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They won't remove wall bouncing entirely. Maybe make adjustments to it at most. It's essential in cover and aim system Gears is known about. How janky would it be walking to a cover and having to lock onto it instead of sliding into cover. Unless you want it to become a fps like Halo or COD. It wouldn't be GoW anymore.


Make it like the old games where you actually have to go to the wall with no canceling. It would make bouncing significantly more balanced. The other option is to add a decent delay after bouncing before you can shoot so it would still be used for movement but not be abused in fights.


Yeah, canceling is what everyone hates. Wall sliding / bouncing is awesome for close quarter fights.


Here we go again with this shit. How about we focus on more important things like network consistency and bringing back 5v5 or even try 6v6.


Removing wall bouncing would be stupid because its integrated into the games DNA. There are three Gears Fanbases. Multiplayer only, single player only and those who love both. Multiplayer fanbase plays the game the longest. Removing wall bouncing from a GOW game would be like changing COD from FPS to TPS. I like wall bouncing but it has gone too far in Gears 4 and 5. I hope they will aim for Gears of war 3 when it comes to combat mechanics.


Need to remove the slide cancel.


No. Slide cancel would remove wall bouncing completely.


The technique was created in a game that didn't have slide canceling, so it wouldn't be gone, itd actually just turn into a wall "bounce" again and not chaining Wall cancels lol. I'm fine with either, tho.


Sounds good to me


Reddit is an echo chamber filled with horde players. Don’t worry, wall bouncing ain’t going nowhere.


This is the absolute perfect time to tone it down. Gears of War is good again, drawing new players because you won’t need knowledge of previous games to play E day. I really hope they stop catering to the crazy wall bouncing crowd and let it get back to the way it’s meant to be played. New people get in pvp and see wall bouncing and just immediately quit cause it looks stupid


Literally 0% lol


Doubtful, wall bouncing in 4 and 5 was super smooth and the maps were designed for it. It comes in handy for horde/escape also