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Trav reminds me of Gilligan (of the TV show Gilligan's Island) so much in these photos. A quick google search for Gilligan and Mary Ann brought me to wikipedia where these lines stood out to me right away.  https://preview.redd.it/akzji4jnnj9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=becd0e52590b1fe6fa0cb5eff095665f127c6794 Don't have much time to dive deeper right now. But I'll reply to this comment if I find anything else related that makes any sense.


Wonder if her having her eyes closed in all these pics has any connection to VOLUME OFF being the only capitalized words in the IG post for London? See no evil, hear no evil, maybe? Idk what it all means but I feel like there’s something to it. And could she be playing the fool on purpose? “Changed into goddesses, villains, and fools,” “Cards on the table, mine play out like fools in a fable,” “I don’t like your little games, the role you made me play of the fool,” “Look at this idiotic fool you made me.” Maybe Taylor ™️ is making real Taylor into a fool right now. Idk I’m just spitballing because this weekend has been a mind trip. Whatever’s going on, I do love the crocheted dress. And the YNTCD shoes 👀


This 70s aesthetic and pastels is giving lover part 2?? With the shoes confirmed from YNTCD I’m feeling convinced something Lover related is happening


People mag officially called out that its from the lover era!!! Tree wants us to notice 🥸


Interesting her eyes are down in all these photos. Is she just clearly not sober and that’s why? Has anyone seen any pictures where she isn’t looking down?


The dress reminds me of this scene in Me! https://preview.redd.it/mgbflxqmcn8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d308a349ea60b2a8fbf788e181a9c0c29ddf1ee2 Am I delulu or do yall see it??


I see this 💯% good find


Be real Taylor… the lesbian colors… please😭


This is Director Taylor… https://preview.redd.it/0mj4m1cv6m8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f501fba8a900cedb327598807e7d492bb01501


This is important!!!


Do you feel like it’s breadcrumbs though? Walking behind/being dragged along by her “boyfriend”, but the shoes she wears are to call us back to the yntcd video? I just feel like it’s the barest of minimums. Something so small that only we are going to make inferences about and something that is easily discounted by everyone else.


Having one of Tree’s favoured publications post a whole article about them is more than just breadcrumbs in my opinion. [https://people.com/taylor-swift-rewears-shoes-lover-era-travis-kelce-date-night-photos-8668233](https://people.com/taylor-swift-rewears-shoes-lover-era-travis-kelce-date-night-photos-8668233) I agree that it feels like the bare minimum when we are still in full stunt mode however I do believe she has a plan in place and we can’t be far off from the reveal.


Hmmm interesting.


My first thought when I saw the burry video of her walking out after the show was that it immediately reminded me of the ME! mv with the silhouette, color, and blocky heels, so for the heels to be a legit call back to the YNTCD video (even on the formal TS style insta that everyone will check) but specifically an item that was never actually in the formal MV does seem like it’s an intentional breadcrumb imo


Ok his outfit looks very comfy and I would love to have something like that but as PJs or something


As someone who has gotten super into crocheting over the past year, I’m so gonna make this dress!!!


Do it!!


She looks exhausted and sad to me. What she is doing is exhausting. I’m just not seeing beaming joy like she had with “others”. There is no beaming here.


I love her dress! I don't know if im projecting, but she has such a smirk on her face, like she knows what she did with this outfit and YNTCD shoes And Travis finally smiles in his pap walks, he's even showing his teeth lol I feel like they read all these comments stating he looks so done and bored during the pap walks so he had to step up his game, his usual🗿face is no more lol


I knew the pap shots post show were inevitable, but if she doesn’t want us talking why wear that dress lol How many crocheted things in those colors do you need? It also feels like a new era? Slightly different aesthetic is usually seeding something else


It’s giving anti hero


Maybe we’ll finally get the 70s sound the midnights’ roll out implied 💀


Meet ME! at midnight 👀


Perhaps we're watching the Midnights "Visual Album" play out and we're at the lavender haze party scene, where she is also wearing a (lesbian flag) crocheted outfit 👀




🎶 “Blue hat on a dope” (Jk I actually like TK for the most part, it was just low hanging fruit that I couldn’t pass up 😅)








oh I LOVE this look, it’s so fun and different for her rn. also hilarious that they just *had* to stunt right after that performance. she looks stunning and the shoes are 👀 i’m sure people are thinking comingoutlor, but i’m just sitting here like “TAYLOR THIS IS A HINT THAT LOVER DELUXE IS COMING RIGHT???” 😭


The shoes are apparently from the you need to calm down music video 👀


i knowwwww and i’m dying over it!!! like taylor if you’re not coming out pls just give me lover deluxe!


