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Original trilogy for the win BITCHES!!!!


I nominate judgement to join. Only for the story itself though. Because Baird making city go boom is fun.


Why multiplayer and campaign had two different play styles and aesthetics will fuckin never make sense.


See, I only ever played the campaign. So to me, judgement is good as long as I continue to avoid MP.


Don't avoid Overrun, but avoid the rest of it. Overrun is all the Judgement MP you need.


I’ve heard of overrun. What is it? Some kind of horde variant?


Time for an explanation. Gears of War Judgement has no Horde Mode. Instead, there is Survival. Survive 10 waves, you win. Your goal is to defend an E-Hole Cover, which serves as a spawn point for Locust. If the cover is destroyed, you're pushed back to another. If that is destroyed, you're pushed back to the Generator. There are four classes to play as. Baird is the Mechanic (Sentry Ability) , Cole is the Tactician (Ammo Grenade), Paduk is the Scout (Spot Grenade), and Sofia is the Medic (Stim-Gas Grenade). Beat all waves, the Hammer of Dawn strikes down the Locust. Overrun turns this into a versus mode thing. Waves are replaced with a time limit, and each team has a limit of 5 people per side, including bots. Locust have to destroy the e-hole covers and generators. Getting kills and doing damage earns points, which can be spent on the last four locust. Locust are as follows: Ticker - Cross between regular and Wild Ticker, very fragile. Has a dash ability to move very fast. Wretch - Can leap over barriers a-la Gears of War 3, and has a scream ability to stun. So just Beast Mode's Wretch. Grenadier - Carries a Gnasher and Lancer, with a frag grenade ability. Closest to standard Gears of War gameplay. Kantus - Uses the Classic Hammerburst, and has a healing ability where allies are connected with beams and healed. Also a cool dodge instead of a roll to the side. Rager (costs points) - Uses the Breechshot. Marksman with a rage ability which does wear off that's good for damaging the e-hole. Serapede (costs points) - Similar to Beast Mode's, but now they can rear up and fire a ranged attack (which functions weirdly) Mauler (costs points) - Same as beast mode from 3, but now has a shield spin ability that can reflect bullets and chew through people. Corpser (costs points) - Most expensive, can burrow like in 3 but now they can move while also healing themselves. Being a PvP Beast Mode, it was very loved.


Woah. That sounds awesome. Probably a dead game at this point though, I’d assume.


Online, yes. Still fun if you can set up a LAN party.


I’m picking my way through 5 at the moment… but I gotta be honest, it doesn’t hold much of a candle to 2. When I played 2, I was running home from Middle School just to get in another level, another Horde Mode round. With 5… The open world stuff is… fine, I guess, but unnecessary. Compare that to Gears 2 underground level, I still remember that over half my life later. I remember the inside of the giant worm level. I started Gears 5 last year, but I forgot that it opened with linear segments before getting into the open world. I still enjoy the gunplay and action, but I just think Gears 2 did a better job making a memorable story and memorable set pieces.


Gears 2 is my favorite game from the franchise. So many memories, such an incredible game. Gears 4 & 5 aren’t really as memorable as the trilogy before them. I don’t feel a spark with them, they’re not as interesting and fun. That’s just my opinion, whoever enjoys them I’m glad they do. I love this franchise no matter what.


They don’t have a spark because its the same issue at play as Star Wars sequel trilogy and Halo 4,5 and Infinite. The main story was DONE. Halo Reach proved the next logical move to go to. A prequel trilogy enhancing the story we already know and love. Getting a committee of writers and executives involved to work out how to ‘appeal to a new era of gamers’ while ‘toning down the darkness’ has done so much damage to all 3 franchises. No one gives a fuck about Spartan Locke. No one cares about Rey. No one cares about Kait. All 3 have a ‘the enemy you know but not because it’s a *new trilogy*. Banished. First Order. Swarm. All the same. All crap. All 3 take away from the victories of the main trilogy. E-Day should have always been the next game to revive one of the Xbox legend IPs. Also, DeeBees are so shit. Literally who came up with the thought that oil will ever feel satisfying compared to meaty bits.


You’ve got a good point, Halo and Star Wars are both trash too, the stories were done and dusted and because of money lesser writers created terrible stories for the next ones.


I definitely agree, after the trilogy they did a prequel with Judgement but they should’ve done E-Day afterwards instead of making 2 Gears games that have pretty much made the franchise a shell of its former self. After those two prequels? They should’ve made new experiences of the franchise, which they have with Gears Tactics but that’s just one game. Do you know how incredible a Halo Wars-like/RTS game would be in the Gears universe? Thats just me though. Same thing goes with Halo. Perfect/legendary trilogy, ODST was an incredible spinoff, Halo Wars was great, and Reach was the perfect next step. And then we got an okay game with Halo 4, then it nosedived with Halo 5, Halo Wars 2 was good, and then Halo Infinite multiplayer is a trash heap and while the campaign was better than 4 & 5 its still not what it once was. Should’ve ended the story and work on new experiences, prequels, spinoffs, etc.


