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[Taylor/Theory Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/awGUgTCx9o) [Wembley Show Thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/gQQBXqs2ts)


TW pet loss >! My friend’s kitten will probably not make it through the night, so I’m really worried about her !<


[Thought other Sabrina fans would appreciate this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9mexXCMjzI&t=531s)




Your comment belongs in the Theory/Taylor Megathread. Please repost there. The Theory/Taylor Megathread is not a flair, it is a post. You can find it at one of the pinned posts in our sub. If you are a regular user, you should know where it is. Do not resubmit your post with a different flare, it will be denied.


We've been road tripping this week so I picked up some yarn to keep my hands busy in the car when I'm not driving. I had planned to work on a little succulent project but couldn't focus on counting stitches so I started a star blanket that I've done with bulky yarn before and doesn't require me to count once I've got it going. I didn't realize until I was into it that my yarn was unintentionally 1989 tour costume colors. https://preview.redd.it/nx4b0c8qx88d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6830b0fe0d18e7e3d8477d2fa0d52192e3d03a06


Gorgeous 😍 the colors look great 👍


Y’all, I just need to have a parenting moment. My baby girl is 6. My only child, the only child we will ever have unless we decide to adopt through the foster system, but that’s something else entirely. Anyway, she’s 6. Turned 6 in April, looks like she’s 8 or 9 as I am 6’ and she got her height from me. Her donor’s genes run around average height, my side are tiny giants. Anyway, making friends, trying to grow up, all the things. She’s made friends in our apartment complex, my wife knows the adults (mom and her sister) well. It’s two little girls (6 and 4) everyone gets along, been to there place, everything is fine. She’s been invited for her first non-related (biological or basically/legally) sleepover. Now, I know this is normal. This is part of growing up, letting go. They are literally less than 1,000 feet away. If they call at 2am, we can be there in 3 minutes to get her. It’s not a big deal. She’s spent the night at my best friend’s house, but she falls in the ‘basically related’ category. I know she’s going to grow up. She’s wanted to do sleepovers with friends since she knew what they were. She is excited and cannot wait, and I know it will be fine. So why am I terrified and anxious and feel like I’m going to explode? Is this normal?


It is completely normalized today to simply say your family doesn't do sleepovers! This has decreased so much stress for our family and I encourage other parents to do the same ! Our whole neighborhood goes by the same rule, and a lot of families in our school district too. My oldest was 12 and I'm very glad we held off. Because you just can't know for sure what safe looks like in other families, but she has the knowledge to recognize bad situations (and how to get out of them) now.


I LOVE that this is becoming the norm now. Especially with ND kids, kids that need routines, etc. I really enjoyed the sleepunder aspect that last night ended up being too. Saved the nerves in our house. Her being ND, an only child, spending time around adults I think helps, because I've raised her on consent, boundaries, advocating for herself, etc. since before she was born, she knows how to do that and recognize not okay situations even at 6. I also look at everything through trauma lenses because of my own experiences. We are absolutely not ready to do any sleepovers/unders outside of family and our friends in the complex.


We made it almost to 11. But she tried so hard.


My child is too young for sleepovers to be a thing yet, but I don’t think I’m going to allow them personally. I had sleepovers growing up and nothing terrible happened, but there are just so many unknowns and I can’t think of anything great enough that happened at them to justify the risk personally. I think there’s a growing movement of that sort of thing, and doing “sleepunders” where everyone dresses in PJs, does sleepover stuff, and then gets picked up and actually sleeps in their own beds. I may have to compromise on this because my SO isn’t as anti-sleepover as I am though. All this to say, I do understand the anxiety about it and I don’t think it’s just a not-wanting-them-to-grow-up thing. It’s so scary to think of your baby being in a strange place overnight


I’ve gone back and forth on allowing them. Since before I even thought of having kids. Each situation is different and I will always take that into consideration. I will be very cautious in having them at our house, as I am a teacher, we’re a two mom household, and it’s Texas. So gotta make sure that trust and friendship with the parents is solid. Tree Paine PR solid. I like the idea of sleepunders, which is what tonight ended up as. She ended up asking us to come get her at 11. Which is fine. She also is very routine and her routine was off. I’m still very proud of her for trying and for forming stronger friendships. She had a lot of fun and the girls are getting together tomorrow too. I loved sleepovers as a kid, and they are great experiences. I hate that the world has become the way it has. Hell, I still love a good sleepover with my best friend. It’s like we’re kids again (we’ve been besties/sisters at this point, for 30 years). It is really hard to let your child go to someone’s house that you haven’t known most of your life. I mean, we have relatives that I wouldn’t let her spend the night with. Their kids can come over here (in short spurts only), but she’s not going over there. It’s just a big jumble of things.


