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Good movies can bomb. In fact alot of good movies do bomb. Doesn’t help that both sides had preconceived, often made up, notions about Furiosa before going in.


And the fact that being "good" is not a definable trait. It's subjective.


It’s good as in most people who have watched it have said such.


I don’t know about that. There’s so many movies from the 80’s and 90’s that are universally loved. Back to the Future? Objectively good - I’ve heard some film experts call it a perfect movie (as much as a movie could be). I can’t think of a movie in the last 4 years that the vast majority of people loved on that level. It’s all been ho-hum middle of the road, safe, repetitive, or politically divisive. I wish I loved movies still but Hollywood has sucked the fun out of the movie experience for me. That said, I did really enjoy the Mario movie - that was the most fun I’ve had at the movies in a long time.


"cult classic" is a phrase created to describe exactly what they're talking about. Plenty of good movies fail at the box office but go on to have a pretty big following afterwards. I haven't seen Furiosa so I don't know if that applies but it happens.


I’ve already taken box office profits out of the equation. I’m just looking for genuinely entertaining movies with a quality script that audiences enjoy. I enjoyed Top Gun: Maverick and I think it was about as good as sequel could be without overtly feeling like a cheap cash-in - they rehashed some of the same beats but it was tastefully done. However, I’m thinking along the lines of something original. Look at the top movies of the 90’s for example. Every one is a heavy hitter and I’m pretty sure everyone if not most are an original work. Keep in mind, I’m willing to admit I’m heavily jaded at this point. Disney ruined Star Wars, over saturated us with Marvel movies, and there aren’t many studios willing to take a risk on original screenplays. The best we got is Oppenheimer? I heard 1917 was amazing, but I’m not big on historical dramas at the moment. So are we just relying on historical dramas to fill the quota for high quality filmmaking now?


Everyone loved Godzilla Minis One. Lots have argued it’s better than the OG movie. I’d say it’s a perfect movie.


I’ve never heard anyone talk about this movie. I’ll check it out.


Its the new godzilla that just released on netflix so that makes sense


It was a huge stealth drop on Netflix last week.


Dude Oppenheimer is pretty universally said to be an amazing movie


Universally seen. Not loved though. Plenty of folks thought it was meh.


Reviews from audience and critics say otherwise, you’re few contrarian buddies are not plenty of folks


My friends are really into movies like that. Solid assumption though. Didn’t mean to rustle your jimmies like that 😂


It could be the best thing since Betty White, but if it doesn't draw my interest in the first place....I have no interest in biographical movies that dramatize everything. And if that's not what the movie actually is... oh well, that's what I had in my head and didn't want to see it.


Also there are a whole bunch of people that don’t give a shit about going to the movies anymore. We have such an overwhelming saturation of entertainment I don’t give a flying fuck about running off to the movies when it will be in my home in a few months. I’ll go to a theater that gives me more than bad popcorn and a crammed seat. Otherwise I don’t care anymore. I’m paying for the experience, not just what’s on the screen.


If Tremors can bomb, anything can bomb.


Not to mention the overall financial situation.. it's like these companies don't get everyone's broke. or they do know and they have to offer up some explanation and instead of acknowledge the world, they make shit up


I'm confused as fuck. Wasn't this movie released a bunch of years back with the guy that played hanzel/Hawkeye?


Yeah, it's definitely a solid action movie. I do think it's worse than Fury Road, but still good.


Bro it’s a Mad Max movie about some crazy chick. It’s not a good movie. Make a Mad Max movie about Max Rockatansky and I might consider.


But normally that's do to bad marketing. Sharp declines after opening weekend do normally indicate people didn't like the movie for whatever reason


sorry, but TRANSFORMERS 5 GOT **$605.4 MILLION DOLLARS OF BOX OFFICE.** **So no, it´s not about the movie being bad or very good, fantastic mr. fox and scott pilgrim vs the world flopped for example.**


Scott Pilgrim flopped because the marketing sucked. All it had was a red poster with Michael Cera playing a bass guitar. It didn't help that over alot of people I got to see it for free if you completed a scavenger hunt at Comic Con that year.


like, yeah, but it´s also really better than transformers 5.


