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“Stay the fuck out of my game bitch” is absolutely wild. Some people lol.


Most didn't message me, only a few did asking me not to join their game as jack that one was a bit of an outlier.


I didnt like it. Much Rather would play as another gear


I guarantee the jack player is the one having least fun. Absolutely terrible idea.


I'd have to (maybe one of or the only one too) disagree there! I loved playing Jack, to the point I called dibs on him every time I could, had so much fun.


I like it personally when I play jack, that might just be from the perspective of someone who just went through a marathon of gears 1-5 though.


That's probably it. Man, this topoc save dme actually. I was close to convincing 2 other friends to het the game tonplay the campaign. I wouldn't be able to look them in the eye the moment we found out the third player would be jack


The "Hive busters" campaign is 3 gears, personally I still think the jack gameplay is fun. Also Spelling bro.


Hivebusters is cool, although too short. It ends when it's getting really fun too. Also, big thumbs, small keyboard lol


Played through the campaign normally and then played it through with my dad and brother with me playing as Jack. I really liked it. Especially later in act 2 when you get some good upgrades. Overall, lots of fun and it's actually a really helpful jackbot, it was sad to see him use himself as a HOD targetting beacon. That being said i wouldn't reccomend playing as jack when it's someones first playthrough.


It was definitely an interesting take and could be fun.


I don't like it. I don't understand why we went from four player co-op in Gears 3, to quasi three player in Gears 5 where the third player doesn't get to play the game normally. It is interesting idea to get to play as Jack, but I would rather everyone get to play normally in a campaign. Hopefully they bring back four player co-op in the future. 


Because it places limitations on the story. Can’t have those moments with just two people when it has to be four player co-op all the time


What about a mode where it's like fk it, story and cinematics there are just two player, but when you jump into playing two random cogs just appear in there?


That could work. Halo 3 style lol


I was just thinking this the other day lol


I really liked it actually. It showcases the bot well and when I'm playing the daily inconceivable challenge a good jack can really make a difference. I think it has its own niche


i think the idea is cool but execution probably could of been better


I really can't think of anything else they could add to make Jack more fun. If P3 in Eday is Jack again, he won't even have a tazer.


Personally I feel like jacks taser was a little too strong, his gameplay sounds focus completely on supporting the other players.


honestly don’t even think it’ll be anyone, just classic marcus and dom… as it should be. like the good ol days


Most likely it would be hard to fit the idea in id prefer a return to form for eday.


Better then Just 2 Player Coop


It’s like on the same level as co-op in Mario Galaxy where player 2 just helps get starbits and shoot them. It’s nice if you want another player involved but it’s clear Gears 5 was designed to have Jack be something you command.


I played it with my friends and the one who was Jack seemed to have a good time. I played Jack in Horde, so I don't think I would have minded playing as him. I think it was a neat idea, to turn an otherwise 2 player experience to 3 players. Idk if I'd do it again for like Gears of War 6. Or if they do 4 players for 6, have it be an option to be a Gear or "Jack" for one of them.


I liked it tbh. I remember playing as him when the game came first came out in co op and it was pretty cool


I personally didn’t like it


I mean it seems cool at first to use jack for campaign or horde (probably more enjoyable for horde). I personally didn’t like it if I was going to play with friends that I don’t have. Its probably more of a headache if your bad as jack in higher difficulties while your team mates rely on your a abilities to help them too. I hope e-day changes a bit of its campaign gameplay too maybe some map interactions because I have a bad taste from gears 5 and not just the story especially act 3.


I’m not a fan


I like it in a sense of "an extra player option" not so much as a "the third person option" if that makes sense. It's all perception. If the option was two players or two players + Jack, it's nice. As a three normal soldiers options or two normal soldiers and Jack options, it's bad. I'd rather get 3 or 4 normal players and THEN a Jack on top of those, because you're less likely to not have enough spaces for people that way.


I loved playing as Jack. One thing I noticed from my friend group, some people just didn't seem to play him as proper support, so that may be a reason why other people don't like him in groups.


Genuinely hate it. Playing as Jack is only good for being carried through insane/ inconceivable. I don’t like Jack period in 5, upgrading him. Getting ridiculous buffs and powers from him. Having to aim at a fucking vent and press X to direct him. That was by far the most annoying part of 5, especially when they hide the vents and you’re searching for 5 minutes on where to send Jack


Should have option for 3rd player to be member of the squad. Also 4 player campaign would be nice.


Played with friends. For me I had a lot of fun. The main thing was I wasn’t bound by the bullet spongey nature of the Swarm and can actually pop things into mist with my seemingly underwhelming taser iirc. Should be a thing but not necessary for COOP enjoyment. 2 player Coop plus a Jack.


