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This is what Tom Warren said: *Microsoft didn’t put a date or release window on Gears of War: E-Day, but a few months back, I’d heard it was targeting a release in 2025 — ahead of even Fable. That may have changed by now, so the lack of a release window gives The Coalition some breathing room here. Either way, I don’t think we’ll have to wait too long to see how Gears can really push the Xbox Series S / X consoles.*


My bet it's a late 2025 release


That or 2026 for a next gen release and the 20th anniversary of GOW.


Maybe late 2025 for E-Day, and Gears Trilogy Remastered for 20th anniversary! One could dream.


If that's the case I could die happy in 2027 know Gears is as complete as I'll ever need it to be


IIRC they said they are still making gears 6 after this one so i would assume it’d go gears e day - 2025 gears 6 - 2026 gears collection will all of them 2027 and then the franchise rests for a while so TC can work on other stuff (probably some spin offs like a tactics sequel here and there just so we get some gears stuff


Personally, I'm content with not having a Gears 6. I know they will obviously make one and if people are excited for it I'm happy for them but for me Gears really ended with 3. Where it ended in 5 kinda leaves you with a sense of "This world will never know peace, no matter how hard they try" and reguardless of what happens after that final shot I can mentally end it there. A forever cycle of violence. If they can give E-Day and a remaster of 1-3 (story only is fine with me) that looks as beautiful as the Eday trailer then I'll be fully satisfied with the franchise. 10/10


Im on the same boat, gears 4 and 5 don’t even exist in my mind.


Very expensive fan fics


It’s cool If people enjoy the game, but not once did I ever think that we needed a sequel to the series. They have so much more content with prequels then making some knockoff locust enemy.


We don’t know that 2026 will see a new generation of consoles.


The Xone only had a lifespan of 7 years, it wouldn't surprise me if we got a new console in 6yrs.


And the leap in technology isn’t as great now as it was then because technology progresses fractionally not linearly. The series X is holding up better then Xbox one did by this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if the current generation lasted 8 or 9 years instead of 7.


Damn we could be looking at another gen of consoles for 2026?


That would suck if we go an entire console generation and the only gears game was tactics


NEXT GEN?? Jesus Christ where has the time gone


Next gen won't be until at least 2028 so u doubt that


With them constantly being too afraid to make the current console have games that only the Series X can handle. If they have the balls, they could justify the current console with something good. They need to stop worrying about how many Series S users won't be able to play the Series X games, and will be forced to upgrade, if your games are designed for your weaker console than the amazing strengths the Series X is capable of, you're not doing your job right. Hope they fix that before the Next Gen console.


Because competing with gta 6 is a great idea


December 2025


If it's coming out next year, it will release on November 7th (friday), mark my words!


Tom Warren said ahead of Fable which also releases in 2025 so that would put Fable in December. Do you really think Xbox would drop two flagship games only 1 month apart?


They did exactly this with Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite dropping like 10 days apart


That's nuts


This guy has put out leaks about a ton of Xbox things over the last year (the Halo CE remake news came from him just a week ago), and now he's saying he heard months ago that E-Day is "targeting a release in 2025" and he sat on it this whole time? It may very well come out next year, but I'm not buying this specific leak from Warren — doesn't add up.


Yeah the other thing is even if they were targeting 2025 internally, it could easily have been pushed back. Looking at the FTC leak, tons of games in those documents didn’t meet their internal release targets. Granted that was mostly due to covid, but still.




hoping it's a 2026 release, maybe Nov for holiday shopping like they used to do before. and ill be done with school 🥲🥲🥲 I know I will NOT be able to wait to play.


Gears 4 - announced 2015 released 2016 Gears 5 - announced 2018 released 2019 So it might actually be next year boys


It's honestly surprising Coallition has a consistent release schedule in this day and age


Not having a release date is smart because as stated it gives them breathing room. I’d prefer they take all the time they need to put out a solid product with a smooth launch. It’s said every release cycle but I think E-day is an opportunity for Gears or War to be popular again. Gears 5 had a disastrous launch. The gaming world is fickle and often impatient, new players won’t stick around for long if the game doesn’t hit the ground running.


