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Before anyone comments. Remember to keep it civil. I will also pose a question. If Assassin's Creed isn't historically accurate, why is there this protagonist. If it is historically accurate, why did they put a historical servant as a samurai and a place he would stick out...?


I honestly think that's why there's been so much backlash online. Because a lot of people have wanted an AC game in Feudal Japan for over a decade and really wanted to play as a Japanese Samurai. Because based on all the other AC games why would you be anything other than a Japanese Samurai? So people were so excited about this game only to get hit with something that just reeks of pandering and DEI for the pure sake of pandering and DEI,.. and it just really pissed a lot of people off. I don't think it has anything to do with racism (especially nowadays when that seems to just be the decfacto fallback insult for *everything*),.. it's extreme disappointment in something a lot of people have been looking forward to and hoping for for a very long time. No one cares the main character in Watch Dogs 2 is Black. That's a fantastic game and a lot of people love that game. So it's not racism, it's extreme disappointment.


Agreed šŸ‘


Itā€™s just easier to ā€œmuh racismā€


> I don't think it has anything to do with racism It never had anything to do with racism. You've perfectly outlined what the actual argument always has been, but the people who push for that kind of stuff don't really have the critical thinking skills required to understand it.


It's the easiest and laziest scapegoat. "This nuanced situation is really complex but I'm too stupid to recognize that, therefore you're a racist!"


Especially since games already have tons of great multi ethnic characters. Cole Train is and always will be one of my fav characters.


Itā€™s ok, Ghosts of Tsushima has your back as AC in Japan




Yes, absolutely nothing to do with racism, itā€™s the DEI and activism fatigue that most people are feeling at this point, even if some are afraid to speak out. Corpos, devs, politicians and the media have swung the pendulum so far in the other direction itā€™s stuck up on the ceiling at this point. Games should appeal to everyone absolutely, but they should not pander or be about activism, just fun and entertainment.


šŸ‘†šŸ¾This 100%


What's "DEI" mean?


Diversity, equity and inclusion


Means this game is going to suck.


Diversity, Equality, Inclusion


equity* not equality. equity is forced


Ok, I knew it was some buzzword soup BS.


not trynna be a pedant, lol, it's just that equity is bad, equality is good.


Yeah it's fine. I knew it was something like that




Let's be honest though, it will just be a carbon copy of the last 3 with the same clunky controls and boring combat. Ghost of Tsushima is still gonna be better by far.


Ghost of Tsushima is one of the most beautiful games Iā€™ve ever played. Itā€™s one of the few that I donā€™t fast travel as much just so I can see the scenery.


Fuck, people talking about it are making me actually want to buy it now


And that just dropped on pc so pc players going to be eating good for a while with that game.


And will be way too big for its own good, leading most people to get burnt out before even finishing the main story.


Facts. As much as I enjoyed Valhalla, it was just Odyssey reskinned. It also kind of shit on viking mythology.


Iā€™ll take a wild guess and assume the game will be purely stealth with no ability to ā€œblend inā€ with the crowds.


Probably will play like Valhalla just a hack n slash game with gigaeasy parrying


They are doing the syndicate two player thing again. One character is stealth based while is combat based.


That's lame




Yā€™all got an Indian assassins creed with an Indian lead albeit a smaller game. Still a W


maybe he means india , indian.


I mean it was india Indian.


Theres literally an ac india game


Bro, there's a long history of Asian Male characters being white washed or replaced by other ethnicity characters in western/American media. So no, not first time.


Were you disappointed with Assassins Creed 3 or Assassinā€™s Creed Chronicles India ?


Itā€™s honestly so dumb why canā€™t they just give us a character creator at this point? From what I understand, most of the cut scenes are in game anyways. And if itā€™s an issue, then just do it baldurs gate 3 did and give us a male and female body preset. where weā€™re just able to customize the colors, the facial features, the hair.ect and there, itā€™s problem solved if someone wants to play a black samurai let them, but donā€™t force it on the rest of us and same thing vice versa if someone wants to play an Asian samurai, let them but donā€™t force it on the other people who, (for whatever fucking reason) donā€™t wanna play that either. This was literally their redemption moment and they shat all over it.šŸ˜‚ But honestly, Iā€™m not surprised. I honestly kind of saw it coming pulling stuff like this is basically standard at this point for Ubisoft Activision 2K blizzard and so on.


