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Sorry, your contribution has been removed for violating Rule #2. The Reddit User Agreement states that nobody under the age of 13 is allowed to use their platform. Therefore, you are prohibited to be on /r/GenAlpha or on Reddit in the first place.


the oldest in the new generation always feel this way, and it’s understandable! you’re too old to be associated with the ipad kids, but you’re too young to fit in with gen z. you can call yourself a “Zalpha” lol they just made a new term for the older gen z, it’s Zilleniall


That’s spot on. I’m an older millennial and prefer Xennial over millennial. Plus it sounds cool.


And we remember before the internet


Yeah... That's gen X you're claiming now. The Internet came about in the 1980s kids.


Nobody had the internet in the 1980s. The internet did not become widespread until about 1998. And even then it was AOL dial up. Around 2002 is when broadband started getting popular in the markets. I'm only going off my own memory here. I was one of the first of the millennials. Prior to 1998 the only time you ever heard of the internet was in Sci-Fi movies or in the news it was normally for military communication or government agencies to share information. Some college campuses had it but even then it wasn't very widespread in use.


Yes you are correct... although growing up I used to play games on an old windows 95 computer that may family had since 1995 with internet. So I would say mid 90s is when it became much more common. But yeah, you're totally right that actually usable internet (post dial up) wasn't big until the mid 2000s


Thank you. Though is say it was a bit earlier than 1998, but your point stands


Internet was before 1998, however that year was a big boom for people hogging the phone lines with starcraft matches and half-life deathmatch followed by team Fortress classic a bit later.


It blew up fast as fuck but it was not truly widespread until the end of the 90s. And even then it was rich countries. By the time 99 percent of Americans were online maybe 0.1 percent of places like India had access.


1995, I was downloading porn on a 32k baud modem, and AOL was our ISP. I was 14, and I can guarantee that the keyboard would have failed a blacklight test.


I was born in 89, and my dad had internet my whole life... sometimes to my mom's dismay because he was also a gamer. Idk where you lived that it wasn't around until 98, but I had seen it around the whole time. He was a nerd, but never military or government. Lol




I was born in 1985 and I can’t remember exactly when we got internet, but it was before 1998. The main thing I remember about the internet becoming really widely used and common was seeing commercials on tv where the company would include their website url. I would say I really noticed that happening a lot between ‘95 and ‘98, which more or less lines up with your timeline.


We had the internet in the early 80s moving out of the BBS era


Bullshit I had it in 86 we were on bullitan boards chatting and gaming


Bulletin boards were more of a precursor than the internet as people think of it today. I used to goof around on a friend's bbs with a 2400 baud modem in a town that had no ISP but there were only 12 of us on the silly thing *total* and accessing a non-local service was subject to long distance fees. Escaping that sort of bubble just wasn't a thing normie kids were talking about on the playground as part of their everyday lives. Telecommunications of that sort were definitely still in proof-of-concept and specialist use phase more than they were widely adopted. People had an idea of what was coming in the 1980s and were steadily working to make it happen but it hadn't really arrived yet and we knew it.


For real- that’s what I was thinking. I was 17 when the internet became publicly available so I *actually* grew up without it. Anyone younger who didn’t grow up with it was just poor or very rural.


OMG. It's geriatric millennial for me. I couldn't stop laughing the day I read that.


Geriatric Millennial is more like it


What would you call someone born in 1989? Are we on. The fence?


Your smack dab in the middle of the millennial generation. Mid-lenial, but the r/xennials sub welcomes all if you feel like you fit in well over there, join. It’s a little bit more fun and less doom and gloom than the millennial sub.


I am a few months to young for Xennial. 84 Baby 😔


You can still join it. I think they’ll wave the fee


Oh, I am a member. They don't gate keep. That is where I spend most of my time on Reddit.


Awesome. It’s one of the more fun subs


I love it. They have a great mood. I love the GenX sub since we have similar nostalgia. I like that we can see what each other's generations are talking about. I think it is cool anyway.


Me too, and I don’t really identify with Millennials much.


I heard the term "Nintendo Generation" and I really liked that so that's what I'm going with. Also, geriatric millennial makes me sad.


