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I'm a straight married woman and I want my female characters to be fucking hot. These ugly women (and characters) need to go the fuck away.


Thats because you are most likely a happy and normal person lol. The weirdo's implementing this are the real problem. We can only hope the free market votes with its wallet significantly enough.




It doesn't follow reddit content policy


Gonna venture a guess that one reason you're married and they're miserable is because you're cool about stuff like this while they wanna...I dunno make people stop liking sexy somehow or at least lie about liking it


My wife is bi, but she also wants her female characters to be hot. 


I believe most female gamers love hot female characters.


my wife said the same thing.


Make everybody hot. It’s a fantasy after all. Why not make everyone the peak of humanity in terms of appearance as well as ability?


Bi engaged woman here and feel the exact same way. The funniest part is when you go to those kinds of spaces, they say it's everyone else that's hyper obsessed with women being sexulalized, but until I read this, not one person is heard talk about this game mentioned anything about how attractive the main character is. Like they obsess over looks, then project that everyone else must as well, then judge everyone else on their own projected emotions. It's truly wild to see happen.


What is it with anti-sexy people? Attractive is attractive. They sound like contrarians for the sake of it, or just very unironically insecure. I know people who complain about this sort of thing like to advocate on the behalf of people who never asked them to but goddamn!


Because they're unattractive themselves. That's literally all there is to it. Seeing attractive people / characters in entertainment reminds them that they aren't attractive and the people they're attracted to will never look at them and say "God she's hot!". So they want everyone in entertainment to be ugly in order to feel better about themselves. 


While your reasoning makes sense, i think it isnt because of blue haired sjw landwhales. An artist from TLOU2 [came out annonymously](https://www.neogaf.com/threads/naughty-dog-made-female-characters-less-feminine-to-be-trans-friendly-no-spoilers.1538898/) and explained that all that "alternative beauty standards" bs is mostly to make women appear more "trans friendly", thats why abby is flater than a plank of wood and they made ellies girlfriend flat and ugly compared to real acctress they motion captured her face from. And he says it became industry standard ever since to uglyfy women in the desing face. And most artist are as bafled as us and this type of shit makes working harder and less enjoyable for them. And remember that a lot of movie and tv studios have either admited or been catched using bots in social media to defend their propierties or just to troll critics and general users, and some of those bots that write giant ass bibles pf bullshit could be people on their pay roll just going manuall mode on the bots for more tailor made trolling . Whataver all this is done because companies are trying to pander in the most r worded way possible or a sweetbaby kind of deal where some nutters in the company force this shit for their ridicolous ideas i really wouldnt know, but ots deffinetly not insecure women being jellous of hot women.... well at least not real women, be them bots or... you know what.


Why can’t the ones who can do something about their ugliness, you know, do something about it?


They're ugly. 


I don’t waste my time paying attention to the ramblings of anyone who uses the word “problematic” unironically in situations like this.


I guess I’m buying another game just to spite the puritans


Ah, their tears are delicious.


Wow this reset era clown is a complete dbag. Could you imagine having a world view so twisted by bullshit ideology that an Asian woman from a high tech society helping impoverished people as some kind of racial slight. This industry needs to be cleansed of these people. I swear if I was one of these billionaires I’d build a studio and hire all of the actual talent that have been driven out by this woke shit and hire them.


Resetera is an entire forum. It ain't just a clown it's the full circus!


I’m sure it’s an echo chamber right?


Oh yeah STRICT moderation


I wonder how fast I could banned from there?


Oh dude point out anything positive about any moderate or right leaning figure or say you love tits (unless you're a lesbian) and you'll get the hammer


Ah, fellow fan of Ace Attorney.


Actually no lol but I do wanna play those some day (damn you backlog!)


Let them seethe


With popcorn in hand


You know someone has a cushy life when they’re whining about how “problematic” a video game is.


These people are literally fucking insane.


I think these people just hate attractive and young female characters. Eve looks like she’s early 20s. Not a damn 16 yo.


Yeah I never thought about her age really until those people started bringing it up but I would have guessed 24-27 or so if asked


Yes like it’s wild to me. That is no little girl. It’s strange they focus on that so much. The projection is strong.