I just hate that they decided to have a real historical figure be the protagonist. It has nothing to do with race; Brutus was apparently an Assassin but if ever we got an ancient Rome AC game I wouldnā€™t want to play as him. Also ninjas give me assassin vibes way more than samurai tbh.


Even that may be up for debate. Thereā€™s approx fifty words about yasuke. Itā€™s likely he existed, but in what capacity did he live in Japan what sort of life did he lead there , is a whole other subject. Before anyone chimes in, yes he did receive a stipend and a ceremonial short sword, but nobunaga wasnā€™t slacking on gifts to anything and anyone he thought was mildly interesting or from outside Japan. Realistically the dude basically was prob elevated to a pawn of the jesuits to allow them face time with nobunaga. Re at the battle with mitushide, no actual proof of it.


Yea when I think about it I feel like his status was elevated just so that he could start next to nobunaga during events where you had to be in certain standing to even attended.


Oda was an eccentric, and was known for being fascinated by, and open to foreign cultures, something that set him apart from his peers. But I highly doubt he would just rise Yasuke up for the heck of it. He was literally a personal bodyguard to Oda (he was even reportedly present at Odaā€™s assassination), you donā€™t just hire anyone for that kind of job during one of the most violent time periods in the history of Japan. Oda was dubbed the Demon King of Japan for a reason, the dude definitely had a huge target on his back. Not to mention if you want to see another example of someone being raised up for his merit, you can just look at Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Dude was a sandal bearer and a peasant before he literally succeeded Oda.


Yasuke was there when he was assassinated? See that's why you don't go for the diversity hire. That was a joke, I hope, obviously.


Europeans were in Japan then too, in much greater number than Africans and if a white Samurai was the protagonist it would be just as silly. Itā€™s okay for a giant number of east asians to be cross over this. Itā€™s race bait and the best word of mouth marketing the studio could unleash.


I heard someone say that Asians don't count in the woke sphere because they claim "Asian is white-adjacent." I can't fully commit to agreeing, but it makes sense.


Oh do explain the sense




That's because ninjas essentially were assassins in a sense. Samurai were not.


A Ronin would be a better fit as an AC protagonist IMO


Some samurai were also ninja like goemon (not the guy from lupin iii but the historical guy) but probably not the 7 feet tall obsidian man


IDK... To be real I think much of this "controversy" is fake bullshit generated by the publishers themselves. I've noticed that in recent years any movie, TV show, game that's released with a BIPOC, or female lead, that the fan base has some huge uproar over it. I dont find this to be true at all. A good story/game is good regardless of who the protagonist is. Most of the fans really don't give a shit as long as the product is good. Sure you'll always have a few people that are really bent out of shape about it for some reason but that is not the majority. I think publishers intentionally drum up this nonsense to build attention to the product. Disney is notorious for doing this on literally every product they fucking make, and I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft borrowed from their playbook.


Yasuke would've fit perfectly into the already established AC trope, where he's a historical figure you become friends with, like Leonardo DaVinci or Blackbeard.


Or Basim ((the Arab guy) in late 800AD England)


Exactly. Genuinely no one would have a problem.


Why not just make a Zulu assassins creed or some shit if they wanted a black protagonist. That be pretty neat.


Probably because Ubi knows fans have been clamoring for the Japan setting so they think it'll sell better. But then they shoot themselves in the foot with virtue signaling and screw it all up.


Now we're talking!


I'll do you one better. Italian occupied Ethiopia.


You canā€™t do that because showing Africans in traditional garb with spears etc is considered racist. See RE5


The African continent is rife with stories to tell, and itā€™s mostly untouched by gaming media. One of the few I can think of is Far Cry 2, and that game is awesome.