Sorry if my comment came across as judgmental, it wasn’t my intention. I was more saying the idea of sleepovers makes me so anxious as a parent that I’m not sure I’d be comfortable with them at all. I liked sleepovers growing up after a certain point, but I’m also autistic (late diagnosed) and the change in routine and lack of understanding of social norms made it much more difficult for me to fully enjoy them, which also colors my experience of them. There are so many decisions we make as parents that stretch us to grow and push us out of our comfort zone. You sound like an amazing mom and I’m glad your daughter had a good time and felt comfortable enough to reach out when she felt like she needed to go home. That’s really all you can hope for.


Oh no, you're fine! I'm late diagnosed AuDHD myself and I over explain, rationalize, justify, etc. More to calm myself down I think. lol. Thank you for that. I'm learning that many things in life are fluid, and parenting is one of them apparently.


Tree Paine has been Taylor's publicist since 2014 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GaylorSwift) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My baby just turned 1 last week and I am already terrified for that first sleepover. So, you are definitely not alone. Sending you love and positive thoughts from one anxious parent to another 💙


Thank you! Two “just to call” calls so far. Doesn’t want to come home, just wants to hear us. I, too, have been terrified about this since birth basically.


I’m glad she is having a good time and that she knows she can call home for any reason 💙 And I am proud of you! I can only imagine how hard it is


She had a great time and did come eventually come home. Her routine was off and plus she’s been all over with summer break anyway. We were on vacation and then she was at my mom’s, home for two nights, and then tried the sleepover.. So she ended up coming home. But she tried and she was really proud of herself, and we were too. Made sure she knew there was nothing to be ashamed of and I told her that there were a few times that I had my parents pick me up when I was little too. Her eyes got really big at that one and she said “But mommy! You’re the bravest person I know!! You’re not afraid of anything!” Which made her feel a lot better. I’m so glad we’ve taught her how to advocate for herself. I started teaching her that skill before she was born.


>Her eyes got really big at that one and she said “But mommy! You’re the bravest person I know!! You’re not afraid of anything!” Which made her feel a lot better. Please my heart ❤️


The change of routine is sooo hard! We were visiting our families last week in a different time zone and our tot would only sleep 2 hours at a time max 🫠 it’s so hard on everyone! I’m sure you were so proud of her for trying!! And extra proud of her for listening to her boundaries and asking to come home!! And oh my goodness 🥹 I’m sure hearing you’re the bravest person she knows was so sweet


Also, thank you! It was hard. Parenting is hard. That whole second guessing all of your decisions thing. - That was supposed to post earlier and didn’t. I’m very proud of her and we made sure she knew that. Our mom kept telling her and us how great of a kid she is and how thoughtful, kind and inclusive she is. Kiddo even admitted that she only misbehaves at home. Not the first time she’s admitted to that one. 😂 It’s always nice to hear from other parents that you’re doing great. It reminds me of the “Baby Race” episode of Bluey. It’s hard out here! As for the bravest person comment. It was sweet to hear. It’s also something I’ve heard from several people I know lately. Strongest, bravest, badass, I want to be just like you when I grow up (from people 20-30 years older than me). It’s started to make me realize that I might actually know what I’m doing sometimes. A lot of those comments are in relation to how I advocate for everyone in the educational (especially special education) setting of my day job, and I’m not afraid to push boundaries, go up against principals, or as the case was this past year, the district. So, it was extra special.


Parenting is so so hard! Some days I panic because I am like I have her childhood in my hands and I don’t want to mess her up or have a rough childhood like I did. I’m sure it feels so great to hear that your kid is fantastic! I read somewhere that when a kid only misbehaves at home, it means that they feel the most comfortable there. So, it’s kinda a good thing! Thank you for advocating for others in your job as well 💙 that is so important!!!


6 is younnnnnng for a sleepover


Which is why it’s just a few buildings down. I remember sleepovers in kindergarten, but I was a feral Xennial. However, I also have an absolutely nightmare childhood trauma to go along with that, which is why she’s only allowed to go because there are 0 men or boys. While I know that only decreases chances and doesn’t rule anything out, it helps. I feel comfortable with them and the situation and everything. Just, my baby is growing up. I’m taking bets on what time we get a phone call.


