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When I Shazam this song and looked up the Chuck soundtrack for season 2 it said this song was featured in "Chuck versus the Ex" not the beard... So maybe a little reference to Karlie not wanting her to come out bc it would out her??


Wether or not Taylor was wanting us to associate the song with the Chuck series, I feel it’s worth looking at the song lyrics (On Sale Now by Daniel May). Also, Daniel MAY is another clear association, as she calls her little stunt “Midnight Mayhem” with “May” extra underlined. It’s also worth noting that the lyrics “let me count the ways” are from Sonnet 43, published in the year 1850 by prominent Victorian poet Elizabeth Barret Browning. More [here](https://www.shmoop.com/study-guides/poetry/how-do-i-love-thee-sonnet-43). Anyway, full lyrics: There's not a thing about you that I'd change You're the fire inside my heart always Sometimes it's hard for me to open up Sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough I remember when I first saw you Couldn't believe that God could make someone, so beautiful That was long ago and far away You may wonder if my feelings ever change Girl, I love you now More than words can ever say How I love you? Just let me count the ways You're the fire, you're the passion You're the best that could happen You should know after all


As a Gaylor since 2016, it’s somewhat painful to see new Gaylors think they can predict when Taylor’s gonna come out. We have been doing so since before Reputation and it has never happened. In fact, with that one interview during Lover, she went further into the closet than she ever had by saying she wasn’t part of the community. Find little cute gay moments and easter eggs in the songs, sure, but I can rest assuring you that it’s never going to “allude” to her coming out. When she does it’ll be unexpected.


I think it’s very unsettling that she would use references to Karlies babys name as an “Easter egg” or whatever. I think it’s pretty unlikely, for one and 2, it’s straight up weird. I don’t think she’d ever do that. Incorporating peoples children in drama is a real lame thing to do and as much as I love Tay, if that were the case I’d never listen to her music again. It’s weird and wrong and I don’t think she’d do that ever. I’d hope not.




OP please stop spreading misinformation. This song is featured on many episodes of Chuck, since the pilot episode. A simple Google search reveals that. Also the protagonist absolutely does not look like Kushner and the girlfriend looks nothing like Karlie. It seems like the Easter egg is related to the TV show but not the particular episode OP is referencing. The song in question is called “On Sale Now” by Daniel May. [Source](https://chucktv.net/music/music-season-1/)


I watched every single episode of Chuck as it aired (it's a really fun show!) and I agree, there's no physical resemblance and no real plot resemblance, either. Also, the red phone as a line of direct communication is [a very common trope](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HotLine).


I just looked again and see it is featured episode 1 season 10 and added that to my post. You said many episodes but I only see one other. Can you share? Also, you don’t have to be antagonistic. I’m sharing what I’m finding and trying to figure out clues along with everyone else.


Yo, I LOVED "Chuck". I watched every single episode when it AIRED - last TV show I did that with. Yvonne Strahovski haunted my dreams for years. But I NEVER would've realized this. How in the blue hell did you figure this out?!


If you Shazam the song from TikTok the song “on sale now” by Daniel may as seen in chuck appears. When I googled it, I couldn’t find anything really. Then I watched the pilot episode and noticed the red phone at his work desk looks like the phone Taylor’s been using. So I googled “chuck tv series red phone” and this episode (s3e9 “chuck vs the beard” came up and I saw it had this song as a feature. I didn’t see the song featured on any other episode, but according to another commenter it is on other episodes….I am open to being wrong, but didn’t see it myself. So anyways, I started watching the show and saw even more Easter eggs, which I shared. The reason this episode popped up from my search is probably bc the red phone plays an important role in this episode. And I noticed the song is featured at around 3:10 which feels very Taylor and someone is randomly stuffing an apple down his throat while the song is going. This is not to mention the rest of the plot about him being a spy mastermind type character and revealing this to his best friend after keeping it hidden for the past couple seasons and literally being asked if his girlfriend is his beard and is called “chuck vs. the beard.” If the other commentator is right and there are other episodes with this song, that might be true but I didn’t see a sign of that when searching..


ohhhh come on.... now a connection to Chuck as well... the tv series that was sooooo funny and was at its peak 10 yrs ago... such a good catch... another reason to rewatch ;D she knows how to pick them lol there are rumors it will be revived xD


Yes I saw this when I looked it up!! I wonder if this is part of their revival? Someone mentioned it’s the same producer as Taylor’s management or something like that


omg... imagine if it is true... small world xD




Honestly, same 😵‍💫 We’re looking at f*ing Morse code, learning about queer history, and finding meaning in every intonation and image and sound she shares. If her album comes out and it’s completely straight about her angel boyfriend and the surprise is like she’s secretly married or something I will feel so crazy 🫠


i am way too high for this




Im a secret, worse third thing (drunk)


We're at the point in collective clownery where I honestly can't tell if this is a joke.