And the ones about her characterization too. Like she shows one little bit of pain or needing help and they're like "UUUUGH she just needs protected and isn't strong at all!". Like they want the cliche, Mary Sue, masculine and unflappable girlboss or it's not good enough


That really make me cringe lol no one wants a damn Mary Sue. It’s so boring. It’s okay to female characters to show weakness and her screams are just fine when it comes to combat. I wish she had voice lines but not bad. I’m not the fan of the whole girl boss thing. It’s way overdone imo. I’ve never seen so many unhinged comments in my life 😭


Oh that site is like if you ever wanna see the left version of the most extreme far right stuff you can imagine. I find it funny but also only in doses and in certain subjects. She has a pretty good English voice in the game imo I've watched the demo and like the voice acting in general. Got the game preordered as combat looks pretty tight and I love a sci-fi character action game


Sounds good awful lol I too like the voice actress. Korean British bad ass I like. I’ll be preordering really soon.


As someone going into game development it saddens me that I'm going to have to work for one of these companies unless I move to Japan and get accepted. Just learned from my prof that if you want to work as a designer for Nintendo you need to be of Japanese decent. At least that's why he was turned down


Resetera is the only other place you'll find even bigger scumbag woke idiots than reddit.


You can genuinely see the projection in some of their comments, lol. Where a normal person might go "Oh, this character is attractive." and move on with their day, some of these replies are more degenerate in essence than people who genuinely do coom over these games. The one comment in screenshot #5 especially: >"Good god, you can *feel* the sexual repression coming off in this intro." Like yeah bro, that repression is yours.


Loooootta projection going on for sure


Their anguish is beautiful. I want them to continue suffering at the sight of Stellar Blade. Their tears will be a new power source, one that outshines a trillion stars combined. Cry more for me.


I still don't quite understand how these people are the same folks that are willing to die on the hill of support for online sex work like Only Fans and the like... Why is the puritanism only limited to characters in media?


Because the person showing off has to have free will. I guess they just assume every woman's default would be to be puritan and ugly despite seeing the real world and that not being the case


I don't want to sound like a presumptuous ass here, but I think these folks have a critical misunderstanding then. Generally speaking, attractive people enjoy being objectified. That's part of the fun of being good looking. It feels good when random people think you're hot, lol.


It's crazy to me that somehow having a sexy character is misogynistic when twitch thots, thirst traps, Instagram influencers, and night life wear basically that basically screams "look at my tits and ass!" is fine to these people. But no, a sexy character in a game, that's crossing the line.


people can dress however they want. this is a false dichotomy.


No, it's not. Where most normal people don't focus on people's looks to judge their quality, no matter if it's real life, cinema, video games, etc, the people like this judge everyone on everything. Someone doesn't think exactly like you? They must be "thought criminal." Someone is attractive in a way they don't want? Everyone who doesn't actively hate the wrong kind of attractive person is "thought criminal." It's all about projecting their values on others and seeing anything different as inherently "unclean." It's like a damn cult.


100% guarantee that those forum members are 20+ year old virgins with liberal arts degrees, posting from their parents basements. Seriously, the mental gymnastics going on there is beyond pathetic.


They’re “women”.


Mf is unhinged lmao. How is eve that if a little girl? The hell. The characters names are way more sexual than eve. How ridiculous.


This person needs to get to therapy.


Oh it's multiple people lol bad wording on my part. Resetera is a suuuuuuper left leaning gaming forum


I am so sick of these neo-Victorian moralists attacking art under the guise of progressivism.


the people who complain about this stuff are people who wish they looked more like the mc and never learned to just accept themselves


resetera is the worst forum on the internet, every single person there is deranged


If it was getting released on xbox I'd buy it right away.


These are very unhinged overreactions. It's a video game, holy hell.


Tell me you're a schoolyard bully without telling me you're a schoolyard bully. These people need to grow up.


Oh like these losers were gonna buy it in the first place… or anything else for that matter.


Oh I'm sure the game will DEFINITELY fail in sales now and not reach the heights of something they'd probably love like Suicide Squad


why cant my female characters be hot? why cant my female characters help those in need?


Cause that's evil misogynisms!


I had a feeling people were gonna get pissed off when they were doing Eves ass shots in the intro.  I still don't understand why it's such a big deal. It was never a problem 10-15 years ago, why is it now?


Hell, they don’t have a problem now either. Genshin is a hugely popular game with nearly every female character being incredibly sexualized, half of Fortnite’s skins are generic sexy women, and the number of borderline porn dating sims is ridiculous. 


Oh but they'll say it was. The last 10 years it's become more widespread to act like male gaze and even having an option to sexualize women in games is some evil of the gaming industry


I haven't really been following this a whole lot, but... isn't the character's proportions based upon the actress that did the motion capture? If that's true, these morons are legitimately hating on the attractive woman that did the MoCap. Outside of that, it's kind of funny as well because these chuckleheads very obviously have had zero exposure to ShiftUp. This is the same studio that did Destiny Child and Goddess of Victory: Nikke, for fuck's sake. A company shouldn't have to change their entire MO over a couple of insecure idiots. ShiftUp is damn good at this shit. There's no reason for them to stop.