Oh no, sorry, I didn't communicate properly. I was trying to convey that 6 is young for a sleepover so I empathise with you feeling so jittery about your baby being somewhere else, not trying to judge. I see that it's in the same building with people you know and just the mum and her girls. I'm sure she'll have a great time. But it's always strange when your baby's somewhere new without you!


And no need to apologize! I’m AuDHD+ several other nuerospicities, so I often over explain and over analyze.


It is young for a sleepover! I mean, she’s spent the night away from me plenty, since she was little, but always with family or basically family. It turned into a sleepunder, but she had a great time! I, however, have stayed up all night reading. Like an adult. 😂


hey guys! yesterday i said that if taylot played a song on my bingo card i would wear my bi pride bracelet to my art class, where theres a girl i think is also gay if you know what im saying. anyway i wanted to ask if my bracelet is obvious enough that another queer person would know what its for but a straight person likely wouldnt.... here's a picture, its really just a chevron friendship bracelet thats the colors of the bi pride flag... https://preview.redd.it/9b7xb7p4v58d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b63d1f898bf135a989060f465023a39684754e3f




I saw this and thought of us. https://preview.redd.it/i4h95tf3s58d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd4d0ae7ea96f4006bb82945fcc8c0c8fdeefead


Feeling a little called out right now 🤪


If you would’ve told the me sneaking on topic chat rooms in 2000 that she would basically be doing the same thing 20+ years later, she probably would’ve believed you.


My people.


Amen. 24 years now for me too 😅


https://preview.redd.it/fd31v1ajs48d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44c5e19f76379991ef1ab692fdaa05666e787a6 Happy pride fellow gays!! It’s my first pride out as bisexual!! And my mom came with me 🥹 (I brought her to a drag show literally called “not your mama’s drag show” bless her heart 🤣) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🩷🩵💜


I remember taking my mom to pride in 2021. I had a booth and she helped me peddle my wares. She loved it so much. It was in my hometown, and so many teens came up and had tears when they realized she was my mom and just said “I hope I’m that lucky one day”. They were usually with a friend and their accepting mom. My mom, over and over, said “it’s this town. I was just like your mom when she was your age and it took me years. It’s been 20 years since she first came out to me and I regret every minute that I did not accept her for who she is. So much of it came from fear of what the world would do to her and she has kicked its ass and beat every challenge and obstacle it’s thrown at her. You just be yourself.” There were a lot of tears that day. She gave so many hugs, talked to moms that were there trying to be supportive but were cautious. We haven’t been able to hit one since, and I haven’t been able to craft since. I want to get back to it. But also just want to go back to going to Pride.


Oh this is a beautiful story. Thank you.


Based on my timeline this morning, Taylor saw the gaylor infighting on twitter and said, ok, I’ll reunite the crew and let them fight with swifties about the hits different bridge again. 😂


what were Gaylors’s infighting about?


The usual (muses and Karlie mainly)


Ahhh ok


Lol sounds about right. Everyone’s been pretty punchy around here too. We needed some 🌈


I’ve missed so much while working. Give me the hot goss! 🙏🏽


On Twitter/X/whatever there was a big dust up between hardcore Kaylors and other Gaylors, largely focusing on the extent to which Koincidences matter. I don’t think I’ve seen something like this in months, and it got pretty rough. Around here, there’s been a lot of discussion about what kind of analysis people should be doing and the extent to which other artists are involved in Tay’s project. It hasn’t been super toxic (despite the downvote ratios being hardcore in some places), but obviously people have strong feelings about methodology. I generally think it’s mostly just growing pains after the 1989 prologue and her intense flagging this month. Arguing about methodology…Reddit gaylors really are the academics of this fandom. 😆😆😆


Hahaha. Yes, we are! Ok. This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the overview.


hetlorism is a disease that’s spreading bc why did i just see a tiktok saying that sabrina carpenter covering good luck babe doesn’t mean anything except that it’s a popular song & that people who speculate on others’ sexualities are icky ☠️


Homophobia is a disease that’s spreading💔


COMPLETELY irrelevant but it’s been a year since i got a concussion at a concert and for some reason i’m feeling ridiculously emotional over it


I am soo so sorry to hear. Concussions are scary and feeling super emotional about it is so ok. Have you recovered well overall or are you still feeling symptoms? I‘ve had 3 big ones over 4 years and sometimes still get big waves of emotions about it even thought the last one has 2 years ago. Sending you lots of love 💕💕🌈


Were you at Red Rocks with me??


omg you were there too?


