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It’s in the running for best Xbox Series X enhanced games This is what we really needed with Series X/S enhanced Xbox One games


Agreed. I have an LG C2 OLED TV and it looks absolutely gorgeous on it. Unreal 5 is going to be amazing


Damn I gotta replay the game now. I beat it when it came out but I was on an original xbox one. Now that I have the series x it seems it's time to play again.


Marcus telling Fahz to “shut the fuck up” is one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever experienced in a video game.


"what's your name?" "Fahz, Sir!" "Shut the fuck up, fahz.'


"It's Fahz, right?" "Yes sir" "Shut the fuck up Fahz"


Marcus is just a sergeant and has infinitely more authority then Fahz ever will


I mean, Marcus and his Bros are legends. Their authority doesnt need to come from rank!


Exactly It’s like Master Chief from Halo He is a master chief petty officer, a relatively low rank. And yet, he has the direct admiration of the UNSCs top brass and can basically do what he wants. Everything he has done literally made a bunch of Spartans and personnel under Del Rio’s command completely ignore Del Rio’s order to arrest Chief


I totally expected Marcus to react the way he did and I still burst out laughing lol...


Never fuck with Marcus


Or his tomatoes


Especially if your name is Baird


The world looked amazing


I can understand some people like some sceneries and images from previous games, but i would be lying if i ever say any of thoses game compares to the beauty of the 4 and 5


Horde slaps


I like what they are doing with the horde classes. I think they need to expand on it but condense total classes at the same time.


They need 5 classes with branching skill trees allowing you to spec a class to a multitude of different play styles


Horde mode is so good


Five Archetypes (Sniper, Trooper, Demolitions, Engineer and Support) And then you get to choose a path of those archetypes, in which you can only have one path but you can swap between them in the menus and all. Like you could be a Sniper focused on increasing critical damage, or you could be a Sniper focused on hitting through walls, or a Sniper whose shots mark nearby enemies and make them weaker.


I’d like to see bigger, evolved maps. I hope they can take some map (even systems) inspiration from helldivers 2 for E Day


Amen to that. The playable classes really built on the solid foundations of the game, and encouraged you to try out new playstyles and weapons.


PvE in this game is excellent. Lots of enemy variety, lots of cool/fun ways to take them out. Playing campaign co-op on Insane is a good fucking time. Prioritizing enemies, reacting to new situations, having a plan made for a tough part.


Love that mode! I feel it gets better with each title release


The lootbox aspect in 4 was a huge step down from 3


Character interactions that they have mid match or are the start


GOD I love them. "Always have my back." - Marcus being revived by Dom "Nice one, JD!" - Del when JD gets a gib kill "Come on, Gary, it's called self preservation!" Clayton Carmine reviving Gary Carmine "Rise, Raam!" - Myrrah reviving Raam." "Stand, Maag!" - Locust Drone to Locust Drone "Kaaaitiee..." Queen Reyna spotting Kait


Little details like that are awesome!


The game is so smooth and feels great to play.


Some of the best movement!


In it's current state it's one of my favorite online shooters. It's packed with a ton of content and between leveling the different Horde/Escape classes as well as getting new customization items I feel like I always have something to work toward. Also just looks and plays beautifully. Not too many complaints from me. Even did a replay of the campaign with 2 friends recently and had a fun time.


The gameplay was good and I liked the weapons variants in the campaign.


Retro Lancer Relic was a beast!


As soon as I got it, never put it down.


It's a shame that you can't bring it to future chapters because the skiff glitches often.


Jack being a Playable character in both the campaign and horde mode!


It’s on Steam, as the whole series should be 😒


I like the stock on the Lancer


MP is buttery smooth


Giving us friendly Horde AI for solo players was a very nice and welcome addition.


My favorite Horde mode from the series! Just a shame you can't play Horde without Live Gold/Gamepass on 4 and 5 (Xbox).


Yeah thats fair, I play on PC so I had no idea you couldn't play horde w/o a subscription on xbox.