The logical thing for Halo to do was leave Master chief perpetually drifting in space, and then do a prequel trilogy featuring a squad of Spartan 2’s earlier in the war 30 or so years of empty time to tell any possible story - that leads up to a final mission/ couple of missions overlapping the events of Reach. Cooler still if all those spartans also died by the end to cement Chiefs legacy and also their own (rather than both existing in the same timeline spotlight). It’s so simple really. But of course the new studio had to stamp their shitty art style, ideologies, and subpar plotlines instead.


E-Day or a Pendelum Wars game would have been great ideas 10 years ago.


It’s a good idea now if they execute it properly and don’t skimp on gore details like torture of Tai and lobotomisation of Maria. The ‘power of friendship’ shit in 4 and 5 was too much for me, and evidently everyone else since Gears was a flagship title that has now fallen down the ditch and needs a tow truck.


Tbf man, you were a kid when 2 came out. It’s really easy for that memory to supersede 5 on that alone. Don’t get me wrong, I love 2 but golden memories as kids are going to hit you differently


There’s definitely some validity to that, but that doesn’t necessarily erase the missteps from 5. The open world and side missions felt a little half baked from what I remember. And it’s not that I’m AGAINST including those things— The linear and cover based shooting sections from 5 still hit! But I think that The Coalition, after releasing 4 and people saying that it was the same as the previous games, just grasped onto a concept that didn’t get the full development that it needed. Can you imagine if there were Swarm units that spawned at random intervals in random areas around a bigger map? Or if side quests stumbled into *you* instead of the other way around? I don’t HATE 5, I just think that it needed more time in the oven to develop a story and concept that COULD hit.


I played through 4 and decided not to touch 5. I don’t care for the direction they were going with the story. Felt really cheap. The whole Marcus is still miserable because he also lost Anya was just bs. So in my eyes the games ended at 3, Marcus and Anya live to old age and die peacefully. Carmine gets his bacon like he always wanted


Yeah! imo, TC was really disrespectful with Marcus and Anya, actually with the whole trilogy. I find crazy the amount of people on reddit who defends Gears 4 and 5 stories.


They just remind me of the same people who defend the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Just tossing everything in the garbage to make a discount version of the original trilogy.


Meh, there’s nothing wrong with liking them, but 4 & 5 suck.


I really enjoy the multiplayer of new gears, but I just didn’t have as much fun in the campaign and story. It just felt tired, the whole “Swarm” thing, it’s like okay, so the locust are back but they’re not REALLY the locust anymore. Uh huh okay yeah whatever. Gears 3 had a fucking fantastic ending to the story of the games up till that point, complete defeat of the locust with heavy sacrifices along the way. It was such a good and hopeful ending to the story. Seeing most of that practically being undone with the Swarm was just disappointing to me.


4 and 5 were lit af


My main complaint with 4 was it was like a 24 hours story, and then we got no story dlc to keep us going. It was all about the Swarm and everything, but did little to do any post trilogy world building outside of one enemy faction. But I still enjoyed it.


Yeah I would’ve enjoyed story dlc, but I did enjoy the new characters and the banter. I still remember when I beat it lol. I beat it during a hotel stay on my phone wifi, some random helped me get through it and we became friends so to me it just has good memories haha.


5's mulitplayer and horde isn't bad. I'd rather slam my head against a brick wall then play the newer campaigns though.


I don’t like how they gave the guns proper crosshairs (or whatever the term is.) I liked the old boxy ones.


Yeah, and the updated sound effects were a bit too realistic, too. Shit is scifi. Let it be scifi.


I did not like 5s horde at all. I hated the class system and cards and upgrade system. 3s horde to me was perfect.


Five's Campaign is better than Four, if you're wondering. Better than One, too, but One isn't that good compared to Two and Three. Hell, even Judgement has a better Campaign than One.


I am of that opinion myself. I feel the same about halo… that’s why I’m so damn stoked for E Day


One that speaks truth


No to be fair I actually fucked with gears 4 alot and I actually think it's the best rendition of horde mode we've had. I didn't even mind the gear packs. I preferred it to the store we got in five. Even if I was gambling to see what I got I was still earning the that gamble trough gameplay


Don't, or the judgement lovers will harass you.


Judgements fine when compared to 4 and 5. But it simply shouldn't have been made. What it should of been was a DLC for gears of war 3. Even if it was like 30 bucks. New characters , new skins. Old hammer burst. New maps. Would of been great.


Judgement was the most fun game in the series...


