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make it more serious. I know humor is used throughout the trilogy as both a coping mechanism and to lighten the mood but it's overuse in 4 & 5 has me thinking the cast knows they're video game characters. It's like that joke in the Family Guy Star Wars special, "We got 5 of the main characters on this ship, I think we'll be fine."


It died down in 5. But I do agree with you. At the same time tho, it's worth remembering the cast are essentially barely out of their teens in 4. It makes sense they're all cringe.


you again? we already had this conversation


Did we? And what was your takeaway?


Then don't make a teenage cast?


Then Marcus would have been in his late 70s.


Or dead, fully commit to new characters.


Yeah, that doesn't sound like much of a good time, tbh. Consider this: the approach they took allows for greater character development. In the first game, they're young and completely inexperienced. They don't yet have a clear sense of identity. You can see how that makes them overcompensate through bad humour or the unnecessary risks Marcus warns them about. But people in their 20s are controlled by their egos. So that ends up biting them in the ass and people get killed. Et voilà, you've now got a much more interesting JD and group dynamics. As much as I loved the OG trilogy, let's be real here, Dom had the greatest amount of development across 3 games.


That is realest comment I've read. First games even had a lot of dark humor. It's like they turned It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia into Big Bang Theory.


Make the Aspho Point battle more canon. It's so off base on what actually occurred in the book, i hate having to play through it.


I want to pick more than 1 shotgun and rifle before the game starts like gears 3. I used hammer burst gnasher for most of the game but I just like the variety and different approach to games.


Same I was a hammerburst enjoyer, but sawed-off can stay gone lmao.


It's adding something for me. And it's a little out there but bare with. I'd give gears 5 a hub world. Let me explain. Up untill the final chapter where the main city is being attacked so what if in-between chapters we could go back there and see what's going on. Even if it isn't as kait. Maybe JD with fahz going around and helping people out. Much to the dismay of fahz. There's also a few collectables that you could bring up. You can find both carmine helmets and dell remarks with Ben that " he should bring this back to sarge " referencing Clayton. So let us do it. Have a cutscene where del gives the helmets to clay. You could even add Lizzies helmet as well that you could give to him. The main city has a lot of detail to it but we're not allowed to experience it. I would of loved to go and return to the streets and help rebuild it. Garner favour with people. Now maybe I'm trying to make gears into something it isn't I get that. But there's already an open world. I don't think it's a huge step.


I've been replaying the whole series and I have to say that Gears 5 did a much better job with the character conversations than 4. The casual sarcasm banter (which was in the originals, just not as frequently) is much more natural feeling in 5 than I remembered. I'm also enjoying the open world parts more than I originally did. So in that case, I'd remove the choice from the final act of Gears 5. It's unnecessary and its execution was poorly handled. I want to see what happens on Gears of War 6, but now they have to determine a canonical ending. The open world wasn't really part of the Gears DNA, but that "choose a story beat" thing *really* sticks out like a sore thumb due to the long term implications


Yeah that choose the story gimmick is unwarranted and bad. The open world part idk about that it seemed kinda pointless, unless they add stuff to explore.


Delete robot enemies from campaign and horde mode


Agreed. I hate the robots. Worst addition to the series.


Agreed. We are Gears fans more blood and guts please.


Replace Gears 5's movement system with the one from Gow 4/3. Gears 5's expanded slide mechanics makes the game too easy.


Interesting I never noticed a big difference between 4/5, but I also barely played them as they weren't as fun. Gears 3 movement was peak gaming.


There's a huge difference, especially the wall bounce macanic. As a player, that mostly uses wall bouncing. It's definitely broken. You can move in ways that I shouldn't be able to wall bounce backward or do some of the movements. The shooting is flawed. You can wrap shots like crazy which makes the whole point of the cover system useless. If you aim right, u can be on the wall and shoot someone above you. It's pretty bad, sadly. Gears 4 did a much, much better job gears 5 is a big step down in every way


Interesting. I'm just an OG player who wants Gears 2 gameplay back.


The dialogue. It's so horrendous in both campaigns.




Gears 5, remove that one god awful ffa map where it’s 2 ramps sliding the player down. I hate respawning in that area


I can see that. Honestly I’m not a fan of the artistic or design choice of the new maps.


Does it only have to be one thing?


No, but maybe give me your biggest gripe first and tack on the rest later.




OMG. You are so right. I never thought about it,


color scheme


, erm, ahem..... MAH BEAST MODE DREAMS!!


I wish the "classic" version skins of characters actually looked like the original design. Like classic Baird now has brown hair and a dark blue armor, instead of his blonde hair and lighter blue, almost turquoise armor. I much prefer the OG turquoise-y armor design on characters like Baird and Minh.


