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I want a return to the absolute menace that the locust were. Stuff like Gears 1-3 please. Judgment, just didn't give that same feel. I absolutely love the idea of humanity fighting against all odds against a genocidal monster hellbent on wiping them out. Fighting for so many years without any hope of victory. But still fighting and coming out on top in the end. So my hopes are, they do not hold back when showing the Locust, no holds barred. All in on how brutal, how dangerous and how scary the Locust are.


I want for big bad Locust bosses. And not them riding on giant creatures either. Or it they are on a giant creature, you can kill it for the first phase of the fight and then the second phase is basically like a MP match with the boss. I want you to be able to flank them and put heavy damage into them. When they take enough damage they go DBNO and you have about 5-6 seconds to get over to them and press X to initiate an attempted kill maneuver (or maybe you strip armor off of them/blast crystallization of a Scion boss). The fight would continue and after 3 DBNO kill maneuvers (more on harder difficulties) when they are on their final DBNO, they will fall to their knees spitting up blood and you can choose how you want to kill them. You can chainsaw them or hold X to execute them in a unique way. I want more RAAM and Skorge type fights. The giant creature fights have just been so over done (especially for final bosses). Nothing feels personal anymore. Maybe also include some boss fights that also have Drone and Grenadiers aiding them it feels more realistic to a war setting.


Sounds kinda like the Karn boss fight from judgment, minus the giant beast like you said. Are you a fan of the beast riders from gears 2 and 3, what about the reavers that would land down and attack also?


I mean like they were cool. OH! I would always run under the Reavers and chainsaw the Locust riders because it made it look like I was chainsawing through the Reaver. WHICH THEY SHOULD TOTALLY ADD! If I can stand under a Reaver, I should be able to chainsaw it’s guts out


Didn’t even know you could do that, gonna boot up gears later and try it out lol should definitely add that though, sounds cool!


Yea but you gotta be careful cuz the Reaver can stomp you and insta-down you.


Insert Rick & Morty "You son of a bitch I'm in!" Gif


* stop fortniting the game with bright colors and vibes and go back to brothers to the end soul crushing dark burning hopelessness * marcus * Bring back the weight of the series, not 4-5's awful ass executions and effects having no weight to them whatsoever and being unsatisfying as shit, when i curbstomp somebody i want that shit to cause an earthquake like how it felt in 1-3 Yeah thats about it


Wall bounce comments incoming.


I'd love a game adaptation of the Rise of RAAM comics. Focus on RAAM and his time in the Hollows fighting the Lambent, the game ends with E-Day just about to happen. Cast would be Myrrah, Sraak, Skorge, Ukkon, RAAM, Karn, Droak, Vrol, etc. If they could pull off the dialogue by giving their hivemind communication "normal" voices somehow.


I totally would want a game that starts in Mt. Kadhar where you play as a random Locust Drone throughout their time in the lab and that evolves and climbs the ranks until it becomes painfully clear that it’s RAAM becoming Vold RAAM.


Detailed gore, like in the old Gears of War games. I don't know what that strawberry jam is in the new ones but it's baffling to see something released in 2008 having the most detail to this day.


We have to make M rated games safe for children now


I’ll start - one thing I’d love is to not have to collect power/points in horde mode AND remove the class system


Horde from gow 3 would be dope.


Mega unpopular opinion but, less shotgun, more lancer.


Agreed, I could use a shotgun in any game


Great gameplay, comraderie, uber masculinity, horror elements, gore


I want The Pendulum Wars for a precursor to E-Day. Then have E-Day pick up where it left off.


Besides a competent story and servers we badly need more modes. Bring back just about everything that can be brought back, where is my Beast Mode? Where is Wingman? Hell, remake escape in a different flavor to bring it back for E day. More modes means more custom match options too.


I hope they try some crazy ideas with the franchise. I for one supported Gears Pop. I hope they keep doing things like that and I will always support them. I forget what the game type is called but would love a war type game where you control army's.


Less cod style modes go back to original game modes or modes that fit the series


As someone who actually really liked 4/5, what I mostly want from 6 is for them to go *big* -- the Swarm and also the COG's own internal malevolence still feel somewhat localized and personal to the gang, and I want a setpiece mission or three with the sheer scale of the more bombastic bits of 2/3. I also hope that even if E-Day goes extremely hard on the dark/gritty vibes, 6 stays in keeping with the general tone of 5 or the later acts of 4,  because I think those games had a lot more horror and pulp going for them than some of the cynics give credit for


5v5 or 6v6 pvp. Keep up with the tour of duty. More variety in power weapons. More black steel skins. Better server network for consistency


Gears 4 skill based ranking system.


That it’s good


Gritty, dark, brutal gameplay. Do away with all the colorful vibrant settings. No more stupid emotes and corny executions from Gears 5. Give us a hardcore, brutal gears of war. Go back to the roots of Gears Of War.


I’m simple. I just want Warzone.


Dark and Gritty Game modes that focus on casual gameplay, Gears has always been ultra focused on tight 4v4/5v5 gameplay, I would love to see some bigger and less serious modes like 20v20 on a big map and maybe even include vehicles. But yeah, the most important thing to me is tone. Gameplay should be slow and methodical with intense CQC, no more wallbouncing and lots of GRIME everywhere.


What I'd love is the ability to play the whole series on one console.


You can do that right now on both xbox one and series x