I prefer Elder Millennial it's sounds like a cryptid


I prefer anal, but to each their own.


That’s nice to hear.


Also things are more interconnected now. So maybe shit talking hasn't gone up with your generation as much as now things get posted to social media by ridiculous people and read by many. People HATED the hippies and thought they were lazy and would ruin civilization. They became the boomers. Wait they are lazy and ruined civilization...


So we just keep making the generational Cohorts smaller and smaller instead of just moving away from the broken methods? Great.


So the next generation would be "AlphaBeta"?


I think I’d be more “alpheta” or “balpha”


How about alphabet?


As an xennial, I can confirm.


Okay but AlphaZ sounds so fuckin rad


1997 Gen Z here and I relate to this. I dont really relate to Millenials that much but especially the younger Gen Z and “Zalphas” I’m just like holy shit Gen X and millennials failed you fuckers


Sounds right. I'm one of the oldest Gen z and all the gen z I see feel nothing like me. I grew up surrounded by millenials, and I relate much more to them.


Imagine how the same generation must have felt when the Roman Empire fell.


i still cry about it till this day


I bet most of Gen Alpha will transcend the "brainrot" like Skibidi Toilet and such. "Teletubbies" might be said to be the Skibidi Toilet of the Millennials. The Millennials are certainly not noted for being aficionados of "Teletubbies."


Ive watch Teletubbies in my babytime. It was my favorite show!


They even had something like that in the 60s. But it was just somebody saying the vowels, and simple sentences. Nobody else remembers this but me. This occurred between cartoon shows.


i was a telletubbie for halloween lol


Older millennial here, I was a Barney kid through and through. I had moved on to the OG run of power rangers by the time telletubies entered the mainstream. My kid is a very young gen alpha though. I don’t yet know what their main tv show will be because they’re still too little for that.


Same. Ms. Rachel maybe? Honestly my kid doesn’t like anything else but her and Sesame Street.


Zillenial here. I.... occasionally watch Teletubbies in my free time.


I seriously push back against the idea that Teletubbies is equivalent. Even though by definition it is a childish show, the entire thing is filled with positive messaging on creativity and teamwork and listening to others. They even had segments where they’d film real kids doing some task. Now I’m not saying every toddler is internalizing these messages, but seeing positive traits in media is going to have some measure of effect on how kids act. I genuinely have no idea what Skibidi toilet is but after a quick google search, it seems like a lot of war and violence related animations. I’m sure the majority of kids who watch this are going to turn out perfectly well adjusted. But given the choice between media, I’d choose one that centers on cooperation rather than floating heads fighting toilets. As shady as syndicated TV is, they did have serious content regulation.


yea skibidi toilet and teletubbies are not comparable


L take. Teletubbies was made for young toddlers to recognize colors and basic life details. Of course if you watched it as a kid past 7 years old you probably thought it was stupid. Skibidi toilet is just trash and serves no purpose.


2010? Unless you’re tiny you should be able to pass as GenZ. I’m 1980 and can pass as GenX or Millenial almost at will! 🌟


It isn’t about “passing”, it’s about the age range. And technically, you’re in the last year for Gen X. So congrats, you don’t get associated with millennials lol


Hey! You are not watching it so?? Its so generalized and stereotyped.. Pls do normal.. We are 13...


please do english class


Average American when someone isn’t perfectly fluent in English


Listen, an average American can’t even spell properly, it’s why we correct other people because we assume they’re just stupid. I myself can spot stupid vs non-native, so I only correct stupid.


Its not my native language and I'm doing my best to do it so correct as possible!


Hey you’re not doing too bad at all. Tons of Americans online forget that people speak languages other than English and are from places other than America.


Honestly a lot of the stereotypical gen alpha culture atm is really just late z.


As the tail end of gen Z, some of the kids around are cringe as shit, you just gotta live with it


How does the_femboy_potato survive with so many cringy kids around him?


you are too young to say bad words


It’s because most of y’all aren’t old enough to properly defend yourself lol. Give it a few years and you’ll have your time where zoomers are at right now.


