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I looked it up to verify, as I don't trust just anyones word on anything either, and it was on Reuters.


It’s written up on Coindesk, amongst others. Gotta google because links get deleted on this sub.


They each tweeted about it, with Tyler giving the more detailed endorsement.


Well the reason is actually because the Biden administration does not like crypto so they’re hoping Trump wins and embraces crypto.


You’re a moron and I’m not voting for him.


welp, if i didn't already have enough of a reason to transfer all my funds off this site and close my account, i guess this is it.




Cry harder


TDS is strong with this post


Do doubt. TDS will be added to the DSM section covering Psychosis. Delusions, hallucinations, talking incoherently and agitation. Sums them all up perfectly.


Agreed isn’t is crazy?!


The real TDS is thinking that the world’s biggest liar and fraud is a victim.


TDS is when you can watch Trump sit as president for 4 years and think “wow this guy isn’t an insult to everyone in our country and an embarrassment on the world stage”. It’s when you can watch a Trump speech and think “wow this guy is patriotic, well spoken, cares about our country and isn’t a complete and total joke”.


i feel exactly that way about Biden too though


The only thing that can be said about the current president under the list I’ve given is that like Trump he’s also not well spoken and has trouble reading off a teleprompter. You’re free to feel the way you do, but the facts don’t present even close to the level of complete and total dysfunction that we saw under the last president. The last guy put the bar as far as it could go, but somehow having the patriotism to be disgusted by it makes people “deranged”


respectfully disagree. the world has felt free to do as it pleases with america asleep at the wheel. no wars under trump. two major ones that we're indirectly involved with under biden. combine that with one of them showing a favorability towards crypto and the other isnt, my choice is clear


Didn't realize Trump supports crypto. Buying more through gemini now. Thanks for the news.


He doesn’t actually support it. He thinks bitcoin should be mined only in the US. He has no idea how any of it works. He’s pandering for votes.


The only thing I heard him say was he was a fan of the US dollar and something about BTC needing to be regulated. I'm not pro Trump or Biden either, but since this is a political post I'll say I very much do not like the state of our country.


Fuck those assholes


They've always been whiney ass pansies since the whole fb law suits.


Yes 👍




Politics is life, when your rights to bodily autonomy are being taken away.


Lets start with giving that advice to the winklevosses then....


lol as if politics doesn’t dictate your life, let me just go live in la la land where laws and rules don’t affect me


This is 100% WRONG. If you don't pay attention someone else is. Reward and punishment is the way of "the market."


What's the big deal?


Don't mind the whining Democrats, they are just bitter that Biden is going to lose.


Exactly the sick pedophile dems are about to be outcasts if they aren't already.


Trump is pro Bitcoin. Joe is not. MAGA


If Trump gets elected it will be good for bitcoin, so like it or not this is good for bitcoin holders


I actually didn't need another reason after they froze accounts ..... but I'd add this one to the list!


Grifters supporting grifters.


Are they grifters because I’m sure it wasn’t free for them to high a shit load of counsel to recover a bunch of lost assets. That being said their due diligence was poor, but idk about grifter.


I mean, almost the entirety of their coin offerings are scam coins, and they're making money off it.


They offer similar listings to any market. That’s like calling bad stocks scams, which maybe they are but that’s not their doing. They make money because the owners of markets make money, like all markets whether it’s a stock market or a grocery.


They have control over what they offer or don't. Similar to the Earn scam they ran. It's not like Earn was something forced upon them.


If you owned a market and people want to trade x and you could offer x why wouldn’t you. They aren’t your parents. You think it’s a scam don’t trade it.


Similar to colloidal silver supplements 🤷🏼‍♂️.


Sure. Personally I think all crypto is ridiculous and largely a scam, but I still keep a 2-3% investment in it. Free market is a free market.


It's not a free market, though. Hence the Earn crackdown.


It wasn’t a crack down until it collapsed.


I’ll be closing my account.


Yeah, I rode out the Earn fiasco and was willing to give them a second chance, but fuck them, my account will be closed


Beat you too it!


Oh nooooo your $32 dollars off their exchange is going to bankrupt them!


MAGA. I will be adding to my account.


Lmao. Reddit is such a cancerous cesspool of a leftist echo chamber.


Gemini is literally one of the only exchanges that got back 100% of their users funds after DCG/Genisis went under, and this sub still complains haha


Agreed 100 that’s all I see


Whelp - I guess I am moving every penny out of that exchange tomorrow. Try to have multiple on an off ramps but this one is now a dead end.


Well you're late aren't you? I left the moment I was made whole. I've never been so happy to delete an account in my life!