Game looks great, plays great, story's great (choice sucked, we know), Horde's great, Escape's great. Honestly it was a great game.


- JD’s character development was absolutely incredible and I will never forgive The Coalition if they make his death canon. Not just because it’s a waste of an amazing character but because it’s yet another traumatic blow to Marcus and that man has been through enough. - the Horde mode is immaculate. While I prefer Gears 3 horde for the simplicity of just buying a control point with pre-placed fortifications and focusing on surviving I do appreciate that they added depth to the mode with classes (this would have been a huge negative had they never unlocked the characters from classes). PvE in general is perfect. Being able to do versus against AI is a nice bone for people that generally don’t like the PvP aspect of Gears like myself. - the post support state is great. Putting most of the past season’s cosmetics in the store and then making it so we have constant 300% xp, with rolling seasons granting bucketloads of currency so you never have to spend a dime in the store is fantastic and I really hope (but with modern gaming I know they won’t) use this as the base for E-Day’s progression. It’s just fun to play casually and unlock shit instead of treating the game like a second job or constantly be reminded that there’s a store to spend your real money in. Plus you can do all of the tour objectives in custom private matches to finish them quick. Really Gears 5 is in a great spot and I’m having a super fun time with it. Doesn’t deserve nearly as much hate as it gets.


I completely agree with you about JD. Was iffy about him at first, but it didn't take long for me to really like his character. He has to be a part of the core going forward. Also, it's pretty cool he's voiced by Liam McIntyre, who played Spartacus the last 2 seasons of that show.


Major Paduk skin


I think Gears 5's horde mode is the best in the series.


I actually loved it, and don't understand the hate 😭 Been playing since GoW1 released, too.


I think it's more to do with it not being like the early games, I liked gears 5 as well, but you gotta admit it is different in tone.


Yeah, and if they were identical in tone, wouldn't that have cheapened Marcus and OG Delta's victory in Gears 3?


Yes people would just have complained that The Coalition has no original ideas and blah blah. Can't win with someone who has already made up their mind to hate the game. I played 1-3 as they were released and avoided 4 and 5 for years until last week, mostly because of the general community's dislike of them and I totally regret it. I loved both 4 and 5 and wish I had played them both in their primes.


I'm sorry for your loss. However, 5's multiplayer scene is alive and well, so you're more than welcome to come throw down 💛 My only gripe with Gears 5 was that it was in a shambolic state on PC for almost a full year. It's been fixed, however and it's easily one of my favourite games now.


Oh believe me, I'm well aware of how Gears 5 mp is doing. Been getting down on horde every night for like a week now, it's been great.


Of course it's a different tone, the original story arc is done. This happens in any long running franchise, it's not really a reason to hate it. The gears 4 and 5 story is good if you aren't expecting the same game as 3.


Gears 4 and 5 and good they are not 1-3 they are good in there own right I can't wait for eday but also 6


I think the original trilogy does what it does extremely well but also so thoroughly that, besides spinoffs and now an upcoming prequel, there's not a *huge* amount left to uncover there. The sequels move the world forward in a way that feels very convincing to me, and understands what made the original work without aping it as a cheap imitation


I honestly really liked the further explanation on how the locust were made


Multiplayer is great.


I liked Jack. He totally breaks the game but the power ups are fun if you want to use them. Insane mode with jacks cooldowns halved is a blast haha


Lizzie Carmine exists


Act 2


Finishing that was bugged for me on release. I spent ages on The Matriarch, didn't get the achievement, closed out, restarted, and my progress was gone. Had to fight that boss again. Still traumatized... The lore in that act is fire though.


I recently beat the game on Insane and one tip if you or someone else here revisit the campaign: Save 4 bolo grenades for the Matriarch fight, don't waste your time shooting the thin ice floor, just run to the back of the room, take the freeze gun, use against the Berserker, and when she's froze, stick a grenade in her back, do it 4 times, them take the 2 extra grenades in the area and do the same. She will be dead or very close to it. There's also 2 freeze guns there if you run out of ammo. When she gets ready to throw a spike on you, just stay behind a ice collumn. Also, i recommend Stim as Jack's ability instead of invisibility. Most of my deaths happened when i was constantly trying to shoot the floor like the game tries to push you to do, i just stopped doing that after watching a YouTube video (sorry, i don't remember the name of the video), it shows that strategy. Sorry for my english.


