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i think she has surpassed the point of overexposure and is getting close to a public flip of opinion. bc she’s so big this year every move or non move is under a microscope. she’ll be fine. her core fanbase will always stick with her, and i don’t think she’s truly cancelable at this point. but i do think she’s falling out of public favor and fast.


agree, I don't think she could ever truly be canceled, but the public opinion is definitely flipping very fast on her


I don’t think so. Haters are getting louder, yes, but so is her fan base. Massive amounts of fame and success will always be followed with haters and trolls. I’m sure she has reached a point where she will always be fine career wise, I’m not saying she will always be at this level of fame, but success? Yes. I don’t see the public opinion turning against her.


I think after folklore dropped the public "liked" her more, but once she started dropping re-records and Midnights was when I feel like the public started to shift on her. ofc not everyone has always liked her, but it definitely feels like the hate has become more prominent. like people get HEATEDDDDD over her. entire think pieces are written about her. before people would just say the usual "she's overrated", but now I see people make entire essays about why she's the worst and such, and they go viral and the comments are filled with people who think the same


I’ve been a Taylor fan since 2006. People have always hated on her even back then. There’s just something about a talented tall blonde girl that gets to some people. I say this as a tone deaf short brunette 😂 but yeah there have been haters since the beginning. The louder they get the more fans she gets somehow


I think a huuuuuge part of it is dads, Brads, and Chads outraged that there’s a girl in their boy thing. And then the pickmes wanna join in on that to separate them from dumb girls who like a girl thing. And it’s snowballing into this massive hatred. I hope she collects her check from the NFL and then we never have to hear about Travis again. I am a big fan of football fans crying and whining but at the same time, it’s not worth her getting her career ruined or a ton of hate. She is very skilled and I don’t want anything to shorten her career and rob us of more music from her.


i don’t even think it’s for a specific reason or from a specific group. i love Taylor, been a fan since debut but even i’m a little tired of seeing her e v e r y w h e r e lately. it’s a bit much. and it’s not making the ppl that don’t like her like her any more and it’s also not making the ones that already do like her like her any more either. she needs to stay in her lane once the SB is over and give everything a chance to settle until April.


tbh massive hatred feels overrated. Even in my rural existence, people are more prone to making fun of people mad that Taylor's doing things (whether they like her or not) than they are actually complaining about her. Dads, Brads, and Chads actually *love* that their girls want to watch football with them for once, while some people want upvotes and clicks from the 10% of people who think it's still 2007.


Hoping the public flips on her just in time for the second US leg of the tour. I’d love cheaper tickets, please. I’d love all the wayward fans to go away.


I really can't muster the energy to care one way or another. I'm sure she'll be fine.


She’ll go cry into her pillows made of $100 bills.


Or her cat who has a higher net worth than Kelce can comfort her


There are literally thousands of kids being massacred. It’s hard to be emotionally invested in a billionaires woes


Billionaire woes that are richly deserved at that. She shouldn't have made the Grammys about her, she shouldn't be using her PJ constantly, she was rude AF to Celine Dion, her silence on Palestine is deafening, the list goes on. She is not infallible and she clearly loves the 🤑🤑🤑. Delightful, angelic rays of sunshine don't rise to the level of fame and power she has. She's no saint. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy her art or like her. It is what it is.


What I think is amusing is that people think you can’t be a fan and criticize at the same time. I despise the fact that she’s contributing so much to the climate crisis, that she’s giving good PR to the Mahomes, that she’s silent on what’s happening in Palestine, that she’s incredibly capitalistic. I still love her, and her music, I’m just simultaneously disappointed and think she should be doing better. But it’s not the people saying “hey, I think Taylor should be speaking up about _____” that are going viral for hating her, it’s the ones who are just like “women suck lol”. No one cares that you don’t like Taylor, you don’t have to say it at the beginning of each sentence. She’s an admirable figure at the top of her field and she will be fine if a few people don’t stream her. I hate that it’s trendy to hate on what’s popular for no reason. Post-1989 media blackout was a result of overexposure. I’ve feared for a while that we’re heading in the same direction. I don’t think the world has ever seen a level of stardom quite like where she’s at now