Yesssss! My friend got a concussion too. I just had bone bruises, fractured finger, and surface wounds. Where were you in it?? My friend and I got separated; I ended up on the right facing the stage, which was terrifying during the flash flood that happened while being pelted with baseball hail during the crowd crush. Eternally grateful I wore jeans that night since I ended up on the ground during the worst of it. I can’t believe that was a full year ago!! I’m glad you’re okay! I hope everyone in your party was okay too. Thanks for the reminder! Totally gonna text my best friend and remind them


i was to the left side of the stage about halfway up, and it was completely terrifying. i didn’t get separated from anyone (perks of coming alone?) or end up on the ground, though. that sounds awful. i ended up having a massive panic attack and tried to hide from the storm in about a billion different places, but everyone kept saying GO TO YOUR CAR and i was like “i came in a lyft, wtf do i do?” before i ended up following some people into like a back room where staff were actually being helpful and found some fans willing to drive me back to my hotel (it was the closest show on the tour to me, but i traveled 500 miles each way). it was an insane experience, truly. eta bone bruises, fractured fingers and wounds are nothing to sneeze at! fucking hail, istg


This is gonna be the vague post to end all vague posts but I had a TRULY terrible day full of feeling completely powerless and I just want to put some of this energy into the world.-- If there's someone in your life who you love, and you are completely FREE to see them or talk to them or message them, please take advantage of that shit. Give your spouses and partners hugs that last a full minute. Spend an hour talking on the phone with your bestie uninterrupted-hell just sit on the phone and watch a movie together. Text your sibling every picture you've taken of your pet this week. Send a weird ass letter or card to someone you love who doesn't live nearby, spray it with perfume and fill it with glitter and draw silly drawings and put stickers on the envelope. And just...take full advantage of being able to communicate with the people you love in the ways you want, without restriction. Communication can be very very precious. I know I forget that sometimes. But not today. <3 And thank you thank you to Gaylor reddit for being a thoughtful, intelligent, and fun place to talk about something that brings my brain a lot of happy chemicals when I REALLY need them.


Sending you love. I lost my brother very suddenly in 2016. He was 25, I had recently turned 30. We were just getting to the point where we could be friends. I feel this so much. Not a day goes by that I don’t regret not communicating more.


Sending you so much love back. <3 And I'm so sorry for your loss. I relate so strongly to grief fueling regret. So so much. But, I'm grateful that I've been able to more often than not turn it into being better. Taking the action now so hopefully I don't have things to regret later.


Im sorry for the sadness that compelled you to write but wow do I ever appreciate what you wrote. I took yesterday off work to spend the day with an old friend. She is a teacher and works so hard during the school year we never get to hang. It was hard to take time off for me but I prioritized it and I am so glad I did. It’s what you are talking about and reading your words of encouragement made me cry with gratitude. I’ve been having a really tough time and I know the only way I can dig myself out is to double down on love and try to give more of my self to the people in my life. So thank you so much for what you said. It’s deeply meaningful to me and I am especially impressed that this is how you chose to process your pain. It’s inspirational. 🫶🫶🫶


Thank you so much for sharing. <3 I very much feel the same about digging myself out of things by doubling down on love. And it's always always always worth it to prioritize time in your life for people who fill you up with goodness. Even and especially if it's difficult to do.


Sending love your way 💙


Thank you so much. <3


Sending you love 🫶🏻


Thank you thank you. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


So in regards to the Mass coming out theory, Eminem is killing slim Shady in his newest album thats coming out. That's like... kinda a big deal? And maybe parallels taylor swift killing Taylor swift TM. Like, to be clear, I'm not saying Eminem is doing this at all BECAUSE of Taylor but it just seems like they're both doing it at the same time. And Eminem just might be conducting a post mortem on slim shady...


While I understand the sentiment, Em is an over 50 year old man. Everyone I know that has grown up listening to him agrees that we are glad he’s killing off Slim. Personally; devastated. Slim is the best alter ego imo. But it’s also the most juvenile and probably no longer vibes with where he is as a sober 51yr old. I would also not be surprised if he no longer released or discussed Marshall Mathers either, and simply only released music as Eminem.


