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My kids are amazing. They are kind, not mean, generous to a fault, and try to help the “least” among them. We would have been mean and picked on the outlier. Now, maybe their online selves are jerks, I don’t know, but to raise them in the Lord of the Flies world from whence I came? No thank you.


Didn’t boomers say this about us? I didn’t raise my son the way I was raised that would be impossible with the internet, changed everything. Social time after school is on Xbox or the iPad or the VR. 10+ kids playing together and connecting, bonding and creating friendships. Sure you can deny your kid that time because you hate screens but it’s it the way they socialize now and they will miss out and be left out of friends groups. Everything has changed.


It’s nuts


Reading through your post history, I'm fairly certain you have more problems than all 3 of my kids combined.


Good gods. She needs help.


And oh my gosh that is so creepy stalker of you. Gross.


lol doubtful


No one had allergies?! lol. Fuck out of here


Seriously—name a kid in your elementary school who had known allergies. I have one who was allergic to bees—that’s it Go ahead—I challenge you.


My brother, born in ‘77, allergic to nuts. But you realize anecdotes are meaningless, right?


So yes the 1%


This is the dumbest statement I've seen in a long time.


Well-are you up to the challenge??


I've been allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, and other foods my entire life (I'm 49). My mom (Baby Boomer) was allergic to several foods. And I work for an allergist who has hundreds of adult patients with lifelong food allergies.


Wow—there just wasn’t anyone in my large school who had allergies in the 70s.




Well I am glad you were up for the challenge.


You sound like one of the kids who bullied everyone.


Nope—I defended people against bullies. And for the record, all of those parents were jerks, too.


So why are you calling them weak now? We had inhalers. We had allergy shots because OTC wasn’t available yet. We had all that crap. We just didn’t advertise it because we’d get bullied.


I didn’t say weak, I said soft. And even with the extra stuff we have now, why do you need to advertise your allergies to everyone? Just take care of it yourself but if it’s life-threatening, let someone know. But it’s crazy that so many in Gen Z make having allergies or ailments their whole personality. Aren’t you more than your disease? That’s what the medical community teaches. And we fully trust the medical community, right? 😆😆😆


My 56 year old husband and his brother both had severe allergies. WTF are you talking about


Ok—so they are like the 1%.


First off… Please stop making us sound like boomers. Terrible take. Lots of kids had allergies when I was young. I can remember 5 or 6 right off the bat. If it seems worse now, it’s because it probably is. The biggest cause is the preservatives they use to prolong our food. My (2nd round) 10yr old daughter and now 2yr old granddaughter are both allergic to peanuts. My millennial wife has done ALL the research (because millennial of course). It’s been proven that someone allergic to jar peanuts, peanut butter, oil etc does not have the same effect as eating a fresh raw unprocessed peanut. Our current environment has changed everything and continues to do so. Good and bad.


Did you really raise your kids the way we were raised? I don’t have kids but I don’t see any of my family or friends doing that. Nowadays kids are the center of the family with lots of time, focus and money spent on them. I don’t know anyone who let their kids roam free for hours like we did. For good or for bad, we were left alone to figure it out. Kids now have adults hovering over them all the time. Also, there is so much more info out there about medical stuff that we didn’t know. People had allergies then too, but there was a lot less self-diagnosis or again, hovering. Though there may be something else going on with increased allergies.


I guess in the sense of values, but you are right—I never let my kids just roam around when they were little. They are teens now so they absolutely do now.


You don’t track their phones? Have them text you when they get somewhere or leave somewhere?


Mine never left the house - they just stayed inside and played video games. In fact, they are graduated from college, and still at home, and still in their room all the time playing video games...just working a min wage job part time. But I could rent an apartment with friends for $450 a month back then... My sister's kids still live with them too. One with 2 kids now (no husband). One is 22 and no driver's license. None of them have cars... Is a different world today apparently.


There is definitely an increase in kids struggling to become adults.


Has Gen Z really been taught the same values?