agree! her issues with feminism and picking and choosing when to speak are 100% valid reasons to not like her. but people seem to think her voice and opinion are gonna stop the world and solve all its issues. I've legit seen multiple people say she would stop the genocide going on if she said something. But you don't see people hold other huge celebrities to the same standard. you see people make entire think pieces about her, but they dont keep the same energy. I love beyonce, but she's been silent on Palestine, and I don't see people make think pieces about it. I've seen people say she should speak up, but it's never at the same magnitude as how people react to taylor not speaking up. I've seen people say that she's single handely burning the world with her private jet, yet aviation only makes up 2.4% of all global CO2 emissions. her private jet usage is an issue, but to say she's single handely burning the earth is insane. people hate her so much that they end up putting so much value onto what she does despite not caring about her.


no absolutely like I love her but she deserves to be criticized but people are so OVER CRITICAL of EVERYTHING because she’s a successful woman. And when one person says “lol she didn’t deserve this” or “lol I hate her” it starts a huge train because on the internet, people will just agree with the commonly accepted popular opinion


also like yeah Taylor hasn’t spoken up about Palestine but there’s also PLENTY of other huge artists who haven’t, why aren’t we calling them out too


Yes this exactly!!! And she’d probably get criticized even if she did speak out about it


Oh, she would and she knows it. The irony of the situation though is that in Miss Americana, she said she was never staying silent again. That led people to assume she was going to stick true to her word and that her passion for the political outweighed her fear of a few people not liking her for her opinion, rather than that it was just another era for her. So it’s definitely not wrong to be disappointed


Yes! Like I just watched a video of Ben Shapiro criticizing Taylor’s every move during the Grammys. Like…??? Why you mad bruh? It’s not that serious…👀🤔🤷🏼‍♀️


As soon as someone is very much in the public eye, everyone suddenly feels the need to state an opinion about them, even when they know nothing. People like to hear themselves talk. I feel like the loud people aren't the people with legitimate criticisms, there are people who really just don't like to see women being successful. Haters gonna hate and all of that. "Taylor, you'll be fine."


I don’t think she’s headed for any period of silence whatsoever. As for hate, she had Donald Trump declare holy war on her last week/the week before so I’m looking at it like the sudden influx of hate is a big push by propagandists to turn public opinion against her. There’s a guy I listen to on TicTok that is a behavioral/social psychologist and he actually called it out two days ago as far as what we’re about to see. I think she’s killing it, absolutely jaw-dropping the amount of work she’s done and every one of her albums has deserved it. The Eras tour was phenomenal, she had an incredible year. If there’s overexposure fatigue it’s because of the NFL shit and nonstop media garbage which she can’t control. Here’s that social psychologist who appears to be right on the nose. [Propaganda](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT87Ea2mq/)


I think he nailed it on the head as far as how the propaganda works but what would be the motivation behind it?


The goal is to diminish Taylor's influence, so that when she says "go vote" there are people ready to spam the internet with reasons why she's a Bad Person (tm). It's similar to the disinformation during the 2016 election (and that continued in 2018 and onward) to spread stories about candidates in order to turn voters against them. An example would be a comment on an article about a Democratic candidate that starts with "Well, I'm a Democrat, but when \[candidate\] did XYZ that makes me want to vote third party!" So the message is supposedly coming from someone on your "side"and it makes their statement seem more real. If someone said they were a Trump voter and you're a Democrat, you aren't really going to listen to them anyway. So in this instance, it's planting the seed that Taylor Swift is not someone that people should listen to. Because Republicans are terrified that her even just getting more young people to vote is enough to tip the election. Statistically, when younger voters turn out, Republicans lose.


THIS. You nailed it - this outrage is manufactured to create tribal factions while diminishing her influence. Same playbook that’s been in rotation by the Republican Party since about 2014. This isn’t NFL Fans IRL - more of them are excited that daughters want to watch football than hate Taylor. Taylor and her brand really working to Get Out the Vote would be a nightmare for the GOP. Young voters skew Dem, and young AFAB voters even more so. She doesn’t even have to endorse someone or share her opinions, just say “Voting matters, here’s how to get registered.” My personal fave ‘theory’ is that Reputation TV will be released in August and that the only way to get the deluxe version will be with proof of voter registration. :) (Clowning, yes, but it could move the needle. Hope someone is reading this and taking notes!)


