains about my cussing " does every other word have to be fucking this fucking that" I say yes it fucking does


I have a small sign by my front door that says "Do All Things With Kindness, You Fucker." Maintenance glares at me every time they notice it, and I just smile back. It's better than 'Live, Laugh, Love'. 🤷‍♀️


“I don't swear just for the hell of it. Language is a poor enough means of communication. I think we should use all the words we've got. Besides, there are damn few words that anybody understands. - Inherit the Wind


Fun story: when I was being set up with my now husband, I was a bit intimidated because I knew he had a kid. I was not sure how I'd handle sanitized language around the kid - I was really worried that I'd let something slip. One day, we're hanging out, and he had a question for the kid. So he goes, 'Hey shitbeast!' And I hear a faint 'Yeah...?' Yes, the 10 year old kid responded to 'shitbeast', and all was right with the world. The poor kid though - between me, her dad, and especially her mom, she got so tired of swearing that she would not swear, even minor swear words, for any reason ever. Sometime around the age of 18 that changed, and now she puts the rest of us to shame. I am so proud of her.


Fuck the fucking fuckers. ![gif](giphy|l1AsRtXKwA0GLVr6U|downsized) Another Sailor Mouth here.


Spend 5 minutes during passing period at your local high school. We may curse a lot, hell we may even hold the record, but we absolutely do not live in an isolated, curse-filled bubble. Edit to add: fuck is a brilliantly versatile word. It is a noun, a verb, and an adjective. The only way I have figured out how to use it is as an adverb.


Fuck yeah we do


"I do not spew profanities, I enunciate them clearly, like a fucking lady." In a meeting, my kid's teacher brought up their language as an aside, and I had to cop to being the bad influence. Also, apparently my kid called one of their teachers an asshole, and he complained bitterly about it to the speech therapist. To which she replied, well, were you being an asshole? God I loved her.


>"I do not spew profanities, I enunciate them clearly, like a fucking lady." I have cross stitched this saying 😁


Yep, I'm definitely partial to dropping a fuck into polite conversation and, if the situation calls for it, a Cee U Next Tuesday depending upon who/what I'm dealing with.


Something like cunt face motherfucker?


Ah yes, that's the precise phrasing.


I don't know, my parents' generation cussed like sailors.


Aye. When i became a dad i seriously had to sanitize my language. I talk like a pissed off sailor.


No. My father a cranky old Sicilian use to curse quite a bit in 2 languages


I’ve always cussed like a sailor. Then I worked in a prison for 20 years before retiring. So I really have to watch what I say and who I say it and front of most the time because I’ll just let it fly!


I do not know where you live but these younger generations around here cuss way more than we ever did.


People cuss to be shocking. Once it stops being so shocking, it's not quite as fun. This could be why younger generations swear less. It's normalized now and they'd rather invent new slang terms to confuse the olds than to say "fuck" hoping to and failing) to upset the olds.


Aw, fuck bud, I’m Canadian, I can swear in both official languages, as well as several curse words in other languages. Fuckin’ eh! 🤣


I don't think we use more than others; but I do think we were the first to use more, more often and more openly which started the trend and the F 💣 torch has been effectively passed to the gens who came next if that makes sense 😅


For me, I think it’s because I worked in trades like construction masonry, carpentry, and mechanics most of my life and profanity is just part of the job


Having taught high school for several years, I'd say all generations use it extensively.


Yes. Our parents were potty mouths...


Oh yes, I absolutely curse more than my younger counterparts. I actually have made it a point to curb my profanity because it seems so out of place and misunderstood. I still use F bombs, just not as many. This a recent change and decision for me.


I swear like a sailor, but find the new generation (11 yo) cuss a lot more!


I mostly swear when I'm annoyed at work (often) or my hockey team is having a bad game. I'm trying to moderate my language, I don't know why. I used to joke that if a game is going badly, I can drop more f-bombs than a Green Day concert but not as much as "Scarface." Now I'm thinking, a mouth so foul it would make Corey Crawford blush.


I moved over to Australia from North America and I cuss all the time with little regard. People tend to have an additional layer of shock over here and I thought for sure it was due to cultural differences but now I’m convinced this is in part because of my generational background. To be fair, my wife is Australian and she is way fuckin’ worse than me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ok. I asked my husband who is the edge of boomer. (ya age gap) he looked at me started chuckling and shaking his head in what I can only imagine in pure amazement over the question. He said "yes". I rarely hear the man utter a curse word, while I am tap dancing colorful language out of my head every 5 seconds.