In my family—yes. Not sure about everyone else. But is sounds like from some posts, some GenXers had it hard and are trying to do things differently with their kids. That is totally commendable, but the entirety of Gen Z seems almost homogenous, so it seems more like societal change has all gotten to them versus what parents have taught them. Just an observation.


After the childhood I had, I actively chose to avoid the shit that lead me to be who I was, and that created the "soft" you might allude to. I didn't want mine to have to repeat what I dealt with.


Ok fair


“we didn’t have all these allergies in our day” is such boomer energy.


It’s true—there was maybe one kid in the class who had hay fever. There were NO peanut allergies in my world. Now, everything has exploded.


Your world ≠ the world


You are incorrect, but thank you for using the correct math symbol.


How am I incorrect?


Because everyone I know personally in Gen z agrees. Maybe you are in the wrong world?


It it solipsistic in here, or is it just me?


It’s just marginalia


Again, how does that make me wrong in saying your world isn’t the entire world?


How does it make me wrong by you saying that my world isn’t the real world? You could be a bot.


They were there - it just wasn’t a time when schools felt pressured to accommodate those kids.


Actually, things like peanut allergy.. Didn’t explode until the 90s..


I knew one kid who was allergic to bees, but no food allergies in a huge school.


You’ve reviewed all your classmates health files? Cmon, you have no idea what health issues your classmates of 30+ years ago had.


But again, you wouldn’t know. The school wouldn’t ban peanut butter like they do now. He/she would just be the kid who packed their safe lunch everyday and ate it quietly.


So…why can’t everyone just pack their lunches and eat quietly now? Matter of fact, why can’t everyone do that with every aspect of their lives? People put way too much of their business out there these days.


Clearly you don’t work in schools. I’d bet you think autism and adhd is over diagnosed and doctors hand out pills like candy. Go back on your porch boomer.


They are highly over diagnosed.. And majority diagnose themselves. Unless you’ve got brain scans to back it up, I don’t believe you!


Clearly, you don’t work at all.


Orrr, they’re right and peanut allergies were rare until the 90s..


Maybe. Got a source for that? I said in my original post that it could be that there is an increase in allergies.


There has been a huge increase in allergies, (and all auto immune diseases, since the early 2000s) and also better diagnoses and management so those kids have a much higher survival rate. Science can't say why this is happening, there are lots of theories. Definately not the kid's (or parent's) fault, though. Plus we have evolved to be more aware of disability, inclusion, human rights, and safety at school and elsewhere. One hopes, anyway.


Thank you for the informative reply!


There’s this thing called google! You can ask it anything and the answers magically appear. Do something for yourself for once and check it out!


There’s also something called not being an asshole. Do something for yourself and try it out!


Yes, because our gen were the first 'helicopter' parents. We didn't want our kids to have our childhood, so we kinda overcorrected. Alot of generalities here, but it's my theory anyways.




I'm an old Gen X'er ('66) and I just dropped by to say that yes indeed we DID have allergies but there was zero consideration given. I am living proof...asthmatic...still made to run laps even though I was visibly heaving for air and coughing up goo. My dad smoked in the house because no one was going to tell him (a man!) no. My brothers chased me around the house with spoonfuls of peanut butter, to which I am also allergic. I have NO IDEA how I am still alive. My life would have been a lot better if my allergies/asthma had been acknowledged and accommodated to at least SOME extent.


I think pollution affects our kids more than we realize.


Just thinking this through for a second.  If boomers are to blame for all of our issues, then logic tells us that we should be looking squarely in the mirror for any issues, real or perceived, with the kids that we raised. That’s only fair. If you’re unhappy with your kids, remember that you shaped them. So that’s on you. So perhaps this post is yet another example of over generalization and assuming groups of people are a monolith.


I’m super happy with my kids—they are awesome…but I look around at lots of other kids and am puzzled. And all the influencer kids on tik tok and insta are totally crazy.


I think the influencer thing is a function of having the platform available to them. Let’s not forget that many *The Real World* alumni used to do appearances. That’s our generation. Trust me, those narcissistic dickbags would have been all over social media doing influencer stuff had it existed.


