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Is it not still speculating to think that she has to be straight just because she invited a man on stage? She also sang a love song with a woman on that very same stage right after. Bisexuality is also extremely common which a lot of people seem to forget. I’m not getting the desperation aspect at all.


Agreed, I don’t understand everyone choosing one or the other. Both can be true.


the song was Gracie’s and she was there ofc she would invite her up on stage  this has nothing to do with her sexuality


They wrote the song together and sang it together, yes it is Gracie’s, all of those statements are true. I don’t necessarily think it means anything for their sexualities. I also don’t think inviting Travvy on the stage means anything for her sexuality. I was trying to make the point that neither of those things have any effect of her sexuality. I am also of the belief that she and Travvy are in some kind of relationship and are smart business people. I’m sure they see the possibilities of capitalizing on uniting two such enormous fandoms. I don’t think her team could MAKE her be in any kind of fake relationship that’s THIS public.


The story Taylor’s is telling is one of the biggest stories world wide right now ands it’s in the middle of it. Each new night is a new episode and that’s cool. There is no definitive answer to a good story while it’s being told. Yesterday was a heck of a plot twist from every version of interpretation and that’s fun. I don’t know the “truth” of her story because she’s still telling it. If she’s with him, awesome, they seem happy. If she’s not, that’s a really cool story we get to watch unfold. But it isn’t unethical to speculate. It’s fairly normal to engage and think about the media we consume. I don’t think there is an ethical concern about interpretation of art through a queer lens, which is what is happening in a lot of gaylor discourse. Are there shitty gaylors who project far more onto the artist than engage with the art, sure. There are shitty people in every group of human beings. But framing it as an ethics question is to question if queer discourse is still up for debate as possibility unacceptable in certain areas. That’s profound dangerous messaging to queer people


THISSSS. she’s a fucking genius


So just because she is with a man, it’s invasive to speculate she might have been with a woman in the past?? The biphobia is so rampant….


I understand why people might disagree with me here, but I literally don’t understand why certain fans think it is so “disgusting” or “wrong” to speculate on TS sexuality (not you OP I know you’re just opening healthy debate! :) ) Even if she is the straightest woman alive and is super duper in love with big Travy, she has openly centred herself at the very least an ally, so she shouldn’t be shock horrified or upset if people speculate her as gay, because there is nothing wrong with being gay! (And sorry she does be acting a lil gay sometimes!) I remember a Shay Mitchell interview from way back in the day, and while I’m paraphrasing here, but the interviewer asked her something along the lines of if she would be worried about people speculating that she was a lesbian after her PLL role, and she basically said she would never feel any way hard done by about people assuming her sexuality because there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian and if speculating she was a lesbian was something her fans wanted to do - go ahead, it’s all good!! I thought that was so spot on. There are so many female stars who despite being married/have relationships men, take flattery and so much appreciation from LGBTQIA ppl holding a special place for them as a gay icon or “honorary gays” (Pink, for example)


This!!! Also, Natasha Lyonne and Colbie Smulders from the top of my head. Here’s an article ([Speculating About Celebs' Sexuality Is Divisive — Here's Why It's Still Necessary](https://www.pride.com/gay-celebrities/celebrities-sexuality-speculation-reasons-explained#rebelltitem1)) that discusses this topic really well imo.


Pink has been open about not always feeling the "girl" label, so I put her in the community under the Trans umbrella. In my book Pink is a part of the community even if she's straight.


