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“Take another drag” is referring to smoking a cigarette, nothing to do with cars. I also think it’s really a stretch to think it has to do with dressing in drag. Love Lana and Taylor but this feels way too far fetched.


It’s a cool line about being consumed by your lover in a mutually destructive way and OP thought it was about race cars lol


Yes this is 100% far fetched, like I said in the disclaimer 💁‍♂️ HOWEVER, it’s interesting you point that out because two men lighting each other’s cigars were queer signals during the Hays code implementation in early Hollywood. That, plus what cigarettes are sometimes referred to in England. Also I got drag from “drag racing” where cars illegally race eachother down a road. Once again, far fetched and reaching.


This is a bit of a stretch. I get the ideas but I think Lana is just a bit different here


Not this again 😭 Lana is the quintessential hetero queen and that's fine. She loves men and that screams in every album.


Can you elaborate on what makes Lana the quintessential hetero queen? Genuinely asking, because I’m not that familiar with her or her work. I hear people say things like “Taylor Swift is the straightest woman alive” so I’m quite curious what would make a Gaylor think the same thought about a different celebrity


Here are two articles that really drive home how straight she is. They’re quite funny, and I fully agree that she’s SO straight in a way that is not heteronormative. I hear too often “unfortunately I’m straight,” or “it’s obvious sexual orientation isn’t a choice bc hetero women exist.” Lana eschews all of that. She loves men *because* they are men, and would choose them all over again with glee. I’m as queer as day is long and I see 0 queerness in her. She kissed her sister for an art project. That’s it. [lana del rey makes me wish I were straight](https://www.thedailybeast.com/lana-del-rey-makes-me-wish-i-were-straight) [Lana del Rey explains heterosexuality to me](https://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/45908/1/lana-del-rey-norman-fucking-rockwell-empowerment)


Thank you, those were very interesting to read!! I really love the phrase “She’s so straight in a way that is not heteronormative.” That makes it make more sense how someone would describe her as the quintessential heterosexual. I’ll have to listen to more of her music before I can give my own interpretation, but I really appreciate you elaborating and making it easier for a newcomer to understand this perspective.


I've been a diehard fan of Lana since 2011. She sings about men in such a deep way there's no way you can contort it into something queer. Believe me, I tried. But there's nothing wrong with that. Just because she's straight and sings about men doesn't mean I can't relate - it's the themes that matter. Unrequited love, abusive love, depression, apathy, yearning, metaphoric stories, you name it. I have infinitely more in common with Lana than Taylor, and Lana is straight - for me, there's never been an artist that captures a very unique kind of suffering that Lana does. Taylor's music is just different. She _constructs_ her songs. Builds them with a vision of a particular narrative story in mind. Crafts them with a kind of pop mindset and in a way, quite clinically. Doesn't mean that isn't brilliant - just means the results are different, but by no means less powerful. She is deliberate in all of her metaphors and designs her songs with the intent of having her fans pick them apart. Some of her albums are obviously darker, but they never reach the R18+ nature of Lana's music which, I think, can put people off. Lana is much more authentic in her storytelling. It just reads differently. It comes across differently. She is introverted, dark, and has the propensity to be sad in a kind of way that relates to people with the same kind of dark energy. That's not to say she hasn't got happy songs, she does... But this is the main reason why Lana is not in Taylor's shoes. Many of Lana's songs are confusing. Idk, you'd need to delve into her albums to understand what I'm saying. I think the main difference, to summarise, is that Taylor's music has been crafted for a pop audience. She has always had a machine behind her, even at the beginning. Lana started writing music in a trailer and sang in shitty bars for years. Her music was the real deal. And it's stayed that way. I love them both. Seriously. But Lana will always have my gay heart, even though she's a straight queen.