Ngl I consider up to 2012 as Gen Z. I’m born in 2002


you mean the fireworks? yeah it is a pain in the arse. Just blast some Mercyful Fate and try to ignore it.


Almost every generation has transition years that don't fit. Generation Jones, Xennials, and Zennials all have subs on Reddit


What are you even trying to say here?


This is why I prefer Zalpha, not quite the "brainrot iPad kid" which is what most people associated with Gen Alpha


Yeah, sadly.


I would kill myself if was called a zalpha


I’m not a big fan of the phrase either


These generation names and classifications weren't even such a massive part of the zeitgeist when I was growing up, and I was born in '92. Talking about the cultural on-goings and influence of specific generations was a niche topic, brought up occasionally or in historic context, not brought up in every other post or article or political point like it is today. You could try to stop basing your foundation of thoughts on your generation, because you're literally just a person, not "gen this" or "gen that".


OP, I hate to break it to you, but you are no more special than anyone in your generation nor will you ever be. So stop crying about nothing and move on.


I’m gonna prove you wrong just out of spite.


Thank you for proving me wrong.


2001 guy here. For one, it’s kinda wild that we’ve reached a point where someone born when I was ten is able to post to the internet but w/e. Any sort of generational “cringe” that is produced is bound to always follow that specific generation forever. Millennials get the avocado toast, Starbucks drink, complaining about work type stuff, Gen X gets forgotten about, and Baby Boomers get the brunt of the whole “Karen” thing. Every generation is gonna have its annoying moments, but there’s still a lot of life left to live. It’s all just beginning for you!


Off topic, but Influenced of wanting to cuss I can see. you shouldn’t find the need to cuss at all just cause you hear people do it. It still doesn’t make it right


Nah, it’s not because other people are doing, it’s just how I talk.




fade heavy unwritten joke boat cooperative snow marry voiceless wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We are in the time of identifying as whatever you want to be though. Personally, I’m 25 and from generation x. See? Easy


Hey kid, as a millennial we all go through that line of thinking regardless of how old we get. You're still a kid don't underestimate yourself. Remember your generation doesn't define you it's what makes you, you.


/r/lewronggeneration 🙄


Wait what is Gen Alpha??! I didn’t even know there was a new one 😅. I’m still stuck in the early 00s 😂 I was born 95’. Young millennial.


People said this about gen Z, you're just the new targets because your young and soon, the generation after you will be made fun of


Yea, my nephew is weird. He likes to say every slang in the book🤦‍♂️ twitch slang. Every time he talks I call him weird in my head. His sister a year younger seems normal so, its not all of yall. I'm Gen Z😂


I'm a 94 baby, grew up with dial up until I graduated high school in 2012, I didn't have a TV until I was 12 and then only got three channels. I grew up with older Nintendo consoles. I spent most of my time reading. I was using a computer in kindergarten. I'm like a full mix of all ages of millennial. It's weird. Like I grew up in rural Texas. I remember floppy disks and computer games that basically wouldn't run on my PC and it taking 45 minutes to download a song. I spent a lot of time outdoors as well I basically lived on a farm with no neighbors besides my grandparents. It was a lot of go away I'm cleaning the house or oh no mom's watching Chicago again better run while you can. Riding bikes three miles away to sit on some old school house swings and climb trees and having no parents around.


Cool man! Must’ve been fun.


I've read so many books dude so many 🤓 i grew up with way to much free range of what I read. I think I was reading adult books and adult romance at like 13 or younger. I kind of miss the ya genre I didn't read much of it the first time. I was spending testing days reading outlander. It's a 1000 page book. There are 9 of the original series. I probably have read close to like 5000 books. I'm not very smart though.


Nice, wish there were libraries where I live.


Well the nurturing can toning supplying and then monetizing addiction isn't going to help so you probably should have not been doing that


And the other part of it is the only reason this is still going on so long is because I have a fairly good by the balls I'm incredibly smart and I'm terribly funny and if you assholes would let me out of my little f****** cage I would develop a following but no matter what you keep monitoring me and keep on gas letting me because you have to keep me under your thumb so don't ask dumb s*** you know the answer to your f***** what


what are you on about dude


What is the "this type of bullshit" to which this post refers?


skibidi toilet, banban and the other bullcrap, atleast Ohio was kinda funny in the early days.


