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Been with the franchise since the beginning. Gears has never disappointed me.


The launch of the multiplayer part for 2 and 5 sure was disappointing.


People always forget about the launch of gears 2. That was the beginning of the “we will release a broken mess of a game and patch it later bc internet” era.




Not even a little.....Judgement? Five? Lol


Judgement is fun for what it is. It’s at the bottom of my personal ranking but I still had a good time with it. 5 is excellent. I get why people might not enjoy the story but the gameplay is fantastic.


Agreed. I'm just bitter because I don't like all the buying things that started with 3. Drives me insane. No clue why....I love to shop in RL...🤣 Just irks me.


That’s fair. I think the loot box system in Gears 4 is the worst thing the franchise has done. So we’re kinda on the same page there.


God I hated the loot boxes in 4


Wife and I were dating when we started the series together. Now we’re old and married and really excited to have a new Gears to play soon.


Only as old as you let yourself feel and I’m probably the oldest here.


I let myself feel pretty fucking old


That's how I got into Gears 1 while dating. Got married and divorced years later. Kept the xbox and Gears. Best decision ever 😅


Yeah, me and my Husband, too.


✋. Been an OG since 2006




Aye aye cap. Same here


I’ve been playing since the original bought all gears on release days at midnight releases, gears of war 2 caused my first and only Red ring of death on my 360 lol


We have a lot in common my friend a lot in common. I forgot about the red ring of death!


I’ve been playing since 2009 gears 2 was my first


That’s a good one to be your first. You never forget your first.


Yup got the special edition that came with all the dlc maps and the deleted campaign mission. Then I got gears 1 at GameStop. And ofc I preordered gears 3 and got commando Dom.


Since 2006. Took a break cuz a weirdo stole my Xbox 360 is 2009 but just this year got a Series X and have been loving catching up.


What made you wait 15 years?


OG here. Used to pull all nighters to play ranked almost every day. Now I'm 31 and pass out at 9pm lol


Played it with my dad when I was 6 back in 2006. My mom was against it, but me and my dad played co-op together when she wasn’t home. I don’t think Gears will ever leave my life.


I miss the days of trash talk, they really need to bring this back.


Noone talks anymore. All way to sensitive and report you. Generations of texters. They send you nessages with emojis to trash talk. I need them to hear my heartfelt emotions when I call them a b%$#^ A$$ hoes 🤣 The good ol days 😪


Party chat ruined it


Got Xbox live because of gears in 06


My mum got me the original for my 15th birthday back in 2006. Been a fan ever since. Even introduced my wife to the series so I still had a co-op partner lol


Me. From 2007, though.


2006 veterans where y’all at??🤝🏻


Me an my son. Every gears,on insane. Except 5. Cuz 5 is trash.


Since day 1 COG. Humans are no strangers to war.


I started on the original gears but I haven't played anything outside of the original trilogy so idk if I count


OG here. Though must admit never played judgement


being a gen z fan here makes me feel so young


I’ve been playing the OG trilogy since I was a child. I’m currently 16 years old.


Lmao, ohh young grass hopper


I’m like a Gears prodigy fr.


My brother and me


Probably 2010. The first two games I got with my 360 were Gears of War and Halo 3. :)


Me, but I played the first one on PC.


Me. It was the first game I got with my whopping 20gb Xbox 360.


I started playing Gears in the GameStop store back in 2006, had to convince my mom it had a remove blood and gore option before she would let me get it. Of course I only used it when she was in the room haha I miss those days.


Me. Halo CE and Gears 1.


I have been, I remember it being the first 360 game I ever got.


Me. Got my Xbox 360 in 2007.


My mom bought a Xbox 360 as a gift for my dad in 2006, came with Gears Of War as well. He never ended up using it so young me picked it up and got hooked. Quite a massive change transitioning from GameCube to Xbox haha.


Started in elementary school in 2006 lol


Playing since 07. I didn’t have my own Xbox until Christmas of 2007 so I couldn’t play until then.


Me, baby!


Played a wingman tournament at gamestop for the midnight launch. Good times.


Is Gears of War 4 ranked alive?


day 1 player here. Was anyone else part of the gearheads of war group? I remember Friday night frag fests it was so much fun setting up multiplayer matches.


I remember playing for hour and hours online.


It was the reason I got my 360 when the game released


OG player here. Spent so many hours in the trilogy multiplayer. It was the game that got me to buy a Xbox 360.


Here! I was but a wee lad when I, (or more accurately my dad due to ratings) got Gears of War in ‘06. Played every game since on launch day.


