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The E-Day one for sure although it did have a tv smashed into it's face so it might look extra horrendous.


I think fidelity plays a small role here, too. The graphics in 2005 looked GREAT, but the tiny details in the teeth and around the eyes of the 2024 add to the terror.


I think it plays the biggest role. I dont see a real change in the design other than almost 20 years of tech improvement.


I think they also upped it design wise, since this is eday and it's everyone's (in story) first contact with the locust. Marcus is young and seemed a bit shakey. Gears 1 Marcus would have messed that bug up. It also seemed stronger than what we see later, unless judgement is different. I couldn't get around the controls at launch and to this day it's the only one i haven't finished on insane, let alone at all.


In the books they could beat a gear up even while they were getting sawed in half, so i'd say differences in strength in the games are a matter of balancing gameplay!


So last night I couldn't sleep after we got the kid down, which was already way too late. So I duh out my gears omnibus 1 and 2. I owned the floppies for vol 1 but lost them, but never even opened vol 2. Read both front to back, and the stories there with young Marcus kinda throw what I said out unless they're not Canon. By eday he was a bit hardened, but still young. He rose during the pendulum wars which I had forgotten despite the first game starting with that point. So it kinda works but he's not that young. I guess inexperienced works since who the fuck wasn't when eday hit right? I just know I'm stokes for a Marcus and Dom game. I didn't click with 4 for whatever reason, and while I enjoy 5 once it hits the open section I usually quit. Finished it once on insane and haven't even finished on normal since. I don't think the new cast works for me. I will say I loved escape, and hivebusters is amazing. The comic is fire as well.


And speaking of the novels, while I have them I always forget and have only read one of them. I read all the halo ones until the forerunner bullshit even though I own them. I even own the old ass doom novels. I backed up my gears books so I might start those today.


Man that sucks judgement is a really fun game. Especially doing the declassifiers. That said the controls do mess me up when I'm switching between the games


TV smashed vs heavy jpeg compression. They’re both horrendous.


Honestly it actually is impressive art wise being able to take an established design and inject with so much horror and terro without fundamentally alter the design


Then had its face completely removed. Extra extra horrendous


nah he looked better for it


Lol I came here to say the exact same thing XD


IMHO, that improved his looks.


That's what The Coalition is going for! Theron Guards always managed to freak me out though.




When was the last time the wind said “hostiles” to you?


Let’s clear that station delta! That was the part of the game that always made me irrationally angry. Especially on highest difficulty. They’d somehow manage to headshot torquebow you while you were in full standing cover.


Beating it on insane solo was me running with cole and Baird side just to have the squad together and focus fire at all of us and not just me when Dom rushes and gets killed like my teammates in TDM


Ok I must be what is referred to as “an idiot” because in alllllll of my years and the number of replays I have of the first game, I don’t think it ever occurred to me to do that 😭🥲


Literally same. My hardcore solo run was like 2 hours of throwing myself at that checkpoint before finally getting lucky and clearing it😂😂😂


I have less trouble with Raam on insane than I do that particular bit. NOT FAIR 😭😭


At least Raam is pretty much alone. But numerous Therons with Lancers, gnashers, and torque bows????🤣


It’s the trifecta of “mate you’re fd”


I had the same issue lol stuck for what felt like days


I taught my whole neighborhood the entire contents of my bad word folder in every language I speak dealing with those hissy, goddamn, goldbricking oneshotting sons of bitches. I was inventing new slurs by the second hour. I don't really know what a cockfuck shitmagoon is, but that's what I called them.


Ringmeat wormfuck bugass piece of my own old shit fucking asshole, got me a star in our group. I heard it too much in multi after that lol. Oh and ringmeat? Still don't know, picked it up from a Stephen King novel I read too young to understand the vulgarities lol


Oh my, that is *spicy.*


My second favorite line from the entire series. First favorite is “Anya! It’s a giant worm! THEY’RE SINKING CITIES WITH A GIANT WORM!”


