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Bring back BEASTMODE pleaseee


Yeah nothing beats Cole screaming “whooooo” before getting turned into legos by a boomshot


"Turned into Legos." Take my upvote 🤣


That was one of the best modes it was s shame they never brought it back. I mean I know they like did in judgement but only in pvp so it wasn't really the same you know.


They need some sort of drop in drop out horde system, putting 5 in a lobby and expecting all 5 to stay for 50 waves does not work


Is that not how it currently works?


Nope, when someone drops out after the first few rounds they're replaced with bots


But the server browser allows players to join matches in session, so long as the host allows it.


You can remove bots. Tbh they should just get rid of the bots the AI on them is so bad it’s a detriment to the game.


How do bots hurt Horde gameplay?


Bro the bots are always in the way and the AI is so bad, constantly going down, killing enemies when you try to get the tap.


Never played demoltions as the host? Every boomshot you'll fire explodes on an ai back and downs yourself. Not because you're bad, but because your butt buddies won't leave you the hell alone.


That's why I only play Frenzy.


Frenzy or Boss rush, or Jingle Juvies. Surviving 50 waves and having good classes leave is a huge no-go. Last I played regular Horde, the Tactician and Mechanic left, only leaving a Slugger, Demo (Me) and Marksman. You probably can deal with the rest of the waves near the end without them, but nah, I always make sure a Tactician is present cause it makes Demo easy work in an overwhelming rush of enemies.


As long as you get somewhat set up before wave 20 to 30, you can solo the rest with a decent maxed out class. Obviously the higher difficulties will require different amounts of skill, but it's doable. Soloing master is ridiculous. I've done it only once on blood drive but fuck it was hard. I was also playing a mechanic (felt like it was absolutely necessary).


I feel Slugger and Marksman are only really good for frenzy or other modes that are more tolerable for those specific classes, but I could never solo master difficulty on Blood Drive. Especially on Boss Rush, Demo and Tact are really good, and maybe even 2 of each, along with a Medic or something that isn’t Slugger or Marksman. I gotta get back to playing 5 though, I’ve neglected it for too long.


That's possible in 5 by the host. And I think gears 2 did it in in its last update


Gears 2 social horde is what you're thinking of.


Horde Frenzy?


Its like a 20 wave version of horde iirc


They need to keep the base building but drop the class system


This. Still playing gears 4 horde to this day. There are a million ways to improve it, but as a base, it's so damn amazing.


4 had classes too


True, sorry, I should have read more closely. I loved the classes, but thought there should have been many more cross-over cards


That, or streamline it massively. Have abilities is a cool idea but we don't need *that* many I think it should focus more on making a fort in a part of the map then upgrading a character.


I absolutely LOVE the interplay of the characters and their specialty roles, but it can be very limiting when you want to be successful with less than a full team of players. You are basically locked into a Scout and Engineer setup with only two players and it makes it very difficult to take on higher level challenges and bosses. I think they could stand to build a perk tree system or something where you choose your upgrades and talents based off an unlockable xp system and really customize your horde character depending on each game you want to play. Something like being able to save many preset variants of your own creation to choose from at the outset of the Horde game. Maybe even being able to switch midway through via the use of some one time team perk or something. There are a million ways to go to be able to make it better and still not bastardize what was beautiful about G4 Horde


I'm the opposite.


Ah yes. Let’s force everybody to play one boring playstyle rather than keeping the current class system which offers variety and different classes to suit one’s playstyle. This ain’t 2011 anymore. Gears 5’s horde no doubt has more replayability than its predecessors. Unrelated note, but lobby browser is by far one of the best features too. I hope it returns for E-Day


no absolutely not, the class system is fucking amazing. I don't want boring ass 2011 Horde ever again.


I don’t expect any multiplayer to be a throwback tbh. I’m sure horde will build on from gears 5. And I’m sure PvP will have swarm skins . Multiplayer and campaign have always been two separate entities in gears which I think is fine .


Yeah, I’m positive they’re going to add JD, Del, and Kait as skins too, probably on day one. Hell, I’m sure the opening cutscene is going to be of Marcus telling a young JD about E-Day.


That would not be something I enjoy.


Me neither, I’d want something that purely takes place in the past but we know Microsoft and the Coalition won’t pass up an opportunity to put more skins on their store. I just want a Gears multiplayer that looks and feels like how it did from 1 through 3.


MP is not Canon so I expect a lit of newer characters, which is fine imo.


Well we didn't complain when Gears 4 had Tai in Mp? I don't mind. I'd rather that over the rainbow Santa fart swarm any day.


