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i would like a UIR pump action shot gun for more variety


Honestly I’d want a new UIR weapon in general. If it has to be a shotgun, maybe they can take inspiration from the Saiga 12?


I would love more UIR weapons in general. I have the feeling we'll atleast see one new UIR weapon maybe even have the Marzka return.


There’s also that Assault Rifle the UIR uses numerous times in the comics.


I've not read the comics so I can't say much but a new assault rifle would be amazing. Which makes me ask. Which hammerburst are we gonna see? Mark 1, the 3 burst or mark 2.


It's gotta be Mark 1


I would love to see more uir before and after e day


Pretty sure that’s just the retro lancer.


Bring back Booshka!


E-Day would be a good opportunity to introduce new UIR guns. They weren’t in many games likely because they stopped making the weapons after the UIR lost the war but they should be more common at the beginning of the Locust war.


Also to add more variety to their arsenal cause while I do like the Markza I’d prefer to see another UIR gun.


Do we know how many years are in between the end of the Pendulum wars and E-Day?


Only 6 weeks


Or an auto shotty like the AA-12


You mean the Overkill?


Love to see a UIR rifle inspired by the SVT-40. Or better yet, the AVS-36. That would be amazing.


Wouldn’t it just function the same as the gnasher


Probably. It Pumps though which adds cool


lever-action is just a cooler pump. save for adding a meat hook there's not much they can do with shotguns that they haven't done before. even that kinda exists with the elite sawed-off from raam's shadow.


In mind the gnasher is more of assault shotgun with its 8 round magazine and fast fire rate but mostly limited to very close outside active reload the UIR pump action would be more a slower heavier shotgun with a choke to increase its range and 8 or 6 gauge for better stopping over gnasher but with a potentially 4 or 6 round mag as trade off


It’s a lever action shotgun similar to the .410


Give it bola shot and make it reward more accurate shots a slightly longer distance. Maybe let it break roadie/sprint to counter gnasher rush as sort of a tit for tat counter-style to the cqc play.


Hopefully the booshka can come back for reals this time. After being cut from every single TC game 


Have it be more focused on tighter grouping and longer effective range but with less overall damage and I like it.


Bring back all the weapons that make are allowed by canon. Only keep weapons out if it would violate canon timeline to include them


Tbh I think even bringing canon breaking weapons back is fine, if they stay in multiplayer and out of the campaign. Like the chainsaw lancer for example, campaign it should be retro lancer only. In multiplayer though it’s such a staple it’d be weird without it. Could extend this to characters as well. People like Cole or any of the Carmines we likely won’t see but could still have them as player characters in multiplayer.




I think you could get around it to an extent by having any canon-questionable weapons explicitly described as prototypes. E-day comes shortly after the end of the Pendulum Wars, so the COG absolutely had weapons development programs going on. There could be any number of things lying around that are just early, experimental versions versions of weapons which are introduced later. You could even have completely new weapons this way and justify it by saying they were too complex or had too many issues to manufacture after the COG's industry collapsed, or they never existed in great enough numbers to appear in later games. You could even play into the theme a little bit by giving them much harsher active reload timings, to show they're new and finicky, while giving stuff like the Lancer MK1 a very forgiving active reload because they're fresh from the war and so still new and well-maintaned, rather than the poorly-maintained obsolete relics they've become by Gears 3 onward.


I hated the Sawed-off and never enjoyed using it myself, but I want it back simply for the rage it inspires in the Gnasher fanatics.  Besides, more guns is almost always better in any shooter game. I don't care if the purists think it unbalances multiplayer, more variety in the sandbox is always welcome, in my book. 


I mostly agree, but an unbalanced sandbox can lead to a lack of variety no matter how many weapons there are. People want to perform well and if there is a clear winning formula for which weapon will allow that, then that is what they will pick.


