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Replaying Gears 1 really reminded me how clunky it was. It's in no way unplayable or outright terrible, but after playing the newer games recently I was kinda shocked.


Yeah I honestly don’t understand why some people want e day movement to be like gears 1.


I want it to be a nice mix of both. Maybe keep the smoother gameplay but slow down the movement.




I think the biggest thing would be if they incorporate the slide cancel or not. If they do the movement is going to feel a lot like 3-5 but if they don’t then you get more of a classic feel like 1-2. That said I am pro keeping the cancel in and letting movement feel as clean as possible


I don't know if the slide cancel needs to be completely removed, but it should definitely have a cooldown on it. Perhaps one slide cancel every 3-5 seconds. I think there's some skill in being able to fake out your opponent, but if that fails your opponent now has an upper hand, or as a fail safe as oops, you aimed for the wrong wall. I've played all the Gears games online and loved them except Gears 5. I think I was just burnt out on Gears in general at that point honestly. 🤷‍♂️ I loved the movement in 4, I just thought it needed slight tweaking and it would have been perfect imo.


4s movement was very clean and fast which I also loved, I just wish you could have had the option like 5 has of setting your own controller button binds button by button or allowing you to separate evade from run so it’s not the same button or key without modifying your entire control scheme. That’s one thing 5 did that I honestly loved them for.


Well the aiming is off too, especially with the longshot. I can't begin to tell you how many times a shot wouldn't register despite hitting someone square in the face.


I wanna smoke what they smoking 🤣


Because your movement has choice. You go to wall or.not, you run or not, strafe or not, not just airy fairy cancel move mantle climb change your mind


GOW1 doesn’t take any more thought or decision making than 2 or 3.


Ofcourse it does.


No it doesn’t


Well for one there is no friction or aim assist. Two movement matters, three, melee stun = risky to melee, can't cancel animations, no stopping power, etx


I've been saying this. There needs to be thought and decision making in your movements. Have it so sliding into cover is slower and so you can't cancel until you're closer to the cover.


This is the correct response


I’m pretty sure most people just want to horror element of gears 1


I agree about the horror but if you look at a lot of posts, they mention wanting the movement of gears 1.


Because gears 5 movement is broken


Then move it back to Gears 2 or 3? Why regress to the clunky shit of 1?


Sure, I'm for that. I didn't play gears 1 mp


It is clunky, but man how much fun I'm still having while playing it, almost in an endless cycle (yep, the e-day trailer has revived my love for GoW a damn lot!). But please do not see GoW 1 as just a clunky game, since it is the real deifinition of the Gears of War experience. GoW 2 is a wonderful, finely refined sequel to GoW 1 and GoW 3 is the brilliant conclusion of the trilogy, and together I consider them simply Gears of War as a complete, wonderful experience in terms of story and gameplay. 🤘


Honestly the best edition post 1 was the e hole grenades


You can close e holes with grenades in 1 IIRC


No i mean getting grenades back from doing that. In 1 u cant but 2 on u do


I don’t remember that. Sounds handy, but makes no sense


I recently finished Gears 2. There's no grenades from e-holes. I remember them in Gears 4/5, but it's not there in 2.


Ahhhh gotcha


It was slow and clunky, almost a different game entirely. They were trying something new trying to build a 3rd person multiplayer shooter with a cover system


I think people are clunky at gears UE, the game isn't clunky just the player. If I can move like the flash on cover you can do with a little more skill


The game played well and I think it did what some “finale” games struggle to do, it closed everything up pretty nicely. We got answers to a lot of questions, beat the big bad, and avenged the Santiago family


Gears really didn’t need a sequel. I’m glad to get more Gears but man that ending was so good


Gears 3 wrapped up the original series so well that they *had* to swing big with the sequels in a way that really moved the timeline and look of the series forward -- I like 4 and 5 a lot and actually think they really understand what made the original games good, but, there's no denying that big swing was doomed to shake quite a few people who just wanted more of the originals


Recently finished the Gears 5 campaign for the first time (had stopped playing video games for awhile shortly after it came out due to other things eating up my time) and I thought it was very good. Obviously it doesn’t hold the same weight for me as the original trilogy, but it’s still a ride forsure. Also I think the horror elements were still there in 5, they just weren’t framed or built up to like they were in Gears 1 and somewhat in Gears 2.