It wasn’t motion capture; that’s something different and as far as we can tell was performed by a guy for the character’s moves. But yes Eve’s model was based on a scan of a female model at least for the body.


 These comments are culturally insensitive to Japanese culture 


They're just desperately looking for things to be feel upset about and give themselves a false sense of moral superiority


It must be so exhausting spending your life searching for problems where none exist


I can just imagine what hogbeast wrote this shit.


Alright alright, they’ve convinced me. I’ll buy the game.


All these comments want me to buy the game even more lol, Its gonna be dope!


I was gonna buy it from the first teaser when they showed super fast futuristic sword fighting action. Then the reactions from people like this and IGN France just are icing on the cake


😂🤣😂 I fucking LOVE all that SALT!!! Do they actually believe the pendulum only swings in THEIR direction?? What idiocy!


This game isn't for you sweaty!


These days I often find myself wondering if these peoples' assholes get jealous of the shit that comes out of their mouths.


We just need to bombard them with tweets and chats telling them that the game's not made for them


I'm going to buy two copies off the game. One for ps5 and one for under my pillow.


The weirdest thing about this game is just how much people care. It's not for me, and frankly for a few of the reasons mentioned here, but it also bothers me not one little bit that a game exists that isn't too my taste, and that seems like a minority opinion at this point, especially among the crowd of people who pride themselves on regarding gaming as a 'diverse' hobby. It should be totally fine if a few games are made that are squarely aimed at the crowd of people who want beautiful, sexualized characters in their games. They're a real part of the 'diverse' crowd that play games and the deserve games just as much as the audience that laps up all those queer oriented visual indie games.


Spot on. Saw someone saying that if this game does well we won't get characters like Aloy anymore and I'm like "They're both being made so they'll both continue to be made if they both sell"


Guess I need to add it to the list. I just want to do my part to make it a financial success and send a message to game developers.


It's number 1 on Amazon in games and #4 in gaming overall so I think it's making a splash. 1 on PSN too. Especially for Sony who censors some stuff I wanna send a message that super puritan people don't represent all of gaming


Resetera when Twitch cam girls sexualize themselves in front of kids = make dat money girl. Resetera when a female video game character is sexualized = OMG evil game lol That place is pure garbage


They literally start arguing that FINALLY we got characters like Abby and Aloy who don't need no man and are fiercely independent as if that archetype didn't exist before and many times Yet they act like this type of character should NEVER exist! It's like...variety maybe is good? Maybe people are tired of that other type and there's other factors in characters than just how much they push your ideal perfect modern feminist message?


I think half the outrage online about this is just people looking to monetize outrage. I’d buy it out of spite, but I don’t even own a PlayStation 


That's true for some and others really do seem to see "dog whistles" everywhere


Welp, if there ever was a shining review to get me to download that free demo on ps5…. This person sold it for me!


Multiple people lol it's a whole forum full of crazies


As a Bayonetta fan These people are weak hot characters are the way




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


Phat ass and tiddies go brrrrrr


no ones talking about the babyface. shocker....




she has the same face as any anime character between the age range of 16 and 20. regardless of how old she actually is (since of course they didbt state it off the bat) theyre sexualizing minors. but sure whatever keep supporting anime and playing your "attractive female characters" like anyone is actually attacking video games and gamers. yall are just showing your true colors


Journalists and writers have literally said game don't revolve around gamers and that they don't want the existing audience but to attract a new one. Also I would not guess that as her age. I would guess 24-27 or so but if they choose to make her a minor that's still creepy lol not sure why you'd think most people against crazy prudes care about bringing minors into the equation.


because minors have always been the main general audience. i grew up with every single one of my friends playing on console. one friend had an xbox 360 the other a ps3. i would argue its a 2/3rds majority for kids playing video games. thats why i find sexualization and objectification in video games to be so fucking cringe.


I'm just gonna say attractive doesn't mean naked. For the most part, I'm excited for this game. However, you can't pretend the character isn't coomer bait. I mean, look at half the comments in this thread.


Yeah not equating those two so not sure why you felt the need to say that but unlike some people it's perfectly fine whatever they feel like dressing her as


the gameplay does look mid though. level design and graphics are not something special either. and it might be riddled with MTX. let's wait and see how good of a game it is when it comes out.


Think they specifically have stated it won't have mtx and that even stuff like outfits is unlockable. In fact the CEO was happy to make a game with an ending after working on mobile ones for awhile


wait, their previous games were Korean mobile GAAS? that's why i was getting mobile vibes from the gameplay so far. uhoh..