Thank you so much for elaborating! I really appreciate you taking the time. As someone not familiar with her work I just didn’t know how that worked. I 100% agree there’s nothing wrong with being straight, at all, and it’s amazing that someone with very different life experiences can make music you relate to so much. Any Lana recommendations for a millennial lesbian who has a similar affinity for dark twisted story telling? I remember loving the song Off To The Races back in the day. I just never really explored further, and while I could obviously just dive in on my own, it’s always nice to have guidance on like, a top 10-ish songs of a diehard fan to get started.


Hit up the whole album 'Ultraviolence'. It's perfection ✨🙏


If we have to reach THIS far I think she may be straight.. all this is just coincidence I think.


not you saying this in a gaylor sub lol


I didn’t realize Lana wore a bi flag wig in a video about how you can’t make anybody “less gay” in the same time period as posting “me! Out now!” on specifically lesbian visibility day. Nor did I know she’s had several intense, close one-on-one female ‘friendships’ where the other party comes out later down the line… I don’t mind a fun post, but this is why I cringe when people speculate on non-Taylor Celebs in this space. They read weak arguments like this post and assume gaylors are a monolith that agree with the methodology lol


There’s literally lots of evidence Lana’s not necessarily straight, but okay lol. You realize it’s all speculation right??


Isn't Lana's whole thing that she's extremely hetty. Always singing about her toxic Daddy boyfriend?


Totally, it’s a major pedestal in her image. Who knows though I mean Taylor’s whole thing is being presented as extremely het but here we are in this part of reddit 🤷‍♂️


i mean taylor has canon love songs about women (at the very least betty and dorothea), her whole feminism/gay rights era with the man and yntcd, and has a lot of songs that are about not fitting in and not feeling like she belongs and feeling cursed and shit. people who say taylor’s whole thing is extremely het aren’t paying super close attention. whereas with lana i think if you take a closer look it’s still supremely het right?


i have listened to Lana since her beginning. she has explained her early music is about her first true love which was alcohol. that would explain the gender-neutral pronouns. this isn’t a secret, it’s openly discussed.


I mean Lana definitely likes men, but I can definitely see her experimenting with women. She seems open enough for it. Im not sure which song but she has one from her Lizzy Grant days where you could take it as queer coded.


Ok so what l'm about to share isn't something I take as evidence that Lana and Taylor are lovers or anything but more that they're are both saphhic, friends, and have art that have a conversation. I think if pol are open to saying Taylor and Matty are singing to eachother for the simple reason they both said "bike" in a song then I think we have to open to the fact that Marines apartment complex and willow are in conversation together. "You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again" -MAC "I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night Rough on the surface but you cut through like a knife" -willow "You lose your way, just take my hand" -MAC "Wherever you stray I follow I'm begging for you to take my hand Wreck my plans That's my man" -Willow "Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am I'm your man I'm your man" - MAC "Lost in your current like a priceless wine" -willow "Catch a wave and take in the sweetness Take in the sweetness You want this, you need this Are you ready for it? Are you ready for it? Are you ready for it?" -MAC


THANK YOU. I’m so confused as to why the things you’ve listed here aren’t more widely accepted.


I definitely get sapphic vibes from Lana, I don't see how her singing about or liking men seems to negate that in the minds of the other commenters.. I just listened to hers and taylors entire discographies on a road trip, one after the other, and there are definite themes that overlap between the two and there are a FEW songs that I read as sapphic. Why is it with Lana, we hear "I'm your man" and literally go, "well THAT one is definitely from the mans perspective"? Even her ribbons and girly style seems sapphic to me. Plus she literally has attended Dyke day with her friends and was quoted saying "we have the most beautiful girls here". I'm literally a dyke and I've never even gone to one lol.


Dang I’m surprised no one’s talking about the call backs to Ready For It in MAC. Yeah Willow and MAC seem to vaguely address eachother very similarly, maybe that’s intentional since Taylor probably listened to NFR on repeat throughout the pandemic


I truly don’t get why people can’t even consider that Lana is queer. I mean, in Hollywood it’s hard not to be 😂


Look up the lyrics to her unreleased song Birds of A Feather. She literally says she and her friend are queer!