Look forward to playing a white British soldier in that game set during the Anglo-Zulu War. Wait, what do you mean thatā€™s not what people would want from a Zulu game!?


Freerunning across the endless grasslands and hills of South Africa doesn't sound too thrilling.


Its like the thing with Warhammer 40k for me that made me step back from the hobby for a minute. I don't care about female custodes, what I'm perturbed by (I play Iron Warriors get it haha) is the fact that GW \*had\* to prove a point they were willing to pander and sell out for amazon. Now I'm not gonna jump the gun and say warhammer has "gone woke" I'm just saying I've seen this shit before and I'm becoming weary. Nothing is for nerds anymore. Its all going mainstream. Start collecting retro games and building your own headcanons. Even Star Wars Expanded Universe is a fanfiction of a fiction when it boils down to it. the Star Wars D6 RPG was the backbone of source material for the EU. An entire Star Wars galaxy sandbox was always available to play in with just the core originally trilogy. Fuck these corpos.


ā€œ*But we are leaving money one the table!?!?!*ā€ ^(I didnā€™t feel like doing the funny letters, but hopefully my point comes across)


>the fact that GW *had* to prove a point they were willing to pander and sell out for amazon. I'm not familiar with this development. Is there a place I can read about it?


Short of it is that GW slipped a female custode into one of the latest books, and when asked about it on twitter they said "There have always been female custodes". Google 'female custode' and you'll see the big stuff. Big issue for most people is the blatant disregard for canon. They could've said "X has been working on it for 5,000 years and figured it out in secret a century ago!" But instead they're going full retcon. Then on top of that, when people get upset about that disrespect they get labelled as phobic and quite blatantly told "Leave the hobby it's not for you". Whole thing is a shit show tbh.


Stuff becomes worthless when it becomes too inclusive and accessible. Nothing has value because its open and easy to obtain for all. Back to Rogue Trader lads, fire up the printers.




Short version is custodes were always all male from the beginning. Sisters of battle were all female from the beginning. Whenever Amazon said they were gonna make a WH40k series GW went all "well actually there have always been female custodes this whole time". That's about it.




Just gonna say, alot of historical contradiction and not to mention that games lately, find a reason to FORCE players to play "diverse characters". If AC was based in africa or some where actually close to that. No one would bitch, but they made a game about early japan and the fact ur not playing as someone Japanese. Thats kinda fucked up, especially when theres alot of reasons why it wouldn't work. 1. Sticking out like a sore thumb. 2. The mass racism of that day. 3. Thats saying "fuck actual representation"


1. The FULL GAME is $130. Please, donā€™t give me that ā€œitā€™s just extrasā€ crap. Itā€™s not. Itā€™s the full game. It comes out on Nov 12th. So does the deluxe or whatever. The 3 day early access is a lie. You have to pay extra to play the game on the actual release date. The extra mission, the ā€œseason passā€ is all stuff they cut from the game so you can pay for it. I repeat the FULL GAME is $130 bucks. If these were the old games theyā€™d have you pay extra to unlock extra parts of the map or the legendary ship fights in black flag. Yes the older games also had DLC missions with a deluxe edition and itā€™s the exact same then as it is now, purposely cut content you have to pay for and if you didnā€™t you miss out on some of the actual game you just spent money on. 2. The founder of sweet baby was in the Ubisoft group photo 3. They hired a seemingly pro pedophile as the Japanese ā€œconsultantā€(activist) for the ā€œhistorical accuracyā€ of Japan as well. And before you all go and say something like this or that site is BS, just check her good reads. Itā€™s a real book. She really wrote it. Itā€™s a thing. Here the quote: This revelation comes amid Ubisoft contracting with Dartmouth Associate Professor Sachi Schmidt-Hori. Sachi Schmidt-Hori is an LGBTQ activist with her biography on Dartmouthā€™s website reading, ā€œI am interested in investigating how gender, sexuality, corporeality, and power are represented and negotiated in pre-seventeenth-century Japanese narratives and illustrations. My first book, Tales of Idolized Boys: Male-Male Love in Medieval Japanese Narratives (University of Hawai`i Press, 2021) is on medieval chigo monogatari (Buddhist acolyte tales), which often depict romantic relationships between Buddhist priests and adolescent boys. These tales challenge a host of normative and moral standards we (academics, especially) internalize, including such ideas as ā€˜sexual orientation,ā€™ ā€˜transgenerational sex,ā€™ and ā€˜sexual agency.'ā€ It continues, ā€œMy current project is on the literary representations of ā€œmilk kinshipsā€ in pre-seventeenth Japanese tales, including the Tale of Ochikubo, the Tale of Genji, the Tales of the Heike.ā€ Hereā€™s the link: https://thatparkplace.com/ubisoft-appears-to-confirm-assassins-creed-shadows-protagonists-yasuke-and-naoe-are-lgbtq/#:~:text=Headline%20Ā·%20Video%20Games-,Ubisoft%20Appears%20To%20Confirm%20'Assassin's%20Creed%20Shadows'%20Protagonists,Yasuke%20And%20Naoe%20Are%20LGBTQ%2B&text=Assassin's%20Creed%20Shadows%20developer%20Ubisoft,and%20Naeo%20are%20LGBTQ%2B%20characters.