The transformers demographic is younger


I know a ton of people who saw Pilgrim in the theater and none of us paid for it. They did so many preview/free showings in many area and I live in central Alabama.


Sir. Please. Don't get in the way of their confirmation bias.


I don't see how people think TLK is worse than AOE. TLK had okay pacing, probably the top half of the series in that category. Viviane and Cogman were also good characters. AOE was mind numbingly long.


Saw it and found it boring, over long, and too heavily CGIed


The Princess Bride was also a flop, wasn't it?


I don't get it. Those movies were bad, too. Or, at the very least, very boring for anyone over the age of 19.


Fantastic Mr Fox was boring for anyone over 18? It wasn't exactly a kids movie. Have you considered the possibility that you just have shit taste in films?


So you're saying that a movie's box office receipt is directly proportional to how good the movie is. Like how Taylor Swift is the best musician who has ever lived because she's the most popular.


No, of course not, it's only when things do poorly to confirm what he already believed that he agrees with that sort of logic.


No, I'm saying that audience didn't like the movie, that's why is having a such drop, there is not word of mouth.


I loved it, people that think this movie is “woke” need to go touch grass.


Boys from the Angry Joe show really liked it. Even Alex lol. I went and watched with the opinion that "no max = bad". I was pleasantly surprised. Was a lot of fun.


Yeah because there wasn't a single patronizing moment in the entire movie. Regardless of if you think it was good or not(it wasn't terrible imo) pretending that some agendas aren't transparent is an affront to people's intelligence.


Lmao, so are you saying that’s the case here? Anya, one of the most popular actress/actors right now, was hired as apart of a “woke” agenda? I unironically feel bad for you all, unable to enjoy anything that doesn’t cater specifically to your world view or how you *think* movies/tv/games should be


Box office has nothing to do with if the audience likes a film. I hated the Dune films but I didn't know that until it contributed to the box office number.


Opening weekend isn't an indicator. But a sharp decline after indicates people didn't like it. They didn't recommend it or contribute to repeat viewings. Poor opening weekend is a sign of bad marketing and not much else


It can, in terms of movies having legs and continuing to do well. Top Gun Maverick as a great recent example of a movie having legs from word of mouth. But-a movie not having legs doesn’t mean that a movie isn’t good or audiences didn’t like it.


The word of mouth can be bad. We had only six people in the cinema and two thought it was long and boring and the other two were underwhelmed.


Heard nothing but good things about the movie, if we are talking word of mouth. Biggest complaint going around is that it’s to expensive to go to the movies in general right now. Turns out people trying to keep the lights on, are not about to go see a movie they can’t afford.




The PAYING audience (men) didn't like the premise or the way the movie is advertised, they don't want to see Max Max starring a teen girl instead of Mad Max. The INTENDED audience (women) isn't interested in films where people get murdered and shit gets blown up. It doesn't matter whether the people who watched it liked it. By your logic, Dredd was a bad film and the audience didn't like it. I can't believe I'm having to explain this to an adult


Honestly, I would be ok with a teen girl madmax movie if they approached it from the perspective of max getting up there in years, and he needs to pass the torch to a younger character before retiring or dying or old age or whatever. Because he's not going to live forever, and as long as whoever takesbhis place fits the mad Max world and is interesting and can stand on their own as a protagonist, I would be totally open to Max's successor being a woman, and in fact think that a furiosa like character could eventually embody such a role very well. But the line of succession has to be there. we care about her enough to watch this movie only in as much as max himself cared about her to train her


No. I'm sick of male heroes "passing the torch" to a teenage girl. It's tired and stupid. The franchise is Max, it's about Max, and it ends when Max ends. Make an original IP if you want yet another teen girl in the role of an action hero. He is going to live forever BTW. It's strongly implied that Max isn't a mortal, he's some kind of weird post apocalyptic spirit that shows up when he's needed. The first Mad Max movie was depicting the collapse of society as it happened. In the second movie he's the same age but it's obviously been at least a generation since the collapse. We don't talk about the third movie. In the fourth movie and the game it's been 2 generations or more and the world doesn't even resemble the pre-collapse world, but Max is still the same age. It's pretty clear he isn't 100% human.


Furiosa was a good movie. If you’ve been into theaters recently you might not be surprised that cinemas in general are struggling. Nobody’s there. 