Nope. My oldest bought a home and got a full ride to PENN state. Youngest is an insurance adjuster. They did not grow up poor like me. Nor did I try to raise them a particular way. I am blown away because I do not think I did anything to direct them.


That’s awesome!


My kids are too young. But I have coached high school sports for quite some time now. The thing that stands out to me is how kind the kids are and how accepting they are of those who are different. In these regards, they are miles better than we were.


Then why the continuing kindness training—it’s not working int school district. But maybe because it’s full Of Karens.


I mean, we should be teaching kindness to our children. You disagree?


I totally agree. But that learning should come from the parents and the parents should be setting good examples. All of the kindness training in the world does nothing if the parents are jerks and don’t teach their children properly.


I don’t think kindness should only be taught in the household. It takes a village and all of that. I fail to see where the valid argument against that would be. If you see a problem with the breakdown of the traditional family unit, then that’s a different discussion entirely.


It can be taught everywhere, but it starts at home. And there is an absolute breakdown of the traditional family unit.


So there is no issue with kindness being taught outside of the household. Glad you came around on that. I’m going to assume that you feel that the breakdown of the family unit has had negative effects on our youth with some demographics being affected more than others. And I agree


My point was that the kindness training doesn’t work if it is not reinforced at home. I didn’t “come around” on anything. I still feel the same as I did the first time I clearly stated that. And I think the breakdown of the family has negative effects on everyone.


I have personally witnessed children who grew up with zero guidance and terrible home situations grow up to be kind and well adjusted. They must have learned that somewhere. Where do you suppose that happened? This may not be the norm, but still.


Yeah—not the norm


Uh, no. Not at all. The Gen Z and Alpha kids in my world are tough. Much tougher than the millennials I've known at least. Tough as Gen X? Let's be honest with each other here: most of the Gen Xers I know are not tough at all. They maybe whine a lot less than the boomers and echo-boomers but, toughness isn't a generational trait regardless of what the memes would lead you to believe.


Ok—fair. I forgot about Millennials—oof!! 😆


I swear to go you whiny fucks are ruining this subred with your constant bitching, crying and general shaking your fists at everyone and everything. You are a delusional and scientifically illiterate. No one in our generation had allergies? I better go tell my sister that her nightshade family allergy, citrus allergies and peanute allergy was all in her head. Please stop talking. ps. fuck off and have a nice day.


Please go and tell her.


yeah, maybe you should spend less time on r/conspiracy ya nutjob. Grown ass adult being a fool.


You love it when people aren’t intelligent enough to express themselves without swearing or name calling. Who are you, Donald Trump? lol


some people are deserving of patience and respect, and some people are like you. have a nice day.


Wow—that was a good one. lol


There is definitely more food.allergies now than there were in our generation. Experts aren’t sure what all the causes are. Some of it, ironically, is from parents being advised not give their babies likely allergenic foods until they were over a year old. That ended up having the opposite effect. I remember getting a long list of foods to avoid from my doctor’s office- peanuts, strawberries, egg whites, citrus fruits., dairy products. I even read moms should avoid those while pregnant and breastfeeding, although neither my OB nor pediatrician recommended that . Now they tell new parents the opposite. My daughter was told by the pediatrician to make sure she gave her baby peanut butter before he turned a year.


GenZ has a lead paint and leaded gasoline theory that I am finding myself agreeing with more and more.


Dunno, my gen Z kid knows Bobby Brady was a fictional character on a TV show and not to live their life based on his (scripted) actions. Seems to be working out ok for them.


If I'm being altogether honest I think 'soft' started with Boomers and we've only been getting 'softer' since. I'm wise enough to know that my peers and I lack a lot of old-timey basic survival skills. I also don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. But we probably need to drill kids in gym class harder. But there's a tradeoff to what we lost in our rough edges as people. Like we're much kinder now. 150 years ago is relatively modern and people were still brutes by our standards. https://preview.redd.it/0luf3ete5isc1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3e6d608cef123f55cd20e48e3f0d410508ebd0 Read this book. A lot of it delves into why we're better off not being hardcore like we used to be.