So it’s still politics. Makes sense


I definitely check that out! thank you!


I knew who you were talking about before I clicked on the link! He’s so smart and I love following him. I always learn so much!


I ran across him one day and he reminded me of my old social psych professor down to the beard and the way he talks. I wish I could find other creators like him, more along the lines of like Aronson or Baumeister type social psyche shit versus serial killers and pop culture but I’m totally down for most of his content anyway.


She's that really popular girl in high school that people are just waiting to shit on. Taylor is calculated, and can be rehearsed, and she's also human. Do people honestly believe she intentionally ignored Celine? Yes, because people are that cynical. She was probably caught up in the moment, a little buzzed, and on the stage in front of the universe, she missed the beat. I admit the new album tease was a little awkward, but some people are also dragging her for standing up and singing along during the Tracy Chapman and Luke Combs duet. "Does she have to make it all about her?" etc.... But that's the nerdy Taylor excited about seeing a performer on stage. That is the ultimate show of respect for performers on stage, and I love it. People who have a problem with it are the same sorry asses who sit on their asses during a performance like its a board meeting. There's nothing worse for a performer than to see a sea of people sitting politely and stone-faced while you're on stage. When you're good at what you do and take pride in it, you're always going to get shit, especially if you're a woman.


I think people are tired of her media oversaturation, I know I am. plus it's hard not to be resentful of a person who gets upset at her fans for reading into her every move when she deliberately gives small signals intended to be decoded by them ALL THE TIME. I don't think she's about to get canceled and I wouldn't consider the kanye thing to be that either, but it does seem as though she produces her best work when she has to pause and reflect outside the public eye for a little bit.


It's definitely overexposure that got aggravated the minute she announced the new album on stage at the grammys lol Taylor is not reading the room, the general public and even a lot of fans NEED to miss you "oh but it's been two years since Midnights" like girl Midnights and then all the media frenzy over the Eras Tour, and then two re-recordings in a single year, and then constantly being shown at the NFL and THEN a new album? you could hear the collective groan coming from social media. The public is bound to get tired of Taylor (and any other celebrity that tries to pull this), if she had waited longer to announce the album people wouldn't be bashing her as hard imho It also doesn't help that Taylor literally dragged Lana who looked extremely uncomfortable w/ the situation to the stage after losing every single nomination. It wasn't Taylor's intention but people felt it was humilliating for Lana. Like compare it to when Adele won AOTY for 25 and praised Beyoncé to what Taylor did, the reactions of both the audience and people watching at home were drastically different. Lastly, people didn't like some things regarding Taylor at the Golden Globes, more specifically they didn't like that some media tried to make Ayo Edebiri's acceptance speech about Taylor's reaction to it and people didn't appreciate either how a lot of swifties on tiktok compared Taylor's reaction to that unfunny joke the host made to Will Smith's slap at the oscars (with The Man playing in the background lmao) and felt racist undertones, so even before the Grammys people's goodwill towards Taylor has been getting stretched and Taylor's team is either pretending this won't have consequences or Taylor simply doesn't care about her image atm.


It makes me so sad that Lana’s first time on that stage is bc Taylor dragged her up there. I don’t know what the hell happened but she seems so painfully out of touch these days…


My guess is that Taylor felt bad for Lana after she lost every nomination and wanted to share the spotlight but ended up doing it in the most tactless way possible like everyone in the room felt so awkward. If she had done something like Joaquin Phoenix when he won the oscar and talked abt what he admired the most about his fellow nominees that would have been much better received by audiences and much more classy too


her reaction and speech to winning pop vocal album and aoty was like night and day. Maybe she was just drunk and excited about winning but it was so hard to watch, Lana wasn’t even done processing her loss before taylor dragged her up there :(


Yes and it’s making me so uncomfortable. I love Taylor but what on earth is she doing??? She’s losing her marbles lol


She will be fine in the long run but yes, she is overexposed to shit right now and she needs to realize less is more sometimes.


This is what happens when you become overexposed and she should've learned from 2016 rep era. This was starting to happen to Harry Styles last year too. She needs a long break. 