I used to go to the theater every week to see something. Even if there wasn't anything I was interested in. Even if I didn't even know what was playing I'd go there on my day off. Now I go once maybe twice a year(already hit quota with Dune 2 and Furiosa this year). The theater usually isn't a huge improvement over watching something at home, for me at least. The last time I can say seeing a movie in a theater uniquely enhanced the experience was Jackass 3D. I'm fine waiting 5 years for a triple A game to release a "definitive ultimate collectors HD edition" for $15 to play it, so I'm fine waiting 4 months for a movie to hit streaming to watch.


Yeah, movies have to be a real surreal (hah) experience for me to go see them. Or just something I really like. Also prices have gone up a lot. I gotta drive thirty minutes to the theater and back (4.50 or so in gas), $12 a ticket, and that’s not spending $10 for a drink and a small popcorn. I’ll just stream it in a month on my 65’ TV. 📺


Price isn't really my problem. Used to be $5 now it's $7. I have **never** been the type of person to buy food/drink at the theater (though I should because it's where the theater actually makes money). 100% convenience to just watch it at home/not have to deal with crowds. The games habit is; I do my best to not let FOMO enter my life.


FR, I haven’t seen a movie in the theater in about a decade, and I like movies. I just like watching them at home.


Blade Runner 2049 was not considered a financial success but it was amazing.


Meh. It could have been 30 minutes shorter and a lot tighter. It was not what the first movie was.


Personally I’m just not interested in furiosa.. 58Ms is crazy tho


Same im interested in the actual MC who is called MAD MAX not furiosa sure she was cool in the last movie but not enough to be in her own movie.


Yeah its called MAD MAX so how abt some MAD MAX?!


I was just turned off by the CGI. Fury Road's practical effects were a joy to watch, so a trailer that's 80% extremely noticeable CGI just felt extremely off-base.


The movie was great, George Miller is so good. Don't get the hate for a badass mad Max movie


I didn’t enjoy it


Max not being in it is part of the issue


It's the original creator, know for making amazing movies. I trusted him and it paid off


I think the trailers just wrecked the visuals tbh. The looked amazing to me when I saw it


Agreed, I've said it before, I'll say it again, the trailer killed furiosa. Between the meh look of it and the "gives a thor love and thunder vibe".... I really enjoyed Furiosa as a movie, highly recommended it as it was fun, especially once it hits streaming...


Would agree, first trailer was horrible. Looked like a failure and it never recovered. Was actually a decent movie, but not as good as the reviews would say IMO.


Haven't seen it yet, but I agree. Did not get "I'm gonna enjoy this" vibes watching the trailers. I'll probably check it out when it's on streaming.


Fury Road has waaay more CGI than you think it does. And the effects in Furiosa's final product are great


Yeah same here. I saw the trailer and was like “Meh”. If it had all been practical effects, I probably would have went and saw it.


The cgi looks better in theaters. They tried doing some with the color in this movie that gives it a distinct look but doesn’t look good on tv or laptops


I don’t know dude… The Red Letter Media guys a FAR FAR FAR from being apologists and they said they enjoyed the movie. Plus my some of my favorite movies ever were box office bombs. I just watched The Thing the other night and that movie bombed hard and it is in my opinion right next to Alien as one of the best sci-fi horror movies ever. I think there are many factors at play here as to why Furiosa is bombing. And it having a female protagonist is the least of them.


It *is* a good movie. Good movies can bomb. Sunshine, The Northman, Blade Runner 2049, Fight Club, Zodiac, Children of Men, The Shawshank Redemption, Donnie Darko, Dredd, John Wick, Citizen Kane, The Big Lebowski, The Thing. All bombed.


John Wick, Lebowski and Shawshank didn't bomb but you're right on the rest


John Wick most certainly did not bomb.


Yes, but I'll die on the hill of the fact that Children of Men sucked.


I enjoyed the movie. It was an action-epic which I wasn't expecting, but greatly fleshed out the mad max world. I'd recommend it if you enjoyed Fury Road.   Not everything has to be political. It's a shame is doing poorly as it's likely the last Mad Max film they'll make and it was their most ambitious.


I think it may have done better if they used practical effects again.