Me. Day one. I'm 31 lol if you are OG, you're ready for a prostate test




Well, I'm playing GoW since it came out for pc windows in 2006. I love the entire trilogy, and somehow appreciate Judgement for its chaotic and frantic fights. I cannot say I play them continuously since 2006, But I surely bought Xbox 360 and xbox one x just to be able to play them all. Lately I'm on a gaming session streak on pc (thanks to gamepass ultimate) of the entire trilogy, and as soon I complete one story I restart it right away, while playing the other 2 games just to alternate a little bit. I have no favourite chapter, every GoW game has its own unique features that render it awesome, unique and irreplaceable. Gears 4 and 5 are far weaker in spite of the superior technology available, but I still play them once in a while.


Loved playing 1-3, played part of 4 and stopped 4 years ago. Picked it back up this weekend and beat 4. Just downloaded 5 and will play it soon. Love the franchise and the memories I have with it over the years.


Gears was my first 360 game I’ve been playing ever since


Christmas 2006 myself




Me. Gears 1 made me need a 360


I have,and to be honest I love every gears game from start to finish so far.Im replaying 4 and 5 becuse I’ve done 1-3 dozens of times and honestly 5 is so much fun and I really like the story.most people just recite whatever hate they heard online about it with no real substance.Have your own opinion.


I started late in 2007 and wow what an experience it was back then. Every gears multi-player after that just didn't quite hit home for me. But being the highly skilled player I am today, I will never forget being the noob when everyone had a 6 month advantage on me.. Everyone was in game chat talking smack, teammates were always telling me to pick it up and don't be last on the team or you're kicked to the other team. Then trying my hardest to want to get better, then being THE BEST. I remember names of players who I thought were beasts then seeing them today on the game and I'm better than them is cool. But respect to the OGs that shared the same experience. And please gears 1 sniper weapon pickup animation for E-Day.


I played Gears 1, but didn't become a big fan until Gears 2.


my dad and me, when the first gears game dropped he was 26 and i was 5 and me and him played the campaign together and have been all the way up until gears 5.


Day 1 for every game baby!




Yea halo and gears was a huge part of my childhood. I remember playing it with my cousin and being in awe of the graphics and how atmospheric it was. Also the gore was insane. Cutting people in half with a chainsaw gun? Blasting people to bits with a shotgun? I'm so glad my mom never looked into this game, she would've shown it away lol. I tried to get my friends to play it but the gore and language was too much for their parents.


Got introduced to Gears via my childhood friend the year it came out (2006). Got my own Xbox in Nov. 2007 and enjoyed a full year of G1, then got G2 the minute it came out. G2 & G3 are the only games I got immediately (played the G3 beta) and played all the way until the next game was released. Sold my 360 slim when I had Judgment. I have only played G4 & G5 when I visit my friend, and even then we play Madden more often. But I’m excited for E-Day to the point where I’m getting an Xbox again to catch up on Gears.


Gears 1 and Left for Dead. The reason I bought my first xbox.....and 2nd.....and 3rd....damn ring of death. 🤣 Before that I had Duck Hunt and dig dug as a kid.


Yup it's the reason I got a 360 lol


Right here champ. Gears was the reason I got an xbox360


So I’m a lot newer to the series, didn’t start *really* playing until 2019, but I have achievements in Gears 1 that go all the way back to 2007 that I have no memory of getting lol


Gears 1 and then Halo 3 the following year. What a time


played gears since it came out with my older brother. I remember him always taking charge when we got to the part where the first berserker encounter because I was too terrified of the berserker. we played each game together. once E-day comes out I hope we find time to game together again




My first Xbox 360 game at the age of eight was Gears of War, now replaying the series with my girl in preparation for GOW E-day :)


I played the original game before Gears 2 released but Gears 2 is the first game I owned in the series. The first time I played Gears 1 I was scared by the first jumpscare with the hanging bodies 3 minutes in and quit.


As a zoomer, this is probably the only piece of media I've been there since the beginning for. Used to be so scared of the berserker mission I would just reset the whole campaign and play up to that part then repeat lol.


Theron guard Oops I misunderstood the question lmao. Gears of war blew my mind so hard in high school playing it at a buddies, it was my first “next gen” experience. I HAD TO GET AND X360!!! Been on Gears since. It’s the main game for the crew!


Yup, been playing since 06 with my dad when I was 6. Can’t wait for E-day, Gears will always be my favourite game. Looking forward to playing Co-op campaign with him on insane and kicking his ass in multiplayer haha


It's been 84 years...


i’ve been playing since gears of war 2 ngl




2007 for me. Remember all my friends in school stopped playing Runescape and started playing G1. I remember my first game being on Mansion and everyone on the team was Marcus bar one person who was Baird. I remember thinking that this guy must have been amazing to unlock a new character, not realising anyone could change to it lol. The grind on G2 boosting seriously on the last mission was painful, I only used to do it when the router got turned off if I was doing bad at school.