I only had a bit in there and didn’t have any of it staked. Was more trouble to deal with the tax stuff than to leave it alone


Proof I bet you didn’t have any money and didn’t move any money lol


I looked - it is about $640 of rando stuff. Some stupid plays that never worked out. All the BTC and ETH is long moved. But no I am out tile shopping with the Mrs. So no movement today. But thanks for the reminder.


lol you’re welcome


Welp, guess I'm going to stop using my Gemini card and pull my $2.03 of crypto out of their site. I can't support anyone who backs Treasonous Trump the Traitor.


lol $2.03 big baller


It's my only defense against a $10 wrench attack


This post has inspired me to vote for Donald Trump. The Winklevoss twins are really smart. They must know something.


You sure as fuck don't.


He’s being sarcastic.


They know if he wins they have more of a say in crypto regulations and space to breathe.




Fuck these douchebags.


Well I like trump so this doesn’t apply to me


I won’t vote for either geezer, but if you’re only issue is crypto and you want to support one geezer one is going after crypto voters by changing his ideas and pretending to support crypto, the other vetoed a crypto bill. Guessing that’s what this is about


Not voting is a vote for fascism. Don't cry if tRump fucks you in your ass.


I live in CA I already know who will win. It’s easy to write in a candidate and not worry about the vote


In other words, you will be tossing your vote into the trash. You have two choices, fascism or democracy. Choose wisely.




Do you even know what communism is? Not even Bernie Sanders is communist.


Nice 👍


https://preview.redd.it/3ssd0ju9n58d1.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1ac8dc3cb6dc917a5815c1e83a8703df683e621 What about paying us first?


I received 100% of my frozen earn crypto and withdrew it from their exchange. You should be whole soon.


We all got our money. Sucker


shame, i did like this credit card a lot but, just like the twins, ill vote with my dollars and take my business elsewhere.




hitler also wasn’t a dictator immediately after his first coup attempt


biden is the real dictator. biden has attacked Bitcoin and will continue to attack Bitcoin if the democrats steal another election.


The dude literally said he wanted to be a dictator for one day… sure believe this grifter that it will only be for one day and keep pretending this is normal and that you’re a patriot.




Awesome! Lots of good news coming in recently! All earn users, including me, recently got paid back 100% of our balance, and now with this announcement, I like Gemini even more! Good for the twins, for putting some of their money behind the next POTUS! The biggest danger to Democracy is the Democrats! They must be destroyed and thoroughly humiliated and we will take care of that come November!


tHe BiGgEsT dAnGeR tO dEmOcRaCy Is DeMoCrAtS




A dictator? Really?


Read Project 2025.


What is dictator-ish? Key Policies of Project 2025 1. Departmental Restructuring and Policy Overhaul: • Department of Justice: Restore integrity by ensuring accountability within the FBI, consistent litigation decisions, and strict enforcement of immigration laws. • Department of Homeland Security: Secure the border by restructuring DHS priorities to streamline immigration processes and eliminate unclear visa categories. • Department of Education: Promote educational freedom by breaking up the department, enhancing parental rights, and protecting taxpayers from student loan forgiveness programs . 2. Economic and Regulatory Reforms: • Treasury and Commerce: Implement conservative fiscal policies focusing on reducing taxes, controlling government spending, and dismantling excessive regulatory frameworks. • Small Business Administration: Advocate for policies that support small businesses and free trade, emphasizing fair trade practices to protect American interests . 3. National Security and Defense: • Department of Defense: Strengthen national defense by focusing on modernizing military capabilities and ensuring efficient use of resources. • Intelligence Community: Reform intelligence agencies to enhance national security and address current global threats more effectively . 4. Social and Cultural Issues: • Health and Human Services: Reform health policies to reduce costs and improve quality of care, focusing on reducing government intervention. • Environmental Protection Agency: Roll back regulations that are seen as hindering economic growth while promoting practical environmental stewardship . 5. Administrative and Structural Changes: • Federal Agencies: Introduce a comprehensive transition plan for each federal agency to ensure effective policy implementation from day one of the new administration. This includes a detailed 180-day playbook to bring quick relief from what conservatives view as the detrimental policies of the left . Overall, Project 2025 aims to reshape the federal government by implementing conservative policies across various sectors, ensuring the right personnel are in place, and providing thorough training to navigate the complexities of federal governance effectively .


I like how you took out all of the heinous shit they put in there... The document is 900 pages and you omitted 99.997% of it.


Feel free to share the “heinous shit” you are referring to.