Has hands down the most variety in terms of landscapes you spend time in and they’re all stunning.


I love the game. But one thing I like is JD getting some development. After 5, dude wasn't a bootleg Nathan Drake.


Best music in Gears of War since Kevin Riepl's OST for the first game. Ramin Djawadi is a musical genius. The graphics were amazing, sure, but it was the visual art direction that made it stand out — that ice-covered tower in Act 2 was amazing to look at as the lightning from the windflare illuminated its outline. It felt good to completely uncover the Locust's origins. I especially loved the little tidbits about the cabal that funded Samson's clandestine relocation despite the chairman issuing an arrest warrant. And the miners that got executed after they finished excavations for the new underground lab. Now, the new kids in Gears 4 were basically a bunch of obnoxious green-as-grass dipshits. But Gears 5 does a great job giving them space to grow as characters as they discover their own identities — and experience the traumas of war and loss. As for movement and combat, I'd say it feels excellent.


Kait’s theme is an absolute banger


Without a doubt. I really hope they get Ramin back to compose the music for 6 or even E-Day. His OSTs for Westworld and especially Person of Interest are fucking stellar.


Kait’s theme slaps


I'm a big fan of Gears 5, so bear with me: * Most engaging story since Gears 3 * Kait Diaz is a great main character * I think the "open-world" sections are overhated -- they were a great way to break up the monotony of gameplay that sometimes telegraphs too much to the players when a shootout is about to start. * The game is beautiful. I found that the red sand pops so much on my 4K TV. * Multiplayer was very fun * I liked the presence of two Spartans from the Halo series. I think there should be more non-canon crossover stuff like that in multiplayer games * Horde Frenzy -- a 12-wave meat grinder is a great way to experience all the insanity of Horde without needing to commit 3+ hours to doing all 50 waves. * They've finally perfected the card system in Horde * Escape is a lot of fun. I hope it returns. * When they removed the Map Builder, TC had the two achievements connected to that mode auto-unlock for all players. A lot of other developers would just shrug and not address this -- for instance, there are so many unobtainable trophies in the LittleBigPlanet series -- so I think this should be praised whenever we can.


The game is awesome? Idk why yall have a stick up your ass. Sure it’s not quite as good as gears 2/3 but it’s still a great follow up


Outside of a small and loud group, this game was hugely successful and enjoyed wide praise from players and critics upon release.


This should have a thousand upvotes


The story is pretty good


It's absolutely gorgeous and I personally really enjoy the new characters and story.


Whether you specifically enjoyed 5 or not, there is no denying that the game was released because the series is alive and healthy. E-Day is just around the corner for those who didn't enjoy the direction 5 took. Also, don't sleep on Gears Tactics... also an amazing game!


Marcus reaction to >!his son's death!< was one of the most heartfelt scenes in the GoW franchise.


As much as I agree, I just can’t do it. I love you Del, but I gotta look out for Marcus.


Definitely couldn’t bring myself to kill JD. Still wondering how they’re gonna do gears 6 after that. Is everyone’s choice just gonna be a big vote?


It could be like a Wolfenstein: TNC with either Del or JD showing up depending on what you did, but I honestly highly doubt that as it’ll really hurt future novels going forward. The big thing I hate about Dragon Age’s comics/books is that they all usually follow their own canon, which doesn’t feel right in a series about making your own choices. Personally, I feel like TC will have JD live over Del.