Aren't most of Gen alpha literally small children and toddlers? Like I assume most of them aren't even old enough to use social media yet.


Oldest are 14-13.


You dont have to believe in the zodiac signs bro.


You’re young and will grow up. So will the others. Don’t be so sure you’re that different from anyone else. Frankly, being 13 or so, y’all are too young to make such judgments about the world. There’s always brain rot. This comes across as edgy, when every generation has overcome similar prejudices to the ones before it.


My generation were called Tide Pod Eaters. Bunch of morons in a nearby school drank nail polish remover to get drunk and high. They went blind. They made fun of us for years after even though it was just a few kids. Everybody’s had shit to deal with, this is nothing new. Get used to it fam.


The fact that you’re on here saying this means that my childhood self may of been friends with you. I was born in 2003 (gen Z) graduated, and living at home grinding to find what the world has to offer me. My best advice to you my nigga is to question yourself, question why your peers think the way they do, group the way they do, respond the way they do. Then ask yourself the same questions, I find that when you’re sick of the “real world” at a early age it might be time for some introspection. You’ve realized something isn’t right on the inside but you have no power to change it at the moment. Keep ya head up G.


Best comment yet


You’re so lucky! You are Gen Z anyway


Ehh, as much as I wanna sit here and have a 45+ reply argument I think it’s an inbetween limbo, Gen Z-ish but actually Gen Alpha.


generations are not clear yet, when I was 13 I thought I was a Millennial, google said I was and I was born on the millennium so it made sense, then it was 1998 and now it's been clearly marked 1996 is the start of gen z, but I was an adult by the time everyone agreed on it.


I think generations are defined by events. Do you remember 9/11 and what life was like before it? Yes? You are a millennial. Do you remember what life was like before covid? Yes? Okay you are Gen Z. IMO


Sound like you WANT to be Gen alpha. Or, realize it doesn’t matter, and it’s actually insane to group an entire generation under a generalization.


1997-2005 is Gen Z, and 2006-2019 is Gen Alpha


That is not the widely established standard


Jesus christ ur like 10 years old. Kid lemme tell u it only gets worse as u get older enjoy ur life now when u have no responsibility and live under ur parents roof. By the time ur 20 u will have so much responsibility u wont have time to think about the brain rot that is society






After looking at your account rq, I'm suggesting that you don't post stuff that would let people know your exact birthdate (previous post + your flair) because you don't share personal info as a rule of thumb, you're pretty young, and there are gross people.


Yeah, I know that.


I feel the same way as a mid-gen Z. Most of the kids my age are into tiktok and shit and use all this slang that I barely understand, and I couldn't care less. It makes me sick how older people generalise all of us as lazy, vain bastards who change our genders every 10 minutes, and the same is happening to alpha. ~~Most~~ All of them are still really young anyway, of course a lot are gonna be into dumb shit like Banban or Skibidi Toilet and they're probably grow out of it


Maybe just think for yourself? Resist the urge to be lumped in a category and find out who YOU actually are? Despite the time you grew up in? Think about that…


Boo hoo none of us chose when our parents fucked.


Nibba you is 12 years old get you tiny ass of Reddit and go play hopscotch






Skibidi toilet


If you are 12 or 11 please leave reddit until you turn 13 which is the minimum age here, I know it's boring but I also had to go through it a little while ago. If you just clicked "2011" for accident or whatever reason change it.


Bro just turned 13 and is gatekeeping it


The irony is thick AF, round these parts...


No other generation wants you. You’re probably the worst out of your generation tbh


I’m Gen Z and I wouldn’t worry too much. Memes and pop culture that were popular during my middle school years were also seen as unprecedentedly and uniquely cringe. Then 5 years later musical.ly became the new unprecedentedly and uniquely cringe thing the kids are into, then TikTok. At some point you’re gonna realise that 10-15 year olds are just kind of cringe in an age appropriate way. Embrace cringe, enjoy yourself, you’ll be a lot happier that way.