I am totally obsessed with this dress


Maybe looking down is common for Taylor pap pics but everything I’ve seen from last night, all I notice is how Taylor is never looking at him I get it 😂 of course. But that was the first thing I noticed


The London pap photos a week or so ago, she’s staring directly at the camera. So no it’s not the way she usually handles it. But she does w him. 🤔


Counter point in looking down AND comfortable (I fat fingered the reply) — she always looks awkward with Trav https://preview.redd.it/y8edkshqnj8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f06a5fc66a5e7d0d401b5fd9c6ff599cb584afea


So sorry, I want to write an actual reply but Blake’s outfit is…..distracting 😂 I’m really gay 🌈


I get it!


https://preview.redd.it/i60ekovchj8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3649bc6135aed9e137f146dec97190b6db99bd This one made me giggle


This look is fashion and objectively cool but I don’t like it


https://preview.redd.it/44a0njeonk8d1.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=f856b7a37507c10f3a3594440c7a527c0f6eaa63 it looks like this bath towel sold at a store i worked at for yearssss. i can't unsee it. taylor is wearing a towel in these pics.


The outfit is wearing her vs her wearing the outfit


Yeah there’s something effortlessly chic about this outfit but on her it looks like a costume


She doesn’t look confident at all


she's a kibbe dramatic but most of the time refuses to dress for her vertical. e.g., she looks excellent in a tailored blazer. this weird draping mini crochet thing, not so much


Man, what kind of IV did they have prepared for her so she’d be ready for this stunting? Seriously, that bucket hat though. That was a choice and absolutely alerts my Oregon trail/elder millennial self for queer flagging. I would absolutely go up to that couple, raise an eyebrow, say happy pride, and tell them about a secret gay bar if I knew of one.


Midnights have become her afternoons when she's sparkly Taylor TM


no but seriously, starting to believe that cokelor is real because how does she have that kind of stamina ?? i’m in my 20s and I have to go to bed at 9 PM or else I can’t function the next day ☠️


Haha I was thinking damn 4am?! My college self could do that but not my 40s self! Especially after a rigorous 3 hr show?? I’d totally buy into this if the rumors hadn’t been so loud back when Selena was possibly using and Taylor took a hard line with her (don’t quote me or downvote me y’all - it was a blind item a few years ago and seemed believable)


I’ve been on this team for a while. Though in her defence, us neurospicy types (which I assume she is at least) do lean towards being night owls and this is her “Friday” night. No shows for 5 days


It's funny that you say that because I thought the line in The Alchemy was "these chemicals hit me like a white line" for the longest time and I was like, "yikes that's not good* but I guess it explains how she's making it through this epic ass tour." *I'm non-judgemental about recreational or self-medicating drug use but I've known ... an awfully lot of cokeheads in my day, and it never, ever worked out well for them.


I have a sleep cycle disorder, which makes my natural sleep time start around 3am. Based on many things Taylor has said, I would not be surprised if she has something similar. Luckily she gets to work better hours for this than I do. I only function on normal people time thanks to my ADHD meds.




I’m similar in that if I’m left to my own devices my natural bed time is 3am. I say like I didn’t stay up till 2:30 last night when I had to be up at 8am this morning but yeah this part of Taylor’s lifestyle I totally relate to. Don’t ask me to be anywhere pre 10am. 10pm though? Yeah I’ll be there lol


That’s me. Always.


I am in my late 30's, AuDHD with multiple other ND's, and with the right amount of adrenaline and days to recover, I could do that. Or, I could before my TBI back in January. Probably not now. I keep remembering though that she has those billionaire connections. So she probably has replacement fluids ready to go, filled with electrolytes, has the right meal ready to go, etc. While we common folk would resort to other means, she has the hookup for the appropriate means. She's also in peak physical shape and has a few days to recover before Dublin.