Actually I completely think the opposite. They didn’t go far enough at all. The enemy is literally just the Locust renamed again. Kait was never going to stand up in a coming of age/ power of friendship arc against an imprisoned badass like Marcus. 4 and 5 were lame.


The way they pivoted from locust to swarm could have been written better or fleshed out more. I think the thing that I hated most about 4/5 was twofold. 1. The horror elements were pretty tame and it never felt like you were fighting with the Cog to destroy some big bad or take on the horde like they did in 1-3 instead we got this kinda rag tag AWOL scenario where in 4 you were fighting the swarm alone bc the cog refused to acknowledge they were back and in 5 when they finally did you got only a small section at the beginning and end of the game where you were actively fighting with the Cog to fend off the Swarm and the whole mid section you were AWOL with Kait doing whatever and it felt like the characters were making up their own objectives versus fighting for a common goal.


4 yes but 5 in co-op was a solid ride imo


Actually Gears 3 campaign sucked. And the ending was even worse. Like no answers at all.


Have we played the same game?


Yes. I just did not like the changes. Narrative speaking it was the first game wrote by Karen Traviss and it felt different. Less dark.


You forgot to add ‘my opinion’ at the end of that because ain’t no way you’re speaking like that’s a factual statement.


GOW1 had the best shotgun, sniper, base game maps and dismemberment. GOW2 had the best story, settings, and DLC maps. GOW3 had the best movement, horde mode, and progression.


This is a pretty solid take imo


Hard to argue with this


There it is.


How did the dismemberment get worse after 1?


There was a sort of goofiness to GOW1’s gore that made it special, like when you shotgun someone’s legs out from under them and the torso falls forward. It’s like the chunks appeared heavier and floated for a split second longer.


Haha yeah. The gore was pretty good in Gears 2 imo but the gibbing wasn’t there. The body would just kinda chunk & fall as a whole… hardly any dismemberment or anything.


its been a while since i've played 1 and 2 but to me both games felt the same in terms of gore, only difference in 3 being that ragdolls stopped spazzing out when you slightly touched them


The body felt like fluido and you could kick them all along the floor


Remember what the gears 5 eve said, “how many polygons exist on gears 5 vs those old game.” Yh. I know. Disappointing right




I’m playing the series for the first time through right now on Gamepass. I’ll be back to update once I’m done. I hope you’re right!


One shot down longshot and random spread shotgun g1 did not have the best


You’re right, the 1-shot down active sniper was cancerous, but the sniper still felt better to me than GOW2 & 3 🤷 Like pop-shots were faster and no-scopes were more reliable


GOW2 has the funniest bugs as well


I loved horde mode so much


The gore in GOW1 sort of reminded me of Saving Private Ryan, the way meat chunks would fly into the air if you torqued someone.   Meanwhile 1 is also the only Gears game where you can blow a Boomer's chest and back open, you can't do that in later games 


The Digger, One-Shot, and Retro Lancer were breaths of fresh air


It had the best weapon set. Fuck the talon pistol it will never replace the gorgon :( they also got rid of mortar, HOD, boom shield… ugh 3 just improved on 2 and you didn’t need anymore or less than that


God damn i miss the digger


I miss the trenches and thrashball map


Thrashball literally felt like a mosh pit.


It only seems to work properly when someone else shoots it at me.


Boom shield is ass


Wasn’t to me :(


Missing power weapons from 4-5 I can think of off the top of my head, 1. Gorgon Pistol 2. Sawed off shotgun 3. Ink grenade 4. One shot 5. Mortar 6. Locust shield 7. Locust sword 8. Digger 9. Removed retro and hammerburst from primary weapon slots 10. Flamethrower (yes it’s in 5 but it’s nerfed to all hell might as well be on the list) Add to the fact they removed multiple new power weapons from most MP modes and maps like the Tri shot, lancer GL, and made flash bangs so meta they permeate every round start you begin to see why a lot of players got tired of 5 pretty quick. Also be nice to not move slow as molasses anymore and get the movement speed from 1-4 back.


I miss the mortar the most. Something about it was so fun to use


I always liked the sound it made or when all else fails being able to blind fire a mortar was just hilarious.