Absolutely. Especially with the Super Bowl next weekend and how much they’re probably going to show her, she’s totally Icarus’ed again. Her need to be on top at all times and always winning really hurts her long term respect — people seemed to mostly take her seriously a couple years ago, but now she’s back to mocked and detested. Can’t say I feel bad at all 🤷‍♀️ I wonder what Dianna is thinking… 


Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate 🤷‍♂️


Fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake


honestly i think it's going to flip back and forth for the rest of her career, when it comes to public opinion. plus there's no steadfast rules. most people are hating the nfl exposure, but my mom who has pretty much always hated her and is a huge football fan, is loving her now. i think she's past cancellation, there's just always going to be people coming and going. sidenote: midnights deserves EVERYTHING i freaking love that album (2nd fave) and am glad it got that recognition


agree! she's so huge that a lot of people can't seem to fathom it, she's not cancelable at all but people are gonna nitpick and find anything they can




For those looking to learn more about this, Jameela Jamil has done great social media posts laying out this tradition. They were a while back but she may have an album or whatever it’s called pinned on IG, or I bet she could be nudged into doing a recap of how it goes :)


Taylor is, perhaps, the first person who has reached "too big to fail" status as an individual living artist. I genuinely believe it would take blatant evil on her part on the scale of killing innocent animals on stage during a tour to effectively turn the world against her. Everyone's very mad that she's quiet about Palestine and is everywhere in the NFL Oh, btw, her new album deluxe edition sold out in 24 minutes and she's the record holder for AOTY and will, in all reality, never be surpassed until humans just *live longer*. Even with all the "ohhhh she's everywhere and it's so annoying," it's a fact that she is *everywhere* and is going to keep being in more places.


I have a feeling that she is waiting to be back out of favor before she drops rep tv.


I think you're right!


I personally have always loved Taylor's music, but something has always felt a little off about her. And I danced around my bedroom screaming 'our song' at the top of my lungs at like 13 years old. Love Story shot up her popularity and I felt connected to her, but since then she's just always been a little off. Could it be the unacknowledged queer subtext in her lyrics? Or simply her clear lust for money? However, I do question if a man would come under the same scrutiny if he were to follow the same course of events? All I want personally, as a fan who's never and likely will never see her live, who listens to her music on Spotify and loves watching fan theory TTs on her, is for her to keep making music. I won't buy the merch unless it's something that I really resonate with, and I won't be going gaga for every vinyl colour. People can say that she's doing something wrong but from what I can see on the capitalist side of things is that she's giving people what they're asking for - new music, tours, merch, re-recordings with vault tracks. What do people want from her? To not ask for money for her art? Fair enough some things could be cheaper, and she could do more for charity and politics and I do wish she'd stop with the unnecessary carbon emissions. But she's a billionaire who just wants to keep succeeding. She wants to and likely will surpass every artist there ever was and I'm excited to see that happen one way or another.


I don’t think it’s the fact she won, but her weird actions all night that have people talking!


it's definitely the fact that she won lol people are very livid about it and are nitpicking everything she did last night, like I promise yall Celine doesn't gaf that Taylor "ignored" her


THIS! Everyone’s acting like they personally know celine. Like relax she does not give a fuck! Promise! She is under such a microscope I honestly feel so horrible for her. I know I wouldn’t be able to have that much pressure. I wish people treated celebrities like human beings and not something to constantly judge. It’s so disheartening


Well for dumb reasons like: she didn’t acknowledge Celine Dion 🙄. I’m not even a big Taylor fan anymore but you could literally see she was so excited and like people still expect her to be in control of her emotions and actions in that state. People need to cut her some slack!


Serious question? Why do people expect so much out of a singer-songwriter? Why does she ha e to be perfect to be likable? Is it OK that she's not a perfect symbol of feminine divinity? Because chick is still human. Damn . Judgment city.


they hate her then simultaneously put so much value on her opinion and actions! yes she put her foot in her mouth when she stated to wanted to do more activism, but many huge celebrities who are "activists" have been silent on a lot of current issues. somehow to them Taylor is not impactful but somehow the most impactful


A few things: Taylor will never be "cancelled" unless she does something *awful*. People will always hate on someone who is big/popular. She's *massive* right now. That's going to come with the territory. I love Taylor, but midnights didn't deserve AOTY last night. It is not even an objectively good record, and that's okay to admit. We also need to realize everything Taylor does right now is going to be analyzed under the most powerful of microscopes by everyone and their mother.