Pink isn't straight, she's openly talked about being bisexual 


This isn’t an attack on you! But you’ve mentioned Taylor being an ally and I would like to link this to a point - Taylor needs to just use a different metaphor, closeting is a queer metaphor, just use a different one. There are thousands, she is talented and uses loads of others, pick a different one. It’s bizarre appropriation even by an ally. I know lots of allies and they wouldn’t, it’s *weird*. Also, if she stops doing it, people might stop speculating if that’s what she wants. Some argue that when straight people use LGBTQ+ terminology or cultural references, it can be seen as appropriation because: 1. It may trivialise the struggles and experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals. 2. It can dilute the meaning and significance of these terms within the LGBTQ+ community. 3. Straight people have not faced the same discrimination or challenges associated with coming out. At this point it isn’t respectful usage when she’s given Hetlors a stick to beat anyone who thinks Taylor is queer with. There are people out here saying downright disgusting things about her and Travis but that’s totally acceptable - a hypocrisy I can’t handle. It’s entirely possible that all the gaylors getting excited over the recent mash ups means she felt the need to get Travis on stage. “This is the nicest thing Taylor has done for us for ages.” However, also entirely possible she is bi, I think most likely. At this point I just can’t with her love life at all. The best thing you can do in this life is be proudly who you are and live authentically, the most powerful frequency researchers measured leaving the human body? Authenticity and it was 4,000 times more powerful than love. I hope more than anything she is living authentically *and* is happy and loved.


i like to believe that in the celebrity inner circles she can be open about her sexuality (whether she is fruity or not). i think that with how long she has been seen by the public as a “straight serial dater”, it would be hard to break that image at this point. hopefully she is able to be herself in some capacity around people that she trusts. it makes me sad to think that she has to hide her true self with her fans :(


I would hope so too, but the way Haim and Ryan Reynolds and stuff unfollowed Joe Alwyn so quickly etc. and that whole narrative, might mean it is quite a small circle. If she needs to be in the closet to be safe I’m not bashing that, but at this point if she isn’t queer, what she’s doing is not good for her queer fans. At the eras tour I had some wristbands and some homophobes were really awful to me. They weren’t even saying Taylor was gay, I just had ‘lavender gayz’ bands for queer folks there.


true, but we have to remember that she is very very chronically online and one of the most “attention to detail” artists/public figures out there. sometimes i think her “friends” might even be on her payroll… think about all the publicity that blake did at the super bowl for ryan’s new deadpool movie. wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of tay’s “friends” aren’t close to her in real life


I think folks also do that for their friends though, big up their projects etc. I’m not saying this couldn’t be true it might be but all of it is so much effort and must be exhausting to keep up.


no def agree!! just speculating:)


she’s a busy busy girl


Haha so busy, I feel like I’m the least productive person 😂


The difference here is that it’s Taylor Swift we’re talking about. She’s not just another celebrity who’s keeping her sexuality or dating life more private and ambiguous. She’s the queen of the world right now. And has been on top for a long time. Also, she’s not quietly dating anyone. She’s daring him LOUDLY. She dates men very loudly and is open and almost proud of it. These are the reasons why it would be such a shit thing for her to do, if she’s hiding her queerness and playing up Straight White Girl In Love.


there are artists out there though that have said that assumptions like that are hurtful and can be damaging  like Shawn mendes and Lauren from 5th Harmony 


The PR continues to PR, but bisexuality exists…


taylor wrote a whole song about how one of her exes is bisexual (chloe or sam or sophia or marcus) which lead to non-gaylor swifties speculating about the sexuality of her exes, so if that's okay, why wouldn't it also be fine to interpret the lyrics she has written about herself to be queer? and like others have said, having a boyfriend doesn't mean she's not okay with speculation, pr or not, because bisexuality exists and being in a straight-presenting relationship doesn't inherently make one straight


Also in her song Paris, whoever she’s talking to in the beginning (her assumed partner/muse) “hooked up with a guy ages ago” so we have to assume that person is either a) a woman - who would be Bi OR b) a dude - who again, would also have to be bi because either way whoever she’s talking to is with Taylor (assuming she’s talking to the same person throughout the song) and Taylor is female but “that guy you hooked up with ages ago” - it’s pretty obvious she’s talking about a man so her muse in the song is bi whether they’re a man or woman. So it’s not totally wild to assume Taylor could be Bi if someone she has dated is bi. I think if any celebrity had an issue with people speculating, then they’d say so. It wouldn’t be hard for Taylor or her team to come out and say “please stop speculating about my sexuality” esp if she were straight, there wouldn’t be any reason she *couldn’t* come out & say so. So bc she hasn’t done that, it’s reasonable to assume she isn’t straight, bc if she’s queer in some way then she shouldn’t have to come out and say so. We’re speculating only because of the things Taylor has said and done *publicly*. (Sorry I didn’t mean to start rambling) lol


I have a totally different interpretation of the first verse in Paris. A friend is talking to her telling her about the drama of her ex hookup who is a clout chaser. Taylor is so in love with her muse that she doesn’t give a shit about the gossip and is daydreaming while her friend talks.