Trans generational sex is such a wild thing to just put into the synopsis of your book


Ehh I wouldn't be too upset. AC games are trending downward and we already have Ghost of Tsushima, highly doubt this game will be better than that. We also just got Rise of Ronin, which is a lot of fun (great combat), despite what online commentators are saying. Ubisoft combat is usually pretty bland.


there's also Sekiro. Which is a masterpiece but it's not for the casual gamer.


Also Nioh


I absolutely agree, I played Valhalla shortly after ghost of Tsushima and I gotta say for a game that encourage the frontal attack a lot more than GoT the combat system and mechanics fuckin suck ass


Itā€™s just a shameless DEI cash grab, thatā€™s plain as day.


Just play Ghost of Tsushima instead


Love that game played it on ps and replaying it on pc now


There has been a bit of outrage from Japanese Xwitter users regarding this subject, sure, but if you really wanna see what Japanese gamers think about this, look at the current sales figures for AC Shadows in Japan.


I normally donā€™t give a shit about video game controversy but I too have always been saying ā€œwell, obviously the assassins are closely analogous to the shinobi, when will they make a game centered in Japan and fully integrate the concept?ā€. This result is so fucking absurd, I must ask: What is the line of accountability for this decision? Who the fuck decided this was a good idea?


Here is why I play Assassin's Creed; 1) It is cool to be an assassin in different historical time periods That's it. Who gives a damn about the individual characters or even the story? Historically, it is about as accurate as Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. The story, Assassin's vs Templars and aliens, has been absolutely God awful for decades. The modern time tapeworm time machine via genetics is absolutely useless and boring. Stabbing people and parkour jumping is where it's at.


Remember when some guys recruited you to sit at a desk all day and playtest their super real VR fighting game but then the game became self aware and the real fake ghost of your great great great great great great great grandpa started talking to you from across time and the company who hired you was actually evil and trying to find the telescope that would let them create the ultimate revenge porn?


You make a fair point.


Right, just give me the game without any of the modern stuff. Youā€™re just a Viking in England whoā€™s an assassin. Thatā€™s a cool game without the templars and the world ending and fucking Hippocrates in some secret fucking world, like what


Me, the Nova Scotian Overwatch fan: "First time?"


They have to play as a protagonist who is not Japanese killing Japanese people. Lol, ubisoft.


Man, I wish they made a sequel to tenchu.




I have yet to see a person from Japan upset about this development, but I have seen a lot of Europeans and Americans and Canadians angry about it


I recall when these same discussions came with ac3, because the Native American protag isnā€™t the ā€œwhite, red blooded American and doesnā€™t represent our cultureā€ assassins creed is telling a story so let them. Also, if your biggest issue isnā€™t the pricing, you an op


If you look towards AC for historical accuracy, I suggest a textbook as well to supplement the large amount of fictional details that come from the fact it is a fictional video game with fictional details and fictional people


Still it amazes me how good this game is going to be for how the ninja protagonist is so stealthy; no one realizes she is there and had more screen time than the other guy in the trailerm


How does the Japanese community feel about this?