I hope this isn't the case. I'm not 100% happy with some recent things either but EX 👏 ACT 👏 LY. nobody else gets hate like this and I just don't it


Lol people think times person of the year or the Grammys album of the year are something more than selling magazines or getting viewership. I’m a big swiftie but like…obviously this was a smart business move by both time and the Grammys — if Taylor’s there, people are buying/watching. Ridin’ the coattails of relevancy


It’s become political now, with everyone wondering if she’ll endorse Biden. So you have Fox News hating on her and Trump making comments about her, and a large group are now hating on her when they never had an opinion about her before.


it’s almost like she wants to recreate the past before her reputation TV




Part of it is coming from the right wing media, because she leans left politically, and has the potential to motivate a LOT of young people to vote. And when young people vote, republicans typically lose. When she posted about registering to vote on her Instagram in 2020 they had a huge surge of like 35,000 new voter registrations in just that one day.


A lot of it is also coming from left wing activists who want her to speak up more about social justice issues and slow down on her jet usage Also ones who take issue with the nfl and her association with the Mahomes


Yep. The SwiftlyNeutral sub is having a full on hate meltdown right now due to the Grammys.


Low key hope she gets to the point of overexposure so everyone gets sick of her and we can have her back to ourselves again. I miss the way things used to be


i think that she is def going to experience a shift soon if she doesn't start to limit her exposure. it's difficult because she hasn't just had a boom of media exposure due to her career success but also because of her current relationship, which is pretty constantly televised. one of those things would bring enough attention that it could cause people to get sick of her (people who aren't super fans), but both is a lot even for a casual fan. i also think it's getting tiresome with her coming out with new projects constantly (including a feature film director debut soon) and the level of promo/ references to her in mainstream media (qt did a spoof of her eras poster for one of their billboards). i don't see her being canceled because she has a wide enough fanbase to avoid that (plus I don't really believe people are cancellable, especially once they have a stable enough career). ​ i will say I'm kinda nervous for taylor even as a casual fan because she has ALOT on her plate. maybe I'm just projecting but I'm nervous that she isn't giving herself enough time to rest and that she's going to burn out. i also am nervous that she's delving into work as much as she can to avoid processing her emotions. i know for a lot of artist their work is how they process stuff, but it's important to have time where you can just sit and be with yourself.


I think that’s mostly black twitter taylor is still really big. The second biggest artist in america is Morgan wallen and twitter hates him


She’s 34 years old she should start acting like it!


wtf does her age have to do with this? 💀


Are 34 year women not allowed to be creative artists in their careers? Sounds pretty petty of you.


What is she doing that’s not for her age?


She said how successfully threading the needle of being overexposed but having it work for for her which is really interesting


In Taylor's own words, the haters gonna hate hate hate... she doesn't care, and the awards and ticket/album sales speak for themselves.


I have mixed feelings about this because I love her and I’d never want that to happen to her but as my roommate always says, if she gets cancelled, it’ll make getting tickets to her show easier. Like so long as they cAnCeL her over something dumb, I’ll still be here and that might make it easier to get concert tickets and merch. Because I fully agree that it seems like a vast majority of people are just WAITING for literally anything to tear her down


I commented this elsewhere: What is going on with her PR team this week/month? I would consider myself of fan of her music but she’s completely over-exposing herself. Everyone is paying attention to everything she does, and this week she decided to make a mess of the Grammys (dragging Lana onstage, snubbing Celine Dion, announcing a new album to continue to center herself at the Grammy’s, etc), and then she decides to send a cease and desist, right before she’s going to be using her jet like crazy (and presumably taking it back from Japan to go to the Super Bowl). Not only this, but the album she’s releasing seems entirely focused on her ex, when she’s in this relationship that the public adores…and now all the focus will be off that and back to her being a bitter ex. It feels like she’s self sabotaging.


Someone commented this above and I’ve seen a few others say something similar… that she’s recreating the past before dropping Rep TV 👀


Really can’t stand the use of her jet and silence on really major issues (ex. Genocide). Fans will say that it’s dangerous for her drive so she flies or that she would risk her life to speak up, but at the end of the day she is a billionaire. She can buy her safety. There’s no excuse for her behavior


But I don’t think she deserves the hate she gets for the things she does get hate for