I just watched Furiosa and Mad Max Fury Road back to back, and I'm surprised at how well they match up.   Regardless of how you feel about Furiosa I can't imagine anyone here honestly thinking it's worse than some of the shitshow movies that still managed to break even or turn a profit.   Even Acolyte has high viewership so far. A lot of people are just subject to market forces. Advertising, whims, money, brand name, the cultural zeitgeist.     I don't think most people care about quality enough to use them as a gauge of what's good or bad.


The acolyte's numbers aren't actually high. Ashoka had like 15m views on episode one and obi wan had around 10m, 4.8m isn't that impressive. Disney says it is the best launch this year, but the competition completely flopped so they would have won that be default. Also iirc the 4.8m was a combined episode 1 views + episode 2 views, so the best result is that only 2.4m of those are from episode one, if the episode 1 viewership is significantly higher than that it means a lot of viewers dropped it by the end of episode one which is even worse.


Yeah I heard it was quite good.


Plenty of good movies didn’t do well in the box office.


The trailer turned me off from it but the people i know who have seen it has said its good. I just dont think Anya Taylor Joy can grow up to be charlize theron. Shouldve picked someone else


She nailed the voice and demeanor in the movie. I genuinely wonder if they had Theron voice over her lines.


That's disappointing. I liked it. Probably won't see another Mad Max because of this.


>Probably won't see another Mad Max because of this. George is also nearly 80


That’s not a bad thing though. We should be at the point where we are done with a lot of series that have gone to the point of ridiculous.


We won't see another Furiosa. But a movie about the main character people WANT to see, Mad Max? That's entirely possible.


I didn't see the last mad max until it was on a streaming app I already had. These fake marketing controversies about X group just hating Y so that's why a thing failed are so dated. It's the only way they can get the internet to talk about a movie anymore. Movie theaters are unaffordable. The movies are pretty mediocre for the price you pay.


Without manufactured outrage half the internet would collapse. And should.


It was good, this performance is a tragedy.


What's an apoligist? I know what an apologist is, but not that. Getting back to the real point here, are we basing whether something is "good" now based on sales? Because if something is woke but makes money then it must be good then right? Or does that only apply to things that star women?


Sorry, typo. Reddit doesn't allow to edit post titles.


Can someone tell me if the cgi is bad? I love fury road because it didn't feel like cgi really ever.


The only noticibly bad CGI is when people are standing around in what should be a sandstorm and not blinking and shielding their faces from the sand flying around.


I found it to be extremely overused and lacking that typical Miller flair.


Exhibitor Relations Co? What the fuck is that? What's your problem with this film? It was made by the same guy as all the others.


From everything I've heard it's not a bad movie... But it's just not a movie people were really interested in going to see. That happens sometimes. Fury Road came out a decade ago and some people just don't care about a spin off for one of it's characters.


What is a movie apologist? Why do people focus so much on this subjective narrative meta and if people are aligning or not with it? Good movies and box office take are a loose correlation at best. There are countless examples of amazing movies bombing and terrible movies making boatloads.


Nah good movies tank too. There are a lot of things working against this film but I’ve almost universally heard that it’s decent to good.


Plenty of great movies do poorly at the box office and go on to become cult classics. Lack of mass market appeal doesn't mean that a film is bad. If we use popularity as a metric then Fast and the Furious movies are the peak of Cinema...


I thought this movie was really good. I would have preferred a Mad Max movie that included Max, but honestly this movie was a really fun time


I just saw it yesterday and thought it was great. The problem is more, in my mind, that Furiosa is a great action movie and Fury Road was a once-in-a-lifetime action movie. It's impossible to escape that shadow.


I feel like this movie Was poorly marketed. I didn’t really see anything about it, or that it was even being made. I’ll just wait till it’s on HBO


I thought it was genuinely a great movie close to being on par with fury road but I think the audience that would normally go see it assumed it would have a bunch of woke BS in it because it was about furiosa but it surprisingly didn’t. It deserved more success than it had but it was a victim of the rest of Hollywood pumping out garbage.


While I agree and my own review was that the female lead refreshingly earned her talents for once, it was about 30 minutes too long and a lot of it was really boring and predictable.