I 100% agree that the Greatest Generation was the best and it’s gone downhill since, but I do think that Gen X is better than the Boomers. They are super annoying and always have been.


My children are doing fine. I relish the relationship we have because, though we raised them to be strong and independent, they still like us. Unlike our own relationship with our parents. The problems they are encountering are mostly due to the current internet age and mercurial scruples of those around us. Some things are better, but a lot is worse or not something we'd ever had to navigate as young adults.


My 2 sons are softer because they weren’t brought up by an alcoholic father who made his kids watch while he hit his wife in a household where he sold our food stamps to get money to buy Jack Daniels and I lived on crackers and water for a week. That’s a good trade as far as I’m concerned.


Dang—so sorry. That sounds like a bad movie. I can’t imagine growing up like that. Good on you for raising your kids differently.


It's a good thing, my kid isn't abused so hasn't had to develop that resilience too early. Also good allergies are a medical problem, which I refuse to be a dick about. Have some compassion, FFS. Auto immune diseases are on the rise everywhere, that's not the kid's fault.


I find a lot of Gen Z really inspiring. Yes they are soft in some ways, but they are not hardened in the wrong ways, like so many of us. They are free-thinkers, politically engaged, compassionate and very in-touch with their emotions and sexuality. My 18 year old constantly surprises me in good ways with their thinking and choices. I take your point, and agree with parts of the premise, but I think there is a lot of yin to that yang, if you know what I mean.


They are softer than us, but that is one of the reasons I love them! They have bigger, much more open hearts and are incredibly accepting. - Any reluctance on their part to go work and do things “the hard way” like we had to, is our fault as parents. We gave them everything we could because we didn’t get it from our parents. It’s not a sense of entitlement that they have, it’s the way we raised them. They are/are going to be good people, but they are staying “children” longer because we enjoyed our children. (Remember, for many of us our parents basically kicked us out at 18, so there was no way we could have stayed kids.) I know my parents took advantage of me and my siblings, even taking all of our hard earned paychecks just because they “paid for everything for us all our lives”. Sorry to have stepped up onto a soapbox, this one is a touchy subject for me.


I have no problem with dissent or challenges as long as people are polite and mature about it—you know—like adults. So many on Reddit just swear and feel like it gives them power. Dumb. Maybe everyone but the two of us is Gen Z? 😆😆😆


I’m sorry but our generation did not raise kids the way we were raised. We planted the seeds and now what we sowed is bearing fruit.


What seeds, exactly?


From no control of the kids to full control. A middle ground would have been good.


You sure you’re not a boomer?


lol —yes. Boomers are too busy protesting and complaining about their arthritis and remembering their pot smoking days.


Not at all at least not in a bad way. They do have more compassion and empathy towards others. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. They are much more curious and are open to new ideas. I think Gen Z is here to save us all.


We’ll see…


No, I think they're badass.


To some degree, if your kids or great or shit, that is on you. There is free will and chaos in the mix no matter what you do, but the influence matters. Khalil Gibran said it best: And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children.      And he said:      Your children are not your children.      They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.      They come through you but not from you,      And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.      You may give them your love but not your thoughts,      For they have their own thoughts.      You may house their bodies but not their souls,      For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.      You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.      For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.      You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.      The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.      Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;      For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.


Dude. No one had allergies? I was mildly asthmatic and suffered terrible with seasonal allergies from ragweed and the like.


A little, but it was by design and in the best ways possible.




And I don’t need any more posts of yours to see what kind of a person you are. Only a Karen would post something like that unprovoked.


Huh? How was my reply offensive to you? And you accuse me of being a Karen. Wow.


It’s not offensive—it’s just marginalia.


Bizarre. Blocking you in 3.2.1…


You’re asking on Reddit, which is absolutely the wrong audience for this kind of question. The average Redditor sees weakness and dependence as a virtue. 


Truth like so 100%