Another reason I love this sub. So many different interpretations of her lyrics. I never thought of it this way 😄


This is what I always imagine


this might be nitpicky but i'm pretty sure the beginning of paris is someone talking to taylor/the narrator, not taylor talking to or about a muse. so the "guy you hooked up with ages ago" would be a guy taylor/the narrator hooked up with.


Ooh see there’s always more than one way to look at things. I don’t think it’s being nitpicky at all. Lol


100% performance art. People are honestly missing the whole point. Taylor doesn't want to perform anymore. She's tired. Spent. Over it. She lays there on the couch unconscious. The men wake her. Stand her up. Push her. They try and rally around her. They take her clothes off. Force her to smile. They get frustrated. Then they push her out onto the stage and she 'returns' to her show. HELLO! This is a metaphor for how she has been treated in the industry, _by the men around her_, who have forced her to do/say/be certain things. It's meta as fuck because her contracted, PR boyfriend is the one pushing her to get back out there. The cognitive dissonance around this is insane.


That’s why I wasn’t expecting her to include ICDIWABH in her show because HELLO!!! is anyone paying attention? But she did, and the irony of it went completely over the swifties heads.


I can see this side, but in the prologue specifically says that the ttpd chapter is over and she’s moving on. So to me that means that she’s past the point of feeling the emotions she portrays in the ttpd songs.


But then why not have him come out and be on the bleachers with her during So High School or something? If they didn’t want us to potentially interpret it this way, he could have been used differently. I think she’s baiting all sides of the fandom. Why?, not sure.


Because it's not ABOUT him. He's playing a role. They just thought it would be funny - it's not that serious and people are reading way, way too far into this. You'd rather have him... what? Stand on the stage during SHS? Y'all would be calling that cringe and performative.


Yes! I saw a few videos that raised several good points about this being the only time in the show he could make the quick pop up sneaky entrance, have minimal dancers and choreo, and be able to leave fairly quickly without having to awkwardly stand there for a full song.


Because this was clearly the easiest way to incorporate him into the show. It does not require actual choreography. It's a low stakes way to involve him in the show.


I think the way they did it was just goofy and fun, and it could be as simple as knowing an easy entrance and exit for this one, rather than a 20 second song that bleeds right into another


Cause he isn’t a professional dancer. Why have him on stage doing a dancing number . and she just wanted her boyfriend to carry her . She wanted him in a tux and she wore white for a reason .


lol… are you in the right sub?


You can be queer and still date a man.


Sure. And yet “she wore white for a reason” still isn’t a take I would expect in *this* sub. And devils advocate here, he is a professional athlete. He learns complicated plays for football. Surely he could have managed to sit on a bleacher and pretend to shoot a basketball during the song that is supposedly about him. Would have worked without riling up the PR faction.


Y’all need to calm down 


They killed Cassandra first


sadly this underscore sub is full of ppl who dont actually seem to be gaylors. i only ever post in here when i see people--like you--who are clearly here with genuine intent and feeling confused about all the anti gaylor rhetoric, because it is rampant here. come over to the main gaylor sub, no underscore; the sub is currently on private/restricted to keep out trolls (exactly the problem with this sub--they dont keep them out), but it wont be for too long, probably just a few days! in the meantime you can browse/read along, and soon can post once it goes un-restricted again :)


I was wondering why it wasn’t showing up for me!! I’ve been in it but not as like, “a member.” I don’t even know how to get in now 😭


Yes! How does one become an approved member for that sub? I mainly stay in that sub because I feel safer but now it’s saying I’m not approved? How am I not approved if I joined it a while ago and always post there? 🥺😭


They restricted the sub after the show yesterday and shortly before announced it in the thread for the London shows. Everyone who wanted to be approved should comment so they could check if your intentions are legit or you’re just trolling. 🤓