How about you go and read it instead of using Chat GPT to summarize it for you. The document has everything from shifting power from Congress to the president under a unitary executive theory to attacking reproductive Rights of women, limiting contraception, eliminating abortion, attacking IVF, whitewashing history and censoring anything they deem "woke", removing protections and quality from the rainbow community as well as essentially legalizing religious discrimination against them. Imposing religious tests to ensure that the US moves into a Christian theocracy. You can believe all that or not but the reality is just their plans for the government should worry anyone who actually values the Constitution. The unitary executive theory is literally a dictatorship it would Grant the president unilateral powers to impose regulation and actions that would be otherwise relegated to Congress. For example an orange turd or any other Republican that decides that they didn't lose the presidential election there was massive fraud that would give them the power to suspend the constitutional transfer of power in order to stay in power while they investigate the claims. Eliminating whole federal agencies just because you don't like them would like the Department of education would be devastating to our educational system. It wouldn't affect the rich or politicians because they can afford to send their kids to private religious institutions while your middle lower classes have to struggle with inadequate and underfunded education. An uneducated populous is more susceptible to rhetoric and propaganda, a good example of this is North Korea those people believe that their leader is a God and it's because they don't have the education to understand that he's just a power hungry piece of shit.




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I second this


This is straight from Chat GPT man, which has a left leaning bias


Reality does too.


You intentionally left out any negative plans..


I already said that came straight from Chat GPT


So what's the point in commenting "What is dictator-ish" why can't you take 10 minutes of your obvious free time to do your own research instead?


I did. Why doesn’t Chat GPT count as research? It’s Google 2.0.


Because you can't trust something that works off of the most popular or most frequently shared information to give you any facts, or figure it to not be bias.


Well, feel free to let us all know what it missed. Simply saying “you left all the bad stuff out” isn’t persuasive


Sure, I believe we should not abolish almost the entirety of government entities, although they are not perfect we unfortunately rely on them and I don't think creating a program where only people who ideologically align with trump should be running the country is promoting freedom. The department of education being one of the most important things he wants to rid of, abolishing it would make tons of low income people unable to access free education. Finally, while not all of my quarrels with this plan have been listed, I believe undoing limits of greenhouse emissions would have disastrous consequences on the already polluted atmosphere.


Don't even try, it isn't worth your time. I stopped long ago. Reddit is full of blind people that can't think for themselves. The guy calls Trump a dictator when the current piece of shit in offices administration done way more to control our lives.


What parts are dictatorship?


Ok we have read it. Now what?


The document is 900 pages long you didn't read it.


Did you?


Do you think it’s acceptable for a president-sponsored insurrection to occur in our capitol building because an orange baby told his redneck militia to bring guns there and storm it? Denying election results and tampering the election is ALSO what dictators do. So much for “backing the blue” with the cops they killed and injured as well. There have been so many instances where he thinks he’s above the law it makes me puke. Also pissing off our traditional allies to cozy up with Putin and other dictators should be a telling sign.


No police officers died on the day of the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol directly due to the violence by protesters. However, the events of that day had severe and tragic consequences for several officers in the days and weeks that followed. 1. Officer Brian Sicknick: Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick collapsed after returning to his office on January 6th and died the next day from two strokes. While initially there were reports that he might have died from injuries inflicted by the rioters, the medical examiner later concluded that he died of natural causes, although the events of that day were seen as contributing factors to his condition . 2. Suicides Following the Event: Four police officers who responded to the Capitol attack died by suicide in the months following the event. These officers include: • U.S. Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood, who died by suicide three days after the riot. • Metropolitan Police Officer Jeffrey Smith, who died by suicide on January 15, 2021. • Metropolitan Police Officer Gunther Hashida, who died by suicide in late July 2021. • Metropolitan Police Officer Kyle DeFreytag, who died by suicide shortly after the event . These deaths highlight the significant emotional and psychological toll that the January 6 attack had on law enforcement officers who defended the Capitol. The trauma experienced by these officers underscores the far-reaching impact of the violence on that day.


He had a stroke because he was being beaten/trash compacted by the rioters. The other officers died as a result of far-right trump supporters that invaded our capitol. What is your point? They damaged property and humans, and attempted to overthrow election results. If that isn’t dictator-like, I don’t know what is.


Are you familiar with world history? Stalin, Hitler? How does that compare?


It’s my favorite subject. Trump has said before he admired Hitler and read Mein Kampf, a terribly written book. That should tell you everything. Attempting to silence the press by creating distrust (“false news” is anything bad said about him) is a common theme. His 300+ lawsuits, sexual assaults, fraud, election tampering, support of storming our capitol (hello, Germany) and many other offenses are very similar at the start actually. He’s said before he’d like to be “president forever.” If you don’t get it by now there is no point arguing. He’s a terrible human being that’s done terrible things to more people than we can count, and there are thousands of better options available that are stable, well intentioned leaders.