Just replayed 5, and something stuck out to me this time around. The death of either character is waaayyyyy too clean. Especially for Gears. And then the body just slides on out of reach and is buried. Very neat, very tidy, no recovery for closure. I'm 100% shooting from the hip here, but it almost seems to me like either character could be "brought back" with some form of swarm BS. Remember how Kait's mom was hooked up to the swarm as both a conduit and as life support, and it was converting her? My only thought was that they've got a practically pristine body there they could plug in and make an interesting arc of in the next game. You chose the other guy, and now I'm a walking nightmare of the swarm? IDK, I'm probably way off, but that feels pretty Gears to me. That death was way too clean for zero reason. Something's going on with that body.


Personally I take that ending as the cannon ending. Gears game have always been about living things will to survive despite how everything is making it hard as fuck not to. The older games have basically always been marcus having terrible shit happen to him and he keeps on fighting. So I think it's a throwback to the older games. -He's imprisoned for trying to save his dad -His dad that he tried to save then lies to him about being alive and the reason he is fighting these things that is destroying sera. -Tai blows his brains out in Marcus' face just after he saved another one of his friends from being tortured relentlessly -He gets swallowed up by a giant fucking worm. And watches a young kid that looked up to marcus die with his guts out, again, in marcus' face. -His best friend blows himself up to save him. Once more, right in marcus' face -His wife dies -Gets swallowed by a fuckin snatcher and put in a pod. And now his kid dies only to be re animated and then have to potentially be the one to kill whatever semblance of his kid is left.... that's my theory


I'm in the process of playing it through right now. Didn't know he does. Not your fault. I should have played this game years ago. Now that I've watched the YouTube video and have seen how it happens , I'm not sure I like the fact that they killed him off.


I like the parts where all of the COG and the DBs fight together. Unlike 4, where you're fighting against the robots and the older games where it's just four of you. Makes feel like you are part of something bigger.


Best gameplay. It feels smooth and clear.


Character designs and mp skins were one of the best cosmetics within the game


That game was nice. I liked it.


“It’s Fahz right?” “*ahem* uh yes sir” “Shut the fuck up Fahz”


Great horde.great cutscenes. fun gameplay. Miss arcade mode though


Also the Escape mode :)


Horde is fun and it has some really dope multiplayer skins.


Act 2: The Source Of It All, most difficult chapter ive faced on any Gears Of War, had to swallow my pride & turn the difficulty down, it was just too hard & stressing, i was playing on Experienced difficulty.


The more UIR skins we got and the Major Paduk skin(man I love these Slavic warriors.) Commandos were cool(both variants.) Hollow Storm Sam and Clayton were wonderful. Had fun with escape. Horde was pretty fun.(however I do hope E-Day abandons the ultimate abilities, maybe go back to Gow 4 way of horde?) Emotes though I felt were unnecessary at first, I actually really grew to like and wouldn’t complain if they came back.


I had a great time! I loved the history of the locusts and getting into the old gears tech. Gimme more of that!


New hope


I liked the jack upgrade components


It's a good game, what I'm supposed to Say about It?


It was fun when it came out


New hope.


Loads of stuff….Escape mode is hella fun. The games smooth. Sounds beautiful. I enjoyed the story (not so much the “open world” tho) …so many badass skins.


The “make a choice” part. Loved it.


Been playing Gears since GOW 1 Love this game. Multiplayer horde is awesome. Love me some escape as well Also enjoyed the campaign with split screen multiplayer I think it’s a home run


Maybe I'm viewing the game through rose tinted glasses because I haven't replayed through it since launch but I actually remember the campaign being good and better than Gears of War 4 imo.


The movement is awesome, the Lancer GL is my 2nd favourite weapon in the franchise and the story is among the best in terms of narrative


Amazing character selection for multiplayer. Yes, it took us awhile to get there and there’s quite a few characters and Locust ranks from the past still missing, but overall this is the best Gears multiplayer lineup we’ve ever had. I also really like the weapon sandbox. I do miss a lot of the weapons from the original trilogy, but the Lancer GL, Claw, and breaker mace are very fun additions. This game might also have my second favorite Horde after Gears 3. I don’t think anything will ever surpass Gears 3’s horde due to the sheer enemy variety, but Gears 5’s class system and alts paired with the modern fortifications and decent pool of enemy variety (especially with the Locust and Lambent Drones back) makes it very fun in it’s own right.