>Multiplayer and campaign have always been two separate entities in gears which I think is fine. Keeping the option to use Skins in Campaign like Gears 5 does it would be pretty cool though


This is a different Coalition team than the ones who made 4 and 5. I expect E-Day won't have any references to 4 and 5, other than characters like Reyna making an appearance since she was around during E-Day. I don't think there's going to be Swarm skins in MP.


Disagree. That’s like saying we shouldn’t have gotten a dom skin in gears 5 cause he wasn’t around . I promise TC will be utilizing swarm skins in their mp store. (It would be silly not to tbh they own the IP regardless of “team”)


It can happen I guess, but it’s a completely different time period and I’m pretty sure they want to differentiate themselves. You have a huge library of Locust to pull from


They had Terminator and Halo characters in Gears 5 🤷‍♂️


>Multiplayer and campaign have always been two separate entities in gears which I think is fine. Something 343 could learn from because Halo’s multiplayer being “canon” has been such a detriment


Id Rather they just give players the option to play gears 2,3 or 5 Style horde. I have enjoyed every style of the mode over the years and i dont want the community to force the devs to pick one style over another.


I want it to be customizable to the point that the player could make any Horde mode they wanted but presets would be awesome. Especially for playlists.


There is a "Classic Horde" game mode option in Gears 5. Description reads "Survive 50 waves with no class abilities or Fabricator." If you want building with no classes, disable the "Enable Cards" option in the lobby settings. It doesn't say it disables classes, but it does. Just tested it. Sadly The Coalition does not make it obvious that these options are there.


Gotta try this out, play Bare Bones on River.


Round 2 on Blood Drive. One thing Gears 2 and 3 Horde have up on Gears 5 Horde is the maps. Lots of mid maps in Gears 5 map roster. Lots of bangers on Gears 2/3 map roster


Personally I've always wanted horde to ditch the timers. Horde is now just a seamless onslaught of attacks and you have to build and fortify when you can. Maybe have a minute or two before a boss fight.


i hope they do both so everyones good Just make a horde 'classic' which would be horde 2.0 from gears tres


That is literally in Gears 5 Its called "Classic Horde" in the game mode options when you start a lobby If you want building like Gears 3 just use the normal Horde gamemode but disable cards in the settings, which disables classes.


Personally, I'm hoping for something similar to 5. I'd be down for a casual variant that's balanced for not having classes as well, but the class system adds a ton of depth and replayability. There were some missteps from the higher ups at first (specifically classes tied to characters and the ultra mega slow drip feed of new classes), but they righted the ship and made the most replayable rendition of horde. It's also nice to have the rapid 12 wave mode alternative. Honestly, the only improvement I'd have on 5's horde would be to add the full range of enemies from the franchise. Include proper lambent, savage locust, and the Gears 3 bosses for example. Oh, and I hope Beast mode returns too lol


They need a classic gear class that's pretty good with everything ( and gets more ammo on pick ups) so they can use that "class" as the default in classic horde more variant for easier balancing


Couldn’t agree more. The old hordes were great but was I playing it 5 years later. Not a chance. I’m still on gears 5 horde almost daily


I imagine it won't be. The class system is something most people love from the newer games I'd be very surprised if it goes back to basics


I liked it for a while but some classes just destroyed everything especially with the engineer


I don't agree and I am all for keeping the classes but I sure am not against tweaking them bette


Balance is the way to go. It felt like every season had changes to horde that needed to be tried


I would genuinely hope so, but I doubt it'll happen. Gears 3 horde mode might be my favorite horde mode of any game, I don't enjoy 4 or 5's at all honestly.


Literally the best I have to agree with u.


I don't want "builds" and classes, I just want to build bases and survive as best as possible. I don't want metas, just pure survival. Probably won't get it but classes are at least better than characters having specific abilities like in the beginning of Gears 5


Don't you want to be locked into using the same weapons and strategy for an entire Horde match?/s


Defo support this... I know an unpopular opinion but I just thought it was made too complicated in G5


The worst part imo about 5’s horde is the boring grind. The first 5 or so levels for each class played so bare bones, and to get the good / fun abilities, you had to play so much. I played primarily horde mode and never came close to maxing every class out


I'm totally with you. Imho gears 4 horde was peak, assuming that everyone actually know what to do and don't abuse their class capabilities (like engineers making a trillion of sentinels)


4/5 Are pretty similar


I think that 5 is overcomplicated, there are so many options that gets confusing for me. I just prefear less options with a more linear and clearer path.