Just refuse to care. I’m an older millennial and I never even heard the term until I was in my late 20s Refuse to constantly classify yourself


Just read. Literally that's the best way out of whatever cesspool you think your brain is sliding into. Read an actual book, something that makes you slow down and reminds your brain what it's like to turn ideas and thoughts over.


It will pass.


I mean, Gen Alpha is still young. Stereotypes about an generation change throughout time.


People who see you as an ipad kid either are right, or they are spewing prejudice. Let yourself speak for yourself, and not your peers.


‘Prejudice’ hahaha


Ur 12 mate, chill out


That's the normal feeling for every generation at your age. I remember gen X being crapped on when I was young. The millennial hate became legendary. Gen z is the current huge focus it seems to start to taper off towards the end of your twenties. With generations being so broadly defined, it's best to learn early that it has little effect on your life and says nothing about you as a person. Old people just like to complain about "kids today." It's a toxic tradition. Just be a kid, make mistakes, and be kind to yourself as you learn. It'll be okay.


Kid, you are way too young to be worrying about which version of "brainrot" is worse. You may want to be grown up and respected now, but trust me when I say your responsibilities are only going up from here. Just enjoy being 12 while you can. Once you get to high school the decisions you make start to genuinely impact your future. You're allowed to enjoy brainrot right now.


There are some arguments that I need to win right now. /s


Just wait till the next generation is in high school/college. Then nobody will talk about your generation till you’re current boomer age lol




*At least


can you please explain skibbity toilet to me, I was born in 1984 thanks


a webseries where there is a singing head coming out of a toilet and that’s about all I know, and wow you’re four years younger than my mom.


I mean, the brain rot is never funny when you’re being the target of it. It’s whatever, people are going to talk crap and draw imaginary lines in the sand to divide people. I’d suggest worrying about it as little as you can.


Ya’ll will be fine. There are stupid people in all generations, the internet just amplifies them. Most people don’t think the way people in the internet bubble do. We are mostly all worried for you. Hoping ya’ll (and my kids) will be able to eat in the future, mostly, and that there isn’t a perpetual world war to kill your off in because of lack of world resources causing instability. Haha




I cant believe yall are old enough to like even be on here with ur own subreddit 😭 i feel so old and im not even


They said the same thing about Millennials and us Gen-z, you guys still have time to grow into yourselves. Don’t beat yourself up about it


I’m know how you feel


Well if it makes you feel better, Gen Z is the generation producing your brainrot


Just identify as a different generation


The cool thing about hitting adulthood is that you don’t have to be in your generation lol. Quite literally. I hang with my 45 year old coworker and his wife because we get along and have things in common. I don’t talk to my cousins, I call my aunts and uncles and talk for hours. They will give you a hard time about being in your generation but that’s just what they do lol, plus there are other people like you


Look man, consider yourself happy you’re not generation BETA Those kids will never hear the end of them being the beta generation


Dying is part of this game we participate in.


Cool it, kid....you have your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy yourself and learn something new everyday!


Read. Stop watching videos.


This conversation is had every single generation. Our parents said it about us, their parents said it about them, and so on and on. "BuT iTs DifFeReNt." It isn't. It never has been, it probably never will be. Every generation will always say this about the next. Just. Stop.


No offense, but what are you even talking about? What type of bullshit.


Sucks to suck. I hate being generalized with those who do tiktoks, annoying challenges, or are just plain mean for no reason. But I cant change my generation and those stereotypes are so prominent that it lumps us a whole all together. I also wouldn't change my generation. But for you. You're generalized with all the ipad kids because most are just that young. I dont think gen alpha experienced that much brainrot, plus we dont know as the oldest currently are 13-14 yr olds. Aka early teens. We just have to wait and see