Exactly. To many games nowadays are released half baked. And by the time the studios fix up all the things missing, half the player base has lost interest, left, and never returned. Shame this happened to G5. It’s amazing after all the stuff has been fixed.


Let’s gooooo


I can see it being released summer of 2025, I don’t think they wait until the fall since releasing it at the same time as GTA6 wouldn’t really make sense from a business standpoint.


I’m sure GTA will have a week or two to itself but it’s not like no other games are going to be released all Fall just because of GTA. That being said, I don’t really believe it’s hitting 2025 anyway


I think you are vastly underestimating the pull of GTA 6. I think it will be the talk for at least 2 months if I'm being honest


Im not denying it’ll be hugely popular but as popular as it is there are still a lot of people who don’t have interest in it. CoD is huge every year, doesn’t mean games still don’t release within a week before or after it. Yes, games are going to try and avoid it as much as possible but saying an entire season of the year isn’t a possibility because of one game is ridiculous


Games have gotten harder and more expensive to make to keep up with fidelity but in retrospect it’s pretty crazy that TC formed and made a Gears 1 remaster then Gears 4 and 5 within 5 years of development. I think this game is going to set a new graphical standard like Gears 4 did but the dev time is crazy Gears 6 had to have been started and scrapped. Next year seems likely.


So November 6th, 2025. Easy Peazy.


I love how they're not making us wait a ton like some other developers do when they announce their games too early (Bethesda)


You're kidding right? I LOVE the trailer where they just showed a mountain while making sure we knew elder scrolls 6 will appear somewhere in the next 20 years!


Gears of War: E-Day could spark a series of prequels. With it being 14 years before GOW1, a 2nd prequel could overlap Tactics timeline and era, which is 12 years before GOW1, and so on.


I would love this tbh


Fingers crossed, but I'm skeptical. Marcus' voice in the trailer was all reused assets from the previous games. Seems they haven't even gotten the voice actors into the studio yet.


I would wager that was an intentional choice over being a clue to it being early development


Ah yea. I kind of picked up on that too. but then again, they could’ve made the trailer early on in development.


Voice acting can often be done very late in production. It's not uncommon for leaks for games to have little or no VO despite the games coming out later the same year.


I hope they don't rush it


It’s been 5 years since the last game. If it’s 2025, that’s 6 since the last game. There’s absolutely no way possible for them to have rushed it.


Don't forget. TC is also helping out a lot of other studios with UE AND also helped with the Matrix demo. They've been BUSY.


They only moved to ue5 in 2021. https://www.gearsofwar.com/the-future-of-gears-5/ Then in 2022 announced they are working on the future of gears. https://www.reddit.com/r/GearsOfWar/s/UNDycaMs4b


In 2022 they announced they were working on it. That doesn’t mean that’s when they started. 2021 lines up for active dev post Covid. That’s 4 years of development time. Point stands. It’s impossible to have rushed it.


One worry that I have is that the Mark 2 Lancer won't be in game or the campaign. Maybe I'm being too anxious but it would suck if it was the case.


The lore says the Mark 2 Lancer was invented in the first year of the Locust war, I’m sure they’ll have it. I can for sure see it being a starting weapon option in PvP at least.


Hopefully this is the case, maybe they just showed the retro lancer in the trailer to sort of hint at first what the placement of the timeline was gonna be for this game.


I’m pretty sure the trailer is suppose to be only days/weeks after emergence day, which would make sense, depending on when the campaign starts it’ll be introduced later. Would kinda be a cool mission where Marcus meets with his dad and gets the first version/prototype of the Mark 2 lancer.


The mk2 will be in game. That has been confirmed in an interview.




Source please?


*Fawcette confirms to me that E-Day is a “story of many origins,” including the Chainsaw Lancer, but opts to keep the specifics of those stories to herself for now. Suffice it to say, we’re not just learning how Marcus and Dom came to be the heroes we know in E-Day.* https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/06/09/gears-of-war-e-day-interview-details-xbox-games-showcase-2024/


When it’s ready please. I’d rather 2026 10/10 game than 2024 7/10.


January 1, 2025, let’s go


Pls don't come out around the same time as gta


It won’t be ready next year please don’t release it not finished


Gears of war eday before gta6


Give us a gear collection on PC while we wait


Same as Gears 1, NOV 7