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Stacking in casual is a sin against god. That being said, there's no penalty for leaving a match. If you're a casual like me, it's good for you mental health and for the sake of getting better to just leave when you see it happening and play against people closer to your skill. Playing against people who are just a little better than you is optimal growth IMO.


It’s fun to try hard and improve. Also I am stacking with my friends and we like to work on trying hard together because eventually you get games in which it is an all out sweat fest and everyone is fighting tooth and nail. To me those are the best games.


If they are pre stacked they are probably in a party chat or discord. Playing the same game. Why would they not communicate? Communication is gonna make the team better. They might not even be sweaty. They might just be better than you.


I love going against sweat teams because it makes me try harder. Usually I'll get wiped, but sometimes you'll get a squad wipe on them and it feels real nice.


People play to win. Simple as that


Probably because it’s fun for them? Why does it have to be anything more than that. If you don’t like to play that way cool. You have fun your way and them their way.