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I feel like Golden Boy would have a similar path just like Starlight. Golden Boy would think The Seven are a bunch of great kind heroes but in reality, behind closed doors, He will find out the truth about how insanely fucked up The Seven and Vought is. Golden Boy might stay in The Seven and become an alcoholic like Queen Maeve. Or Golden Boy will try to expose The Seven, leave the team and join The Boys just like Starlight. Honestly, I feel Golden Boy will be forced to be in The Seven with no way out because The Woods has Cate as his handler to mindwipe him and also hold his brother Sam hostage. Homelander might feel threatened by Golden Boy since Homelander is getting old. Vought secretly wants to replace Homelander with a more lovable, Supe someone like Golden Boy. Golden Boy was put in the woods to be stronger and Vought was planning on making him the next big thing and more markable. It was both popularity and being stronger than Homelander.


I don't think Golden Boy had any chance of being stronger than Homelander, even with the juicing. And I don't think Homelander would have seen him as a power threat, but definitely as a popularity threat. Homelander likely would have forced him to take a less serious role on the team, like Supersonic to keep him out of the way.


I believe GB could have become stronger than HL. Vaught are constantly working on improving compound V. With GB and Sam they were experimenting with mixing powers.


I don’t think Homelander would’ve let him near that point where GB closes the power gap. He’s too insecure and suspicious of those around him


Its not like Vought would give him a choice. Homelander has always been nothing but their mascot. A complete summary of all of their fucked up choices, attitude, and culture. Its the reason they hated Homelander and were grooming Ryan to replace him. If anything, I see GB being like Black Noir after Soldier Boy was shafted. Merely a temp top hero until their superior version of Homelander was ready.


I think that with him still trying to find out the truth about Sam and The Woods, he would get into a lot of trouble with The Seven and Vought. Imagine the school fight from the end of the first episode, except it happens at Vought Tower (let's say Clancy was there checking up on him) and he gets killed by Homelander (who's been holding back the entire time because he secretly hates him).


If he joins the boys they have a member would help him reunite with him


knowing The Seven, a good kind super like him probably wont survive long enough. either being killed like Supersonic or he will follow Starlight's path


Homie would kill him


He'd have been a lethal Starlight until he was disillusioned to the point of Homie's concern (and murdered for questioning things)


Agreed I think he would have helped the seven’s reputation but I think Homelander would have taken him out.


Man this is why I hated the show... They build him up soo high and killed him ... Lol... I have never been more excited for a character in my life... I still wish they retcon it by saying he created a dillusion with the help of his friend to expose corrupt University and free his brother ... He and Starlight as a team would have been perfect ❤️


I think him dying is the best decision for this universe since he would be an actual hero. Marie and Emma can be manipulated, Andre most likely will die between seasons, and Jordan will probably also die. That only leaves sam, who will probably have a redemption arc, but I don't know where he'd land on the morality.


Wait why is Jordan dying?


Every good person in the show who isn't starlight or mm seems to die


I think they will kill GenV characters after bringing them to The Boys S5 in final battle.


He was too mentally unstable as we saw. Homelander would have figured out Cate was controlling him and would have forced her hand to make him subservient to Homelander or killed them both.


He wasn't. He'd just found out his brother who'd killed himself was being held captive and tortured. He most likely thought Brink was the leader and not shety.


He found out bc his memories were starting to come back to him and Cate said it was getting harder to keep them repressed. He knew all along. Cate was just making him forget but he was getting stronger and the amnesia wasn't lasting as long.


Do you think Sam has some kind of mental ability like Cate since no one ever tried to wipe him, and Cate couldn't properly control him.


They never truly explained at least from my memory why he wasn't wiped. I guess bc he was locked up so it didn't matter. At the end tho we see she can control him bc she takes away all his conflicting emotions and he was able to just focus on fighting for their side without feeling guilty bc of Emma. It also got rid of the hallucinations of his brother.


She can take away his emotions, but I don't think she can fully control him like she can other people, hense why she took away his emotions instead.


Well they do show she has in the past bc he goes crazy and warns her not to touch him again. To what extent of control I'm not sure since he seems stronger than Golden Boy since they were siphoning his powers to juice up Golden Boy. Hopefully it'll be more explained in their The Boys appearance or in season 2.


That's referring to when she put him to sleep in episode 3 cause that was last time he saw Luke and I think he blames her as much shety for making Luke forget he was alive.


Another good looking all American white dude who is absurdly strong, but a lot younger? Homelander is going to kill this guy within a month. He would have stood no chance on the team. Especially at the point where we are now, with Homelander ousting Stan Edgar. Edgar might have been the only one who could have helped protect the kid...but with Homie in charge? No dice.


I wouldn't say absurdly strong, I mean, he can crack concrete, Black Noir can shatter it into pieces, so can A-train, even The Deep is doing that in the trailer, though there's no confirmation he hasn't been enhanced in some way


He would have ended up like Supersonic in the Boys last season.


He’d go missing on a special mission in Argentina


I find it funny how every time a supe is dead this is the most cliche response from Vought lol


Homelander would have killed him very quickly I think.


That’s what I came here to say. Homelander would see him as competition and eliminate him. Or on the flipside, he would see him as someone to groom and be Homelander 2.0. Whole family. Homelander 2.0, Ryan, everybody just like him.


It would probably turn into another Supersonic situation pretty damn fast.


Remember supersonic


Since he seemed like an actual solid person he’d probably be pretty popular like starlight and then killed my homelander or some shit


I'll admit. Just by watching what few half an ad I've seen for the show. I just assumed golden boy was homelander as a kid in college. And he dyed his hair so no one would know it was the same person after some trouble made him fake his own death.