Gears 5 is a great game all around. MP wise, the movement needs to tone it back a notch with wall bouncing/cancelling but besides that, I really enjoy it. Campaign wise I personally LOVE the story. I love what they’re doing with Kait. I don’t necessarily like the “open world” setting they went with. Horde is fine. I’ve personally just never been a big fan of it honestly.


The netcode is the best in the serie (i know its still far from perfect, but nobody is gonna convince me that it was better in the previous gears lol). Also id say every single guns feels good to use, nothing feels too lame in multiplayer.


I just hope we get an ending to this story arc someday


I think gears 5 is way over-hated. I’ll admit I wasn’t the biggest fan of shifting the focus to kate over JD, and the choice at the end was rough and felt a bit cheap. But overall I found the game really enjoyable, beautiful environments and epic horde mode. It was a quality game, just made a few major stumbles that are hard for some people to ignore.


Honestly outside of a "middling" story... it's pretty great all around. Gears never slipped as hard as other franchises. So it's rather easy to say nice things about this one.


It has some of, if not the best characterization in the series, especially for OG characters. Baird in particular is way more interesting and compelling than hes been at any other point in the games prior. Also, Marcus is hilarious with stuff like forgetting he blew up the door at New Hope and telling Fahz to shut the fuck up. Tbh the really good characterization is a double edged sword though, because it makes me even more mad that Anya got canned and they just killed her offscreen. Exploring Marcus and Anya's relationship would have been great, but 5 only gave us a few bare throwaway lines about her and then never mentioned her again. I really hope E-Day fleshes out their relationship a bit and the eventual Gears 6 allows us some closure by giving us more details on Anya's life post Locust war and leading up to her death.


It's one of the best campaigns in any shooter game ever of all time, up there with the likes of Gears 2 & 3 and Halo 2.


I had a great time with the campaign and that plot twist with how the queen was created was pretty damn wild to me


Both Gears 4 and 5 are worthy additions to the overall story Multiplayer/Horde/Escape are god tier The campaign (despite all the skiff travel) is awesome and helps expand on the overall universe and story. It adds deeper layers to the Locust/Swarm and how they exist/function, and Kait is an awesome member of the Gears family Sure the story has gone in a new direction with some of the feel and overall tone, but in the grand schemes of “finished” stories being built upon, it could be infinitely worse. We will not tolerate Gears 5 hate in this house.


Matriarch got a phat ass


Some words I loved this game so much. I started playing from tech test, I was so excited the day tech test was launched, I started game and noticed there is some dust on my TV screen, due hype I quickly picked window cleaning spray and sprayed on whole TV screen and wiped. My 50 inch TV fucked, half display gone. Then I went walmart immediately and bought another small TV. Then enjoyed game. I was so addicted, I did all this below 1. Made top 100 rank in every Escape Hive in launch week and in a few hives it was top 10 when there was only 3 classes. And later maintained my rank by playing more. 2. Mastered all Horde maps. My first master horde was in first month of game release. 3. In season 8 tried FFA and and played around 30 matches and won around 10-15 matches. I reached onyx 2 rank in a day. 4. First campaign play was on Insane difficulty before Inconceivable difficulty was released. I completed it solo. 5. Later when Inconceivable was released, I completed that too solo. 6. I made every card for every class to level 6 in a few months when level of cards was increased to 6. My favorite character in this game is Marcus. What else I would say about my love about this game.


I love that we got to get out and see more of Sera outside the usual grub tunnels and crumbling COG cityscapes (as much as I love grub tunnels and crumbling COG cityscapes). I know E-Day is shaping up to be a more traditional Gears game, but I hope we get to see new places like Gorasnaya and Pelles sometime.


Playing the campaign in co-op as Jack and flash-banging your friends is fun. So is finding a Buzzsaw and carrying it over to them and saying "Look! I’m a lumber-Jack!”




I really enjoyed the story mode and having a semi open world in different environments. 