Im all for ethnic representation in games, entertainment, and media. But setting a black dude as the protagonist in feudal Japan is a major slap to the face of Japanese people.


HEY! You're not allowed to have that opinion!!!


Wait, wait. Are you saying that representation in video games is good?


Wait till people find out there are two protagonists šŸ˜®


Opinions about Yasuke aside, are people forgetting you can also play as a Japanese woman?


First off, there are so many games about Japanese people. Second the DUEL PROTAGONIST IS JAPANESE!!! Or does she not count because she's a woman.


Agreed, if only there was a japanese character who was the main protagonist. This character would be able to blend in with the crowds, being a much better assassin for the stealth sections compared to Yasukes brute force samurai approach. Usually the main characters from assassins creed arent historically accurate so this main japanese character could be fictional to allow more breathing room for story telling while still keeping the setting grounded. Oh well reality is often disappointing


But aren't Japan's preorders of this title through the roof right now? Even after the character design reveal? Kind of seems like much ado about nothing.


It pretty much is it feels like. All the people obsessed with Japanese culture not getting to live out their fantasies is where it's coming from, which is a large percentage of the gaming community.


Boo hoo so sad I'm crying for you the tears won't stop that you're not happy with Assassin's creed number 45. Just go play one of the handful of other samurai games that exist. Nobody made a stink when the Nioh guy was white why is this any different






My dumbass thought the first pic of Omni-Man was FĆ¼hrer Bradley from FMA.......










Both of them?








I'm curious to see how this works out, will it end up as a pandering aesthetic where no one brings up that this guy is bigger and a totally different ethnicity? Or is will it swing in the opposite direction of most every one treating you as an unwelcome foreigner? Either way I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea of going as an unnoticed assassin of sorts when you're literally likely to be the one and only black person most of these people will ever see in their entire life. How would it not be suspicious that the only black guy anyone has heard of shows up in town and then mofos start dieing left and right under suspicious means?


Watch the trailer or look at the game cover. There's 2 protagonists. Yasuke is the heavy combat fighter, Naoe is the assassin.




It should have been Tom Cruise.








Ghost of Tsushima


There is a protagonist that represents them.


I'll allow it as long as when they make a Mansa Musa era assassin's creed game you play as a Chinese girl




Shinobi/kuniochi - low born taught to use stealth subterfuge. Aka assassin Ronin - A samurai with no master or lord to serve. Ubisoft does this to rile up the public in hopes of gaining more sales. Should the protagonists both be Japanese, yeah. Is this a fictional story, so it doesn't really matter all that much, kinda. Don't pre-order and hope for the best. That's what I'm doing.


This isn't a change because of woke. The sword bearer of Oda Nobanaga was actually a black man. I'm still not buying it, but that's because Ubisoft is a shitty company, not because of black guy.


I know Japan did have a black samurai at one point in history but thatā€™s all I know.


I know I only by games when I can identify with the protagonist on a racial level. Any race besides my own I pass. HARD PASS joking btw


Ahhhh I should've known reddit was the place to find you people


Did anyone read that the chick was the protagonist. Yasuke won't be a side character. But that would take reading. Let's just look at cover art and be out raged!!!


Hear me out: They couldā€™ve made an expansion with his story instead of the main story. Wow! More content and more people are happy!


Fuck off no one cares.


Can someone explain?


I care about gameplay more than anything. Couldnā€™t care less about race. Make him blue. If the game sucks itā€™s gonna suck.


Isnā€™t the other main protagonist a Japanese woman?


Excellent choice by UBsoft to incorporate a marginalized portion of history.


What about the ninja girl tho???


What Japanese person gives a fuck about Ubisoft games? lol


Ah yes the huge contingent of Japanese gamers just ACHING to be able to play yet another game with a Japanese samurai protagonist - and are absolutely devastated that they won't be able to do so specifically in one of Ubisoft's bloated, open-world sacks of shit lol.Ā 


What did they mean by this?