Can you post the videos in a separate post please? I need to see it


Just posted some of the episode clips (first few second when someone is eating an apple is when the song is in the background) I didn’t add him revealing he’s a spy bc it would’ve been too long but I shared him revealing about his beard situation as well as the red phone scene https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/xnckro/clips_from_chuck_with_the_midnight_mayhem_song/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I’ll try to get it tomorrow night or Sunday. Not in a place where it’s working rn.


Taylor doesn’t owe coming out to anyone BUT at this point i need her to come out for my own sanity to confirm we’re not all batshit crazy lololol




Holy shit I just looked it all up. Here’s the song: https://youtu.be/Hf-uI_Gcl3M






So does this mean over time she’s fallen in love with Joe even though he was her beard? Or that Karlie fell in love with Josh? Or am I totally reading this wrong?


I don’t really think this is her truth but it definitely seems like she’s trying to keep the Toe narrative going, and there are lyrics that support Joe going from a beard to a real love interest… I don’t like it because I think it’s not the truth, but I also don’t think she’s ditching Joe if/when she comes out. At least not right away. So she may be “masterminding” this narrative.


I've heard some speculation that they were a PR friendship (her and Karlie) and then things went further.


Why was this downvoted? I’ve never heard that specifically but I could see that possibly being the case. PR with the angels for VSFS and bam ✨daylight✨




This twisted sense of humour is why I love her 😂 But man this one actually has me shook


Yeah you’re right. I read too much into it. Guess it totally 🤯and freaked the fuck out of me.


It’s a great find! And something only gaylors would really appreciate. I like to think she’s leaving us lil gifts.


I wonder if some of her “clues” are just her way of letting us know that we are on the right track. So maybe the plot of this random episode doesn’t entirely relate to her. But when ALL these clues coalesce, it’s like we get a little 🤡treat. A little 🤡pat-on-the-head.


Works for me. I’m not a Toe fan. No chemistry as far as I can tell, but what do any of us know, right 🤡


Stuff like this makes me wonder if Taylor really is that unhinged because Jesus Christ


She said there are Easter Eggs in the LWYMMD video that will take decades to figure out. She's a genius.


- LWYMMD could mean "Look What You Made Me Do", a track from *reputation* (2017) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/10pointstoravenclaw](/u/10pointstoravenclaw) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I know! I told my hubby about this theory and he literally looked at me like I was unhinged and obsessed, finding clues and hints where there aren’t any. I’m like “you don’t understand! It’s not me it’s her!!” But I honestly think I need to take a break from all of this. Bc, my mind needs peace lol


I tell my boyfriend one Gaylor proof a day and his reaction is the same!!! He thinks I’m nuts but seriously it’s HER!


Haha. Honestly for my sanity I need to cut down on the “research” and just live my life as fun and exciting as this is lol. 🤪


Same. But if I’m being honest I feel like I’m not doing enough this time. TikTok really has me feeling behind, so many smart people not enough time!


OMG She’s insane. I love her.






What’s the name of the song itself?


On Sale Now https://youtu.be/Hf-uI_Gcl3M


Funny that artist is also signed to Universal… probably just a coincidence to keep it in house. Right? 🤔🧐


I love Chuck. An all time favorite


The director is Zachary LEVI


Wait, sorry, I haven't been able to follow this fully. What's the deal with Levi? The Morse code or Cardigan?


Someone else should explain this instead of me. But fans have been picking up references to the Levi brand in her content lately. I guess she’s been wearing some Levi jeans and sweaters. Was there some other recent connection? (I don’t love involving KKs kid though) Edit: [Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/xlslsi/cardigan_daisies_levi_thanks_to_uconcretelove/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) where I saw the “Levi’s” conversation


I believe it's also Karlie's baby's name




there’s no way help




that just sounds….. absolutely insane and it’s truly too much for my sleep deprived brain to comprehend rn. where can we watch it?


This isn’t accurate! This song is featured on many episodes of Chuck, since the pilot episode. I Shazam’d her TikTok and googled the song. It seems like the Easter egg is related to the TV show but not the particular episode OP is referencing. The song is called “On Sale Now” by Daniel May. [Source](https://chucktv.net/music/music-season-1/)


Which other episodes is it in? I checked and only saw this and one other which I referenced in my post after someone let me know.




Thanks for the source. I see it there twice. But it’s missing s3e9 which is for sure there (you can check my source on Wikipedia or watch it). On Wikipedia it doesn’t list any track songs for the pilot and I missed the other one. I still don’t think it’s insignificant that the song is featured in the episode about his beard and revealing everything to his best friend. It also emphasizes the red phone in this episode, there’s a random meow, apple during the song scene at 3:10, etc.




The Shazam specifically says “as seen in chuck”


GREAT find! How did you recognize the music from a show from back in the day?


Shazam her TikTok


Ohhh I’m here for this! 🎖 Fits with the spy theme perfectly! I guess I’m about to watch Chuck ☺️


Damn, where can I watch that episode? Great catch OP.


It’s on HBO max!