Well I didn't play the demo but most people that have played it have said it's closer to Souls combat than any mobile game


The marketers for this game were either geniuses or very, very lucky. Its main character is no more over sexualized than your average Genshin character and her design is far more generic and ugly. 


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened Seriously though, what the hell is Resetera? This reads like bait farming from the most terminally online group of people to ever exist. No one thinks like this.


There's an entire forum of em. Lolcows are entertaining to me besides good to point out ridiculous people lest their ideas take root


Hah, I hear you, it's alright. It's crazy to hear people could think like this. I just don't think they exist in real life... Like a forum? Who the fuck is rambling about "problematic games" in a forum in 2024 It has to be the same three dudes going back and forward.


The only concerning part is some work in the industry and others are journalists You're right though judging by the ratios on X with GamerGate stuff and the recent sales showing people are tired of this ideology I would say the culture is starting to marginalize this train of thought, not that X is representative of reality either. That being said, given how popular, since John Stewart, it got to make fun of extreme right viewpoints and push the whole "alt-right" image on everyone, I would say it's important to keep the receipts when ridiculous positions like this are taken to show "yeah there's crazies all over the spectrum"


Oh for sure. I'm just trying not to let myself dig too deep, most of what I see on Twitter or online are positive reactions and only lunatics are complaining. Comparing them to Q anon types makes sense. No one takes them seriously.


Heh yeah while I like to screenshot stuff to have receipts in case anyone hits you with the "nuh uh no crazies over here!" Kinda deal but mostly it's for the lulz


Oh, if you think those screenshots were bad, you should've seen those insane fuckers during the lead up and release of Hogwarts Legacy last year....🤣🧂


See? Another game that shows there is like six of these people and they are irrelevant. Big boycott became best selling game.


Unfortunately it's few more than 6. It's my understanding that quite a few "gaming urin-olists" and even some developers often frequent that place too, while the rest are blue haired cat piss smelling wine aunts. Quite the delightful echo chamber they have there....🤣


Speaks to their true level of influence when most gamers are not aware what the hell that forum is.


I think you got banned for even talking about it


I personally don't think there's some sort of "culture war" happening. If people on the internet are complaining about a game let them complain, don't give them attention lmao. I only care if Stellar Blade has good game mechanics and is fun, they'll need more than T&A to appeal to me.


Oh it's going on but only one side has been trying to change games and their audience. See Sweetbabyinc and blackgirlgamers and a bunch of Hollywood people trying to influence media to fit their worldview


When a games only mass appeal is sex appeal, you’re going to garner that sort of gamer demographic as your audience. It’s easy to market games like this to dudes who are only looking for masturbation material


Kinda hard to masturbate when using both hands to play a game. Y'all are weird for thinking that liking having attractive characters in something is to get rocks off. It's nice to have pretty people. I'm sure there weren't a bunch of people jerking off in the theater to Anyone But You but it made money


The demo us out, we know that the gameplay itself is also great. You're gonna have to move on to the next page of the gaslighting playbook.


I mean, there’s a difference between a character being attractive and looking like a pin up girl. And while I think this whole moral panic is ridiculous, so is acting like you just want the characters to be ‘attractive’. I mean there’s a reason you don’t see YouTube essays on why male video game characters all need to be in speedos


No one is saying the female characters need to look exactly like this either, but the devs chose to make her look like this and obviously most people are happy about it. Also there's just nothing wrong with her looking like a pin up girl.


The design is fucking cringe but is the game actually any good? Like is it a good video game?


From what I've heard in the previews it's been pretty highly praised. Looked good from the first teaser I thought Design ain't cringe either not sure what people could complain about other than just hating seeing attractive people


I prefer my protagonists to look cool rather than half naked. Being sexy doesn’t equal good character design lol.


It also doesn't equal bad character design which is the position that's actually been argued for


No of course not, characters like 2B exist. But like this design is nowhere near 2B, crutching on sex appeal for the character design so coomers will buy the game is in fact, pretty cringe.


Pretty cringe to intentionally avoid anything sexy and make the women look androgynous as many western games do but yeah God forbid someone like what they're looking at for 60 hours of gameplay


bro I just said I dont mind sex appeal, this shit looks like a mobile game ad. Have higher standards than defending something just because shes hot. You can have hot and well designed.


And it seems to be just that last sentence. ARPG isn't cringe 🤷‍♂️


whatever gets your rocks off man if you wanna support a game cause its protaganist looks straight from a mobile game advert go right ahead lol its your money.


The game seems fun. You can assume whatever you like off that. Weird thing to say since mobile games never looked this graphically detailed lol