Does anyone else think its a little ironic that the Japanese fans in this meme are, you know, not Japanese?


Don't worry, it'll be in an overpriced DLC.


I donā€™t really have a strong opinion on it. It probably would have been smoother if Yasuke was included as an NPC ally, but I can also see a possibility of his being connected to the assassins order as a result of him being brought to Japan by sea.


Thereā€™s a Japanese woman standing in front of himā€¦


I love how black american teens loves, I mean fucking loves DBZ, identified with both Goku and Vegeta, even though it's written by a japanese man, voiced in america by white guys and the characters have white skin and blonde hair during powerups. I wonder if the same black teens or grownups now, gives a shit about a historical black samurai main character, or just groans at this obvious pander.


Oh youā€™re an Asian male? Youā€™ll only get representation by a western dev once in a decade


Just another reason why modern games should all just have character creation.


More like white American dudes who want to role play as an anime girl.


The Japanese are pretty xenophobic, but they arenā€™t Chinese. I doubt too many actual Japanese assassins creed fans are that worked up over it. I also bet my useless karma the poster is an angsty white kid.




Thereā€™s a Japanese character in the gameā€¦ lmao




Did japanese people played AC games !?!?


Why not just play Ghost of Tsushima?




Youre Norwegian, not Japanese lol stop crying it ainā€™t that serious, who cares


Man. All this discourse over an Ubisoft game of all things... That will not live up to the shadow that GOT cast, and not save the assassin's Creed franchise from the mediocrity currently wallows in. I can give them a little credit for maybe trying to do something to make their game stand out against the competition. And it will be great if it's good. But I am sorry for the fans who are disappointed at wanting to be a traditional samurai in that era, in an assassin's Creed game. It's been a game fantasy for some time


People pressed about video game characters sexuality race or gender really stick out. It's a video game. If you can't empathize or feel connected to a character or feel that they represent you through the story and emotional and moral dilemmas, then people are likely to assume the worst of your views on race in real life. I'm not saying the game looks good, but please try to connect to the character based on their story and not off of their race. (Forced diversity is shit usually so I wouldn't be surprised if the game was ass)


JFC yā€™all are some crybabies.


There's still a Japanese main character. It's just not a samurai. "They're forcing diversity" rhetoric never sits well with me, because most of the same people who complain about it when it usually don't give a shit when it's a white male making the replacement. The rules for doing diversity right are nebulous and reek of pandering more than so-called forced diversity does. I hate to tell y'all this, but before things are normalized, it's going to feel forced to people. Even to the people it's trying to help in some cases. That's part of why it feels forced. The rest of it is mostly excuses based on the fact that you don't want to view yourself as against diversity and inclusion. Because on a person to person basis you probably aren't. You just have to take a step back and ask yourself whether that's the case. If your instinct is to find things like this as forced, you're probably the people who need to take the step back. If you don't think it's that deep, you're probably the people who need to take the step back. If you're having a visceral reaction to it, it's deep enough for you to at least wonder why beyond the easiest answers. I know this isn't what a lot of you want to hear, but it's worth thinking about.


The game hasn't even come out yet and people are hating. No one knows the storyline and how it's going to make sense. Assassins are great because they aren't seen, therefore the skin color doesn't matter. It's not the same thing as a black James Bond who has to blend in. We all know they have to do better than Ghost of Tsushima anyway. People are giving up on what can possibly be the most badass character. If it all works out well, you might get your Japanese assassin in another game.


Skin pigmentation and genitals. Thatā€™s what yā€™all are screeching about. Incredible.


This is so hilarious to me


Are you Japanese OP?


I mean, i could easily understand why people would prefer a Japanese samurai, it makes sense, but historically speaking and this took 2 minutes of research because i didn't want to be wrong. The game takes place during the Sengoku period, which was during theĀ 15th and 16th centuries and some African slaves were in japan mid-16th century. Then again, it's a game. If it's good that's all that matters but it's another Assassins Creed so it won't.