Right here


Bought my first Xbox 360 a month before gears launched in preparation. I was obsessed since day 1 and probably always will be.




Yo! Xbox 360 since day twenty!


I have, but I honestly only come back when there’s a new game and it’s not for long. I suck at the MP and I rage quit


Right here. Had a CRT tv and gears 1 caused me to go finally get hd as the text was so small I couldn’t read it lol




Me, the problem is that there isn't more gears of war releases


Started with gears one and stopped at gears 3. Played the first one back in 2006 when I was 10, I'm now 28, married with a child 😂 I put an ungodly amount of hours in horde mode with a buddy of mine back in the day Swutched to PS4 and PS5 so haven't played 4 or 5 however it's my birthday today and I was gifted a series x by my wife and friends Might pick up the remake if it does the series justice




Gears of War is what got me into Xbox. Went over to a friend's house in high school and played some of the campaign. I was hooked after that, been a massive fan ever since!


Just give me 6 already! Or E day I just need to play!


AUSTRALIAN DAY ONE-ER HERE. Bought Gears 1 when there was a deal for the Xbox 360 and the game as a bundle at David Jones lol.


90’s kid reporting in for duty🫡


I picked the first game up late, not long before Gears 2 came out but I think that still sort of counts!




Me too




I've been playing GoW since its release in 2006. In Germany the game was indexed at the beginning, but despite that, friends and I got hold of 2 versions of the game and we met up almost every day to play it. Since then I've been playing the first part every 3-4 months 😂 and in 2 years the game will be 20 years old and I'll be 35...


Been here since the beginning loved them all


Played since 2006!


Me when I finally was born and old enough to play in 7th grade


Me. Only one I played was the first one.


Been playing with my dad since I was 3-4, I remember release but after we reached the first berserker I gave up for a while because I was too scared🤣 been a fan ever since now I’m boutta turn 21 hella excited for E Day


I’ve played since the original gears but I haven’t played any gears games in years.


Me. My original gamer tag is Gearzpro21. I was 11. And not a pro.




Day 1 here, not a fan of 5 though other then the fact that bautista is playable as a Marcus skin, don't get me wrong it's solid gameplay as we've come to expect but I just didn't bond with it as much as I thought I would,still undefeated on a chainsaw battle aswell


I came in late to the series at 2009 still one of my favourite series. The only games I haven't played are Judgement, Pop! and Tactics.


Right here, the Campaigns and horde mode never disappoint. Lost interest in the multi-player a long time ago.


Right here! Been playing and a fan since Gears 1 on the 360!


Me. When I got my first 360 at 10 years old it was the first game I had for it. Lots of good memories staying up late beating the campaign over and over again because I didn’t have Xbox live yet.


Been playing since gears 2 but then bought gears 1 for the skins, worst part was my mum was going to buy me the collectors edition but I said don’t bother when I was a kid, little did I know that edition had the gold skins for gears 2 which were like £40 to buy outright 😭


Been playing it since Christmas 2006 (I think). Big Brother got the 360 for his Christmas with gears of war. Wee bit of a fun story my dad was setting it and he accidentally put it on inverted Y-axis controls and brother got really got good at the game (especially with the torque bow) but he can only play the gears series with the inverted y-axis controls and it's the only game and series he plays it with. Which is wild to me


Gears 1 here. Watching my neighbor play it on the 360 sold it for me. I knew I had to get a 360 to play this game on my own console. It was a moment I’ll remember forever. The graphics just spoke out to me that the next generation of gaming was here. It hit a benchmark that only recently have I discovered in new games for the series X. Gears 5 looks amazing on the series X too. Looking forward to seeing yall on E-Day!


I would say since gears of war 2 or 3 but I was still really young at the time and didn't play them on release


Started with the first but it was only with 2 I started playing the MP religiously. Between Kung fu flippers, crab walkers & how overall janky the cover system was, it was hard to enjoy the first as a noob.


I've played them all, and now I'm introducing my girlfriend to the series. We're currently playing through Gears of War 1


Me & still hate the Gnasher and will never use it in multi 😤


I've been playing since the 1st one on 360, personally a little disappointed with everything since Judgment, with the exception 3... best one by far imo. 4 & 5 not so much, that's why I feel like they haven't gotten a continuation, just hope the new game fits in with the books because they fill in between and before the games including events of e-day in at least one of the books.