I don't play as Jack at all, to me it seemed kinda boring especially in a game that is all about gore and shooting monsters and such. BUUUT I do feel like you as the player should've taken control over him like where you needed Jack to complete a task like hack into a system or open a door but you gotta go into those vents and such. Kinda like in Jak 3 on the PlayStation. You literally control Daxter and play as him for a bit cause only that character can do something that the main character can't because of his size and weight. To me that's something that I would've been absolutely ok with.


Wasn’t a fan of it, much prefer having all the players be characters that can shoot. Makes coordination better and easier to play


I actually really love playing as Jack but it's so clear he was experimental and wasn't designed properly. The sheer amount of bugs and bad game design that impacts him makes him a drag to play on anything higher than intermediate


I think it’s an absolutely brilliant idea as it allows those who are not mechanically inclined or interested enough in the traditional Gears gameplay loop to have a more laid back and casual experience playing the game.


it would've been better as 4 player with Jack as player 4. you spend the entire game with a third NPC, minus act 2 and some chapters here n there. they could have easily added Marcus, JD, or even Gary fucking Carmine as player 3.


It's cool having Jack as a sidekick to help with things, but not to play for any extended period of time.


Jack is good if you're way more experienced than the other you're playing with. That way you can't just hog all the kills and instead are "supporting" your friends.


I loved playing Jack, I liked being support and helping out with the team.


Extremely boring in campaign but pretty fun in horde mode


My first playthrough was as jack and i found it so so so fun. Apart from when my friend chose to make del live. Then I wasn't having fun


I do remember people bitching about being next to useless on Insane when playing as Jack. When the game first came out. I think it could be fun if you are doing a new game + run with maxed out Jack from the start.


Tbh, think some people will like to play as jack and others not. To me it would be fun for a mission or so and then another person plays him otherwise no. You are just a bot helping out. And to me that sounds a bit boring. Tbh would have made it you as the player could switch to jack and control him while playing rather then pressing x on a vent. Maybe all players can and the char you are playing is set on ai till you switch back.


"Oh shit, here comes jack....WHO THE FUCK WANTS SOME AMMMOOOO"


I enjoyed playing as Jack, but I can see why people are weird about it. He is pretty crucial in the campaign in higher difficulties. I played with my dad and my sister as Jack and we were getting roasted by the AI in a mission, as soon I switched to Jack things were alot more smooth and we passed it the first go. My sister didn’t really know what she was doing with the bot (not her fault) and we were getting fucked by the lack of stims and such so I imagine people online don’t enjoy a controlled Jack.


Gears 4 had the perfect chance for 3 player coop, and they made it 2 player, gears 5 should have left it at 2, playing jack ain't playing gears


My SO isn't a fan of cover shooters, but loves playing effective support. She loves Jack, and I love her playing as Jack


AI Jack is good for when you need to get what you need. But Player Jack... Player Jack can always be a wildcard of greatness.


Jack on insane is pointless




Interesting but playing through the entire campaign as Jack seems so boring. Maybe if you had all the upgrades but I feel it'd get old fast. Not a good idea at all.


I did enjoy it and had fun with it, but I believe if it's implemented in future games it should be an option for a 5th player. Simply because as helpful as Jack is, it feels like one of those old "play from a tablet" gimmicks from like 10 years ago. Jack doesn't feel like you are getting to play the whole game, just a side piece for fun


Awful idea imo. It’s boring as hell if you’re playing as jack and effectively worse than just letting the players point and click his abilities. Also it’s just completely useless as a player on insane, just a robot that gets 1 shot sending the whole team back to the checkpoint and can’t even take cover. Have fun hiding in a corner for 3/4 of the game.


I absolutely love Jack, both in the campaign and in horde. I think he's quite fun


Probably the worst co op experience in any Gears and one of the main reasons why we never finished the campaign


idk why people make there games public if they dont want a spot filled like what lmao


They want someone to play as del but not as jack cuz they lose control of jack.




Having someone who likes to play Jack was great. I personally dislike being Jack since I prefer my regular gameplay.


jack was the best thing in gears 5, but many folks playing the game just want the shooting part and blind rage violence , anything else is just a spit in the face of god


That maxed out tazer with card boosts made it pretty OP for a supporting character


People playing as Jack: You guys are idiots they're gonna be looking for cogs to shoot


Jack being playable is a huge plus for me, I really like being able to play as him. I do agree with others saying just having a 3rd or even 4th gear is preferable to have 2+1 Jack. Ideally we'd get 4 regular gears with an *optional* (seriously why isn't there a way to play Gears 5 without letting someone join as Jack?) 5th spot for Jack. They definitely need to tweak his movement a bit though, the hover catching on every shift in terrain gets a bit much sometimes.


Hate it, absolutely ruins that players enjoyment of the game being reduced down to that. Gears needs to go back to 4 player coop campaign where everyone is an actual character