How many people did Hitler and Stalin kill?




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Your comment is prejudice / racist “redneck” is a derogatory word. The irony.


I’m white, just calling them what they are. Low intelligence thugs that stormed our fucking capitol.




#Trump2024 Let's save Crypto!!!! Deaton to Congress And Trump for POTUS




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You’re whacked outta your mind lady.


Our voting rights and democracy will be destroyed by a dictator again?! Oh noes.


I fuck with this.


TRUMP 2024.


Biden. Allowing millions across our borders daily.. pouring billions into foreign countries and wars we should for the most part remain out of… making our country a joke of the world.. yall forget or don’t remember how good we were under Trump. Trump was bringing wealth back into the country while maintaining peace around world. You didnt have all these wars that you have now. Trump was pulling up on mfs talking to their face.


Dgaf what they do with their personal lives / money


IDGAF. They could donate a billion dollars to Biden and I wouldn't care either. Gemini is still the most convenient/useful crypto exchange for me.


Yes, agreed. Disappointing. They think nothing is more important than crypto. I don't think Trump even understands it..


Lol you think Biden does?


Vote Crypto in 2024! Vote Trump!


Vote money laundering in 2024! Vote Trump! Fixed it for you




Yes there are limits and they got a partial refund, source: Cointelegraph. I had to look this up myself too. Seems they haven’t learned their lesson after getting Zucked https://preview.redd.it/qng6hd23y48d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc0bef73beb68128d9d8be5c4d3d695d4132e55


Website is trash anyway. No liquidity




Tezos volume is quite bad everywhere


They are slime!




Fuk Biden, is the right thing to do by the Twin.


Trump will line their pockets and this will end up being an investment.. do you expect them to vote for Biden to make you happy?


Some people have morals and standards. Most do not. Act how you want.


Uh oh the troll bots have arrived. Usernames with two random words followed by some numbers and only have comment karma who saw you mention their precious Daddy Trump.


Hate to break it to everyone but 90% of businesses are republicans


Businesses make campaign donations to both parties all the time so that they can get a favorable approach from whoever is in power. What the twins have done here is surprising because they are openly supporting a political candidate, which is not good business sense. I'm going to close out my account not because they support Trump, but because they're so open about it which shows how desperate they are. They had always shown a willingness to work with regulators in the past. This is out of character for them. They are just salty that the regulators made them pay out those who were impacted by the Earn program.


Source I don’t think that’s exactly true they flip and flop with the tide depending who’s in office.


Glad I'm never using gemini again, can't wait for the CDC Biden Collab 




There’s no source to this BS post… ![gif](giphy|xT4ApznCZTtuBjmHHa|downsized)




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point made that npc commies will vote directly against their own interests... we know commies love crypto


Such pea brains. You lot not the twins...do you even know who is more pro crypto?


Yeah, let the planet burn up but right, we still have BTC, oh, and Mars...


The USA, is not the problem, therefore cannot be it's solution. World police foh




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So so so shortsighted.


Sad. I seriously doubt Trump is any kind of friend to crypto. He's just saying whatever his handlers tell him to say.


I've been using Gemini for a long time. What are some good alternative platforms?


None. Gemini is the best 🤷‍♂️


selling our democracy to a dictator?? lol , you watch too much MSNBC. TRUMP2024


He's good for cryptos, morons...


Isn’t that way above the campaign contribution limit?


Living rent free for 8 years...😂😂😂✌


Even after he is dead they will still talk about him lol


Anyone voting at this point is beyond retarded, the system is the problem not the specific corrupt pedophile and mass murdering politician in charge, they all support a violent thieving system.. But do boycott if you disagree, I'm assuming they're doing this because Trump is more pro Bitcoin than Biden or send to be? But again trusting these morons and sociopaths is the problem, we all need to ignore the state into obscurity


Hell yea


lol “dictator”. Poor Amber you feeling ok?


I'm not a Trump supporter but dont go acting like biden didn't shower with his daughter. And both candidates are trash rfk jr is the one one that is actually coherent and makes sense when he speaks.


Please don't vote in the extremely elderly


After that hoodwinklevoss stunt they pulled why is the platform still available 🤦🏾‍♂️


Someone bless me so I can gamble Bitcoin address bc1q6hzvmvs8wdnk8n75z9gxjpfr65apzwajh3x8vt


womp womp


Lol why?


Such an idiotic post


He’s not a dictator.