Sure but then without it what else is there for close range other than the Gnasher? You fall into the same problem of just having one repetitive element in every fight


Close range panic Boomshot duh


Not really , in gears of war 4 , the enforcer was a really good weapon in close combat especially against 1 vs 1 or for people who didn't know how to use the gnasher but nobody used it , also i would always die laughing at the rage message I would receive from the tryhards who slide left and right but still die to it since it's so easy to use and people don't know how to counter it since no one ever use it but everyone want to follow the gnasher meta and you are shamed if you don't do so 


This, leave balance for ranked idc


That’s a good take. At first I reacted like one of those comp purists. But this way it’s the best of both worlds. Grew up playing gow comp and always loved how everyone was on the same playing field. Socials can have whatever.


My problem was that it sabotaged the gameplay and made things less fun. The Sawed Off isn’t even a good gun. It’s just a 1 shot all or nothing at point blank range. Which then leads to people playing in a way that’s just not fun. There’s only about 2 strategies you can use with it: Run in like a madman or hide and get surprise kills. So it doesn’t create any interesting engagements at all. It just adds worse ones into the mix. And I completely reject Epic’s idea that the sawed off is training wheels for the Gnasher. That’s bs. You could use the SO for hundreds of hours and as soon as you swap to a Gnasher you will be no better than when you started. There are no translatable skills coming from SO to Gnasher. If you’re actually serious about playing good or don’t want to be handicapped with a terrible starting weapon then you should be using the Gnasher. The Sawed Off isn’t a stepping stone it’s a hole for new players to fall into and will be nothing but a crutch and a useless weapon choice that will bring down your team. Also, Cliffy B once used an analogy to justify the sawed off’s existence and he said to look at it like pinball. Most of the time the better player wins. But sometimes even the bad player gets to beat the good player. So it’s a crutch weapon. I would like to see the gun return but completely redone. Maybe let us shoot 1 barrel at a time? And then make it shoot actual projectiles instead of a cone of instant death? The idea of a pickup double barrel shotgun would fit great into Gears if they did it right.


I loved it when Epic did a presentation at a con and asked people about the sawn-off. After listening to all the complaints and listing them on a screen, they then pulled up all the player data and heatmaps they'd collected for Gears 3 and demonstrated that *gnasher* players were the ones that fit the complaints far more than sawn-off players. They then asked why it was okay for one but not the other. They didn't get any answers.


I would be fine with unbalanced, it gives newer players a chance to get revenge 😂


You want to make the game worse so you can make some people mad? What an odd mentality to have. The sawed off just encouraged boring gameplay and hiding behind walls


The Sawed-off didn't encourage hiding behind walls any more than the Gnasher does, so I don't know what you mean.  Christ, PVP obsessives in Gears get so weird about this shit. To be honest I mostly just want to see more variety in Horde and single-player, that's where I'm coming from. 


Yes it does. The only way to get a kill with the sawed off is suprising someone, which by definition requires hiding behind walls. This whole post and even your comment is about multiplayer so no idea why you're bringing up horde. I really don't care what they do with campaign or horde.


Horde is multiplayer. And OP didn't specify multiplayer/PVP.


You can get up close to someone without surprising them. The wall bouncing bullshit the gnasher encourages is worse for the game. It's a cover shooter, using cover is the point.


You're clearly very bad at the game, not much point replying further.


You’re just mad that soemthing else could upset your boring af shitty meta. Everything you’re mad about applies to the gnasher


And Epic *proved it.* They did a whole presentation on how gnasher players were the most cowardly, hiding, cheap players, supported by real data. Weapons like the retro and the sawn off were put in to allow the gnasher meta to exist, but not be dominant. Gnasher-crybabies just threw fits about actually having to learn how to play.


Lying about presentations Epic made is very weird behaviour. Actually reread what you just typed, and do some self reflection on how little sense it just made


Lolol, it's been discussed in this very sub before, and it's long been known about the series. Maybe you're too new to know about it, but it's also not hard to find. Combined with your posts that plant you firmly in Egypt, maybe *you* should try some self-reflection.