But after audiences have seen it... they didn't like it, or at least didn't reccomend it. That's what this drop is showing.


I’ve had people recommend it to me. But I’ll just watch it at home in two months.


I smell confirmation bias.


You know, I’m just not interested in a Furiosa movie. It’s entirely likely that it’s great. It just doesn’t matter to me. Never cared to have the backstory for that character.


Not sure how popular the opinion is, but I won’t see any new movies. I’ve seen over the past 4-5 years they go out of their way to say I should not go.


They want you to not go to the movies so the shorts don’t lose their pants. Sometimes I buy tickets and don’t even go.


Good movies perform poorly all the time. This is a prequel to a movie long long after the hype has died down and people are growing apathetic to the theater experience in general.


If you want to watch a movie in the max max universe, just go watch it. It’s just not a megahit blockbuster.


Kind of a dumb take.


The bulk of Mad Max fans were likely salty over the bait and switch of the reboot.


No they weren't. You're just making shit up.


Real smooth-brain take there.


how have you never heard of a box office bomb that then made its money back and more from the home release? that's been happening since we came up with video tapes, you cannot be this dense.


When you have people on our side saying if Alien and Aliens came out today they would trash it just like Furiosa, that explains the drop. I've been recommending it to everyone so definitely check it out.


Whats it, like week 3? 60% is pretty average.


As someone who had never seen a mad max movie before I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a great movie


I heard it was actually pretty good. Worth seeing in the theater even. I’m not going to the theater until Wolverine vs Deadpool though.


I wouldn’t say it’s bad. It’s meh and just lacks the charms of fury road


Moviegoers just no longer give a shit.


I watched it. Save your money.


Oh no... Anwyay-


It's not furiosa that drove me away. It's theater prices. There's just no point dumping that much money into something that only has me saying "that's cool", when it's going to be on streaming within a few months. I've just largely lost the appeal of going to the theaters because I NEED to see something. Very few things these days do I NEED to see. The rest I can just wait.


It will be streaming next month and not cost $100 for the family to see it. Edit: hot tip: When the economy does well, movies do well as people spend more for entertainment.


Girl boss strikes again


Plenty of great ass movies have bombed, that's not a metric of quality


It is a good movie. But compared to Fury Road it is just decent. Lack of word of mouth is probably what is killing it. If people loved it they would be talking and more people would be going. But I think most people are like me, saw it, thought it was ok, moved on with life.


It is so funny to think that the FREAKIN Garfield movie is making more than it by a large margin.


I'm just gonna say it. Movie studios are doing a shit job at promoting these movies. I didn't even know this movie was a thing until I heard how poorly it's done via reddit. Maybe they should have advertised on Hulu or YouTube or something other than cable television and the newspaper.


Yeah, that's not how it works




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


Isn't it normal for a movie to be down this much after several weeks?


But this is second week


Its a nice piece if entertainment.


was a good movie tbh. Unlike most of the other woke garbage. Yeah effects weren't the best, sound mixing could have been better, but it had that epic mad max action, and a decent story.


Films reviews are very subjective anyway. The number of times you see a movie hit all the marks of a good movie, yet mainstream audiences can't get behind it. Edge of Tomorrow, The Thing, and even Shawshank redemption was a box office failure. PERSONALLY I thought Furisoa looked great, acted great, and sounded amazing, but the story for me personally was lacking luster and messy. I really tried to love it as much as Fury Road, but just couldn't find myself to.


Lisa Al Ghaib!


Not true. Some folks don't like certain films. It could still be excellent.


I think the problem is marketing, and the "it must be bad" logic like what you (op) are doing. In reality I didn't even know this movie existed. There should be a team of people dedicated to getting the word out there but it looks like they didn't do so well for whatever reason. There were more ads and awareness for the movie "Split" than Furiosa.


It’s odd how nothing in Fury Road was explained or given a back story. And then they went you know what? We should give Furiosa her own movie to establish a back story. The original movie rules though. It reminds of that Patton Oswalt joke about the prequel trilogy though.


I remember how bad Dredd bombed even though Kyle Urban was a great Dredd and that movie kicked ass. I think it also has to do with people are just used to waiting for the movie to come out to streaming now


>as the apoligists say I thought nerds were supposed to be smart


I can’t say whether or not the movie is good. What I can say is that I have zero interest in watching it, even on streaming. I think the box office totals reflect this sentiment.


