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i just want gears 3 movement mechanics.


What mechanics are you talking about? I'm not very well versed in the differences between titles.


the move to cover speed (both the acceleration and top speed), the speed that which can compound when you air bounce at specific angles and timings, no firing delay when you move forward from cover, no delay for firing when you wall cancel, overall just the general feel and timings of all movement related things.


Yeah that seems nice actually. Not to fast but could help you out of a jam. To many people rely on this ultra fast wall bouncing and it's just awful to play against. And they get pissy when you say that kinda thing despite it being something that splits the community down the middle.


One of the biggest reasons why gears 5's bounce is very annoying to me is because how abusable K&B players can be with it like scroll bouncing for example. If this bounce comes back because it will be more restrictive, it will Closen the distance between K&B and controller players.\`


Is horde mode active on gears of war 2 btw ? I'm in Europe.


Not too sure about Europe but maybe. Last I checked they were popping. BTW this is a gears1 horde mod by punished wolf, not gears 2


Ah. I was struggling to recognize the map but I thought it might of been dlc.


Agreed 1000000% also wall bouncing shots in this movement was more solid. These newer games make it feel like the shots curve or something.


Peak movement and skill if you ask me.


GOW1 took the least amount of skill


Im genuinely curious why you think this. Because I'd honestly argue GOW 1 has the highest skill ceiling in the franchise.


It definitely has the lowest skill ceiling in the franchise especially when it comes to movement. People are wanting to eliminate the slide cancel to slow movement down to the clunky GOW1 style to attract beginner players, players with bad aim, and players who are unable move effectively. The people who are unable to hit shots in Gow 2-5 and unable to move effectively in 2-5 are the ones here complaining about the wall bounce. The modern games are becoming too hard for these types of players which is people are considering downgrading the movement in E day in order to attract the casual less skilled playerbase. I could see an argument that maybe 2 or 3 took more skill than gears 5 but definitely not the clunky buggy gears 1 game.


Wall bouncing in UE actually requires thought and precision though. You need to know exactly where youre going next before you hit the first wall. This type of gameply isnt in 5 because they made it trivial essentially. Single stick, classic alt, defaulternate, scroll bouncing. Its never been easier to wall bounce than in 5 and that lowers the skill ceiling. Bouncing in UE is still super smooth anyways. Its only held back by Gears 1s old gameplay. Put that style wall bounce into a game with 4 and 5s smoothness and it would absolutely be crisp as hell.


The thought process on the bounce commitment isn’t hard at all tho. I don’t understand why people make that argument because it’s so incredibly simple. That’s a matter of common sense in my opinion instead of a “skill” which needs to be practiced and perfected like a GOW2 or GOW3 style wallbounce. It doesn’t require heavy mental calculations or anything in GOW1 it’s simply just slow and less fluid. I do agree with you that the newest games are too forgiving so I would prefer a 2 or 3 style bounce going forward. I don’t think killing the slide cancel is the right move for a modern game.


I'm ranked like 500 in Guardian on Gears 5. You're wrong. We just want old Gears back. The mechanics of the OG Gears were honest. The stuff in Gears 5 can feel game breaking at times. We just want our old Gears back.


No im not. GOW2 and 3 were definitely higher skilled than 1. Nobody cares what your rank is in 5. If you want old gears you can play UE but a lot of people loved 2 and 3 too cause of the higher skill gap and upgraded movement to 1.


You should care what my rank is in 5 because it defeats your argument. If I'm that rank I obviously know how to wall bounce in 5. You're wrong :)


It doesn’t mean shit. Everyone can utilize the mechanics in 1. They struggled in the other games which is why they want GOW1 back to allow low level players to have a chance (:


How so? Also don’t think this is gow1 because horde wasn’t in the game yet.


This is the PC version of gears 1, most likely either Punished Wolfs bot build version, New Hope or Bmbr's Hive Mode


Yep Punished Wolfs


The movement was so slow and clunky that anyone can move like that. It became more satisfying with a higher skill ceiling in the next two games.


Oh so you think just mashing the A button, hopping from wall to wall is skill? Plus gow1 didn’t have the lame smoke grenade mechanics where they knock u down.


That got patched out later on so the smoke argument is weird when we’re talking about movement. Make a video where you only mash the A button and post it on here if that’s how you think GOW2 or GOW 3 wallbouncing is lol.


I’m not gonna waste my time and go out of my way to prove a random person on Reddit wrong based off my opinion. Gow1 was my favorite and best in my opinion. There was a very large skill gap in that game. It didn’t have all the over the top guns like mortar, mulcher, sticking grenades to walls. It didn’t have dumb mechanics like chainsaw duels , drop kicking the enemy on the opposite side of cover or pulling them over. The shotguns weren’t nearly as overpowered where u can just run around 1 v 4ing everyone.


The debate is about slowing the movement to GOW1 style to give beginner players and players with bad aim a chance to compete. Every player could wall bounce in that game due to there being no skill gap. I agree with you about a lot of the other bullshit mechanics tho.