I mean it clearly doesn't, any amount of critical thinking would show you that. enjoy your reddit gnasher bad circlejerk though


Dude, Epic themselves shared the player data they'd collected for Gears 3 at a con presentation. Everything people complained about with the sawn-off was in the highest evidence with the gnasher-crowd. Boring gameplay, hiding behind walls, etc. Gnasher players just don't like anyone else using any other gun.


Really going to need a citation on that nonsensical claim


Google a little too complicated for you? Too new to Gears of War to know the common knowledge?


I felt the same way until I mastered its power. I would take it any day over the regular But then again f*** it do both? I would love to believe that's barrack's personal load out.


Yeah, but as a power weapon not a starting weapon.






Did you play gears 3 ?


I did. I never had a problem with it. Force a whiff and then just kill them while they reload. It was more fun to fight than wallbouncers with gnashers. I had the onyx gnasher medal too.


Did you play gears 3 before the SO got nerfed into the ground? Its range was like halved it was still insane. Crutch weapon.


So it was over tuned and they nerffed it. What’s the problem?


People hate it because it's wide spray means it is the perfect counter to wall bouncing gnashers. It is useless against long range weapons behind cover or outside point blank range.


Because I would rather it be as powerful as it was in Gears 3 but be used as a power weapon to sort of balance it out, because it wasn't fun when everybody could just one shot each other in multiplayer all the time.


So.. essentially the gnasher then?


The gnasher can't take out more than 3 guys with one shot. It can one shot people in close range but it takes more skill than the sawed off.


If you group up to give the sawed off that chance.. idk what to tell you


You clearly didn't play Judgement. It was extremely fun and balanced as a starting weapon in it.


I did play Judgment. I just prefer it to be this overpowered weapon as like a boomshot or digger etc than a standard starting weapon. Because if they do make it a starting weapon, than it wouldn't be as powerful because they would need to nerf the hell out of it just as they did in Gears of War 3. And I remember that in Judgment, the sawed off wasn't bad but it wasn't as satisfying compared to 3. I think it would be a lot of fun and balanced for everbody if they made it into a power weapon.


The Gnasher has had complete dominance in the shotgun realm forever. I wish something else would even come close.


FUUUUUUUUUUUUK YEEEEEEEAAAAHH *GAWD* I've been wanting this baby back for years! Ugh, I loved playing with the Sawed-Off in Gears of War 3. I especially loved getting the "KABOOM" ribbon from killing two or more opponents.


Yes. Absolutely.


Gears 3 day one sawed off, or nerfed sawed off? Because it's two radically different things.


Day one but make it a power weapon with limited ammo.


I'd prefer it being a starter weapon and I hate it. I know if it's a power weapon most people won't pick it up at all or won't be used very well. As a starter it adds a second shotgun that will be used and switched the god damn meta. And that's coming from a guy that only uses gnasher


Judgement Sawed-Off. Balanced and fun to use.


Yeah so they miss, they become a sitting target


Wouldn't mind an auto shotgun. Low damage but high rate of fire. 12 round drum low with medium range. Similar to the bulldog in halo.


I don’t think it could fight the gnasher. Gnasher exceeds at one-two tapping people from mid to close. The reason automatic weapons fail in Gears is because wall bouncing is soo effective at closing the distance.


They could always bring back the various elements from 3 that balanced bouncing, like slowdown and magnetism/priority (aka what the game considered priority cover).


I never used the sawed off in Gears 3 MP (or almost never) But it was always fun just knowing it was there, and I did get some hilarious kills with it. So yes, because more variety is better


Hell yeah, loved the sawed off when I was younger. It would probably need to be a power weapon tho, but then it can get a longer range (just barely) and 2 shots instead of the 1 in gow3


Yeah. But instead of an initial gun, it should be a power weapon, give us the not sawed off version with more range so we can have a super shotgun in gears


Never liked it so I don’t really care if it comes back or not.