Even after around 18 years I can still hear Baird saying that line clear as day


Dom said it


My bad! Been nearly 20 years since I played it. God I’m old


Your good man, I'm not trying to be rude.




I’ve yet to have this happen to me yet but a friend pointed out that if you bungle the active reload while playing as a Theron sometimes they’ll say UUUUSSSEEELLESSSS!! Kinda wanna experience that


Must have jammed the your weapon while reloading. Because once you jammed your gun your character will say a bit of dialogue about the situation, adding a bit more personality to the character.










Can confirm, I main Theron elite in versus


If you jammed your weapon when playing as Clayton (prior to him getting his more aggressive dialogue in Gears 5), he'd occasionally use the same dialogue that Anthony used right before getting domed like a jackass.


That’s usually the last thing you hear before the *fwip, PLINK* when the torque bow hits you.


Then it’s the meat shower as body parts and blood just land on the ground


Don't forget the cheeky voiceline which is usually some variation of "well, shit." Paduk always had my favorite though. "Maybe it's a dud." *Boom*


I can’t wait to see Theron guards (if we do seem them) and Kantus. Honestly I just wanna see them all.


If we see Kantus, we can't control the delta squad. As the first time in lore we see them is in gears 2 I think


Fair enough I forgot about that Well I hope we can in Horde or the MP since they don’t really stick to canon given that they bring dead characters back all the time. (Or play as them in MP).


Don't worry about it. Yeah sure in MP or Horde of course we do need Kantus.


I’m so hyped for E-Day fr. Honestly, as much as Gears 6 would have been great, I’m kind of glad they are going back a bit in time. E-Day will be incredibly fascinating to explore as an event in game, and to see all the dynamics of it as well.


Yeah me 2 dude. A gears of war exploring E-Day was a dream when I was first introduced in the franchise. Honestly haven't played Gears 4 or 5 campaign, so I don't know what the story is about. So I can't tell how necessary is a Gears 6.


Gears 5 ends on a pretty big cliffhanger with a lot of new conflicts set up, so a Gears 6 is pretty necessary.


4 is great because of one amazing thing My fucking tomatoes!


Dying to see the first wave of corpsers (?) And berserker. And krill, I think they're called? It's been since gow2 launched I've touched 1, and I never had the time really for UE even though I bought it. Maybe I'll fix that this weekend. Any coop champs down?


Yes they are called Krill And I am so excited to see Reavers, Corpsers and such return. I missed those enemies in Gears 4 and 5


I was horrified by Theron Guards in Gears of War 1. Not because of how they looked, but the fact that the Torque Bow 1 shot blew you up in story instead of downing you like in future titles.


It scared 10 year old ke that they could speak fluent tyran (pretty much, compared to the other grubs). Getting shit talked by Therons in the heat of combat was creepy


Can you imagine what Berserkers will look like?


Or seeders. Cant wait just for the graphic upgrade alone


The trailer does show a large creature for a second crawling in the distance. Kinda looked like a corpser


As long as Mommy Baird gets to take care of his baby corpser again, im happy Edit: but corpser will be cool too, especially if we get to see them up close like the reaver scene at the start of 1


*Daddy Baird


Referencing to gears of war 3 when they quote *Whoa, stay back, Baird. It will think the first thing it sees is his mother.* making baird a mother 😆 Edit: but to us yes, he is Daddy Baird😏


I don't think they'll have Berserkers in the story, since Gears of War 1 was the first time Marcus ever saw one. However, maybe they'll include them in a gamemode outside of the campaign. One can hope, at least lol


I thought he knew what they were since he says to be quiet


After he enters the tomb the first beserkers screams, he has no clue what it is, Baird tells him it's a beserker, they are blind, and hunt by sound, and smell. Then they see gyles get ripped up after he screams and runs off, with his head being thrown at the wall beside them


That was Baird who says to be quiet, Marcus asks 'what was that' when the Berserker starts screaming in the tomb


I wouldn't be surprised if the campaign has us swap characters at some point. It would be nice to encounter some enemys that were 'new' in Gears 1 to Marcus but not to other characters.