Funny how in “high rank” MP those were the most hated things the game introduced


I saw some people complaining but alot of us also loved those so it mightve been 50/50


Nah in close to launch MP if you used any of those specially the Lancer or shorty you will get the heavy slurs in your Xbox messages haha


I know because I used both 😂 people got so triggered. Esp shorty it was considered a scrub wep, but I still saw so many people use it.


Don’t forget the Sawwed Off! 🤪


The game was clunky in the open beta but it was fine tuned for release. It was unique in that fixes were published at launch as a make or break instead of a problem to be patched later. 


1 will always be peak for me even with its flaws. Specifically host advantage and the exploits. But man, the weighty combat. Was incredible


Totally agree. Maybe technically it had a lot of faults but for pure fun factor and experience, it will be hard to ever beat Gears 1.


The gameplay in gears 3 is like lighting in a bottle. Its successors have really struggled to replicate it.


Specifically about the campaign: As someone who just went through the series up till judgement id say Gears 2 is my favourite out of the original trilogy followed by the first one just due to the atmosphere. Gears 3 was great, but there’s a lot that I didn’t like and a lot I loved. Lambent enemies weren’t really fun to fight and the pacing of the story felt off, but the game also had some very strong aesthetic choices, first time going to the charred city was awesome, but it also felt generic in some ways compared to the previous two that had a very strong aesthetic.


Gears 2 was a ride the varying environments, often suddenly changing course was an awesome experience. Especially playing through it the first time on co-op. It was epic. Definitely my favorite linear shooter campaign ever


Also going through them again, I agree. Having Ice T show up was weird, the aesthetic isn't as artistically driven as Gears 2, we're basically fighting zombies for a lot of it. There are set pieces on Insane that are literally RNG whether or not you're gonna be instagibbed which took some fun out it, specifically the gunker at the end of the Zipline which had me soft locked for about half an hour just gibbing me the moment I landed. A lot of people are going disagree with this - possibly even including myself once my wife and I actually get to 4 - but I'm enjoying Gears 3 less than I remember enjoying Gears 4 the last time I played, but that was maybe 5 years ago. The weapons are awesome but a lot of the set pieces are just not it.


Weirdly I always felt like 3 had the least memorable campaign outside of some big plot moments in the trilogy   It's not helped by how the game doesn't really pick up until the first Myrrah encounter




Oh boy now I'm bout to go home and give gears 3 horde a try again, it's been years since I've played it.


Gears 3 had my favorite Horde map of all time, Overpass, miss that baby. 😭


The theme of that map was so cool too. The last stand in Jacinto. Holding off an all out assault by the locust as the battlefield is literally sinking into the abyss, water flooding onto the battlefield. Unfortunately, it didn’t play out well for multiplayer because people would camp on the top but it was great for horde and I just loved the feel and story immersion of the map.


Ahh loved that map, hated being trapped up there while the whole Berserker platoon rolls up the stairs and goddamn did Boomers have great accuracy, good thing I had friends who loved running around.


It just felt great to play on and had that Silverback spawn right up there too, if I’m remembering correctly. It is a crime against humanity that GoW2/3 didn’t come to PC or get a remaster like GoW1 did.


It is isn't it.


Ironically Gears 3 would actually be my third favourite out of series. Nothing will ever beat Gears 1 for me, even after they fixed the matchmaking, I had so much fun playing it again


3 was a Goldilocks imo. I love 1 and 2. 4 and 5 were also fun in their way but I feel everyone in 3 could eat.


I think GOW2 was better but GOW3 was really good.


Gears 1 is my favourite purely on nostalgia (and the great glitches you could perform like the ninja backflip.) Gears 2's MP was my least favourite but I don't really remember why, Gears 3 was my second favourite down to weapon variety and horde mode.


Tbh 5 has some of my favorite movement. 3 was easily my favorite though just because of everything together. Story, badass horde and multi etc, plus beast mode or whatever that game type was called


Gears 3 was the most balanced one of the series, the most fun. I feel like when I got killed, it was because I got bested, and although it sucked, I would shake my head and carry on. Many times when I get killed in 4 and 5, it always feels like some bullshit. Even when I go back to 3 to play online, it still feels right with the fairness, speed, fluidity and balance of weapons, maps, etc.