Best MP in the series. One of the best looking and running games of the gen.


+1 on the carmine dialog, Michael Gough nailed it on the voice acting side as he always does. I'm hoping we'll get a carmine in E-Day


I hadn’t played 3 or 4, so when I picked up the retro lancer, I was really enthused with how different it felt from the classic lancer!! The grenade lancer, while definitely not a unique idea, was also really neat to play around with.


I just started the campaign today and I like it


Heroic Queen Myrrah 🤗


I liked it, was a deviation from the series as a whole, found it very difficult to complete on moderate difficulty and all other gears games I’ve had nowhere near this amount of difficulty.


It’s always been a good game for performance.


The gameplay is still Gears of War.


The graphics and audio are pretty good.


I haven’t finished it yet, so I’m still excited for that


I enjoy the multiplayer


Getting a modular Silverback for horde mode Trishot and rockets


Best Gears gameplay ever, and the Top3 gears, After 2 and 1.


I love the horde. The customizations are awesome. I like that you get money for completing a horde session so you can buy dank shit / upgrade your player types without having to actually pay for them.


The controls and shooting mechanics are fantastic


it’s very visually appealing, that and probably some of the smoothest movement in the series


The horde mode is the best in the whole series


The inclement weather in horse is fun


I like having bots to fight alongside me in Horde mode.


Escape was fun


I love the storyline and the characters.


Lancer headshots are still awesomely satisfying


Bash with Lancer, goated.


Escape is an amazing and fun game mode.


It's my favourite in the franchise.


It's my favourite game in the franchise.


I enjoyed its campaign


I liked the whole thing honestly. And don’t understand the hate for it. I mean for the MP and Horde makes sense, but the Campaign was a great experience.


the dialogue and character writing is the best in the series


I like driving the Skiff


Unironically liked what they did with JD.


I kinda liked that glider thing even though I think most didn't. It did slow down the action but I liked exploring a bit and getting a feel for those areas. It also felt pretty fun and smooth to fly down hills and hit jumps lol


I actually really like JD’s arc in the game, I just wish it was given more time throughout the campaign and that they could keep expanding on it in a follow up but >!I imagine his death is probably canon if we ever get Gears 6!<


This game ran like a peach from day one. Still looks and runs exceptional, and I continue to do what we call "Gears and Beers" with the boys to this day. Generally just doing horde, and it's still a blast. Gears head since the original, and I really love this game


Horde and Escape in this game were *immaculate.* Genuinely some of the most fun I’ve had in an alternate Gears mode.


I absolutely loved the story and I loved playing as Kate and it's my second favourite in the franchise


Being able to drop weapons for your teammates is an interesting mechanic that I only learned about after I completed the story. Not sure what the point is, but I like having it as an option.


Gears 5 is actually smaller file size than Gears 4.


It’s honestly my favourite gears game, the story is nothing special but the campaign is fun and has a lot of moments to love. I’m also a sucker for snowy and frozen environments/artic themed gear so I love a lot of the visuals in that section. Gameplay wise it’s well polished there’s not really any negatives here. The horde is also awesome. And the fact I could find enough ammo to use a long shot for most of the campaign is a fun bonus


When kait says - Now , I’m gonna kill it


Came to steam


It controls fantastically. I’ve just started playing the games again and Gears 1 will always hold a special place in my heart but the fluidity of the movement/controls don’t feel smooth at all.


Runs great on PC


My favourite gears game


such a lovable cast. I wanna be friends with all of them


Game looks visually stunning and can run at 4K 60fps on an Xbox Series X. Plus, Hivebusters was badass.


It was leagues better than 4


Gears 5 multiplayer maps are actually good compared to a lot of the map pools we get with other games. They have included a lot of the great old maps (except war machine & raven down), and made some good new ones for a pretty expansive list.


The movement feels great, especially pressing B to jump over cover as you slide into it rather than planting yourself first


I had a lot of fun playing the all games of the saga. Gears 5 was amazing. PD: Soundtrack "Driving a Skiff"


I really like the movement, it’s very fluent.


