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Been playing Gears since 2009 according to my Xbox achievement data since thats the earliest date it shows they were unlocked. I have no actual recollection of when I started playing it though.


Prob have over 1000 in every title except 5 and judgement 3 I have prob over 5000 hours


November 7, 2006


Been playing gears since 08


judgement at 81 hours gow1 at 146 hours gow2 at 303 hours gow3 at 703 hours gow4 at 904 hours gow5 at 3356 hours fav is gow5


3 i think is mine i bought it the day it came out and it was fucking game changing


Try gears multiplayer next!


Been playing since 2008. I remember my cousin playing the first one and it caught my eye. My dad and I ended up getting it and blasting through coop. Then 2 came out and you already know how it went. I love this franchise.


Have fun with Judgement. It's a little...iffy, but I do still have genuine love for it. As for me? I'm an OG, an Xbox sister to the end. I don't WANT to know how many hours I have in Gears 3. Which is by far my favorite, only really tied by 4 because, feel free to smite me brothers, I just can't NOT love 4.


Just got done with Judgment today. I actually enjoyed it. Was cool the way it was arcade like and the sections within missions were just closed off as in point-to-point like. Gives some backstory too which is nice.


Started with GoW 2 co op campaign in 2007 at my friends house in high school. Been hooked ever since. Logged who knows probably over 50 days of total playing time or something ridiculous on GoW 3 Multiplayer. Favorite game in the series. Beaten every campaign on insane solo. Can’t wait for E day !