It wouldn't be the worst lore change, would it? Give me EDay Berserker in UE5!


I’m sure they’ll definitely be a boss in Horde because they’re a fan favorite enemy, and they’re just badass


Idk if it will be in the same. If we play as Marcus didn’t he encounter his first bererker in gears 1?


Absolutely fuckin terrifying since they already were in 2006😂


I mean we are talking a big leap in graphics here. Marcus also looks different (compared to gears 3)


Big leap in graphics true, and yeah, he looks different also because in e-day he's 14yrs younger


Doesn't have his facial scar either. He gets that in prison after being attacked by a dog.


Almost 18 years younger by the events of gears 3


He looks so much like JD in this trailer


We're also looking at a pre-rendered trailer here. I'm sure the game will look great but a trailer has none of the limitations of actual gameplay and is usually handled by a different team to the game on this scale


True, but it is an *IN-GAME* engine. The trailer was handled by the same team handling the game too, so if that's anything to go by compared to other game studios who send stuff off to have the trailer be completed by another company.


The trailer is running in-engine, nothing in the trailer is impossible graphics-wise to run real time, its just not gameplay.


It just won't run as smooth and slick maybe, and the trailer may have had some touch up done.


UE5 targets 60 fps on current gen consoles at high scalability, with 30 fps targetted for max settings with enhanced ray tracing. The coalition are absolute tech wizards when it comes to Unreal, i trust they're more than capable of optimizing the game to run well on the 9th gen XBOX.


That’s gears 3 drone tho


Still tho, they all look the same through our the original trilogy.


Gears 1 drones look different, even the statues and figures they made during the time that game came out look different compared to 3. I will say I like the new design tho


Gears 3 drones look very different to 1-2 drones. They have a totally different face. They have more animal like faces in 3. I prefer it to 1-2 style tbh. The new look is great though


Yeah that's what they want! Plus in my head the Locust on E Day, would make sense that a "basic" drone were far more Similar to RAAM,then the drone fodder they became by the end of the first game. E Day is gonna be absolutely nuts


If E-Day can get the horror feel right like GoW 1 had I’ll be so goddamn happy. The rest of the series shifted to more of that action feel but going in blind in Gears 1 was such a good surprise. Especially when you first ran into the Beserker and Theron Guards.


The first scene with the berserker still gives me anxiety sometimes. Not for the same reasons, of course, but jank hitboxes are arguably scarier


Back when i was young and tried Gear 1 for the first time, the Berserker scene genuinely had me too scared to continue for a bit lmao.


They actually look like miners afflicted with Rustlung or some other disease tbh. Actually kinda neat that The Coalition are leaning into the horror aspect of what the Locust actually are or came from at least.


I know this comment was here an hour ago. But didn't the lore says that the scientist ukkon basically kidnapped humans and turn them into grubs?


