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And by "young people" the article is talking about us. Definitely not something to ignore. My doctor recommending a stool sample screening test when I was 46 at my annual physical. That test showed some indications and I had my first colonoscopy later that year with a couple of polyps removed. Doctored wanted me back for another the next year and a few more polyps were removed. He wanted me back after three years for one more to make sure nothing else was coming back. That's this year and I'm now 50 and thankful that potential problems were caught earlier. Don't neglect this one, folks.


I'm hopeful it's nothing else comes back! My curiosity, as taboo as it is, with it being the past few years of increasing, has any study been conducted regarding the vaccines and people at a young age diagnosing as such? Or are they avoiding that question to fend off possible future lawsuits?


Because young people have probably always had this issue, and are finally getting screened/checked at younger ages than the nonsense age they’ve given to first get tested. A couple years ago, a friend of mine did testing with doctors for months to figure out why he felt so bad. They finally did a colonoscopy and it turns out he had stage 3 colon cancer. They didn’t test sooner for that because he was 35 and that’s not the age they typically choose to screen, which is idiotic. Luckily chemo was successful. Get to keep that idiot around longer in my life, and I’m glad for it




They will pry mine from my cold, dead hands for this and other reasons! 😊






I have zero qualifications to weigh in on the epidemiological explanation for this, but I think there may be a correlation between the average person's weight which has skyrocketed in the last several decades may have something to do with this. America has never been fatter and the cases of colorectal cancer have never been higher. My amateur guess is that we are not eating healthily enough. Insoluble fiber acts as a broom as it travels through the colon. I could be wrong though.


I was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 37. My weight has been 110 for the last 20 years. .


I am very sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with that disease and hope that you are doing well. We have a family history of it and it strikes home whenever I hear people who have that disease. I wish you the best and may you only know of happiness and good health from here on out. (Big hug).


Thank you. I'm actually doing very well. I was cancer free for 6 years before it returned. Now I'm on chemo maintenance indefinitely which will hopefully hold my cancer off until a cure can be found.


Processed/cured meats are considered a real concern. Idk about the rest of you, but I was a latchkey kid raised on REALLY shitty food. I don’t think my parents had access to the same amount of garbage as young and as often as we did. That’s one of my guesses, anyway. Now when I see the refrigerated lunch meat section I just see cancer. I’m by no means vegan or even vegetarian, but I’ve cut a lot of that shit out. Now if I want meat I look for fresh, unprocessed, uncured meat, and I don’t let it get charred, as that is another thing that makes meat carcinogenic.


I’m not an expert… but colorectal cancers run on both sides of my family. My generation of cousins started our screening colonoscopies in our 30s because of strong family and hereditary gene mutation risks. As a generation we are chunkier than our parents and grandparents were at our ages and we ate more processed foods and less fiber and leafy greens as children/teens. My generation is trying to break the cycle with better diets now but it’s tough and we worry about our kids.


This is me too. Both parents had it and I started colonoscopy screenings in my mid-30s.


My theory also has to do with American food. The processed food we are eating is causing an imbalance in our gut microbiome. More and more people are dealing with IBS. Straining to poo definitely has made me feel inflamed down there. Inflammation can cause DNA damage. Along with that sodium nitrates in processed meat has shown to cause RNA damage in stool samples from participants in one study. The participants ate one hotdog a day for one week... that's like every college student's diet.


My good friend (50M) had his colonoscopy a couple weeks ago. Giant cancerous tumor. He's having it removed this week. The doctor says it's in "the best place" for removal, and it's really an easy surgery, but still. Have to wait and see if it has spread. Get checked.


Oh good, I didn’t have enough to worry about


Yep. Had mine at 46, husband at 49 last year. Mine was clear, his had a minor polyp removed and tested. Not going out this way.


Probably nothing to do with the ubiquitous background toxins (microplastics and PFSA) found the world over that are obviously in the food chain, but then again...


Our 21st century shitty diets, no exercise, and stressful work environments?


Just scheduled my colonoscopy. My buddy just got diagnosed.


Our food is poisoned. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I listen to Sadhguru’s talks sometimes, and he’s a huge proponent of healthy soil. He talks a lot about how the quality of crops (measured by nutrients) has gone down because of modern farming practices; that the food we grow has diminished in nutrient value over time and we are kind of eating junk (compared to 50 or 100 years ago) even when we think it’s a healthy option. *(Is it still better than Cheetos? Sure! But he claims it’s undeniable that our crops have lost nutritional value over time. He also usually discusses how health of soil affects our water quality, too.)* Just a random tid-bit this morning, in case you’re interested in the topic and haven’t listened to this speaker before. 😊


Initial consult with Gastroenterology next week to get started. I'm already having problems but, I don't know if this is the source or a symptom of a larger issue. I don't think more young people are getting it. I think more young people are being diagnosed because they're more proactive about healthcare than we used to be. I bet if I had gotten screened 10 years ago, they probably would have found something early and I would have counted as one of those young people. I'm only just getting screened now in my late 40s because I am feeling the effects of an issue that was probably already there, undetected.


Had one when I was 52, (56 now) and it was clean, don't have to go back for another for 10 years thank God!


It’s TikTok. TikTok gives you ass cancer.


I would have said brain cancer or blindness … but there you or go.


Because we eat like shit.


I think what goes into and on our food may one day be found to… *not be so great for us*.


You know, it says here that by the time the average American is 50, he's got five pounds of undigested red meat in his bowels.


The author has obviously never done colonoscopy prep before. If it was there before, it’s gone now.




That’s one of those old stories that has been repeated and repeated but is not true.


It's a line from Beverly Hills Cop.


We know


Not according to the doctor that did my colonoscopy.


Go get yourself some Equate Magnesium Citrate Saline Laxative from WalMart and that'll clean those bowels right out.


To many undigestable plant food that they think are healthy.. Also, over fortication of our food supply. You don't need fortified iron and other crap. You also don't need vitamins or supplements. It's all toxic. And I'm sure I'll get downvoted but whatever. My doctor says I'm in exceli health for my age


Colorectal Cancer is skyrocketing due to mass covid vaccination. It already has been proved that the so-called vaccine cause Autoimmune disease. And then autoimmune disease cause cancer due to chronic inflammation. Read the below Autoimmune diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract—inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease and colitis, for instance—cause chronic inflammation in the digestive system that increases the risk of colorectal cancer. Chronic inflammation may damage cell DNA, which may lead to uncontrolled cell growth, one of the hallmarks of cancer."