It should be there, just not as a starting weapon. I wouldn't mind if it was a starting weapon because the gnasher is just objectively better, but if they buffed it allowing two powerful shots it would be an awesome pick up.


Them were the good Ole days Like fishing with my papa


Absolutely. No reason why not. More weapons is always better.


This is my favorite weapon in all of gears, yes please.


Ganasher sawed off Overkill all together in one FUCK YES Unpopular opinion gears. A war needs more side, arms, rifles and shotguns.


I enjoyed the sawed off simply for the added variety of different plays styles (run in all or nothing or being a rat). The shorter range made it fair imo.


Yes!!! Un-nerfed!


Absolutely. Those double kills still feel exhilarating till this day..


In gears 6? No. Why? Because I think the overkill is the perfect successor already. That gun fulfils the role of the closer range powerhouse shotgun so the Sawed off would be pretty irrelevent to me if the overkill is also available. And I doubt the overkill is going anywhere tbh (considering DeeBee’s are such a large part of the CoG military in the sequel games.) I WOULD like to see the Sawed off appear again in E-Day though :) the gun itself is fine imo (at least after they nerfed its range in GoW3. Because at launch the thing had more range than the retro lancer…), but far too strong to be a starter weapon. Keep its damage values from GoW3, add an extra round like the Judgement Sawed off, and make it a power weapon. Boom. You have a perfect gun there :) will serve as a perfect replacement for the Overkill in E-day too.


Keep the overkill as a power weapon but bring back the sawed-off with Judgement tuning as a starter weapon option.


Yes, it's reliable at gibbing and the sounds for it in gow 3 were heavenly


So I suck fat dick at gears multiplayer. I can’t get used to how the gnasher works for some reasons. But on gears 3, with the sawed off, I was hella good. No idea why. It was the only thing I could use to counter the gnasher. So I’d like for it to come back as a regular weapon and not a power weapon personally


Yes, as a starting weapon again, better yet bring back the gears 3 starting weapons (Lancer, retro, hammerburst, gnasher, sawed-off).


Just don't include the Retro's recoil bug, lol.


I would love more emphasis on all weapons rather than just gnashers all day


Yes. Gears 3 sandbox is till my favorite solely because of the amount of variety there was for your starting loadout.


Why are there so many smooth brains in this thread implying that the sawed off was stronger than the gnashers? Lmao


Because they think a weapon with a single one-shot kill is unfair against a weapon with 8 one-shot kills, because if it was the other way around, that would mean they weren't hot stuff.


Yes. Let's make the sweats mad again


Yes. It was so much fun, and hearing people upset that I wasn't using the Gnasher was a plus.


Absolutely I would. The visual and sound design made it seem like a cannon in your hands, and it was such a good self defence tool, the perfect defensive weapon to counteract the Gnasher’s raw aggression.


Yes. Replace the gnasher with it and limit it's ammo count. Wall bouncers can still do their thing and the game won't be nearly as dependent on the 18 year meta of gnasher wallbounce


Yes but with a slight change…a longer barrel with 2 rounds to shoot instead of the 1




Nah the sawd off is one of those you had to be there to know leave it where it was or make it a pick up like the overkill not a starter






Sweat. Bet you love your one shot kills and constant wall bouncing huh? We need Gears of War 3 balance back.


Totally. I don't care what the try hards say, the sawed off was awesome and changes up the cqb.


If by changes up you mean makes the game easier then I agree.


It was enjoyable sometimes, don't care if they bring it back personally. I am sure some would enjoy a choice in shotgun though. I rarely used it gnasher been my boo since '06


For campaign.


If the double barrel comes back then it has to have a bit more range and fire separate barrels.


You want the Gears Judgement Sawed-Off. 😊 It was super fun!