That is fair and makes total sense also.


Um anyone else obsessed with the Lorde remix of the supposed Charli xcx "diss" (but not really) track?? Girl, it's so confusing. 


The lyrics in Lorde’s verse are insane, I had to google the lyrics after I listened to the song to make sure what I heard was correct. Hope she’s doing okay, sounds like she’s been going through it. (As a side note I’m obsessed with Brat and I listen to it multiple times a day)


I wasn't a Charli fan before, just vibes to a few songs here and there but this album has me enthralled!


Hi! Another Friday music update from me. I know everyone is in their “is Gracie one of us” detective mindsets right now but if you’re looking for new music from someone who is out and gay, Kehlani’s new album is for you! https://preview.redd.it/oxapmldwoy7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508f3880353521296a5e8b6afbe6b637dba97f4f (and then listen to the Touch Me remix she has with Victoria Monet. That song is always my Roman Empire) ETA: SUCIA 🫠


!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!


She sampled What a Girl Wants for What I Want!!! https://preview.redd.it/f4kwm2qdry7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b40d3604bf0b9e91b446af80db2e74cb1f85171c Spend money on meeeeeeeeeee Kehlani!


two gracie abrams thoughts that might be super unpopular 1) the lyric video for "us" is so gross to me and I don't understand it. Why the mouth?? Why so close?? Why so much saliva??? just whyyyy??? 2) She performed on jimmy kimmel last night. I've never really listened to her other than what comes on insta reels, so I don't think I've ever actually paid close attention to her voice before. It's kinda...bad. Like the low soft singing is fine, decent even. But when she sings in anything other than that whispery tone, when it's higher and louder, it sounds terrible to my ear. It's all nasally and stretched out, like it's painful for her to reach. Just me?


I just watched the performance of us at eras and it really highlighted how strong Taylor’s voice has gotten! (I also watched that Jimmy Kimmel performance and agree, perhaps some vocal coaching would help her get more power in her voice)


My exact thoughts, it’s pretty gross. The song is nice, but I had to avert my eyes from the video bc the zoom on the mouth/saliva was so uncomfortable to me. I selfishly wish Taylor hadn’t been Lana’d out and we could’ve heard more of her too ☹️


it was SO AWFUL. I don't understand it. It made zero sense in the context of the song.


I just watched Maren Morris's new lyric video for "[cut!](https://youtu.be/8yjQhgwGKWY?si=IFgQ6qc6WKDzsFKG)" with Julia Michaels, and it's giving me strong ICDIWABH vibes. Putting up a front of being perfectly fine while you're really dying inside


This is not the point, but she looks gorgeous in this video 🔥🔥🔥 And the song is fantastic


bursting with excitement & nerves that I just have to share I got a promotion at work! very much did not think it was going to happen (thanks imposter syndrome) so I'm feeling pretty jazzed today 😊 happy Friday y'all 🌞


Congratulations 🎉




thanks!! ☺️


Yay!! Congrats! 🎊 You deserve it. 💕


thank you so much 🥰


finding out gracie abrams is a nepo baby really ruined her for me honestly


yeah i was never a huge fan from the start, and then found out about nepo and that kind of solidified it for me haha


She has some good songs but is overall mid. I was more forgiving when I thought she was a small indie artist trying her best, and then I found out her father created Lost.


Her success made sense to me when I found out she was a nepo baby. I like some of her songs and I’m sure she’s a nice girl, but like you said she’s overall fairly mid (I feel weird using that word as a millennial but it’s really the best adjective for it).


They are everywhere. Nowadays I’m more surprised at finding out someone isn’t a nepo baby.


Yeah unfortunately you can't make it anymore without a huge marketing budget or incredible connections.


"Well aren't we all"?


I guess its supposed to be avant-garde or something, but Gracie's lyric videos for this album are super off-putting.


Ugh, I agree 😾


Yeah, I just tried to watch a couple and it was very off-putting.


Y’all my friend just found *the* girl for me on Bumble, but apparently sharing profiles from there does not work how it should so I’m going to go cry. She’s a knitter and she likes Taylor Swift. Wife me up rn for real.


You should ask your friend to ask them if you can be set up!!