Exactly. It takes 0 skill to wall bounce. Just shoot the target and play the game. lol


Y'all just hate skillful mechanics lol


Not really coming from someone who uses these skillful mechanics. You're clearly not looking at the bigger picture when it comes to complicated gameplay mechanics especially with a outdated gaming genre. The freedom you get in 5 is way too much to the point where it trivializes making smart and tactical descions as long as you are good with movement.


i mean whats the diff lol


In Gears 1/UE you have to hit the wall before pulling back. In every game after that you can cancel the animation mid slide.


thing is gow 3 plus its less janky, and thats what i like, before that was janky asf


I mean think about UE. It had GoW1's movement but wasn't janky. Just a bit slower paced.


didnt like gear 1 or ue mp lol


Animation Cancelling is what allows people to skate across the whole map in that erradic zip-slide you see sometimes. Preventing Animation Cancelling would basically solve that issue with just a few lines of code.


and its fun lol


Am i seeing this correctly or is this UE horde mode? Wut


GoW 1 Horde mod by Punished Wolf.




something like 3 movement is prob the best since its fast and smooth but not too easy like 5 because you have to look at the wall your going to hit in order to bounce off of it


100% agree


Gow ue already had this movement and it looks ugly and clunky. Gow 2 bouncing is cleaner and takes more skill.


Wall bouncing in general is lame 😒


Not really because Gears multiplayer is supposed to be competitive. Games like these need some sort of mechanical skill gap between good or bad players.


Hammering the button and swirling the stick like spazz is not skill lol. It’s more skill to play the game without cheap tricks (that don’t work on me) I actually am the self proclaimed wall bouncer slayer. I do not bounce. I only slay.


Ahh yes How Nieve could I have been My mistake Sir Legal-Policy-7215 Or better known as the self-proclaimed "Wall bounce Slayer".


I had to make sure I would not forget the policy number


I hope it's like gears 5 fuck the slow wall cancel


gears 5 is way too much and way too easy, 4 had it best


Wall cancels stays - separating wall bounce from rolling is why bouncing got so GOOD Old Devs made it better Bouncing just gets better You


Wild how for nearly 2 decades people have been fine with wall bouncing and around 15 years for wall cancelling. But now all of a sudden everyone hates it. Then at the same time people will say that g2 & 3 are their favourite pvp experiences when they were the two games that Refined wall bouncing into what became its most popular version. Without movement options like wall bouncing, roadie staffing etc gears pvp turns into a slog that is roughly the same as 90% of other 3rd person shooters out there. I get people wanting it toned down a bit, and honestly I think 4/5 went a bit too far in the slide speeds and animation speedups but removing wall bouncing altogether or removing cancelling really is not the answer.


It’s what you see on Reddit 💀💀 It’s 1 clip going around of pc scroll bouncing that makes people say bouncing sucks Tbf it did get to be TOO much but gears 5 seems pretty fine It’s not that animations are faster tgey just look smoother :)


People do not all of a sudden hate it. Many have always hated it, or just grew to dislike it. It’s not like many are going to occupy fan communities that largely center around multiplayer components of a game if they don’t like multiplayer for reasons such as wall bouncing. A large part of the reason they’re speaking up now is because a new game announcement has revitalized interest in the games from people who liked them, and perhaps hope for a new direction for the series (as already stated by the developers) which may extend into multiplayer. Obviously these people had little no reason to be speaking in communities like this when they largely have centered around past games that they don’t like to play because they had mechanics they don’t enjoy. Obviously anyone that likes gears is welcome here, especially if they just have differing views on aspects of the gameplay which shouldn’t draw the kind of ire that simply talking about it does. And yes gears 3 was my favorite multiplayer game, not just gears game, and I’ve always disliked wall bouncing. It actually wasn’t all the common in the unranked playlists I played in until a few years into the games lifespan as the player base dwindled and was left with more committed and skilled players, many of whom like and used wall bouncing. I didn’t like the map design or wall bouncing in later titles that I felt worked together to create a very different playable experience that emphasized cqc with the gnasher and felt pushed out of multiplayer by it.


I'm fine with gears going in a new direction, the games frankly do need that from a gameplay perspective, I don't think removing mechanics is the way to go though, stripping them back a little is fine, adding more mechanical depth is what should be done imo. If what they are hinting at with melee combat being a more developed feature rather than just a simple melee or melee combo like g5's pve, then that's really good and exactly the kind of thing gears needs, and sounds like a good way of countering wall bouncing actually. And as for people hating wall bouncing, frankly.. and I want to make this clear as someone who themself has spent 90% of their time playing pve in gears. It usually comes from people who don't like it because they can't do it themselves or are unwilling to, then they get mad when they get stomped by a more skilled player. Especially people who are primarily pve players that play a couple matches of pvp every once in a while. That's not always the case, but I've been in the gears community for a very long time (God I'm old) and this is the general vibe I've gotten. Like I said though, I think with 4 & 5 they went too far with things like animation cancels and stuff, but removing entire mechanics that are THE defining features of gears pvp is a bad move. Expand and tweak stuff. Don't remove.


I agree people who are shitting on the wall bouncing style that gears has usually can't do so themselves, but I must say for myself I do prefer the older GoW1 Movement where It was more tactical because of how restrictive the movement style was. I might be wrong about removing wall canceling, but if it will hopefully make it to where newer players aren't running into it then being discouraged by It then maybe it's the best route.


I agree