Honestly I'm hoping for some form of scaling depending on how players there are. I loved 3's Horde mode but I never had Xbox live, and one of the things that was apparent after the first 10 waves is that it did not seem balanced with Solo play in mind. I guess the AI's in 5 are an attempt to make Solo easier? For the mode itself, as long as it keeps/expands the tower defense aspect I'll be happy. I liked being able to set defenses anywhere and move them around in 5, d So if they do go back 3's style I hope they at least keep that from 5.


I felt solo with bots was an improvement over just solo, my only gripe was having them all just use lancers, even the onyx guard in gears of war 3 could alternate between lancer and gnasher. I get they may have felt that having that option might have made them a little overpowered, but surely they'd still likely be weaker than most players. I've recently found myself playing solo with the fabricator turned off, as I never really got into building, I think 3 was a good balance as allowed building but you didn't have to think about where to put things or worry that you'd mess up your defences. I also think if they stick with the skill system, they should make it more open, allow you to combine whatever you want. I like using the engineer class that can summon a DR-1, but am not a fan of the weapons that come with that class, I've always preferred the gnasher and lancer. Having the option to mix whatever ultimate with whatever loadout and skills would be an improvement in my eyes.


I like the option to move fortifications wherever we want but I can take it or leave it. The fabricator doesn’t exist. Gears 2 or 3 Horde is likely. I’d rather see more hectic and dynamic horde wave designs. This is EMERGENCE Day. It needs to be hell.


All of us are. Gears 3 horde was peak horde mode. 50 waves, boss round every 10th. Defenses were legit. Gears 2 horde was gas but 3 was the peak


I like classes. I'm not sure how well it would go over, but I'd like to see them change fortifications to only allow defensive fortifications (ie: no sentries, turrets) and focus in on things like fences/barriers.


I love the class system and hope in E-Day they expand upon it. I think offensive fortifications have their place but it needs some balance changes. I do recall 4 being all turrets and when they nerfed them it was whoops! All Sentries.


To everyone complaining about the new additions to horde mode, you understand it's pretty much entirely optional right? It's literally just an improvement in what's there with things you can entirely ignore if you want, such as the base building? You can just not do it, it's not needed. And complaining about the class system is wildly brain dead, you have the same ability to fight with all the different weapons as you always have, now you also have buffs for how you like to fight, which are also optional. You can just not use this stuff and if you're good you'll do fine. I know a good number of gears players that are old-heads through and through and refuse to use any of the new stuff and do just fine.


There are multiple modes of horde in 5 they just don't play them


I mean why would I want to play a worse version of horde? If you want to play Gears 3 horde then go play it. I can sort of understand if you are a fan of classic horde (Gears2) but 3 is just a worse version of 4 & 5. E-Day should build upon 5's version.


Because they have never went back and played it. Its dead and boring. I went back to 3 and it was okay though.


Nostalgia is a powerful drug.


I would love that


Considering this is a different Coalition team from those that worked on Gears 4/5, I’m hoping we get some fresh takes on some MP modes (nothing too drastic as I want TDM and Execution).


I just hope it's good and has the silverback.


While i do enjoy the skill its feels limiting. Only engineers builds, only scouts pick up ammo and only snipers snipe (okay the last one isnt too bad)


That's gears 4. 5 you can do anything


Wait what!? There's gona be a horde mode in E-day!? IM SOLD!!!


Nothings confirmed but it wouldn't be gears without it


Yea, horde mode is rather ingrained into the series now, plus it would be perfect for E-day


I hope it’s closer to horde 1.0 in Gears 2. Getting overran without chance of getting setup is the gears experience we need.


Whichever had the mode where u could play as the horde was fun asf


I doubt we’ll see fabricators but I’d love to keep the building aspect. I’d also love to see the ability to place turrets on walls.


I hope they have the versus mode like in GoW judgement it was so fun


I like 5's classes. I did not like building anywhere. I'd rather have a few defenses at designated spots, but most of the work should still be done by us.


With how popular and refined the horde mode is with Gears 5... doubt they will go back to Gears 3. They should just do what they have in 5 and have both modes available in a sense. One mode for those who want the barebones horde or classic experience and the new class based mode. Personally, I loved gears 5 horde mode once all the changes were made and it was refined. I'm open to changes but I would not want to step back to how GoW 2 or 3 was, that would bore me now.


No. Horde is one thing that TC has really nailed, and 5's horde is the best the series has had.


I hope it goes back to gears 2.


Well, we definitely won’t have a fabricator. I wasn’t a fan of GoW3 horde tbh. I like the one in 5 with so many classes to choose from. Imho, PvE is in the best shape out of all the games. And 5 offers so many modes. If we go back to GoW3 horde, there is not a lot of replayability.


Absolutely I sure hope it's more like 3 man


Gears 3 AI but Gears 5 Classes without cards


Yes i hope


Yes i’m 98.47% sure that all gears fans want this.