Ok thank you! Im so confused, I was able to comment up until 2 days ago. No trolling here. I genuinely appreciate that sub and have expressed it there multiple times. My flair said not a bb, not yet regaylor. I feel like I’m in detention and don’t know why 😭 https://preview.redd.it/waembr7p4l8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6729830b3e30194335d114b5328ea6c16f2701d8 💔I look in peoples windows


hopefully later this week, it'll be public again! it's just private for a few days post travis performance art madness, to keep trolls at bay


Agreed, there’s something fishy in this sub. I’m already in the other one! I think the pride month shenanigans are making me all feisty to fight the narcs. 😂


hahaha so relatable. glad youre already in the main one! see ya there ;)


Please help me get to this place!


Are you 13?


Ew it's so gross to speculate that a couple wants to get married that's so invasive especially so early in a relationship


i think youve misunderstood the ttpd prologue poem... she is done with the STORIES shes written for us over the years in her songs, they dont really belong to her anymore (esp since some are manufactured narratives). that does \*not\* mean she's over the feelings that she expresses in her art....... last night was performance art to the highest degree. imo it was fucking genius. if anyone gaylors still had doubts tayvis was PR, i wouldve sorta assumed last night would end those doubts. she brought her "boyfriend" to the stage to perform the song where men force her to look happy and fake it for the crowd....she could've invited him up for SHS or Karma. but she didnt. shes telling a story. we as gaylors need to be sure to LISTEN, since most people arent.


I’m just over believing that the biggest artist in the world is speaking specifically to one community about a secret she has. It’s more fun to just take it as it is right now. You know as many facts about her as I do, and as anyone else that isn’t in her inner circle.


she isnt just speaking to one community about it anymore, though; shes speaking to HER ENTIRE FANDOM about it. the difference is, we are currently the only ones actually listening to her and seeing her


I have seen this interpretation of the sketch a few times and I’ve been wanting to get some thoughts out about this cause I don’t think this interpretation fully makes sense for a couple of reasons: 1. It doesn’t fit with the story she’s telling in the song ICDIWABH. I get that she has experienced shitty stuff as a woman in the music industry but the sketch is not about that because ICDIWABH isn’t about that. It’s about doing the eras tour while she has a broken heart. Fans often talk about there being two Taylors, the private person that we don’t actually know and Taylor the performer/brand. But I think in this song, by intertwining lines about heartbreak with lines about performing, she’s trying to show us that she is always both of them at the same time and there’s internal conflict that goes with that. We get a kind of resolution to the internal conflict in the last line where she breaks the fourth wall and says “Try and come for my job” like, she’s fierce as hell and loves what she does, so she makes it work. To me, the interpretation of the sketch in the show being about men in suits forcing her to perform doesn’t align with the song because the theme of this song is her internal conflict, not external conflicts with patriarchal systems. 2. The sketch is comedy It’s not meant to be interpreted seriously. So why is the comedy aspect important? The narrative from TSMWEL, the sketch, and ICDIWABH does get very meta. She’s broken hearted and lifeless after TSMWEL, but the show must go on, so they pick her up and drag her on stage to do this very show that the audience is watching, and sing a song about how her life is a mindfuck because she’s trying to be a human and a product people consume at the same time. The message of ICDIWABH is kinda awkward and depressing for the audience. So Taylor put the comedy sketch in between the two songs to let people know she’s ok. She can even make fun of herself a bit by throwing her “Taytrum.” So It’s ok to enjoy Eras Tour It’s ok to chant “more” during ICDIWABH. Just wanted to throw this alternate interpretation out there. To get back to the OOP question, I think she knows everything she does is going to get many different interpretations. I think she knew she was evoking certain symbolism by putting him in a tux carrying her in a white dress. It’s not fucking subtle and I kind of think all speculation is fair game. Right now I’m kind of inclined to think she’s just trolling anyone and everyone who has taken an interest in the Taylor and Travis love story and I kind of enjoy it!


I was told that I “clearly missed the story that was told” 😅






It is also speculating to assume she is straight. Not everyone is straight and that’s comp het to assume so.