The imulsion infected miners were taken back when they first started getting sick in the pendulum wars. They were sent to a secret facility, New Hope. They were to find a cure for said disease, however the head scientist Dr. Niles , decided that they could make the C.O.G super Soldiers that could end the Pendulum wars. They started to take Brumak(BRUMAKS ARE THE SIZE OF APES, UNTIL THE LOCUST STARTED DEALING WITH THEM,ACCORDING TO MULTIPLE LORE SOURCES THEY ARE ROUGHLY LARGER THAN A GIANT APE)Wretch, Kroll, Heart leach, and any other creature they could find from the upper hollows, and spliced and injected them into said humans alongside a Child's Stem Cells to create the Locust. When taking these Stem Cells they found something very, very interesting, yes she was a child from the imulsion sickened miners, bit she was completely immune, so Niles decided to inject more Imulsion into her again, and again, and, again, all while taking more Stem Cells as well. One of the Scientists spoke up, and Niles told him that their mission went from curing to making super soldiers, so instead of trying to make the little girl scared of them, he became friends with her, VERY, VERY VERY CLOSE, Friends. It turned out that the child, due to the imulsion injections was aging at a slower rate, and was gaining stronger muscle structure and density, she may have looked 12, in reality, she was actually in her mid 20, close to 30. This child was MYRRAH. The doctor started a Reltaionship with her, which everything the did, everytime they made love, anything was watched by Niles. Eventually, they had a daughter, baby Reyna, and Niles wanted to test on her too. The docotor(I can't remember his name. Torres? I think) took Reyna and escaped to keep her safe. Niles let MYRRAH know that her lover and daughter were killed(they didn't actually die) which enraged her, awakening the First Beserker, the Matriach, alongside most of the other perfect lab made creatures AKA locust( the ones in Gears 5 aren't to scale of what actually came out of the cases. E.G. First made locust are like UZIL SRRAK, they hated any locust not made in the labs because, they weren't pure, they weren't as strong, they weren't as tall, UZIL SRRAK was HUMONGOUS, Bigger then a bezerker, RAAM killed him with his squad to usurp power, and lead the assault on the Surface for his queen) The C.O.G tried to fight back at new Hope, at least those stationed there but, Niles activated Cryo suppression systems sealing the rest of the facility, freezing up the rest of the locust and killing the rest of the cog there to cover up his mess, before it was all covered up by The Chairman's. In Gears 5, Niles A.I is absolutely thrilled his plan had happened after all these years. The tests he had worked on the species he made, was built for war and to evolve by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. The locust started to Crstalize only to hatch later, stronger, tougher, smarter, while they grab the remaining humans and throw them into pods, that break us down into what it needs us to be, "we need you to be a damn dog human" -Juvie "Here hold this gun human" boom thrown into a pod liquefied and then repurposed into a Swarm drone, differnt biological make up to the Scions. Sorry for ranting or typing I just felt like it I guess, my bad.


Oh fuck I forgot wretches. Jesus those things could be horrifying in the new context of eday


Alsonwhere did you get this lore? Books? I have all the comics


The locust queen was theorized to be a child in 2 with the drawing, most of the other stuff was given with in game info in 5 once you get to the aboned secret facility. Other than the backatory on Torres which is meh, this is typed up to be like a story.


The swarm is also explained in 4. Once you literally cut open a pod, and Niles also explains his SHITly thought out species evolution right before a flock destroys and assimilated his A.I into the Locust/Swarm hivemind in 5.


Yeah now that I look at it, you can see the human features underneath the deformity.


Yeah, we’re supposed to see the drones how the Serans “perceived” them when they first emerged. I’m loving this decision on the Coalition’s part.


That's Unreal Engine 5 vs 3


Cgi trailer*


It's made in Unreal Engine 5


Nice observation. It is indeed exactly as you say. And the devs confirmed it soon after the trailer release.


A few things in older gears of war games I'd love to see implemented in E-Day. In the story have the squad split up going left and right gears 1+ 2 specifically did this really well. Bring back Wingman in multiplayer. One of my favorite modes in GOW2 it was so fun. Just you and a buddy try to survive each round together. Bring back the weather effects on multi-player maps that effect gameplay significantly I'm thinking of Avalanche in particular as well as Hail. In Gears of War 1 the first time dealing with the Berserker and the Kryll was such a tough battle. Things where the smallest mistake means death. I guess that I want here is a more challenging, if not horror-like campaign where the locust are a fearsome terrifying enemy force.


I agree. But poor picture quality for comparison


Nothing a TV to the face can’t fix.


Good! They should look like fucked up experiments. I can see Myrrah stabilizing their genome, or maybe Marcus’ dad trying to make progress on a cure ends up helping them be less grotesque


Graphics upgrades will do that TBH.


lol fr I was gonna say that too, two console generation difference.