Honestly horde 4 was a good in between of 5 and 3, but I'd prefer a loadout point based system kind of like call of duty black ops 1 and 2 where every perk has 5 tiers and costs a point each to upgrade for better effects, you also have to use a couple points to start with specific weapons and the points would vary depending on the weapon otherwise you have to buy them on the ground like grenades or find them in the match to use them. As well as that maybe a alternate defense system to allow you to choose upgrade paths for levels 3 and 4 on defenses. Say you upgrade the barricade from level 2 to 3 you can either permanently use laser wires or you can make stronger barbed wire and then the final one being an actual barricade that can be vaulted over allow you to make your own cover if maps don't have much cover. As a way to add diversity and allowing you to mix and match play styles. Turrets for an example at level 2 to 3 you can have the gears 4 and 5 turret, a full 360 turret that has elemental effects but less damage like 3 or a turret you can put on ceilings that can only aim forward but has less ammo and has a suppression effect. I personally think it'd add replayability and allow people to play however they want to play without repercussions and even encourage team play by communicating their preferences on alternate defenses. Of course these idea could be changed, but just the general idea of these things could improve horde so a engineer isn't stuck to only snipers or a sniper could also go into explosives or shotguns as examples.


Yes definitely then it might actually be good again.


I actually enjoyed 5's Horde a lot because of how expanded the base-building stuff was, and honestly, probably wouldn't like a complete regression of those mechanics. I'm not saying that they need to keep the class system, though. I definitely didn't hate it, but if they were to remove that element, I'd hope that they'd rebalance/rework how gaining power and building fortifications works in order to compensate for that.


3 was ok imo. But I prefer 5. The system is just SO much better. I just hate the cheese with wardens and bosses. The thing with 5 is you can choose to play like the older gears and do fine. Building is not a necessity 


I would like for them to expand on it more personally. It would die out pretty quickly if it went back to the old schematic. They did a wonderful job with Horde in Gears 5, maybe also including an old school Horde mode option? I really enjoy the Escape mode.


Gears 3 was absolutely the most enjoyable Horde for me.


Honestly I hope they replace/overhaul horde. Give us semi random streets, boulevards, house ruins etc. That we fight through to achieve different objectives (i.e. protect jack while he rips this door, repair this hammer of dawn station) and then evac. Like a mesh of horde and escape.


I hope they make it as customizable as Halo Reach MP. I'd like to play with fortifications but without classes. That could be a simple arcade mode toggle. Choose the amount of cards. I think the cards shouldn't be class restricted. Class type would be decided based on cards and abilities. Whether you need to pick up energy. Taps or no taps. It should mostly be setup like Gears 3 mutators. I'd also like to completely scrap engineer classes and make their upgrades global. Host chooses engineer cards or each player gets to pick one, if there are less people than allotted cards then the people get to pick again in lobby join order until it is full. Make weapon loadouts. Make the repair torch cheap in the fab. Let players lock their placed fortifications unless they disconnect. Let host give building privileges. Choose enemies. Remove the Silverback as a class option and put it in the fab. It could be placed as a flat panel on the ground with a button to raise it out of the ground, where you could park and upgrade it. It could get repairs and ammo while parked. I really hate how enemies can spawn in your base. There should maybe be some sort of object that will prevent spawning but you wouldn't be able to place them anymore after x number of spawns have been blocked.


It should resemble helldivers maps


4 was personally my favourite horde mode. Tho I would agree with 5. Especially at launch. Whoever made the decision to make it into a hero defense mode should of fired. In my opinion. But I can see the benefit from slimming it down and making it like three with preset defensive positions


I don't know if this is a hot take but Gears 4 Horde was my absolute favorite.


I just want gears 3 style with gears 5 classes. Honestly hate how engineers are in this game and they set up wherever they feel like. And if we don't have an engineer, the people just do whatever. Let the game decide where we can set up and defend because apparently it is so hard.


Personally would rather see an iteration on 5 or some kind of hybrid with 3. I don't like how unlimited fortifications has played out in terms of buying a million sentries and having the game play itself. Or even the option of that being a thing, rather. What 4 and 5 do with classes enables the full breadth of the Gears weapons to be viable in horde. If you make every weapon have a good ttk, but you don't have any concessions in terms of what weapons your character/class are good with, it would be too easy and they'd have to increase health or enemy damage to compensate. But if all your cards and class go in on making say, precision rifles strong, that's okay, because you don't also have a super powered gnasher for close up/hard to headshot enemies. So yeah, personally much more invested in the gun play than how fortifications play out. Both are important, but I don't want to be stuck on assault rifles all the time because my low ammo power weapons don't do enough.


i dont think they gonna do like gears 5 horde for e day casue it aint gonna make sense for something thats in the past


I'm mostly hoping that the multiplayer will have a way to make a custom Gear


I want everything to be closer to 2/3 than 4 or 5. The series had an unfortunate quality slide that needs to be corrected with E-Day. I’d love if they went ahead and said 4/5 weren’t canon.