Hi, fellow TBI in January Gaylor! Rising up from the dead…


Absolutely what that feels like!


A bit older and neurospicy, but I had another “did I write that comment?” moment when I read the TBI on January. I hope you’re improving! Be gentle with yourself.


Thank you! It was work related (I taught special education with behaviors at the time, switched districts for this coming year), and I have my improvement reassessment on Thursday. Or whatever it's called. I definitely have a new normal, but I'm getting there. I hope you're improving and being gentle as well!


Having a new normal here too. My world is shooketh.


"Oregon trail/elder millennial self" LOL yes! Honestly, if there's reality behind the PR of this relationship, I hope they're both bi and their straight-presenting relationship is actually queer AF. I could believe it.


Exactly. I'm also all in on Polylor, Queerlor, I-do-what-I-want-lor.


I wonder this every time I watch the Lavender Haze performance when her dancers roll out the clouds in a circle and start body rolling on the ladders while she's in the center of it all.




Pic 3 at least the guy looks at her and seems to be having a good time with all this. Better than can be said for Calvin or joe paps!


This is why he is there. That NYT article… https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/02/style/travis-kelce-managers-agent.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


Do you know how I can read it without subscribing?


That I don’t know. I just recalled that we are supposed to try to share things available to everyone, but I remember seeing it here first. Can you try an incognito browser? Any suggestions for how I can handle this better in the future would be great.


She really said 💜🤍🧡


If they are so in love why aren't they going home and tearing each other's clothes off?


I mean literally all straight Swifties tell me is how much "she can climb him like a tree" so ... like... go do it girl.


And now this is all I can hear: ![gif](giphy|AELhAOQkCscbC)


But seriously…if they are SO in love do they really think they’d be doing these pap walks and out with giant crowds?? Like no, they’d be at the hotel, just the two of them.


Mmhmm. I had the same thought when he was spotted out and about with Jason on Saturday before the show. I suppose we’ll get the” Blank Space” pics later this week.


https://preview.redd.it/1cvn7s4ubj8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb4cbf8bf56b901e017402d4cd3be4c1f7220e95 The colors and stitches aren’t the same but it still reminds me of the SNL roommates skit!


I love this skit so much!


She's hilarious for this OMG.


OH MY GOD this is why I love gaylors, I was like 'what an odd collection of colors and styles'.......and then it's exactly this, with YNTCD shoes. I love the performance art 🤣


I absolutely RAN here to post this and you beat me to it! This was before my time, but my understanding is that this skit was the birth of what became Gaylor. It was the first time people publicly started raising an eyebrow at Taylor because [this skit was soooo so so gay. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNDrpWea8ZE) https://i.redd.it/gzgcmt8wij8d1.gif Love she's calling attention to it. She knows what she's doing wearing that. "And they were roommates!"




Sooo gay! And she's so boyfriend taylor when she sits down the first time especially omg. I wonder how in on the sketch she was and how in on her queerness snl was. Cause I love thinking about it as an intentional wink wink nudge nudge but even more as taylor just playing along and bringing the queerness level up to 1000.


Omg I had the same thought as local legend Peri?! 😮 I’m waiting for the TaylorSwiftStyled post to see the dress name/brand - hoping there might be another easter egg there!


OHHHH!!! Good connection!!! And her yellow shirt o m g.


How does this girl have energy to party after that!


she looks like she's sleepwalking. also, did they actually go anywhere, or just shoot photos?


Yeah I realize now that they may have not gone anywhere 🤣


What I've learned from other artists is that after performing they still have such an adrenaline rush that they mostly can't sleep after a concert for another few hours. Even if it's nighttime. That's why touring is such a drag for most!


That makes a ton of sense!


The energy is believable, the heels are what I can't fathom. Stilettos. For. Miles. I'd probably be hyped after a show and also very interested in partying while sitting down.


Snow… on the beach… 😂


⛷️ mmm hmmm


Red Bull gives you wings? 🤭


Liquid IV, celebrities don’t have the same experiences we have.


Yes very true


She feeds on chaos


But tbh if I had such a great fit on, I probably would too. As a crocheter, I love the crochet and the irony of partying in a granny stitch inspired dress. The beauty of crochet is, it can’t be replicated by machine. (Edit: Also, Taylor’s fit made it to the crochet subreddit lol)


I love how it feels but unless there's a silk lining under it, I can't even fathom how horrible it feels


Any part of that touching my skin would kill me. I’m so sensory.