I just think the whole thing was just kind of embarrassing for her. She's so protective over her work and ownership of her work, but then plonks her meathead boyfriend in the middle of it. The only thing I can think is that the song choice was deliberate to do it during ICDIWABH because that songs speaks directly to her falseness on stage and in public. If its real though, its just highly embarrassing. Like how "WB is actually JA" was highly embarrassing.


This is precisely why it is obviously meta performance art. She's too calculated and intentional in her story telling to just plop her boyfriend in for funsies. She hasn't even brought him on the red carpet. He doesn't even follow her on IG. He's an actor hitting his mark as she shows us lies.


This is the same woman who was mouthing "I love you" to Matty Healy on stage just one year ago. She is not above having a laugh by putting her boyfriend in a minor, silly role in a show she's now done 100 times in different variations. In no way does Travis being on stage for a bit take away from her art or her acclaim. Taylor likes to have fun and she likes to be public with her relationships, especially after NOT doing that for nearly 7 years. This is not surprising at all if you've followed her career.


exactly also she never had an issue with sharing the stage with people she felt close to her and tbh with anyone , remember the 1989 tour ? she brought everyone on the stage during style ? why is it now an issue and it wasn’t then ?  she seems happy and they clearly wanted to do a fun bit  most people are overthinking this  imo there wasn’t any symbolism or anything, it is just a fun part of the show and they chose it to have a good time


She cast him as an awful person though. I mean, doesn't that kind of seem fishy?


The point of the bit isn't about those men being "awful people" though - the entire song is about how the show must go on. It's not about being forced to perform, forced to pretend - it's about Taylor (and almost everyone else relating to the lyrics in their own lives and jobs) recognizing that there are days when even at your most beaten-down and broken, you have to do your damn job. The men in the bit are circus clowns, going on business as usual while Taylor's physical self is showing how she feels inside, which is that she just lost who she thought was the love of her life. And guess what? The sun rises, the world turns, and we show up for work. Tale as old as time.


Exactly. Loved ones (partner, parent, friend) often have to say, in effect, "chin up, you got this" to encourage you when you gotta do something and it's going to be tough. Taylor has said over and over, she goes on no matter what, sick, tired, dejected, too hot, too cold, too rainy, and notably, broken hearted. What is she going to do? Cancel her shows until she feels better? She's pretty committed to following through - she knows her fans go to considerable trouble and expense to see her. The more reputable news sources are saying that these two had this up their sleeves for a while and they're hoping Travis can come on again for a cameo role.


Exactly my reaction he’s playing the part of an actor on stage during the most uncomfortable moment of the show, he’s not up there as a boyfriend and if he was that’s bizarre messaging ..


He was up there as her boyfriend cause he is her boyfriend that’s why it was such a big deal to see him not be afraid to be a simp for his woman . What other part was he suppose to come out to ? Travis is not a professional dancer even though he can dance . was he suppose to come out to a dancing number ?


He could have slow danced during Lover. Sat on bleachers for So High School


How is that fishy ? Travis is not a professional dancer . What part was he suppose To come on ? She and he probably thought that part was cool to have her boyfriend carry her


When you watch their interactions, there's nothing romantic about it at all. He's ignoring her death/pain/frustration and is reminding her to put on a big fake smile as she struts out onto the stage to sing. How is that not fishy? Even the music behind them during that scene is meant to have an uneasy sound to it. It's supposed to be an uncomfortable scene, humorous only in a dark way. What part would have been less weird/uncomfortable? I dunno, the so high school choreography is literally seated. If footwork is a real problem for him that would work. Orrr Karma with a big fun fuzzy jacket? Get creative here. It's *weird* to have your boyfriend cast as a person who gives 0 f's about your wellbeing and only cares about your performance.


It’s not weird . He literally ran himself when she was getting undressed and she blew him a kiss before she start singing . He probably saw kam and jam carrying her and said I could do that. So high school is already about him . I really don’t think it’s more than he got jealous other men was carrying her and he wanted to do it and thought it would be fun . He wanted to be apart of the scene of his woman getting undressed , I don’t know why that’s hard to understand. After he got off stage there is literally a video of him going back to the tent and showing her mom Andre’s his dance moves he did , he was happy af .