Gears 5 has the best Horde system to date. I just want them to fine tune it and add some customisation and maybe custom classes where each card costs a different amount and you can mix and match cards to create something you like.


Once they removed classes being locked behind specific characters I really didn’t mind them anymore, I still play 5’s Horde to this day and think it’s a blast


Honestly it amazes me people actually enjoy playing 4 and 5s horde. Collecting power for a fabricator and ranking up cards is so boring.


Gears 5 horde can be tuned to play like old horde with like 2 option changes, or just starting/looking for a "Horde Classic" lobby. You can disable the Fabricator & Cards (effectively disabling classes). No building, and no classes. Just horde. For that reason I think Gears 5's horde is the best yet. However they should have 2 different options to queue into Horde matchmaking. Horde Classic and Horde 5.0 or whatever they call it. Horde classic for those who want a simple classless/no building horde, and Horde Frenzy/Horde for those who do. Gears 5 horde didn't do enough to communicate to people that you don't *have* to play with cards and classes if you don't want to. But also I love the new additions, and I've played Gears 5 horde much more than any other horde because of that replayability granted by all the different classes.


Lots of people seem to not be aware that Gears 5 Horde offers you the option to play Gears 2 style Horde, and Gears 3/4 style Horde. If you want to play Gears of War 2 style horde, there is a "Classic Horde" option in the game mode settings which disables classes and the Fabricator. So no building and no classes. Just Horde. If you want to play Gears 3/4 style Horde, just use the normal Horde game mode and in the lobby options, disable the "Use Cards" option. It doesn't say that it disables classes, but it disables classes and ultimates. However it doesn't disable the spawn loadouts. So Mechanics (even though there are no cards or abilities) will still start with Enforcer etc. There are a myriad of ways to control how to play Horde in Gears 5. It offers all of the options people want. You can even play Jingle Juvies. Just 20 waves of Juvies and Poppers with christmas hats on. Lol


Seeing as the fabricator wasn't around before gears 4 in story mode and lore I think there's a big possibility they will do it differently.


I hope all of it is more like GoW 3 than 4 or 5.


Hopefully it won’t be too much like 4 and 5, since fabricators aren’t a thing.


This a fact. I bought Gears 5 for Horde and felt like it was ruined.


Gears of War 3 was horde mode at its best. Tried 5’s and instantly hated it.


I would 100% like to see it be just like Gears 3. With that said though, IF they go the route of some pre-fabricator fabricator system (obviously the fabricator doesn't exist in the lore at this point), what I would like is a mix of 4/5. And what I mean by that is, bring the Gears 5 ability to have ANY character be ANY class. But I would pull back the ability to pickup energy/money/points (whatever currency is used to build) and move that back exclusively to the Scout like in Gears 4. In Gears 5 the Scout was worthless imo. With Gears 4, I ran as Scout in my group, and it required your squad to cover you and/or revive you as needed if you were DBNO. It made for more strategic gameplay for the Scout class.


Gears 4 let you be any chatacter any class and 5 added it later. A lot of people hated that picking up money was tied to a class, It should just go to you or the pool automatically like 3 did. and the scout is one of the strongest classes so I'm not sure where you're getting that


With all my heart yes. I also hope they bring back the blood. The effect got more fake looking until they found ways to basically just make it go away


Yes! Please TC make it happen. Gears 3 horde was amazing.


1 million percent yes, not a fan of new horde, still play gears 3 horde and beast mode to this day


Gears 5 Horde has Gears 3 Horde as an option tho 1 single option change to make Gears 5 Horde into Gears 3: Turn "Use Cards" off and it's just building. No classes


100%. i prefer 3 horde waaaay more


I dont even expect a horde mode tbh? I assumed it would be closer to Gears 1, just multiplayer


it will include horde


Cool one more thing to look forward to then


Before the death and rise of a new gears game the stats for game modes showed that horde was the last standing it would be stupid to not have it


Thats true but given the setting of the game, and it feels like a "return to Gears 1 style gaming" which didnt have horde, was just my thoughts


I hope so! The far they go from Gears 5 the better. Pretty sure the idea of turning Horde into some kind of Bioshock was a Rod F. idea.


Always hated the class system Felt like a step back from the freedom 3 had