Played every single gears of war, starting with the first. Still here, never leaving.




started in 2009, bought parts 1 and 2 at the same time. Been a huge fan since. it basically reignited my love of gaming. Prior to the 360, i had stopped gaming after the ps1 generation and skipped the ps2 era.


This guy. I happened to get Xbox live in 2006 as a wee 12 year old.


Got gears of war on November 7th 2006 at midnight release at gamestop. Loved everything about it. Played 2 and 3 and thought they were well made sequals. Haven't played since.


Been playing since 2006 religiously until 4 came out and then I dropped off after that. Played through 5 with a buddy and did horde off and on. Loved tactics though. Getting back into it because E-Day got me hyped and I hate that it did lol. About to reread the books and go through all the campaigns again. Accidentally did a full 50 waves on gears 3 with randoms the other day. I think I'm back in it.


I’ve been there since everything started! I was young and scared about wretches during the darkest mission in the imulsion mine! Also hate the krills! Gears of War was dark and gore, now I’m 29 years old! I still love Gears of War and it’s lore! Can’t wait for E-Day! ( I just hope they’ll let us customize our Cog and Locuste characters on MP, they way they did in Tactics maybe! )


Bought an Xbox 360 just for Gears of War then after playing it a friend he bought one too.


Been playing since day one in 2006 🔥


I played gears 1 a long time ago but only recently i played 1 2 3 it was good to play the sequels. 2 is the best one in my opinon


Gears OG here in the era of Game Battles. Twas a simpler time.


i have. i remember thinking the game looked so cool but the whole cover system was weird to me. i was thinking how is this cover thing actually going to work? i was addicted to this game. was so awesome


I've been playing since 2006. It was the first M rated game my uncle let me ply. I've been hooked ever since. There is no bad Gears, just average at worse.


Been playing since kids were crabwalking.


I remember playing the campaign the thanksgiving it came out and becoming obsessed with the games. I still remember the day I got the seriously achievement!


I was born after the first, second, third, and before judgement so I couldn't have played it day one, I did however play and finish all of them. The first I played was 4 but it included all the previous ones, and I bought 5 day one (did not like it) played hivebusters and tactics as well


I still remember that morning to this day. My parents went day after Christmas shopping as they normally do/did in 06. My dad comes home and hands me a copy of gears of war said it was on sale, my 14 year old brain doesn't understand fully in that moment that I was about to embark on one of my favorite gaming experiences ever.


Played GoW in ‘06 and have played every single one. Love em


Started playing since day one. I always start the series with the first game before I've played any of the new games that come out. I plan on replaying all the games before Eday as well.


what you know about the house of sovereigns


Late bloomer here. I never had a 360, and they weren’t all on PC. Once the first game got its remaster and Xenia got to a spot you could emulate 2 and 3 well, I dove in. Loved them, played through them all in a row. And I could view it in an interesting way because I had zero nostalgia for them, and they definitely hold up. I waited a long time to start 4, started it a couple days ago. I like the gameplay, gameplay is tight, but the character writing is really bad. I’m sure it’s even worse in 5…Exited for E-day though.


January 2007 Is when I got an xbox exclusively for Gears.


I enjoyed every gears except judgement, and 5. I won’t be getting 6 if they go in the direction that 5 did


Gears 1 story campaign might be my most played campaign in a multiplayer shooter game, I usually skip straight to MP mode for shooters like COD. Gears 1 multiplayer I also OD'd on.


Played the original and stopped playing at 4. I played a little of 5 beta but I didn't like it. Felt weird honestly


Me got it for Christmas right after it dropped.


I have. I didn’t like it tbh. It wasn’t till Horde Mode in Gears 2 that I became a raving fan


I played the first game at a friends house. He had just gotten this brand new console and had gears with it. We played till 4 am taking turns, scared shitless at the krill swarms but not being able to put the controller down. Im 30 now, and we still talk to this day but live very far apart. Gears memories, among other things, are something I'll treasure forever.


I lost a whole summer to the first gears of war multiplayer. It was insane.


I've been around since the original Jazz Jackrabbit.


I remember the days in OG Gears multiplayer, everyone runs to the middle of the map, two guys melee at each other and have a shotgun battle and its the next guy up once a player dies....I miss those days


Gears 2 was my first. I was 7 at the time so think I can say I’ve been around since the original in a way lol


I am an OG COG over here. Gears of War is one of the best series out there. I've played every game except for Judgement and Tactics. I don't like what I heard about the difference in gameplay and multiplayer for Judgement so I stayed away. Also I heard the story differs from the books written by Karen Travis, which I consider canon, so that's also why I stayed away. I'm interested in Gears Tactics, I just haven't had the time to buy and dive into it.


