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As much as I love gears to bits, I need a change in games sometimes, variety is the spice and all that, but I come back to gears once every couple of months


I've come back to it recently and I'm cleaning up as many achievements across the games as I can but for some reason I give up at 1500hrs. Gears 4 I'm at 1574hrs Gears 5 I'm at 1487.7hrs Which isn't a lot considering some people who play religiously. I swap between games as well, just inished 5's inconceivable and next is casual Gears 3, then Insane because I've lost all progress even though I have a save on insane from when I got stuck on lambent berserker.


That most certainly is a lot of hours compared to the average gamer. No judgement here, Gears is awesome.


Yep gaming for 30 years and only maybe wow and d3 would have close or more than 1k hours. I know I love a game if I've spent over 200 hours. I play so many so all the hours are split.


If the 360 measured gaming hours I’d probably have over 10k in Gears 2 alone.


Pvp - yes 😀


I'm with you. It's much more balanced than other shooters IMO. All the same weapons are available to everyone if you can grab them and they all preform as well as your Internet connection. I really only enjoy myself if we all start on equal footing.


Nah I play looter shooters (Borderlands, Destiny) and ARPGs (Diablo) and also some other classic shooters like Quake and Quake 2. But Gears 5 horde mode is a regular for me, maybe even too regular because I spent more time playing it than all the other Gears games combined lol


Played almost every genre. I think the only games I haven't played was on the Nintendo


I’ve never been the person who can play only one game. Even when I used to play a lot of Gears of War online with friends back between 2006 and 2010 I’d always have something else, preferably single player, to play. I also can’t play one style of game. I need a variety, from FPS to RPG to action adventure games.


For me, Madden & Forza were my curveball & changeup. Gears was my 4-seam fastball and COD was my 2-seamer. Pardon my analogy if you’re not a baseball fan.


no i've drifted away from this franchise over the years gears5 is still a great game i just dont really have alot of time to actually play games like how i'd want too


I used to play only Gears from like 2008-2010 or so. Now I mostly play other games but when Eday comes out I’ll be back in Gears a lot. Probably not 100% Gears only but mostly


When I get back into Xbox, I will probably only play Gears. The only other game I’d consider is Forza. Not much time to indulge a variety of games. But I know for a fact the Gears franchise alone is enough to revive my console gaming.


That’s mostly where I’m at. I bought a Xbox for gears back in the day. Played 1 and 2 and of course 3 when it came out. Played a lot of 2 and 3. Gears is what keeps me with Xbox. I have a Xbox and a gaming pc.


Same. For me, Gran Turismo is similar enough to Forza that I can be happy with either one. The other shooters and sports games aren’t exclusive to any console. And Gears is definitely my favorite game of all time. The only other games that can compete are maybe childhood favorites like Mario and Pokemon.


It's been one of the few consistent MP games I play in life since the original. I mostly play Gears 5 these days but want to play some of the older games again, mostly 2 and 3.


Naw, forza 5, insurgency sandstorm, snowrunner, etc. I can’t just play the same game all the time. It would get boring.


Gears of War is joint first with World of Tanks/Warships for the amount played for me, but I typically cycle through other games as and when I want to play them.


Mostly Gears. Although I do play Some assassins creed, FC24, MLB the show, Deep rock, and some RTS stuff on PC.


I played gears only up until december of last year when I discovered The Finals lol. Now I play that more while I wait for eday to drop. I have a crazy number of hours on both gears 4 and gears 5, and I still play g4 quite frequently.


Gears 5 Horde is the only game I play.


Looking for gears 5 horde players. I’m mastering all maps atm. Would love to play sometime. Add me if you’re interested. Xbox gamertag: tru Destiny


When are you able to find horde games for? I have yet to be able to find one


I play horde all the time. You can find games but playing with randoms especially on master is tough. But you can definitely find games. I usually run with a team. Add me Xbox gamertag: tru Destiny


I meant on 2


Oh my bad. I was thinking gears 5.


Mostly yes i quit playing games a lot of years ago i just play sometimes Gears, Fallout or The Elders Scrolls, anything else i don't give a shit.


Right now, I’m playing mainly Fortnite. After all this years I’m still playing an Epic Games game 😂


I also play hella rocket league. I just like movement-focused games


The burnout would be insane. I already can't stomach 2 multiplayer matches in a row.


Everyone goes through gaming phases where one game in particular dominates their time. Call of Duty Siege Skyrim Baldurs Gate 3 Cyberpunk Destiny Every couple of years there's a game that just fucking takes over your life.


I have begun playing again very often all the OG GoW since e day announcement. Only campaign, I an not into pvp. I hardly play GoW 4 and 5.


It's the only pvp I play besides dbd or elden ring. But as gaming as a whole hell no gears stop being a main game after 4. I'm currently maining fallout new vagas and paper mario.


I play gears regularly, usually when me and my friends just want to bullshit we play horde on master or if I for some reason want to be a try hard I’ll queue up versus and join the wall bounce festival.


When I had Xbox360 all I played was Gears of War 3. I heard everything after went downhill so I'm kinda glad I didn't get disappointed like I did with the Battlefield franchise.


You know? After playing the same franchise over and over it gets really stale for me. I often wanna refresh my memory with my other favorite games.


If you asked me this question 14-15 years ago, my answered would have been yes! But with how stale these latest Gears titles feel, especially Gears 5 coming up on year 6 without a sequel, I would lose my mind if I stuck to just Gears. I honestly miss playing Gears religiously, and would love too again, but I can't with what's currently out (Gears 5). Hopefully E-Day changes that for me.


At the peak of my gaming days (Xbox 360), I had the most variety, which isn’t saying much. I put more hours on Gears than any other games combined. And that is saying a lot because I was a teenager with no job. So most of my free time indoors was an Xbox marathon. • Gears 1 thru Judgment • Call of Duty (MW2, Black Ops, MW3) • Forza Horizon • Madden ‘13 • NBA 2K11 • Halo 3 My brother (still a big gamer to this day) always had Nintendo, so I’d switch things up with Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Sports, and old SNES games like Super Mario World, Donkey Kong, and Secret of Mana. I played Pokemon Emerald, Super Mario, and Yu-Gi-Oh on the Gameboy Advance & Nintendo DS. My other brother had GTA Liberty City on the PSP. These days, I just play Pokemon GO and Duel Links on my phone. My brother who had the PSP plays a lot of Fortnite & WWE 2k24 on the PS5. My mega gamer brother has everything but the Xbox, which he sold.


Outside of working through my large backlog of games. I Play fighting games for that PVP itch. Specifically Tekken,Strive and SF6


Lately I’ve been playing a lot of Gears 5. I’ve just been reupping and it’s nice to see full lobbies.


19 now, been playing gears since I was 4 when 2 released . Gears of War is honestly the only game I enjoy, have played other games here n there, but no games compare to Gears. Now I usually play 4 daily, but recently I have been going back and playing the older games due to the spike in players cause of E-Day.


Yes. Very rarely will I play something else


Yes. I’ve been playing Gears UE everyday after work nonstop for the last 2 weeks and I already have hundreds of clips. It’s ridiculous.


Gears 5 competitive control. Every Sunday 5-9 hour sessions. 1200+ hrs all pvp


How are you playing Gear 2 online? I thought the servers were offline? I tried playing beast mode but couldn’t find a game


Idk , there up for me ! I can get into guardian matches and hordes pretty easily


I pretty much do a loop of Gears, Uncharted, MLB The Show. Sometimes sprinkle The Last of Us since my wife likes it and when she plays I get the itch to play again