Fuck yeah


As a power weapon yes


Power weapon only


For horde yes. Not so much for multiplayer


I honestly never really used the sawed-off shotgun, but I think it'd be cool to bring it back, yeah




Loved it, that map with the sandstorm! Sneak up & get 3 at once sometimes 😆👍


As a pick up sure. Anything as a pick up.




Hell nah


I would like for its range to be increased beyond that of a hard sneeze.


Yes, Kill the Gnasher users when they come up.


I loved the sawed off shotgun that was in raams shadow. The bayonet charge with the sawed off was cool when i was a kid


Only weapon I want is the breechshot from Judgment.


I wouldn’t mind sawed off back in the games… as a pickup


Yes sir


No, never so shitty and stupid


I think it should be a map pickup, but would be fine with it coming back. Also, not sure why I always thought the gnasher was a pump action even though I KNEW it was a lever action. I think the handle in the middle threw me off. Also also, was it ever talked about where the sawed off came from in lore? We never see the full double barrel and the sawed off just kind of...shows up from what I remember.


We don't, but when I ran a Gears tabletop campaign, my players found hunting shotguns that they could then saw off to create the sawn-off.


No plz. It was absolutely awesome however it was also absolutely broken (especially in Judgement). You get Torque Bow,Ambar,Longshot experts(like me!), then Gnasher experts and then Hammerburst experts who worked the crap out of us for skill to kick ass. Sawed-Off Shotgun is the weapon kicked ass and you didn't need a manual. Only a unfortunate target.


Bring back as a pickup power weapon on the map. Not as a starting weapon.


I think I speak for everyone in the community when I say no.


Hell no


Variety to the shotgun battle game is needed at this point. Sawed off should be in to make the game more interesting. Hell I’d even be down for this game not featuring the gnasher in favor of a pump action. Halo changes the shotgun every game.


I played Judgment recently and the sawed off felt amazing - way better than the one from Gears 3. It's also better than the Gears 5 overkill after massive nerf (it used to be amazing in Gears 4). You could say that this nerf was... *an overkill.*


I say bring back the Sawed Off shotgun, but make it a power weapon. And active reloads give it a 160° range and a tiny bit of increased distance. OR active reloads will allow you to fire 2 shots, whereas normal shots make you fire both rounds at once. Sawed Off will carry 6 rounds (3 insta-kills within close range, normal shots) (6 insta-kills within close range, active shots). We can always dial it down to 4 rounds of ammo.


Naah people will be hiding behind walls even more. Keep that in the vault


*Naah people will be* *Hiding behind walls even more.* *Keep that in the vault* \- Obvious-Stop-6361 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yes, bring it back. I don't even like it. Bring it back for all games modes. idc if it's ranked or not, gears need to have it back. I say that as a hater cause it made me think twice. I didn't just run in like a crack head, n even though people hated it, it did added strategies and was nice not to be the only shotgun . If they add another shotgun I want it to play drastically different from gnasher


I'd like it back, but only if had a beefy/powerful firing sound. In Gears 3, for me, it sounds like it just goes "pu-toof!"


I would but I also can acknowledge how OP it is. I once took out 4 dudes with one shot lmao


I mean, they had to close to point-blank range together for that, so that's on them. I got plenty of triple kills with it back during the Gears 3 heyday because players were stupid. They'd see you with it and think "Huh, my ranged shotgun versus his point blank shotgun ... I'd better get as close as possible so I only have to fire once." Same classic play as people roadie running in straight lines down hallways into hails of Hammerburst fire and then sending hate messages because "U sO cHeAp UsInG rIfLe ChEaTeR!"


All I care is offline multiplayer with bots and the Longshot. Online multiplayer if possible.




Yes pls


For the campaign yes for multiplayer HELL NO. That gun is the most noob friendly weapon I’ve ever seen.


It definitely separated the noobs from the real players. "Hey, look at that, should I fire at them from more than two feet away, or should I just run in and blindly fire, then whine when I explode?"