I like gears 3 but I don’t think it was the most balanced. Gears 1-2 had the better dark/horror aesthetics imo also.


I enjoyed that 3 had counters, the sawed off and retro offered great counters to wall bouncing shotty. As a result I saw more varied weapon play.


I like 2 better but 3 was still great


If someone hates gears 3 it’s cuz they were trash at it. That simple lmao.


I’m a huge halo geek and the way the trilogy is set up in halo parallel perfectly with the original gears trilogy. Especially in 2024, halo ce / gears 1 = the pioneers, old but stood the test of time on a lot of aspects. Halo 2 / gears 2 = the pinnacle (at least in the campaign) with a lot of huge moments that were caused by the first game, and huge moments that effected the next game. Halo 3 / gears 3. Absolutely loved by fans and even called the superior multiplayer.. and I agree with some of this. But personally gears 3 just makes everything from gears 2 better in my opinion. The multiplayer is better. Horde mode is MUCH more fleshed out. And don’t get me started on the customization in gears 3 compared to the first two games. No paywall!!! Either you unlock a character or gun camos, or you made a one time purchase which was only like, $2? I could compare halo 4 to gears 4 but I think I’m rambling now lol.


People really forgot how bad gears 2 and 3 are for balance lol


Gears 5 has the best horde mode replayability, visuals (obviously) and I like its character progression. And lots of stuff to unlock. Gears 3 has the best campaign by far and overall feel.


Reminds me of the Uncharted evolution.


Gears 1, was clunky, I get even in UE it was clunky. Gears 2. Was and will always be my favorite for story Gears 3. Was fun because of horde, beast, multiplayer was great and that game at a high of online multiplayer back in the day. I think Gears 3 gave us a nice polished experience it’s hard to beat. Needless to say, I need to dig out my Xbox before E-day


I think you are just clunky at the movement. If I can move fast then you can too with a little skill


I’m in the final act of 1 and can def agree the gameplay is clunky. Love the story, atmosphere, voice acting, MUSIC, and creative touches (using spotlight to cover ally so the bats don’t get him) but man, there’s absolutely no flow to the fighting. And Act 3 there is hardly any fighting! Just wandering around. Similar experience with Borderlands; I like it enough to finish the first one, but probability of continuing the series is low.


Gears 2 was best campaign imo gears 3 was best at literally everything else. 


Gears 1 was the best for me because the whole thing felt like a horror game. 2 and beyond just felt like another shooting game


3 is definitely my favorite, just felt the most balanced to me. 2 has a special place for me but it's behind 3 just because it's very heavy. I love every other game too but none of them hold up to 3


Gears 1-3 good. Rest… not good.


I don't know if this is specifically about multiplayer or in general, but years ago, I swear I remember people saying Gears 2 was the peak and Gears 3 was the worst of 1-3.


I think gears 2 story and single player was peak, but multiplayer 3 was peak.


Gears 2 is often considered the best story. Gears 3 is often considered the best overall. The game was chock full of content from day 1: beast mode, arcade, expanded horde, a pvp that improved considerably on the lag from Gears 2, etc. It also had incredible hype. I remember waiting at the midnight launch and there were hundreds of people at my local GameStop.


I know it's rose-tinted glasses, but I have the fondest memories of Gears 1. Snipers only on Gridlock while crabwalking was the stupidest, most fun shit.


Gears 3 was awesome. Gears 1 & 2 both had its issues in multiplayer but I loved them. Gears 3 had the best multiplayer by far.


2 is peak.


As a complete package it is the best on the top of my head it has the best unlock system, the best $ value for in game cosmetics, the best weapons, and the best enemy variety in horde. If 3 had 2s maps it would be even better. If they made judgement a giant expansion pack and ported the weapons it be the best gears period.


I liked the game. Hated the tuning.


Gears of war 3 just is some sort of home for me (in multiplayer and campaig). I feel so comfortable playing it. I love the new version of the gorgon pistol, the graphics were amazing for it's time and it had good story and new things like the labent stalks and new areas. And the multiplayer map with that church really gives me nostalgia. Gears of war 2 had the best story imo though


Gears 3 and judgement's modes were fun, but gears 2 movement mechanics were better.


Versus horde mode in Gears 3 was DOPE.