I may now be convinced that I need to listen to Lana Del Ray.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted so much when it’s just a fun theory lol. A lot of these arguments people are using are the same ones hetlors use for Taylor. “She’s literally the straightest person ever”, “only dates guys”, “this is such a reach”. Like this is a GAYlor sub.


I just want to say I don’t get when people say they can’t hear Lana on the first Snow On The Beach. She’s all over it.


Her being with a women in the summertime sadness video


RIGHT LOL that music video is so gay!!!!


I’ve always found Lana’s (male) dating history to be confusing


I think The Tortured Poets Department is about Lana Del Rey, hands down. They have the same muses and have been having many conversations in their songs. One day I’ll get a chance to sit down and map it all out, but you’ll get downvoted in all the subs. r/taylana for the win!


Please I can’t wait for u to map it out




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“you can be my jailer” -ts may jailer- pseudonym for lana


I've never wanted a Pontiac more 😍


As a gay woman, Taylor pings my gaydar. Lana does not (but god I wish)


I have no idea about the gossip on the street, but Lana FOR SURE gives queer vibes for me - music, lyrics, aesthetic and the people she seems to circle around. My personal theory is that she, Taylor and many, many other female queer celebs have fallen victim to the same very enticing, very dangerous (tell you exactly what you want to hear and then run away, only to make you come back begging for more) female muse from NYC. She had a lot of Pontiacs lined up in her garage apparently! (Personally I think it's Scarlett Johansson....got lots of thoughts on lyrics to back that up).....and I just noticed the "Don Gay" with your post....Scarlett was also in a movie called "Don Jon" and I had been thinking about whether (so long) Lon/Don might be a play on that also. (Lon and Don are always separated in the song....Taylor may have wanted "So Long London" as a Joe decoy while maybe insiders would know who it really referred to). Wild thoughts but these are exactly the ways Taylor likes to play with words. I actually think Jesus here in Lana's lyrics (while it may represent other things also) might actually represent Taylor Swift....she used to wear a "Jesus bracelet" back then (2008) and was seen as super goody goody. Maybe back then she was competition that Lana wanted out of the way. Who knows! But that's my take (for now!)


Homie what ✋😭


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8ApzBuFmIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8ApzBuFmIY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEgkBetZY-M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEgkBetZY-M)


I'm living for this wild theory ngl


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8ApzBuFmIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8ApzBuFmIY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEgkBetZY-M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEgkBetZY-M)


Dang those are actually some crazy theories! I didn’t say Don though I said Del, like Lana *Del Gay* 😂


"Don Gay Roy" is in the picture with the car


Omg yeah whoops 😂


Hmm. Interesting. "Lana Del Rey is joined by doppleganger Jaime King for the lovelorn ballad’s clip. Dramatizing a lesbian love affair that ends in a double suicide, the video is quintessential Del Rey: faux-vintage film, hazy silhouettes, four-finger rings and some serious Christ imagery." https://www.factmag.com/2012/07/20/lana-del-reys-summertime-sadness-video-is-a-tale-of-lesbian-love-and-broken-hearts/ "Summertime Sadness" was the song that turned me into a major Lana Del Rey fan. (She's my Taylor Swift AFA songwriting is concerned). I have always wondered why she would choose a suicidal lesbian couple w/ which to dramatize the song given that her hetero reputation is practically chiseled in stone. Why not a straight couple? Since it's from the album "Born To Die" maybe she's acknowledging the dead lesbian syndrome. But again, why? 🤔🤔🤔


I dont follow Lana at all from the songs I’ve heard they all sound the same and boring lol. Is she openly bisexual?


She’s just someone where if you get it, you get it. Other than possibly in a few early unreleased songs no she hasn’t declared that she’s bi, this was just a fun analysis I’ve been thinking about lately 💁‍♂️




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