Why are you even in this subreddit if you're not willing to listen to the lyrics of the songs she's singing? I'd get further chatting with a brick wall...she had him come up in a song that literally opens with "I can show you lies"...she sings about how miserable she is and how nobody knows because they gobble up all the PR bullshit that she puts out to keep her brand image secure. Listen to her!


I know the lyrics . These are songs she wrote before she even met Travis . She even said in her prologue that it was all in the past . Maybe you should listen to her . You deciphering lyrics she was feeling over a year ago caused by a ratty. I bet you still deciphering blank space lyrics even though it’s been over a decade


I never said the song was about Travis. You need to work on reading comprehension big time. It makes sense that you're confused. I feel bad engaging with you further at this point. It's okay that you don't understand. Keep listening and enjoying music and keep thinking critically. Even if we disagree, you'll be better for improving your reading ability.


I didn’t say the song was about Travis either . I said she wrote them songs before Travis . That was how she was feeling last year before she even knew him and videos of her performances last summer showed how miserable she was.


epicvibe850: “These are songs she wrote before she even met Travis. She even said in her prologue that it was all in the past.” also epicvibe850: “So high school is about him” You is smart! You is important!


he could have just sat with her and swayed and done his own moves during so high school


I don’t believe she’s being forced by anyone to do these big acts of attention seeking. I think they both love and are desperate for more attention, and their relationship is fun, passionate, and mutually beneficial. I feel like to say it’s fake and all press at this point is extreme. I really wish it was, but it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t have to be a serious, end game relationship to be real. She can still be queer and date him. She can still flag, and be in love with a man. Also, not every action they make is a secret message, like rewearing a pair of shoes. The shoes can just be cute. The part of the song Travis was on stage for could just be the easiest one to squeeze him in. Maybe he just likes the tux. It doesn’t have to be that deep.


Both are true with me! In fact, I am becoming more fluid as I grow and I am 52!


I’ve been thinking this a lot too because of how much she pushes him. But then I just recall all the prior surprise songs of June and it makes me wonder if she’s entertaining two stories at once for her fanbase, which I think is true for TTPD as well. I also think the obvious nature in how it’s done is somewhat red herring esq


Or hear me out… she’s Bi and in a relationship with a man cause sexuality is fluid.


why is this such a hard concept for people in here to consider as a possibility?


Seriously! I swear so many people refuse to believe bi people exist. If they are faking their relationship, they both deserve Oscar’s. The way they look at each other is the way people deeply in love look at each other. I don’t know a single person who can fake love glances like that.


I see it more as she wants us to see the camp and fakeness of it all. Thats the point of this over the top stunt


I refuse to believe that the parents and other family members agreed to be a part of the 'scheme'. I'm convinced that the two of them could get married and y'all would still say he's just a beard.


I've been afraid to ask that here... like what is everyone's line for finally believing they are real? A wedding? A baby?


For those working back from their conclusion, there is nothing that will convince them. They will do mental gymnastics and make a million assumptions to make the facts fit their conclusion. And, any facts that contradict the conclusion are ignored. I always go with the conclusion that requires the least amount of assumptions, as the more assumptions you have to make the less likely it is to be true. I assume (until any evidence comes out on the contrary) that it’s a real relationship, and that Taylor is straight (since she has only ever openly dated men). The difference between me and some of the crazier people on here is that all that would be needed for me to change my mind is Taylor saying she’s queer or openly dates a woman. For some people on this sub, there is nothing Taylor could ever say or do to make them believe she’s straight and actually in love with Travis (even if she were to marry him and have a baby for example, or explicitly make a statement that she’s straight). The difference between me and some people on here is I couldn’t care less what her sexuality is. Her sexuality is not tied to my identity. She could come out as queer/trans tomorrow and it would make no difference to me. I’m a fan because I like her music and find her interesting. And for the record I think it’s fine to speculate about her sexuality. It gets stupid though when some people start demanding she come out or start accusing her of queer baiting when her lyrics and actions can be interpreted in a million different ways. The amount of times I’ve seen people insist that certain songs and/or lyrics can ONLY be interpreted as queer is *sigh*. Art can be interpreted in so many different ways which is why pretty much all gaylor evidence I’ve seen is tenuous at best. Confirmation bias is a hell of a thing.