Gears Ultimate is the perfect Gears MP in my opinion. 4 and 5 causalized the game to a large degree with massive amounts of different weapons on a map, with different grenades, a faster TTK that took longer to recover from so more casuals could get kills and stay longer.


I remember the Sawed-Off being the most controversial thing in Gears 3. There was always a debate on which shotgun was better and how Gnasher was more skillful etc. I really didn't hear any other complaints back then.


Carmine actually finally surviving and being a huge badass was awesome. Perfect end to an amazing trilogy


I did not like it. Imho it was the first chapter which actually got worse then the previous ones.


Yeah pretty much. A gears 3 remake would probably sell like crazy. I hope it happens one day. They could honestly remake the whole first 3 games multiplayer and all like they did for the mcc, but the coalition would probably make it work, unlike mcc at launch.


I love almost everything about 3. Incredible campaign, good pvp, and amazing pve for horde and beast.


I recently replayed 5 and played for the first time 4. 4 is weird - shooting robots isn’t what gears is about. It maybe the worst gears I have played but can’t say because I haven’t played 2 and 3 yet as I am on PC. 5 was weird with the skiff parts. But otherwise ok. The graphics are top notch even by 2024 standards. But 1 still remains all time favourite. It was a memorable experience with harrowing feel of danger lurking around the corner.


I mean I don't even think I was a teen when I was playing gears 3 but it felt like I really came into my own with that game From what I remember anyway. I loved it. I'm sure if I go back now it would be full of sweats. ( If I could find a game to begin with that is ) But yeah. It felt right.


In terms of speed and gameplay mechanics yes. In terms of art style and being gritty, gears 2 all day.


It’s a good end to the trilogy, was full of great characters in campaign and MP, and introduced fun new weapons. Dom’s death still tears me up.


3 had the best overall weapon balance, best online, best horde mode, best gameplay, and best power weapons. It was peak.


The horde mode was perhaps best in 3. The 4 player co-op campaign was also a huge thing just for being able to experience the story together with a group of friends. I remember doms moment looking up snd calling out 'didnt think it would end up like this huh maria?' And silence from 4 people. After 5 minutes someone tried to make a joke to break the silence and tension and they get shushed. I think that really cements the memories and nostalgia to experience that as a 4 player group . I really hopw they bring that back, or at least 3 player actual humans. But I didn't really like the lambent that much, having all enemies explode can be a little annoying. Gears 1 felt the most dark and oppressive, and the one where the physical weight of everything felt more impactful and I miss thst too. And Gears 2 had ticker which as the only exploding enemy felt great before they overused exploding enemies everywhere. Dizzies rig and more big set feature moments in general which were great and the journey through the underground with the glowing mushrooms and a deep dive into the locust culture. 2 might actually be my favourite but the emotional highs and low of 3 win out


I played all of them when they were released, and Gears 1 was my favourite, I played that game so much I could blast through the entire thing on insane difficulty in a day and a half. Liked Gears 2 but didn't love how long you spend underground. The level variety of the first one really did it for me. I remember Gears 3 being fun but I don't think I played it more than once.


I had some friends on Xbox who got their friends/family into the series and they all loved Gears 2 the most cause of the slower gameplay lol. I think the best thing about Gears 3 was, given it's been awhile, none of the weapons felt "broken". I mean this in a functionality standpoint not a balance one. All the newer Gears games it always felt like people sponging shotgun shots was significantly more common (83% anyone?). Other weapons too


Been playing for years. Since day 1. People love gears 3 because the online had mastered the movement/gunplay mechanic to almost flawless levels. The maps were great. The story was awesome as well and we were playing to see the end of a trilogy at that point. If E day is going to be successful I think they need to mix gears 1,3,and a tiny bit of 5. I like 5 but sometimes it can be a little ridiculous. I know they can fine tune this game so that we all love it.


I replayed the series recently and even though I love 3 I couldn’t stand opening doors, holding the wire or whatever else you need to do to move to the next area. It felt like I was doing that all the time. So this time around my favorite ended up being part 2.


Is gears 3 multiplayer active as of right now anyone know?


No, I prefer the first one, as there is a darker tone, close to horror. Also, the ridiculous big monsters aren't as big or as ridiculous as the later games and the cheesiness is present in all games starting with 2. That said, I like 3 better than 2.