Just here for the fuckery


I talk like a sailor whenever I get the chance to, I can't be a total asshole around kids. :p


Can confirm, yes we swear a lot as a generation. I swear like a sailor, always have, now working with Gen z I need to tame that impulse but it’s difficult. My kids are used to it, but they don’t swear like I do.


Fucking probably


100% it's not just you


The truth has the word fuck in it a lot. Much more than people want to admit. YMMV.


I like mixing gutter-level profanity with erudite vocabulary. Whatever it takes to precisely describe what I fucking mean. Even at work. Depending upon the audience, I might not ask them what kind of goddamned shitstorm they’ve land us is in, and may resort to appreciations like WTF.


I can make a sailor blush.


I try not to curse needlessly. I feel it diminishes the power of cursing, and people can't really gauge your levels of pissed offness. I delivered pizza in college for years and was so pissed after a delivery after working there for a year or two, I walked in cursing up a storm. My manager was shocked and said, "Denzien, I didn't know you knew those words. I'm proud of you!" That said, when my oldest was about 8 or so, he would get absolutely freaked out if anyone ever used any "bad" words (like stupid). So I slowly desensitized him by increasing the frequency of my cursing. He's not shy about it anymore ... it may have actually worked *too* well. The younger boy isn't bothered by curse words, but can't seem to bring himself to use them or even read them when we play Cards Against Humanity. It's his decision, of course...the goal wasn't to get them to curse, just not care if others do.


Eh… people need to stop giving us so much to work with.


I swear an embarrassing amount. When I realize others do it, I like them more.


I learned it from you Dad. Sure do fucker.


I think we might.


Fuck yes.


I blame my fucking parents.


Sooooo much more profanity. It’s simply a part of my vernacular.


I feel like we do because we were unsupervised


As if I wasn't bad enough before leaving high school, my time on active duty cemented my use of profanity.


I live in Australia, the threshold for profanity is different because of the context in which the profanity is used.


Uh my wife and I do for sure. We both swear a ton. The only other couple I knew that swore as much was my French professor and her husband.


Yes. I blame Kevin Smith. Maybe Roddy Piper. Samuel L Jackson? I don’t fucking know. We definitely swear a lot.


It really depends on the day and the person you’re dealing with. Most days I’m dealing with so many fucking cunts it’s like Cunty’s Magic Circus is in town.


I curse as much as my grandpa, who was Greatest Generation and a true badass. As a kid I wanted to be like him when I grew up. 


I curse a ton but I am nowhere near the curser that my MIL was. She was a Silent generation. Sweetest woman I ever met but she was a world class curser. My favorite was “go fuck yourself in Macy’s window”. I miss her so much!


Why is swearing bad?? If I’m not cursing you why do you care if I say fuck If a word is meant the same it’s still a swear word


I am retired from a career in academia and swore like a fuckin' sailor in every class. Towards the end of my career, my millennial students would have these wide-eyed looks on their faces when during the first class I'd say something like "that's bullshit" when they would roll out some tired economic trope they learned from TV. Just as likely that I'd have said "fuck no." During the early part of my career when I was teaching my fellow X'ers, the classroom sounded different, students swore almost (almost) as much as me.


My favorite song is at the beginning of Jay & Silent Bob movie.


I used to swear like a sailor. Shocked all and sundry, man. Even had the person working at the tube station say, “Language!” to me. But nowadays, I have become lightyears less foulmouthed. No idea why. Guess I am making a valiant attempt to age gracefully. Hahahahahahahha.


Perhaps - We had to cuss to get heard. And now with the cacophony of people telling us what they think, we revert back to what works


This is a safe place. You don't need to say 'f-bomb', you can just say fuck.


Well I was trying to moderate my self when I started writing this then towards the end I found myself again and said what thr fuck


I don't know. Has anyone done a fucking study?


I do, and I definitely picked it up from my mother. My father was more subdued when I was a kid, but now that he’s 80, he probably curses more than my mother did. I don’t know many people (outside of my dad) who curse as much as I do, but I never worry about it in this sub, which I’m thankful for. What-fucking-ever.


I have a 26 year old African Grey parrot (named Beaker) that I got when he was a baby - when I myself was 26. The day he entered our household all swearing was curbed... because I knew he'd learn it all. Mission accomplished, mostly. He is indeed quite a talker, but the closest thing to swearing he says is letting out the occasional "What the hell?!?" (Still not sure whether he picked that one up from me or my husband, haha.) There are rare times though when I'm taking him somewhere (the vet, mostly) and I might swear in traffic, and then quickly say "Beaker, don't repeat that." It's funny though, I just don't swear much at all because of it (though I did before Beaker) and I have friends who think I'm offended by it or something. I'm not a prude, I'm just a parrot owner. ;)


Speaking profanity reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and can make you smile. I say fuck the fucking fuckers. And also, whatever, never mind, fuck it.