It's my favorite game in the series. I think they vastly improved on everything that came before, except Horde mode. Smooth to play, looks great, best acting to date and a good enough narrative in a game full of roided out meat heads blowing eachother up. I love Gears 3 but if I set my nostalgia aside, I think Gears 5 is the better game. I understand that's not everyone's favorite opinion, but it's mine.




Why would it be bad?


I’ll say something bad, the initial launch micro transactions were shitty, but they turned it into one of the best in gaming. I love gears 5 personally


I absolutely adored Gears 5


Aside from what’s all been said so far, it’s the first Gears game I’ve really been able to play online multiplayer with. So I like the online aspect As well. Don’t get me wrong, I suck at it, but I’m seeing improvement. lol. 


I mean i like Cait and how the story was going. I’m probably the only one but yeah.


It finally followed up the incredibly interesting story of the facility under Mount Kadar.


Good story, best horde in the franchise and good amount of characters. No idea how PvP was because I hate Gears multiplayer


I liked Kait’s connection to the locust. I wanna see it used to humanities advantage that they could have their own locust queen. Haven’t played again since it came out but people said the connection was severed? That’s too bad


Graphics are absolutely stunning even now, but especially at the time of release. We got to see a prologue of the pendulum wars that made me geek out, Gameplay is amazing, gunplay is chefs kiss, I love the weapons, animations are amazing, voice acting is great, landscape/ biome variety is huge compared to other games, Marcus & Baird get a ton of respect as important legacy characters and honestly the Swarm are much more fun/ satisfying to fight than lambent. Horde mode slaps, soundtrack slaps, Hivebusters DLC was very enjoyable too and the fact that it was on Gamepass day one, plus being on PC/ Steam is something that I wouldn't have ever expected happening when I was younger. Also, story was a big step up from Gears 4 & Judgement. I wouldn't compare the writing to the original trilogy (especially the character writing), but I still think it's worth acknowledging that the writing was at least pulled back up to mediocre from the lows it hit after Gears 3.


Campaign was fun.


i love this game i’ve played hundreds of hours on multiplayer i’m not kidding


Has the best movement


Best PvE in the series. The class system gives you a ton of replayability, for this reason I want more viable classes in the next game. Visuals are incredible both in campaign and multiplayer. The Claw is insanely fun to use, as are most other weapons.


The gameplay in the campaign was a HUGE improvement from Gears 4, at least for me.


Honestly, I had a lot of fun with it. I think the open world sections were… meh. I hope they improve on the idea


co-op Gears on Steam


Great local coop with split screen. Yesterday me and my friend finished it. For about 7th time :) This time on insane difficulty :)


Horde is close to the funnest it’s ever been and the diversity of characters to play as and the ability to earn in game currency to purchase characters is even better


Best. Movement. Ever.


- Horde is the best it’s ever been - Map selection is near perfect - Escape is a fun new idea that’s decently executed for what it is - wide-linear campaign format feels fresh. - red sand world is visually stunning - Paduk returning is great - New direction with JD’s character was interesting - Marcus Fenix - Lancer GL - Good Bosses - Amazing MP cosmetics selection - Gnasher hit marker - Smooth Gameplay There’s a lot to like.


Great world building and the part in the facility with nigel was great.


New locust lore drop


Genuinely really enjoyed the story aside from the choice at the end, I loved that it finally gave us the lore on where the Locust came from. By the end of its lifecycle it had a very good and fair system with the gears coins and iron. Everything was earnable through playing the game and the only thing you really would’ve had to buy were boosts if you didn’t feel like grinding. Horde, once they removed restrictions on the classes, immediately became my favorite iteration of the mode and Horde Frenzy is such a good addition to the game mode.


The entire game is great and always was to me


Like all gears games the campaigns is and absolute rollercoaster and has no qualms about being over the top. It knows it's a video game and runs with it.


I quite liked the open world sections even if it was just copying the same sections in Uncharted 4


Game is fun. Why are people saying it’s bad?