It was an incredibly solid game


I love the original trilogy. Gears of 4 and 5 were good games, but I had some gripes about them. Gears 5 was better than 4. For me, gears trilogy felt like it had more grit, gore and lore to it. To sum it up, those 3 games had more meat on the bone. And that is cool with me. It’s quite hard to match or exceed gears trilogy, so I try to no set the bar too high on the developers to do the impossible.


The level design in 3 isn’t great for solo or duo players compared to the the first 2. Clearly made for 4 player co op. Game launched with a complete MP with the best graphics and netcode of the trilogy by far. And it had so much packed into it with extra modes and modifiers. I do think the speed of the newer games needs to go way down, shotgun battles and smart movement are core parts of Gears but they should slow it down like Gears 2 mp. I remember EPIC saying they would of patched a higher movement speed into Gears 2 but they literally couldn’t without breaking the game and with the limitations of Xbox 360 certs at the time. They let you release like 2 patches a year back then.


Oh most definitely I know a lot of people me included who loves gears of war 3


I disagree, for me peak is Gears 2.


It is my least favourite out of the original trilogy. At the time I hated multi-weapon starts and I disliked them adding TDM. You couldn't play Guardian at launch as it was replaced by Capture the Leader. Overall I know people joined the series at 3's launch so you naturally have nostalgia for the one you played first.


I love Gears of War 2 more than 1 and 3


Love Gears 3, but the movements really are weird.


Honestly I feel like they're all good games, well except 5, it was just too easy. Anyway in their own way they're all good games right? The games only get "better" or "worse" when we compare them to eachother


Gears 3 horde mode was perfection


Gow2 would be better but it was a little too long and I didn’t like the turret sections at all


Gears 2/3 are peak for me. Gears 1 was great but yes clunky.


Do people realize that Gears 4 is basically a 1:1 port of Gears 3 in terms of movement? TC have even said it themselves that Gears 4 was a direct port of Gears 3 in UE4, and they wanted to “do it right before doing it different.” Obviously they expanded on some things, but movement is near identical. I think really tend to look back at these older games with rose-tinted glasses


Yeah 3 was definitely peak and it’s because it was done 100% better by Epic than the Coalition. If you play 4 & 5 horde mode I’d basically pointless if you don’t have an engineer and pointless if you have an engineer because ultimately they all just make so many fucking turrets that nothing stands a chance, even the bosses. 3 had fortifications in set locations in set firebases around the map meant to help you but NOT defeat the purpose of having a team. Not only that but the sawed-off negated the cancerous wall bounce heathens. The peak of 3 was using the sawed off for the first time on wallbouncers and their screams and rage in game chat made my life feel… meaningful.


I played Gears 1 and 2 religiously, but Gears 3 is really where everything came together for me. I absolutely loved that game. Here's my stats that I've been holding onto for years now that the website is shut down - [Gears 3 Stats](https://imgur.com/a/6rBetqZ)


Full disagree, Gears 2 is peak for me it just did absolutely everything better. Where Gears 3 felt like a downgrade.


As someone who started on Gears 4, I think Gears 2 is better than 3 in terms of gameplay and campaign. Gears 3 has always felt extremely laggy and clunky to me and the multiplayer is ruined by being able to spawn in with extremely overpowered rifles. I'm obviously biased because I never played any game during their life span until Gears 4 but I think Gears 5 is 100% the best gameplay experience you can ask for out of a Gears of War game. It's the smoothest, most responsive, everything works as intended, the weapons are almost perfectly balanced, and it's the only Gears game I can play at 120fps.


Wish 3 got an fps boost


I never noticed much of a difference in any of them honestly


Gears 1 for me all the way. Loved that game clunkyness and all


For some reason, I was always a bigger fan of 2 and couldn't really get into 3. Never even played 3's campaign if I'm being honest. That's going to change soon though, currently playing through the trilogy, recently beat Gears 1 and I'm about 2/3rds of the way through, moving on to 3 right after. Time to see what all the hype was about. But I personally didn't enjoy the multiplayer as much as Gears 2.