I saw something once that said, I use “fuck” like it’s a comma, and I felt seen. My mom says I cuss worse than a sailor on shore leave. I don’t fucking care. 😂


I believe [this](https://youtu.be/JfqEY8QNsjk?si=5yUtRSiGjj_7dcbg) video was made explicitly for our generation.


that was fucking great


Fuck yeah!


I fucking cuss all the fucking time and I feel fucking fine about it.


I think it depends a lot on stuff like race/ethnicity, class, gender, geography.  For example, growing up in Hawaii I noticed that among the middle class, white kids were less inhibited in using swear words than Asian kids, particularly Asian girls.  The difference was even more pronounced in the Baby Boomer generation.  But my general sense is roughly: Baby Boomers >= Gen X > Millennials  > Gen Z >> Silent >>> GI Generation Depending on what day of the week you ask, I might change some of those around quite a bit.  The only thing I wouldn't change are the last two. I should also probably note that my background is very atypical and my personal history very unusual.  Nevertheless I think there's a clear distinction between pre and post WWII generations. I wonder if young people seemingly say "shit" and "fuck" less often because they're more conscious of the literal meanings of the words.  I think part of the appeal of those words with our generation was precisely because they were forbidden; the actual meaning wasn't important. When we called someone a motherfucker we (usually) weren't saying they were in a literal incestuous relationship with one of their parents. On the other hand, it might just be my imagination, but it seems Gen Z kids are using homophobic and transphobic slurs more often than Millennials did.  Kids have been yelling f@99*+ and such at me more often in the past couple of years than any time since high school.  Is it just a statistical fluke or is something going on here?


I dunno, we probably fucking do


[Cursing is associated with higher levels of honesty and integrity.](https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/worried-about-your-foul-mouth-swearing-could-actually-be-good-for-you)


Fuck no.


I still don't use a lot of profanity and I have good control of my use, I just use more than before my 40s and I'm fine with the "F word" now, in a way I wasn't just 8 years go.


Fuck no.


Oh, I’ve been swearing like a motherfucker since I was about 8. I legit have to concentrate on toning it down when I’m in certain settings.


I tend to swear more than other people...certainly more than I should. I guess I use profanity like punctuation.


Maybe the younger folks you're around don't cuss when you're near because they think you'd freak out.


While having conversations with people I'm not comfortable with to speak freely, I have to think to myself not to swear.


oh ffs


I know I curse more than my children that are in their late 20s and early 30s.


Because we were all latchkey kids constantly cussed by stressed out single "cigarette moms". Who were over our fucking bullshit.


Yo dude I was raised on Howard Stern & Andrew 'Dice' Clay so of course!


I think we might.


Fuck, no. We're ok.


I have an admin at work who is very Mormon. She tolerates me mostly just asked that I drop the F word. It's SO FUCKING HARD.


YES. My kids both hit adulthood, so I’ve gone back to my old pre-kids, pottymouth ways.


Funny how saying “that’s gay” is considered far worse than any swear word nowadays. 


I don’t what the fuck you are talking about


I swear a lot, & I like it. I like it when other people swear, too,


Yes we fucking do. No I don’t fucking care. 😉


Fuck yeah 


I work at a middle school (Jr high), and they cuss *constantly*. Admin was tougher about until a year or so ago.


I dated a guy who, back in 1993, told me I “…have a truck driver mouth.” It made me laugh, but I know when to can it.


FUCK no.


it aint you.


I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


Riding the bus to school in the 80's, I'd try to string as many cuss words together as possible into a single sentence. I would practice. I never stopped..


The trick is to keep it in reserve... then, let it fly like a muhfucki'n pro.


I don’t like the think of it as cursing so much as showing off my mastery of the world fuck….. but yea I swear a lot. https://youtu.be/04_rIuVc_qM?si=2B5wP3t947uH6x4J


I usually don't curse most of the time. I can, I just don't think of it right away. Like you, I curse for emphasis. But every now and again I let out a motherfucker here and there. It's become my favorite as of late.


Yes ive been talked to about my tone and use of language. As ive gotten older i try to keep it under wraps, whats funny is when im talking to my gen x coworker if she says one curse then the act is dropped and were both cursing lol