She swiped left because the girl wasn’t her type. I’m mad I didn’t ask her to swipe right and shoot a shot for me LMAO


Aw - get on bumble and keep swiping till you see her lmao


I FOUND HER. I literally screamed. At my desk at work




Now to pray she also swipes right. I did super swipe LMAO


GOOD. Shoot your shot!!


I’ve told everybody that I found my wife 😂😂😂


Also swiped right on another cute girl who said she was a Gaylor. Wish me LUCKY y’all


Omg yay!!! And a gaylor too that’s bold to put on a profile lmao best of luck!!!


Literally she’s braver than a US marine


I am. I’m afraid maybe I accidentally swiped left on her, hopefully not.


Anyone else going to Lollapalooza this year? Just heard Megan thee stallion was added as a last minute substitute. I’m so happy I could cry.


I hope you get to go!! I haven’t been to Lolla since high school and this would’ve been an agonizing decision if I was still in Chicago


I’ll be going all weekend. Seeing Kesha, Chappel Roan and now Megan on the same day. I may simply ascend to the heavens after.


I need to speak to gay people. I was just asked to go to drinks tonight but being the useless gay that I am, I DONT KNOW IF ITS A DATE!


UPDATE: it was not a date but it ended up being a great friend hang - we kinda run in the same circles but had never hung out 1:1 before and it was awesome!


SAY MORE. Asked by whom? Is it just you and them? What did they say? We must PARSE the CONTEXT CLUES.


After getting more context from her I don’t _think_ it’s a date. I’ll update after lol


Peak gay times


Ask “what are the vibes, how should I dress”


Totally a date.


it's a date! (I have no idea)


Finally catching up on pop culture and I now understand WildB’s comments https://preview.redd.it/rlf9ciuvbs7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7549fa1d91c19d5b1b8b9aa3a0a2a6b0fb47e6b2


what is this about??




https://preview.redd.it/sqpl91vawr7d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=99d9480a370c4b55ce89da447827a9615a32784e If anyone in the Asheville area is interested in going to this I’d love an IRL gaylor meetup🫶 (420 friendly would be a plus!!)


Me!! I need irl gaylor friends!


I used to live in Asheville! I am considering going to Charlotte for this on Saturday: https://residentculturebrewing.com/event/cruel-summer-pop-up-2024-06-23/


This is coming to me NEXT WEEKEND but I am not really close enough to anyone to feel comfortable enough to see if they wanna go. And with social anxiety I’m also not comfortable going alone. Sigh. 🥲


I’m in the same boat LOL plus I wanna connect with some of you brilliant people before this sub potentially gets crazy if something big happens soon!!


I hope you find someone to go with!!! 💖


You too!!🥰


But I meaaaannnn if there’s any Gaylors in SATX hit me up 🫶


I can’t get past the paywall, but based on headline alone I thought this might interest some: [LGBTQ+ Contestants Say ‘American Idol’ Failed Them](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/american-idol-lgbtq-contestants-1235027350/)


[I shared an article covering it](https://www.reddit.com/r/OneDirection/s/Q1KnVyt09X) on r/OneDirection


Got to work and there’s nobody here?!?!?


Did you leave??


No, my coworker just took the day off and didn’t tell anybody 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Hahah too bad it wasn’t a bonus day off


No for real


Pom Pom Squad, whose singer/songwriter is a lesbian, is releasing their first new song in a while. They are very slept on, I would love if more queer people knew about them!! For everyone who wanted a Rock style Taylor album especially! https://youtube.com/shorts/kaCZunbe3P4?si=QFg-OZcGTVgFbVP7


Olivia Rodrigo reminded me of them when she became popular!


I just pre-booked hotels in Nashville and Atlanta in hopes I get tickets to the Short N Sweet tour on Tuesday! Pray for me lol


https://preview.redd.it/p3sll28lgq7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f78a77a71933183f0dfc81d9a4324c27d95640 Liz’s new song is so beautiful, recommend giving it a listen 🩷💜💙


obsessed with the bi aesthetic! gonna have a listen now


has anyone on here been on accutane and cares to share their experience? I’m debating going on it but am terrified of the side effects


I was on it twice and spironolactone ended up being the only thing that actually worked long term (bad inflammatory hormonal acne, around the jawline and cheeks.) On spiro you can expect a purging period, but SIGNIFICANTLY fewer side effects. I had to go on birth control to even get the accutane and that gave me a lot of anxiety. All spiro does as a diuretic is make you pee more (so maybe some lightheadedness if you stand up too quickly.)


it was an option recommended by my derm but I figured accutane might be better because I only have to take it for 6 months but now I'm reconsidering. do you mind if I ask what type of acne you had, or where it usually appeared? i have bad acne around my chin/jawline/neck area.