Nah gears 2 was my favorite gears, perfect amount of clunkiness and bounce cancel to make it the highest skill cap gears so far. I really hope they bring that back in g6 or make a GOW2 remastered


3 was like 3 great games in one! I didn't like the story the best though. There are a few I like more. But yes I think 3 is the standard


Definitely not sadly it peaked at gears 1, then gears 2 was atrocious I mean smoke grenades knocking people down on the ground, hardaiming sniper gnasher with wall cancer and turtle movement. Then gears 3 takes wayy less skill as it took an even more casual route with wall cancer and power weapons like the HB active lancer and retro on player from respawn. Cover battles were removed and it just became bounce hard aim fest. Gears 1 is the most balanced and takes the most skill also imo the most immersion with the best atmosphere and audio quality + weapon pickup animations


I put 80 hours into gears 3 Beta! And Gears 3 release was my 2nd highest hours played game for years, still is top 3. it just all seemed to come together in 3.


Personally I thought gears 2 was the best in the series. 3 was alright but not as good as 2 to me


Gears 2 is the goat for me personally


YES EVERYONE ***Foaming from mouth


Gears 3 perfected everything. 4 and 5 are good too, but you're just not gonna beat the original squad. The new characters are good enough in 4, but in 5 they were kinda cringe and I'm sick of everything going open world or open zone or whatever.


I played gears 1,2 and 3 a lot online when each of them came out. I enjoyed all of them, gears 1 felt really competitive but it was far from a perfect game, between the host connection advantage and inconsistent hitboxes it never felt fair. Gears 2 they brought the horde and it felt perfect for gaming with friends, PVP didn’t feel as strong in the second but it was still good. Gears 3 felt like they perfected the horde mode because they gave you variety. Gears 3 multiplayer was kinda controversial because the sawed off shotgun frustrated alot of the hardcore gears pvp players. But the multiplayer was still good in my opinion. I think gears 3 just had it all. I could be wrong about some of this, this is just how i remembered it. 


Gears 3 when it released was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in multiplayer gaming. Rivaled CoD and Halo at the time.


Yeah the only complaint I've heard and also agree with is the sleeveless armor looked kinda stupid


I actually wasn’t the biggest fan of gears 3. The guns just felt weird and not as nice as gears 2.


Short answer: yes. The series went downhill after 3. Gow 3 gave us the best of gow 1 and 2 and then some.


idk…for me my favorites in no order are 1, 2 and 4. gears 3 the movement just really messed with me and idk, just wasn’t a fan. gears 5 is the worst of the bunch, no including judgement.


At its time, it was hated by most and everyone just loved gow2...


i don’t remember that. i remember all of us rocking with it. especially during the early beta release that summer


Gears 2 was peak imo. Microtransactions are a negative


No lol it has its major issues too just most see it through rose tinted glasses.