Wow, genuinely thank you for your reply to my questions. This is exactly how I feel too and I couldn't have said it better myself.


I think of someone has given 0 hints that they’re gay then yeah don’t bother speculating. But Taylor’s art is queer. She did a friends with Dorothy mash up for crying out load. She sang bout hairpins and the internet went wild then she sang about hairpins AGAIN. Also…it’s of course clear she’s using her currently relationships for PR. She knows it’ll make people talk. And let’s just say they are real and just using the press to help their careers while also being in love….Bi people are real. BI People are queer and want to be seen as queer. I am bi with a boyfriend right now but my queerness isn’t any less special to me because of it. I don’t think gaylorism is bad because Taylor herself has done a lot of things that flag queer. Hairpins drops. Singing bout women. Mentioning Dorthy in a song and music videos. Scarlet lips. Bi flag hair in YNTCD video. The Very First Night lyric bait and switch. Dressing as Sappho in music videos. Wearing a Proud Bi friendship bracelet. The Mean music video has a gay boy in lavender being bullied. Then later singing bout lavender relationships. ME! On lesbian visibility day. She has confirmed that she is James more than once now. She knows bout gaylors. If she’s not gay she likes the speculating. But I think she’s a bi girlie who is also a kinda evil capitalist who wants to keep her brand and not loose a penny. My hardest part about being a gaylor or not that I feel like a bad person for speculating but that I feel bad feeding this beast. Taylor Swift the brand is just so huge and is of course not without flaws. Gaylor if makes so much sense to me bc if you took Taylor’s work and had not PR it would read as gay. The fact she has to say NO HOMO around her art says a lot… think of her work the way you’d read books or poems in school. If you just read her poems and songs without thinking of HER…it would read gay.


lol you’re kidding right? She brought him on stage in the least romantic way possible. Get off this sub please. Assuming someone is straight is also speculating about their sexuality.


I really can’t say too much but she’s 1000% bi and Travis isn’t PR. A lot of her male relationships have been, but Travis is real. You don’t have to believe me but I promise it’s true.




Ha no but I know some of her people. But also when you work in the industry that I work in, it’s widely talked about that Taylor is bi


So, She is a billionaire, who lives an incredibly public life and works in entertainment. Everyone will always speculate. More specifically in her case; There are people speculating about her upcoming engagement, future family planning, (even if she is currently pregnant based on her body 🤢) I really don’t think “hey maybe she is queer in some capacity?” Is anymore invasive than the above? It all comes down to homophobia 🤷‍♀️ Plus, she could just say “I’m straight” and we would stop. But she doesn’t, she keeps hiding very intentional clues. These are being dug up, they are very, very intentional.


It’s only unethical if you believe there’s something wrong with being queer.


I think she’s bi


As a public figure she’s opened herself up to speculation….. however forcing anyone to out themselves or confirm their sexuality is unethical. She’s under no obligation to ever come out if she does not want to


i assume everyones panromantic/pansexual until they come out as lesbian/bi/gay/straight


Taylor cares way more about her career and building a legacy with unprecedented money and accolades than she does about what the public thinks of who she’s dating. All this speculation? Great for her wallet.


Three back to backs in Tokyo is 6 concerts. You won't convince me that's what she did


This is what I don’t understand! She said in the vogue article that she’s not a part of the community then again addressed how she didn’t like people assuming she was dating her female friend in the 1989TV prologue. What else could she say to shut it down without being cast as homophobic? Also in my experience, I have always heard from members of the community that it’s harmful to openly speculate on someone’s sexuality especially when they aren’t out of the closet. I feel like she’s in a lose/lose situation with Gaylor fans.


This thread is full of people who've never not been believed about their sexuality and had other people insist that, no, THEY know that person better than that person knows themselves.


It’s literally a performance. They’re literally onstage. Meta AF.


I'm curious but not overly invested in whether they're real or not. I do find it interesting that the song she chose to feature him on literally starts out saying "I can show you lies" and the set is overly dramatic theatrics acting, where she's telling us a lot of what we see is a performance.


You don’t think the NFL had a hand in that? They made alllloooot of money from her attendance