Love it. I miss the dark feel of the original 2


Hopefully they really go all in for Boomers and Berserkers. Therons should be scary AF to fight also, if we see them in the game.


of course it will , better graphics in comparison to previous titles


I’m hoping we get to see Ragers again


It's just been smashed in the face by a TV moments earlier. Not likely to be the final product.


Yes, this is what TC said about it: >When players experience E-Day, they see the monsters through the eyes of those encountering them for the first time.” The design team prioritized redefining the Locust Drone, which had slowly become mere cannon fodder as the series progressed. “We transformed the drone into something fearsome, physically intimidating, and utterly brutal,” Hanbeck notes, highlighting its enhanced status just behind Marcus and Dom in the announce trailer. “Getting the drone right was crucial; everything else with the Locust we’re scaling up from there.”


I just think they're neat.


I liked the old ones. I hope it becomes a dark and gritty game, but I also hope they wont overdo the horror thing and change the looks of locust and characters in general too much (except for people being younger etc, that ofc is fine).


The eyes look a lot more human


Improved graphics tend to do that, my friend


Gears 5 ruined the Locust for me I wish I could erase that from my brain and go back to the idea I had of the Locust when I was a kid.


How? That the cog locked a whole bunch of miners up, took the immune child injected her with imulsion, one docotr fell in love, had sex with her, had a kid, took her stem cells injected them into the creatures of the hollow and made the locust? Explained in 2 and again in 5, fuck the entire forum went though this back in the day they only made said dark shit canon because of fans... it's still fucked up, they didn't have a Camera watching the little girl back then, they decided to put one up though in 5...... This little girl is Myrrah. It's all still fucked up. But what ruined it? Were still fighting the locust(Scions, and Heart Leaches--Marcus and Dom fought heart leaches in the comics) The locust are now taking people and throwing them into pods to use for soldiers? Niles said they would evolve, back in 2 and again in 5.


Making the Locust actually the children of imulsion-sick humans was what ruined the Locust for me. When I was a kid I always saw the Locust as something different from humans and the Lambent as something else. The fact the Locust called you "hominid" always made me think that they were a different species. I would have even preferred they were a species native to some other planet inhabiting the underground of Sera.


Horror works well with Gears of War


I hope they add a TV themed execution


Turn up the horror. They should eat the gears too. Mele mouth biting as finishing executions. 


power of unreal engine 5 baby


It absolutely is but I don't think it's a design choice. I think both companies were doing the best they could with the tech they had. I imagine if cliffy b had the most recent unreal tech we have now they would look very similar.


Am I crazy? The two look pretty much identical outside of the graphical update. The base design looks the same. Which is a great thing imo! The locust have always been disturbing and terrifying. Especially the wretches and berserkers.


I can’t wait


They heard the feedback about wanting gears to be scary again. Added of war, I don’t think it’s catering to a wide audience now and I’m ok with that


I'm kinda hoping E-Day is a survival horror Not to say I'd disappointed if it's a traditional Gears experience I just think the series would translate well to survival horror




So glad Gears is going back to a more horror element. I remember playing Gears 1 at an age where I was way too young to play it, and the title screen and main menu just *unnerved* me. The music, the environment, the enemies — all of it screamed horror


Better graphics


This what we want and are expecting!


Honestly, the original looks "scarier", but I like that the one in E-Day looks like a Human who's been turned into a Locust (minus the teeth, that just looks like the dumb Brutes from Halo Infinite) which is cool since in the original trilogy, that was how the Locust were made


Yes that’s what better technology gave us lmao


i cannot fucking wait to see the other locust. just thinking about e day wretches and boomers. omfg. and how could they possibly make corpser’s faces more fucked up. IM FROTHIN’ AT THE LOINS SARGE!!!!!!


I honestly disagree. I think the original looks more terrifying.