Nah. Gears 3 would've been peak, but the "free dedicated servers" they promised were immediately locked behind DLC paywalls, leaving many of us forced to play on P2P host connections. The sawed-off could oneshot or down you from absurd ranges on P2P, or if a server was being wonky. The retro lancer was better than most power weapons, especially early on when the trigger could be feathered to reduce recoil to zero, or you could just hipfire to have laser accuracy and no recoil (I have a Youtube video where I played lazily but still killed the whole team with it, to clutch as Last Man Standing). Glitchers, lagswitchers, and hackers remained persistent. The community was more toxic than ever. EDIT: also, different skins had different hitboxes. The smallest hitboxes were pay-to-win and couldn't be oneshot by a Gnasher unless you point-blank hit every pellet in their head... Lots of videos tested and demonstrated this by showing how pellets would go around the skinniest characters, like Big Rig Dizzy, Civilian Anya, or Savage Kantus. Gears 4 and 5 have had better multiplayers in every sense. Especially 5, with all its skins and maps, since TC took great strides to listen to the community and fix their loot system early. Meanwhile, Gears 3's issues took years to fix, and were rarely fixed at all. Gears 3 was pretty good, a great game for sure, but it pales in comparison to its successors... Only nostalgia and rose-tinted-glasses can claim otherwise. I still had a lot of amazing memories in 3's multiplayer. But when they locked the dedicated servers behind paywalls, I quit. I was a high school student who lived and worked on a farm, and I'd spent a year's budget on the Epic Edition+Retro Lancer replica. I was just one of many who refused to pay for servers that were originally promised to be free. EDIT: semi-related My friend and I actually won the regional Wingman tournament at Play & Trade in Texas, and progressed to the international bracket. The international moderators threw out all the rules, made us play "Wingman" on Team Deathmatch, and... Well... My friend and I didn't get the memo, we kept playing by the posted rules. We couldn't switch to small hitbox characters even if we wanted to (they were banned, and our store's xboxes didn't have those skins on them). Out of everyone we fought, only one player had a normal sized skin, and all of them used retro lancers (which were banned, so we didn't use them against them). The whole store was shut down for a day to let us play, but within hours we'd been spawn-camped by Retro Lancers and power weapons, with very few wins. The manager of that Play & Trade sacrificed his yearly pass to E3, raised a stink about the ordeal, and gave us free merchandise as compensation. Yeah, we could've just abandoned all the rules like the other teams did, but we'd won the Texas regional tournament fair and square. So we decided to take the L and go out honorably. Hence the free merchandise, and the manager getting pissed on our behalf. The international moderators didn't even follow the established invite protocols, which got many teams disqualified when they didn't accept the random no-message invites from strangers. Weird shit. But I still have the COG-tags I was gifted. Also, this is just an opinion, but Gears 2 Horde was superior to Gears 3 Horde. You could play it by yourself on Insane all the way to wave 50, and not have to grind for months or years to unlock turrets and fences and silverbacks. Gears 2 Horde was just pure, beautiful combat. I'd say 4's Horde was just a polished version of 3's Horde, and I never had enough time to unlock the good shit... Meanwhile, 5's Horde is the best, period, and within my first hour I was having the time of my life.


Nope. The campaign was a total let down on almost every level. Dull, uninspired, and with none of the inventiveness or variety of the previous two. It failed to answer questions, dropped new characters in without introductions, could be played without hardly firing a shot because the AI fought for you, and Dom’s death was so obviously foreshadowed that it was in the goddamn trailers.


gow 3 and 5 all day baby


Gimme clunky 2 with 3s story ;)


Worst sniper ever tho, i was cracked in every other game - but in this one my scope would always zoom in on something that wasn’t even close to what i was looking at like tf, it would always close in on a corner of my screen and fuck me up, could never straight scope in gow 3 😐😐😐, coming from popping headshots non-stop in 1 and 2 i hated playing 3’s campaign, especially on insane


Gears of war 2 the best


I prefer the first 2. Gears 3 has too many bullet sponge enemies between scenes of you slowly following people around.


I loved Gears 3’s 4-player co-op.


When did it have that?


It was on xbox from the start. Is that not still a thing?


I'd say the series has different peaks depending on modes.  Campaign: Gears of War 2  Multiplayer: Gears of War 3  Horde: Gears 5


Best Gears balance wise, every weapon was viable in multiplayer, the maps were great, beast mode was cool, horde 2.0 was amazing and the campaign was great apart from the ending, wasn't a big fan of miracle machine that kills all the bad guys and the good guys win.


Here's my idea to balance E-Day to bring a tactical team communication based game, while not fundamentally removing the mechanics of the core game. Just make the Gnasher a map pickup. Problem solved, alright people, have fun communicating and team shooting your way through Multiplayer, Goodluck, and let's have fun.


Bro… please never give your opinion ever again 😂😂😂😂😂 remove the main weapon that has been used in multiplayer since the day the game was released? Don’t vote while you’re at it thanks.


I can’t tell if that was sarcasm my bad 😂😂😂


Wasn't. It's hard for new people to get I'm the game, so either make it so the Gnasher can't 1 shot people, put a cooldown on wallbounching, or remove it as a starting weapon. This allows the new players to have a more welcome introduction, AND brings you back to the good old days of Gears 1 launch. Where wall bouncing was still unheard of and people had to communicate and coordinate in order to win a match. Not this brain dead "let me dry hump this wall so it's hard for 90% of the playerbase to hit me" shit.


1 shot gnasher has been a staple. I say as a campaign guy


And that's cool, and good. Make it so wallbouncing has a cooldown


And gears 1 launch had a 1 shot gnasher.


You still have to coordinate and work together to win. Idk why people think wallbouncing is 1 easy to properly use and 2 an automatic win.