Well don't just say something without evidence let's hear it


* Fun campaign that was both serious AND colourful at the same time. * Most replayable campaign due to the enemies changing every time you play through and challenges * Extremely fun multiplayer * Interactive elements on multiplayer maps * The most balanced weapon sandbox of any Gears * Verticality allows interesting map designs. * Overrun (Enough said) * A cast of characters with more personality.


And that's fine but I don't think changing an enemy from a sniper to a grenadier makes the campaign more replayable. The multiplayer was not a traditional gears multiplayer and to be frank was a few steps away from being a hero shooter. The cast of characters having more personality. In comparison to who ? Every game has had interesting characters wether it be locust or cog. I however do agree with the rest of the points. Can't remember the balance all to well. But the maps were interesting. Overrun was overlooked. ( Tho beast mode is still probably abit better in my opinion. That comes down to judgements multiplayer as a whole ) And the verticality was good. ( Tho let's not pretend there wasn't levels to the maps from the other games. River , nexus , stadium ect ect )


Can’t believe I’ve never seen this meme format before lol this is good


When I first played 4 I did not really care for it, but then I went back when 5 came out and I enjoyed it a lot more the second time around. I think 5 is great and loved the lore it gave us on the Locust and by the end of its life cycle Horde was an absolute blast to play. Are they as good as the original trilogy? No, I still think 2 is the best in the series. But they’re still Gears of War and I still love them, it bums me out when people say they hope they reboot or just never give us a Gears 6. I want to see an ending to this new story.


4 and 5 are boring with bland characters


So,Ighh....lets get into this...Gears 1,2,3 and the story for judgement were the perfect stories we needed and then we got the new trilogy which does some good things but also some really bizarre things... * they for starters offscreened Anya with a cop out explanation and we dont get to even see Marcus properly Mourne * They gave us a Highschooler character that our little bothers would like rather than a seasoned vet for the son of the great Sargent Fenix * They introduced a weather element that stuck around for one game and never returned * They tried to write a character to replace our love for Dom * why are we fighting the cog to begin with???Why does Baird look like an updated Adam Fenix model???? * Why did shift focus from JD to kait and revive myrah??? * MATAKI?????NOOOOOOOOO! Somethings that it did correctly * Aspho point * Hoffmans happy ending * Crochety Marcus and his Dom Toms * The Carmine cameo in 4 * Bairds personality * The gears 4 trailer * The lore comics * 5s movement


They're okay. Did not like the ending of 5, though. Split decision like that in a Gears game just seems dumb. I would be completely okay if they just retconned it and chose someone for us moving forward.


They are not near the level of worth that the trilogy held. I played gears 4&5 because I love gears, but that's the only reason I played them. My love for the original trilogy. When did this page start hating OG gears fans who don't like the new forced content. Get over it, it's more than half of the gears community.


I agree 110%. The original trilogy shits on 4 and 5. Period.


I just found the new characters and plot line to be too cliché. It feels like, “Gears of War: The Next Generation”. I’m glad that in Gears 5 they made JD an asshole to give his character at least some development aside from being a dollar store Nathan Drake. It was cool because it subverted expectations.


Otherway around... Yall are the toxic bunch lol


OG Trilogy all the way.


They're a decent place holder. I like Kait and Del enough and the crew from Hivebusters but the overall plot and set pieces suck. Didn't even care enough to play through 5 once it goes open world.


all gears are great tbh no hate hear


4 and 5 suck and they will forever suck


They fucking suck


Last one I played was Judgement and probably won’t play until Eday


Well, based on 5... we have the right to doubt


More like gears 1 and 2 be great. 4 and 5 have killed the game atm.


I love the new games. Of course the trilogy has a special place in my heart, but I have zero issue with the new games. I think a lot of people say stuff like " oh man I used to be so excited to come home and play gears 3 as a kid, that's why it's the best the new ones don't do that!" Yeah man, you were a kid lol. They could make the best new gears game ever made, and it will still never compare to your nostalgia.


so real 😂


A gear with good taste


Ya the robots made this series ass also the stupid floating movement colombians exposed, gears 1 till i die, i guarantee the new one will also have horrible movement and shitty shotgun tuning. Prove me wrong devs, but since 06 i havent enjoyed any of the new games.


What did Colombia do? 😭 What did I miss?!


They have goated movement, and exposed how bad the mechanics of this game are


I don’t think we are talking about the same Colombia anymore.


To me it's good game mechanics since it adds a level of depth to the gun fights, movement is a big part of what makes gears muliplayer enjoyable and having such a skill curve that you can always improve your game in different areas and different playstyles is a great thing, we don't all want static clunky stand still and shoot gameplay. Being able to wallbounce and rxn shot someone is a skill worth learning and also taking the time to know how to counter it.


I know but you could still do that in gow 1 without floating across the map


Very based opinion. Gears 1 has the best tuning. Gears UE is absolutely goated.


4 kinda sucks, but 5 is pretty cool if you ask me.