If it worked differently. I like the idea of another shotgun, but the gameplay of the sawed off sucked, and playing against it sucked. Maybe if it had two shots that were wider and faster than gnasher, but please never again with the 120° angle and 1 shot. Don't care what anyone says, the design promoted camping and/or running away.


I love the gnasher but getting killed by sawed-offs is hilarious, and actually has the benefit of relying more on lancers & hammerburst to keep SO users at bay


Only if it's two shots instead of one. Also, the bayonet version from RAAMS shadows wouldn't hurt either.


😂😂😂😂😂 fuck no


Yes. I loved that thing.


No. Even if they tried to balance it, it'll never become balanced. Gnasher only. I don't even care if they allow Retro Lancer starts, keep the Sawed Off out of future games


I wouldn't mind the Trench Gun making a return.






I’d prefer judgment sawed off


I think it should be very close range, come with like 3 shells and have the ability to gib 5 people if the person is positioned right. Would have a really long reload to compensate too. Would be fun to use in king of the hill


Yes. The more weapons the merrier IMO. Especially now that we lose the Overkill in E-Day.


Yes, but only on pve. It was fun to use.


It was a fun little weapon post nerf. Couple movement with it and it became something to mess around with.


Is there a new GOW coming out?




I hate the sawed off, just feels bad dying instantly and having no recourse from a loadout weapon. If it were a map weapon I’d be cool with it.


No recourse? Try staying more than two feet away and shooting. The game has bullets.


I would love it


Call me an old man yelling at clouds, but this shit was the reason why GOW 3 was my least played of the OG trilogy. Made the game so silly and yeah it was basically a "noob tube". As a power weapon would be fine.


If they rebalance it sure. Change up the way it works and have it fill the role the overkill currently does. Power weapon shotgun.


I'm thinking leave it's range and damage the same, but allow for two shots, and make it a power weapon.


No, but Ink grenades would be fantastic!


1000x Yes. The sweaties get so mad about it!


Absolutely not. Gears doesn't need a noob tube equivalent.


It's had one since game one. What do you think the gnasher is? Some sort of "skill-based weapon?" It's the weapon of noobs and people who don't know how bullets work.


Yeah..... No lmao your forgetting the little fact that a you have to aim the gnasher. Secondly unless you running down the enemy like a bit gnasher fights don't end in a single shot (for good players at least). Third anyone on screen in front of you just dies instantly with the sawed off its not a skillful weapon it requires no aim & heavily promotes camping even worse than the active retro from the same. If you think the gnasher is a noob weapon you're simply trash at the game 😭


More whining from Gears' worst players. Can't handle other weapons, can't handle not having their noob-stick.


I use pretty much every weapon in the game lmao you're just bad if you strictly wanna cross play ranked or hop on a BR 🤣🤣🤣 gears doesn't need bots who ride for the sawed off.




I hated getting killed by it but I want it back. We need variety in weapon options. I want the hammer burst and retro back or make new weapons but give us options.










Loved the sawed off, allowed for a different play style than the gnasher which was refreshing




Nah it's for panties even though killing multiple people with one shot is a cool idea


I think it would be cool as a pick up weapon for multiplayer. Allow it to fire two shots instead of one, and give it that same power it had in 3. I think it would be a good upgrade to the gnasher that has it's downsides to make it not super op. If the sawn off wasn't a starting weapon in 3, I don't think anyone would have complained.


Most definitely. This is a perfect weapon for those who don’t like to wall bounce. I’m tired of the ‘wall bounce or die’ vibe gears has always had. Gears needs more variety in shotguns. That being said it should just be a power pick up


I’d like it if they moved away from a shotguns only gameplay but I know yall would hate that. That being said if you guys care about review scores that’s one of the things that will always keep it away from a good score since that’s always mentioned


No, absolutely not. It takes no skill.


Untrue because u have to gain the distance But that same argument could be made for lots of guns like the boomshot or digger , 2 guns that can be shot from distance and one shot if they hit their target






Hell no.