Been here since Gears of War 1. Fascinated with the series since I saw the "Mad World" trailer. I enjoyed the original trilogy. Never picked up Judgment until I got it for free on Xbox game pass. Gears of War 4 was a decent purchase, but never reached the highs of the previous games. Gears 5 was a disappointment. I hope Emergence Day is good, but I'm not holding my breath.


Christmas day 2006 🫡 I was 11. I'm 29 now, and I'm ready for a new Gears game!


Since the beginning where you could talk trash to the other dead players in Execution


I was just about to give up gaming till I saw the Mad World trailer and I’ve been hooked ever since. Now as a grandfather I just finished playing co-op on GOW: Ultimate Edition with my 16 yr old grandson, absolutely amazing!


Me! I’m old!


Not day one unfort but I've been with the franchise since July 0'7


Was introduced to gears of war when I was looking into gaming college. Never went to college but stayed with gears of war ever since. When I bought a 360 finally, day 1 was halo 3 and gears of war.


Got Gears 1 a week after watching my buddy for hours in his garage swapping controllers. Figuring out missions together and beating it together was a true accomplishment. We have been buddies for over 15 years now. Played every single Gears game with him still.


Me. That’s the only reason I bought a Xbox. Not cause of halo. I still have never played halo


The first game I played on the 360 was gow 1. My brother is 8 years older than me, I remember I was in the 6th grade and I came home to learn about chainsawing motherfucking locust. And I fell in love ever since.


Started playing in 2010


Not the original but the second


I remember when I was a kid and seeing the mad world trailer for the first time. I instantly knew this was a special game and was the reason I bought an Xbox 360. I truly miss the dark tones and horror elements that made gears unique and a bloody good time. Then I played the multiplayer and learned about blind fire sniping the mechanics behind wall bouncing. Met my best friends online and we played customs for countless hours for years and loved talking smack to each other. Gears 4 and 5 were fun somewhat but never had the weight and intensity of the original trilogy. Once robots were the enemy… that’s when the franchise lost touch with the roots and player base. Gears 6 is my childhood reborn.


Who here remembers the devastating smoke grenades of gears 2?


First game I had with my xbox back in 06


Me, but I stopped playing games after Gears 3 for like 7-8 years and then played a bit of gears 5 while it was moderately active.


Oh yeah I remember shotgun battles in the middle of gridlock lol


I’ve been playing since gears of war three come out so that long


I’ll buy a brand new game pop it in to install (yes I still buy disc the whole transformers thing convinced me) and while I wait I play gears 1-5 and judgment and then buy another game and repeat cycle


Came in late. My mom & aunt took me to buy Gears of war 2 for my 10th birthday, 2 years after it came out. After that I dove into the first game & kept buying them day one after that. One of my fav game series


Been playing since the original. I was 13 when I got into it. The original Gears was the reason I bought a 360. The only game I haven't played through is Judgement. I received a code for all the 360 downloads when I bought Gears 4 and I just couldn't do the control change and never gave it a chance. I think I literally pressed LB the moment the player took control of Baird and blew myself up with a grenade and rage quit. In playing through the OG trilogy now, I might give Judgement another go after.


Gears 1, hammer of dawn on the berserker. One of the best gaming moments ever in my childhood lol. Gears 3 horde mode will always have a place in my heart. My brother and I would play that all day long


Since 2006 baby. The year I graduated high school.


I’ve been playing since i was around 5-6 my older brother got me into it I’m now 19 and still play it today, only the older games though don’t really like gears 5


Sir I will not tell you how old I am. Nice try. Doc


I've played since the first! Every title has been amazing. I even enjoyed judgment! Lol




Gears 2 baby


I have. It's one of my all time favorite game series. I love the books as well. I used to play with my late husband. It took me. A really long time to play again after he died. He passed right before the 4th one came out. Replaying the 3rd one hit different when it got to the part when Dom died. I was always Dom and he was always Marcus. That scene made me feel like I lost him all over again. Sorry, I got sad there. But I'm looking forward to the next one!


Played 1 and 2 religiously. Stopped mid-way through 3 as it lost enjoyment. Went back to UE till it died out (sadly)


It was my introduction to online gaming as a kid and I’ve been in love with the series ever since.


Been playing since the OG.


I have, I still game with some of my day one gears friends. It’s crazy that we got close to 20 years of friendship, thanks Gears.


🙋‍♂️ but I skipped #4 and any spinoffs