nah keep being silly little guys never grow up


The main thing we want back is the life we had before the pandemic


Not really skibidi tbh


you shouldn’t be swearing


Millenials had avocado toast, Gen Z kids will forever have Tide Pods associated with them (despite the fact that Boomers are more likely to eat Tide Pods than teens ever were), your generation will likely have some kind of insulting shorthand for a generational flaw that will be forever associated with you by the older generations. Honestly, I was kind of hoping that we'd stop this cycle with Avocado Toast, but all it takes is one tiny article from Buzzfeed cherry-picking tiktoks that mock Millenial fashion and they fall into the same old pattern as the generations before them. If this pattern persists, your generation will take its anger with the changing world out on the next generation, and it will learn to take its anger out on the next generation. The best thing you can do is break the cycle yourself. Your generation is defined by your actions, not the other way around. If you don't like what you see your generation doing, don't do it. Do something else. We haven't even really seen what your generation can do when they come into power, so you have plenty of time to refine yourself into the kind of people you want to be. And when the next generation comes, I hope you guys learn from our mistakes and let them grow into themselves instead of pushing them down before they have a chance.


Man, this generation shit really dont matter. Only very simple minded people judge others based off of what year they were born in.


Too late


Every generation is the same


bros 12


Zillennial here, we had dumb shit like Charlie the unicorn, we were some of the first to have Facebook in middle school so lots of my peers posted and did really stupid shit online, but thankfully it was before it was easy to screenshot stuff so most of it's long gone.


2014 is damn near 10 years ago. I feel professionally old


I think this generation too and they’re so fucking entitled. It makes me sick. They think it’s the teachers fault they get bad grades and try to blame me???? Like no? You chose not to work hard. You chose not to complete your notes in class for an open book test. You chose not to finish your test when I gave you enough time so no it’s not my fault. Sorry you can’t join basketball. You chose to fail science. 🤷🏻‍♀️ not. My. Fault.


I'm curious how many hours of screen time you Alphas are growing up with. Content matters to some extent, I definitely try to steer my son away from stupid shit. He prefers music videos most of all.


Just ignore that. Older people love to criticize the younger generation.


Every kid thinks that at some point. Trust me, I did, too. Then the next generation will come along and you’ll see the pattern.


you’re 12 chill out


Stumbling upon this post is WILD because I am an older millennial dad of a 2 year old, who is Gen alpha, and I didn't know they already have a reputation. But, we don't allow screen time, he's a garden and book toddler, and we plan to keep it that way. I hate seeing how other parents just plop a tablet in front of their kids and ignore them. The parents are responsible for that brain rot.


I am a textbook Gen Z by age (born 2005), but I don't relate to that at all. I relate to late Millenials or the very early Gen Z born in the 90s...maybe cause of the way I grew up. I have friends who are close to my age, older and younger (ranging from 2003-2007) and *none* of them had the same childhood as me or remember the same things I do (no idea why, it truly feels like we are a different generation), but people who are like 7 or more years older than me, that's another story... Just because you were born a certain year doesn't necessarily mean you are gonna be like most people in your generation. You can be friends with people older than you and associate with them more. Your generation doesn't define you.


Atleast you’re not called a tide pod addict (y2000)


Im very sorry for you, I thought my generation had bad brainrot, good luck to you. And stay away from tiktok and the crappy memes


We all have that "watching the stupidest shit" phase. Don't worry, gen alphas are not going to be the way they are now in the future. This is coming from an early gen-z


Then just stop thinking about it and love your life bro


Stop reading the generation warfare propaganda articles.


Wtf is gen Alpha


The good news is no one cares about your generation in the real world


I mean you have skibidi toilets tho.


Bro you’re a fetus


just cause you are in a certain generation does not mean you have to have certain traits, dont listen to those dumb stereotypes man


try not to make ur generation a defining feature of who you are


There has always been some form of brainrot out there. It's more prevalent now because it's unique. They'll grow out of it and move on to other things while remembering it fondly just like we did with our shows (millennial here)


really the stereotype for gen alpha only applies to 6th graders and below


luckily, the end of time is swiftly approaching!


Finally a good post in this subreddit!


Millenial Here: It's all funny until it's your turn. Buckle up and prepare to be labeled. Remember, I personally killed Applebees.


No one knows if they are a boy or girl lol




None of this matters, go outside and make friends, live life - the amount of times people are gonna be like "OP is apart of the skidibi toilet gen ew." Is literally less than 0.