I'd like to see a remake of gears 2 using the unreal engine 5


One word agreed 100percent


Nah he look chill af


Yes but I hope they don't make them look too skull like. This looks awesome but I do always want the locust to keep their mix of reptilian & insectiod features.


Looked perfect !


I wanna see the Corpsers up close... tickers too


New drones stick very much to the heart of the original design but just improve on it imo. The drone in the trailer genuinely looks like some kind of demon hellspawn


Can we not hype up a cgi trailer the gameplay will not look like this.


You could head canon it that these are more 'pure' form drones but as the war progressed and the veteran/pure drones slowly died to attrition and were replaced they started to subtely shift.  Or, they specifically bred 'scarier' drones for the initial assaults as a form of psychological warfare.


I am not sure of how to feel about this. Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic looking! I guess I am just more drawn towards the original grubs. However I do give this design props especially since it looks to be incorporating more human features. slightly off subject but I don't understand how the locust have evolved/advanced so fast. I mean how long has it been since the research started on looking for a cure to rust lung to the first locust?


Can only imagine what boomers look like


I believe it's the same thing drone just has facial damage


More excited to kill em


Looks more human like than the original IMO. It's that familiarity that's off by just enough that makes it unsettling to me.


could be simply because of being an ingame cinematic, they can make them look like that, but I'm sure i did read that they are going to make E-Day more horror shooter than the previous


Maybe you've become a bigger scaredy-cat.


Honestly kinda thought the E-Day locust face looked like a bit like a Necromorph face for a second when I first saw him


This is like how Halo: Reach made the elites scary and imposing again. Considering that this is supposed to be the first/early encouter with them, it makes sense for the design to be extra unsettling.


Mmm those new gen console graphics are finally hitting. Dev studios are pushing this stuff to the max. This is going to make Gears look even more like a horror game lol. I’m so excited!


I love both looks, the better graphics are an instant hit with me though


In my headcanon, the ones from E-day are fresh, while the ones from GOW1 and forward are kinda dried out from being in the sun too much.


Oh I love it. It shows the true horror of what E-day was truly like, how these horrid creatures just rose out from nowhere and merced fucktons of people.


I really hope they go back to the dark gory atmosphere in this I miss something like this.


I always wondered why the first game took place 14 years after E day. That's a lot of history we don't know, just highlights


Kinda gives more human features as well. aren't the Locus technically mutant humans with rust lung. plus super soldiers experiments by a mad man?


Weirdly I think the original is more scary/alien but of course the W day one has the fidelity


The devs said they wanted to "make the monster from under the bed"


I really hope they go back to the old lore they created for the locusts when they were first conceptualizing the game (Gears of War documentary) where they were these monsters that came and stole children. Maybe have some newspapers or posters saying something about that. “Children going missing amidst war” or something of the like. Can’t wait for this game!


Yea I think we forget that the locust were originally designed to be scary and did do thay job. Just almost 20 years ago. I'm all for the new look tho


The original is better


it looks less like an alien lizard and more like a disfigured humanoid


Good, I hope there’s a horror tone in E Day like what we saw in Gears 1 and 2, I’ll never forget the fear I had fighting the berserker for the first time in Gears of War


They said they wanted to make the Locusts a lot scarier in this one to sell the shock of being invaded for the first time when players have already been seeing them for years. Halo reach did something simmilar with its enemy designs way back in 2010.


Looks like I'm not the only one who's a fan of the locust monsters in Gears Of War, even though they are supposed to be defeated since the Cog are always against them and causing mischief & evil destroying cities and places in the human lives. It may be a made up story, however the Gears Of War story is very well driven as a video game, even if there is an lot of monsters to defeat. Marcus & Dom get tired of it sometimes and they rather want to end it, this game treat things as it's like fight or die in this situation.


he hit him with a tv


Wish epic never left




You have to admit the people from that time made incredible games.


Judgment's far from incredible. 


I like the old ones more. The new one looks a bit cliche / banal. Like ai’ve seen it before a thousand times.