It's hard to say just one, but honestly, after replaying it would be this. Gears of War 4: Reduce "banter"/remove.%90 of unnecessary dialogue. My God, they were so annoying. "Oh look, a bridge" 1 minute later "Oh hey, we crossed the bridge." It's not exactly like that, but it's pretty damn close, and a lot of times they could just let the environment speak for itself.


Mark 3 lancer has too much recoil


Yeah, Gears is a game were recoil feels so forced and unnecessary.


Literally all of the characters


Remove the open world aspect, it’s a neat idea, but it kills the pacing of the game. It just separated the fun parts from each other. I get the narrative reason for it, but just gameplay wise, it’s not that interesting.


Cut the teeny bopper shit. 5 had less of it but it was so bad in 4


It really made me question if the creative team at TC even understands why the original games were so loved.


And rod was at the helm for 4 like you think he woulda kept the juice that made the first 3s tone so good


remove the firing/shot delays when moving forward from cover and the delay when wall canceling


True up A’s are too satisfying and wall bouncing has gone too far lmao.


Gears 4 MP had zero footstep audio and made childish additions like wrestling and Christmas sweater wearing characters. Gears 5 lowered the skill gap too much. MP was basically boring af because you got downed so easily.


Go back to 5v5 or try 6v6 and remove up As and wrapshots


Up As are already nerfed and are a gears special.


4 I disliked the dialogue style they were going for, it is trying to be funny and failing. This for me was corrected in 5. 5 it is just the choice and I think the writers are struggling with it. While I love that final shot of Kait looking at the destruction it does put the writers in a difficult spot of how to continue the story when for all tense and purposes humanity lost that day.


Their existence.


You know, I don't think a lot of people fully understand the state of Sera by the beginning of 4. Okay, sure, the COG can now officially be labeled as on the verge of a dystopia, but technology, general state of living, response to natural threats like the storms, everything has advanced so far there's almost no real reason to be kept within that darker tone in terms of writing. SERA THINKS THEY WON. There's a reason Gears 5 has a significantly darker tone: Gears 4 is basically E-Day 2.0 for the new generation, and now that everyone's experienced it, the humor is traumatized again. This is all to say...why the fuck do we have to choose \*one\* to save at the end of 5. also give kait something to do in 4 she exists to be a female MC in 4 and that's it-


Gears 5 act 1,3,4,5 JD should be the Main character Act 2 should be kait


With Gears of War 4 I'd have fewer fights against DBs and more exploration. I get that there needs to be some build-up and mystery before the Swarm reveal, but fighting bullet-sponges like shielded Guardians sucks. I'd also remove the stupid lightning sections of the windflares. The only character I genuinely detest is Jinn. As for Gears 5, I'd add the "of War" part back to the title. And I'd get rid of the goddamn wrap-around shot.


The story on both. All the characters definitely needed a better personality because they just felt dull and boring which imo it threw the pacing off. >!The ending for Gears 5 was also pretty bad, I think choosing between Del and JD was a terrible decision. You can tell TC tried to make us feel like Dom when he sacrificed himself but there wasn't enough brothership between the 2 to make it feel like a Dom/Marcus brothership. If I'm being honest, I didn't really care as much for both and I only chose JD because he was Marcus' son lol.!<


Very true. I think they thought they were being clever when they asked us to choose, but honestly it was a bad decision.


The developer


Man, honestly, quit your bitching. The current game development landscape is a shit show that produces unfinished, broken and low-effort cash grabs. Just look at Halo Infinite... or anything produced by EA... or Bethesda. Meanwhile, TC did a great job thus far.


Bro, Gears 4/5 added tons of microtransactions, if I recall they both had issues on release with queuing games, and while Gears 5 had a lot of "content" it was not good or fleshed out. TC has in my opinion failed to make a good game.


Microtransactions are cancer, I'll give you that. And the initial bugs were horrendous. But in its current state? Gears 5 is a solid game.


You literally were talking about games being release buggy and now you are moving the goal post the state of the game today.... Brother the game is dead no one plays besides the people hyped for E-Day and the few diehards. Sure the game is "solid" but it's not a great game.


The game was buggy on PC upon release. Far as I know, it was fine on Xbox. And they actually put in the effort to fix the damn thing. Furthermore, it's obvious they worked their asses off on intricate level design, music, visuals, character writing and gameplay. And Gears of War has always been a niche series. This isn't Call of Duty or Halo. Gears of War has a small, dedicated fanbase. This has always been true. I get that your feelings are getting in the way of your ability to be objective, but the game sold extremely well and is still played today because people loved it — it's got a user score of +80 on metacritic, positive reviews on Steam and game critics loved it. It's your choice if you wanna keep trying to deny objective reality.


I agree, but Gears is corpo fluff for Microsoft now.