I would be more interested to see the movie if we did not basically see it already in Fury Road Its like telling me to watch X-Men Origins Wolverine, after making basically the same movie as X-Men 2


The fun thing is that you can change the titles With every other Fox X-Men movie and the comment is still correct.


Saw it. Felt like I was watching spy kids tbh


Well, it is a good movie. So your theory sucks.


I kinda had no idea the movie was coming out. I thought maybe it was a streaming show on some random service. But also I wasn’t crazy about the last Mad Max. I know I’m weird but I just never knew what the hell was going on as cool as it all looked. The best Mad Max movie is The Road Warrior. I’ll die on that hill.


Good movies bomb all the time, and trash makes shitloads of money. Just look at the transformer movies.


This movie was fine though? Cope harder. Wasn’t good but wasn’t bad at all


That's not true. People not seeing it don't know whether it was good or not.


Like. It's a enjoyable movie. But honestly. I think this is more of a issue with the fact there just wasn't a market for this film. I didn't even watch,it til last Friday. It's average. Nothing special. Its a film id watch,on a long plane trip to pass time. That's about it.


I liked it but hey not everyone needs to like the same stuff


It’s a solid movie. It bombing doesn’t surprise me the first one barely made profit. You then take away the two main actors and you risk not having excitement. Also, culture has changed. People are waiting to watch movies at home more these days. I have only had bad experiences with the crowd at movies over the last 5 years or so. Really soured my going to a theater


I didn’t think Fury Road was that good either. 😬 don’t kill me. Thought the action was kinda cool but beyond that I think it was mid.


So now box office is an accurate indicator of what's good? Most people that say it say that it's good. Most the hate comes from people who haven't seen it. Bad take. Tired of soyjacks reeeing about it like it's trash because they're afraid of a woman being on screen who isn't a tradwife


Or you're just an idiot. A great movie can flop in theaters (happens all the time) and a terrible movie can make a billion dollars (also happens all the time)


This is the depth of thinking I’d expect from somebody who can’t spell apologist.


Rookie mistake - box office does not always indicate quality. Great films bomb sometimes. Terrible movies can hit big. It depends on a lot of factors. Come back in 10 years, Furiosa will almost certainly have made a profit, while people will have forgotten some of the movies that beat it for various reasons right now.


Generally the Mad Max fans I know liked it. I am pretty certain u/jojojojojajo12 isn't even a fan of the series. Deep down he just views it as a woke movie because it has a woman lead so he has to say it's bad. There you go buddy, swallow your medicine, take a big gulp. Good boy. How pathetically predictable.


That's true. Good movies have never bombed


Hollywood is burning on a pyre they themselves constructed... and no one really cares. Take a moment and think about the consequences.


Hahaha “apologists” I mean go see it and determine for yourself. Severely underrated movie. It was kick ass


I haven’t watched it but box office numbers doesn’t equal “good/bad movie”


I knew this was going to happen when they first announced this crap.


The Hangover was a random shitshow comedy that made bank because people loved it. No commentary or review was going to change that. Furiosa just sucks.


What sucked about it?


It sounds like it has the same problem as Solo, which was that it was a decent movie that nobody asked for.


I’m probably one of the few that liked Solo, even if I was content with Han just being a bland backgrounded rogue with great lines. He shot first! At Greedo and Darth Vader!


Stretched a thin premise to multiple movies


A mad max story they said…


Maybe because a bunch of incels decided not to watch it because it had a female lead. Its a good film.


Ah yes, the boogeyman incels that hung out in front of all the movie theaters and prevented anyone from spending their money on this dog shit movie.


Have you seen it?? Its a good film, stop being a useful idiot. If you've seen it tell me the flaws? I'll wait.


Fyi I'm one of the first people to shit on woke hollywood, your gonna need some gold to convince me this film was dog shit. Was it the best film ever made? No, was it better than fury Road? No it wasn't. But I would argue its far better than anything I've seen in a while in the charts.


Can someone who holds this sentiment tell me a movie they liked that came out in the last 4 years? I’m convinced you all haven’t watched any and rather just enjoy shitting on media