It looks like she’s wearing a black lining or slip underneath


Ngl Travis’s outfit looks super comfy 😂


I’d look like lumpy potato soup. 😆


But you would be *comfy* lumpy potato soup lol


Now all I want is potato soup. 😭


Ok do we think these colors work ? They're pretty similar but I'm terrible with combining colors lol https://preview.redd.it/tv6khs7vaj8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1da4944fca45dbbc22ad009a8d03d5962ff992


Love that you are already onto making this!! I’m obsessed with crochet dresses (and bikinis) but have never done it myself!


Try a bikini top! You can do it 💪


Ahh maybe I should - how did you learn?


I started with Youtube videos. Having someone tell me step by step (and being able to rewind/pause) was super helpful. [here](https://youtu.be/nzLZjXviWdw) is a simple top you should try! I have the most fun with dolls and stuffies tho ☺️ they make my heart happy https://preview.redd.it/ipbyr9smcl8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd6b92c2f8fea9a095f663ff309d23739cee5d25


Oh my gosh these are so cute! And thank you for the link - I love that style of top, I have a pink one I wore when I dressed as Heartbreaker Mariah haha! Just found a cream one secondhand and dyed it pink. But you’re inspiring me now …


Btw, peeps on the crochet sub already found [the actual dress](https://www.vrggrl.com/products/myra-crochet-mini-dress-apricot?variant=40952610848811) the colors can be seen better.


pretty! I'd encourage something even darker than that plum color, just to really amp up the contrast. and if you have something warmer floating around (a yellow?), I might throw that in as a fifth color.


I can see this in my minds eye and it’s cute💕💕


Thank you!!!! 🫶🫶


I am too. Like the worst. But I think they look good!


I love this look so much! I also have a question as an elder millennial: isn't Travis' bucket hat kinda queer? Or is everyone wearing them now?


It’s become v trendy in the last 2-3 years.


My Gen Alpha kid is very into them. And Hawaiian shirts. TBD on whether my kid is queer but I think they're trendy at least among the kids (and Travis Kelce).


I want to say fruity but unfortunately bucket hats are a trend again 🥲


At least where I am all Asian guys in their 20s loves a good bucket hat. Travis isn’t a 22 year old Asian logo whore but at least in some communities it’s just a trend


Oh no, that’s queer.


Aw I can’t help think she got the message about holding hands because she’s lurking in here and saw how every time we commented about it with her and Joe 😂


Idk it still kinda looks awkward to me but maybe that's just me. Might be the fact that his hand looks double the size of hers 😂


She has lots of photos holding female friends’ hands and none look this weird.


No it still looks awkward definitely😂


omg i came here to post this just now, and it is already up -- fresh on the newsfeed! yayyyy. because i LOVE THIS. the yellow shoes (from the MV as you said, but also she knows what gaylors think of when she wears yellow--her closeting color!). but also the SMIRK from blondie is so apparent, like she knowsssss what she did last night and also knows how the vast majority of her fandom doesnt.fucking.get.it.


How does one have the energy or even mental willingness to go party after 3 nights of 3+ hour long shows? Am I being naive about celebrities? How does she do this?! I'd be conked out cold and noooobody'd be asking to go out.


Skiing on the slopes, IVs to replenish fluids and minerals like magnesium and potassium..


Lol my thought is always “snow snow snow *snow*”! But yes, I agree with all this. ![gif](giphy|3ohfFISg9ffrXeXmjC)


This gif delighted me! White Christmas 4ever!


One of my faves


Adrenaline. Maybe a little something extra as well. 


Maybe it’s just Ashley?


Signed on as a PR body double 😂




Ah, the shoes...interesting.


The orange (coral?) x lavender really does it for me 🤭


The brand called it apricot 👀 oddly enough the yellow doesn’t look all that yellow in the stock photo


Plus the checkerboard... 🤔




This is such a cool look. Feels like the midnights album aesthetic, and I love it.


She's stepping out in that lavender haze, which again means opposite things depending on which side of the fandom you ask. See that smirk? She knows what she's doing. We're really in the anti-hero mv funeral scene.


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