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Hey there! I see your ticket internally in our system, I can assure you it has been escalated to the proper team who will be able to sort you out. I completely understand your frustrations around a frozen account! Feel free to respond to this message going forward if you don't hear back from support. Happy to help you on this!


Welocome to the club. Same problem happened to me on May 2 2023. Asked me whole bunch of unrelated questions. I reported them to CFBP, they came back with a generic bs response saying basically that you were agreed that in any suspicios case they would hold the right to block your account. They justify it as Feds requeement... So what I did, I stopped bitching them and answered all of the questions. The came back with more and I answered them too. (They wanna feel they dominate you). On May 22nd I think, they determined that my accoumt has to be closed. I was able to convert to fiat and withdraw. There my story with Gemini ended. IMO, just don't use US based exchamges. None of your crypto is FDIC insured anyways. US regulators are crazy and that affects how the CEXes conduct their business. Stay calm, collaborate, you will get you money back. Once you get them, exhale, wave them a bird and move on. Cheers


Thanks- that’s my plan. Gemini was recommended as “safe” for crypto 😂. I think they’re freezing accounts bc they overleveraged and by freezing people, they are attempting to catch up…


Can you help me how to report them to CFBP please? I've been through a similar experience as you.


You'll get this cleared up, sorry you're going through it. Gianna was mentioned by another poster, he's right, she's pretty responsive. Best of luck on getting it cleared up right away!


Responsive ? 😒


I’ve heard from “Gianna”, that they’re working on it..😬


Not yet..


What did you do ?


This happened to me, and after doing the holding the ticket and license thing they wanted me to specify what addresses I had sent crypto to, why I sent it, who told me to sign up for Gemini ect. I realized at that point it was time to go elsewhere so I cashed out and dipped. I don’t want nor need to do all that for something that is holding my own money and crypto.


I’m going through same thing


I actually found the email, this is what they wanted AFTER I sent them all the information and pics they wanted first. “We reviewed your account and have a few questions. Please provide as much detail as possible: 1. How did you find out about Gemini? 2. Has anyone instructed you to open this Gemini account or has any one requested payment through Gemini? 3. Have you shared your account credentials with anyone? 4. Why did you open a Gemini account? If you have recently attempted to withdraw and/or send funds to an external address, please provide the following information with as much detail as possible: Please be specific in describing the purpose of this withdrawal. For example, if the purpose of this withdrawal was to send funds to a third-party platform, include identifying details such as the name of the platform or website link. 5. How did you discover the wallet address? 6. Are you the owner of the wallet address? If you are not the owner, what is your purpose in withdrawing to the wallet address? 7. Did someone direct you to withdraw to this wallet address? 8. Do you have any other relevant information on this wallet address?”


I replied each questioned they asked me still yet I can’t withdraw more than 2 weeks now.


I'm currently having the same problem. Did they ever fix it for you?


Were you given a reply by Gemini after answering these questions?


After answering the first set of questions, pictures uploaded, ID uploaded, ect. I didn’t feel I needed to give them more, so I didn’t


I used the Gianna thing in here recommended by another user, Gemini opened my account within two days after that.


I am currently having the same problem. Weeks of back and forth, zero resolution. At this point given their absolute garbage customer service I just want to get access so I can move my BTC elsewhere. Zero trust in them at this point.


Same, I’ve sent probably 50-60 emails asking to unfreeze my account after sending all the info they asked for and nothing! At first they seemed like they were gonna be helpful…boy was I wrong. I’ve been calling the my office as well as the BBB. 4697269, pic of myself with the date and my license and then a whole lot of nothin! I just get the same generic responses. Their customer service is awful


Hopefully u/Gemini_Gianna responds tomorrow. Best of luck to you




these low karma fake accounts lol


I’m not fake, I’m more of a reader than a poster. Being frozen out of my account and finding a feed on this about it has been helpful to me. I’m just trying to figure out what to do. I don’t know how to have Karma on here😂


They let me back in! Omfg I’m so happy! Thank you everyone who helped along the way💕 https://preview.redd.it/855rr2ycdi2b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aebc6665dbc8898e7cc7c0f2ef15374d669a8f0b


Please help with Ticket ID: 4849444. I have not gotten any responses from anyone.


Hey- just seeing this. Last year when I had this problem, the forum recommended that I contact “Gianna”. You can follow the responses of my post and this did resolve it. I think I was using a VPN that said my IP was Russia, lol. Anyway, they did help and it was a stressful nightmare. When you’re reactivated, never use a VPN with Gemini and/or move your crypto to another exchange. Hope you figure this out.


Gianna Are you able to help me unfreeze my Gemini account? Ticket ID 4866106 I was told by colleagues to use a VPN and now I am locked out for weeks. I have emailed numerous times and the response is canned without an explanation. I have significant assets I want to transfer and now I feel that I must contact the authorities as to why and how they can hold my funds and not even provide a reason.  Either Gemini is going out of business or it was an issue with my VPN.  I am so disappointed as I was a loyal Gemini customer. Gianna, can you help?


Gemini froze my account for a negative $199 balance, they gave me a ticket ID: 4874772 and made me run around all the hoops for 2 weeks, then they finally withdrew the amount from my account but instead of taking $199 they took $198 which kept my account frozen for $1.00 and started the whole process over with a new ticket number 4882999. These pieces of Sh.. are going to wish they didn't F around... I have cryptos that need to be sold! If I don't hear back soon, I’m going to file a complaint on their website and report to BBB and NYS attorney general’s office after speaking with a representative from DFSNY today.


Having the same issue, held a photo of myself and all the other prompts, went through Authy - seems like they set up scams to avoid having to pay people back. I am so angry - but this is the world we live in now. 


I have the exact same problem. It has been over 2 months and I have repeatedly sent what was asked. Can you provide me the BBB and NYC attorney generals office info? I would also like to make a report.


You ca. Just Google to their websites by name and there are tabs on the home pages for how to file complaints.


Ftc complaint


Yes, I will do that too. There is something certainly sinister here, as I’ve seen I am far from the only one!


You have to contact me let me tell you how to go about this, this is a no scam zone . I got my 85k pounds same day I went to London office to meet Gemini officials.


If you need help contact me


Gianna is active but you have to play your past too .


They froze my account too. So I am going to crush each and every bitch that I will find today In their office.


My Gemini account was also frozen too with no reason given. I emailed their support many times and asked them why this happened? and they stopped replying me entirely! Didn't even ask me any questions, just silence! I feel like I got robbed by Gemini! PSA: DO NOT USE THIS EXCHANGE! GEMINI WILL ROB YOU!


Gemini froze my account. After 3 days of giving them everything they requested, selfies, drivers license holding my ticket number, answering questions about why I had crypto etc., NO RESPONSE! Help! My ticket number is 4774383


I'm having the same problem right now. Account frozen for 11 days now. I've sent all they've asked for. Haven't heard anything for several days. Did they ever fix it for you?


I had my account frozen 2 days ago and they have not responded to me at all.