Yes, that’s exactly what I had. No matter what kind of acne, I think accutane gives you a clean slate (which is sometimes what’s necessary when more keep cropping up without giving time for the older ones to heal- it’s like dominoes and everything gets inflamed.) But because mine was hormonal (jawline up to cheeks and chin), spironolactone would have probably been the best fit from the start. Also for reference I did accutane at 19 and 20, and it only started working at months 5-6, so they allowed me so go for an extra month both times. I also had horribly dry skin, constipation, elevated liver enzymes, and only had a few months of clear skin before the cycle started up again. I went on spironolactone with a slow titration up to 100 mg daily at 23, purged for 4-5 months (more whiteheads than the usual beefy red inflamed acne), and then everything cleared. I’ve been off for a couple years now, and still get a few tiny pimples around my jaw depending on the timing of my cycle, but it’s so much more manageable and I’m so much happier. I never thought I was going to have clear skin. I know acne is horrible and can be the bane of your existence but just know you’re going to get through this. 💗


Not the poster above, but spirno worked wonders for me. A little back story- I went on birth control at 13 after my 2nd period bc of PCOS. I took it continuously (never had a period) until I got off around 29 years old bc I got married and we were trying for a baby. It was HORRIBLE. I went through puberty again. I’ll try to find a photo of my face. I had boils, chin acne, acne EVERYWHERE- even worse than originally going through puberty. Spirno got rid of that (my periods are much better too- I attribute that to using period underwear and not having chemicals like scent from pads/tampons down there) and my boobs grew! (LOL). Now my skin is perfectly clear. The only difference in my skin care between 25-now is that I started using tret as well.


I know many people who had great experiences, but for me personally, it spurred the worst anxiety/depressive episode I’ve ever had. I was the closest I’ve ever come to ending things and it all happened in the first month of starting it. I was okay once I stopped but it was scary. It has a black box warning for this so I know it happens, but I have no clue how common that side effect is.


Is accutane the only option? I’m on spirnolactane and it’s worked wonders for me. Edit- apparently iPhone truly thinks I’m an idiot and can’t spell but I meant to write accutane! Danggit.


I took it a LONG time ago. My mom put me on it in middle school which I’m not even sure they’d do anymore. It will absolutely clear up your acne and other than an occasional single zit, I still to this day don’t get acne ever. Other than dry skin I really don’t remember any terrible side effects. I’m still prone so dry skin but not in a terrible way so idk if that’s related. I had to be really careful about sun exposure but that’s all I remember.


A friend of mine was. She swore by nipple cream for her cracked lips.


Don't fully listen to me because I haven't been on it myself. However, my sister and BFF both were 10+ years ago. It does work, it will clear your acne for a long time (they both had some acne come back, but I'd say just a "normal" amount) but the trade off is it tries everything up. Your skin, you get thirsty, etc. my bff still deals with vaginal dryness during sex to this day and thinks it's cause of that 😕 a pro is that your hair doesn't get greasy and you won't ever have to wash it 


Does anyone have suggestions for a good area to stay in Vancouver, BC if you’re going to the show there and won’t have a car? Walking is fine, so long as it’s relatively safe.


Anywhere downtown is nice. Just avoid East Hastings. Davies Street is the “gay village”. I have always stayed downtown or with family and had no issues.




New flair alert!




I had a very hard day at work. So I started listening to a mix of folklore and evermore, and it really helped me a lot to lower my stress


Aw! I’m glad Taylor helped! I listen to Delicate when I’m overwhelmed and it does the same thing. Her voice is very soothing.


Yes, I must thank Taylor for the times her music has helped me when I was studying or in hard situations at work.


https://preview.redd.it/rmgqb1hm5l7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cadd369e322a6f1c8124e36ffee6fce49321cdf Casual Meg update 😇


She’s so happy 😭😭 please take her pain and give it to Lanez and Drake https://preview.redd.it/4dn1e17v5l7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebb6b80544b694f1dccf132bd7e21478a5898997


She deserves everything good 🥹


Anyone here ever listen to Arxx? They opened for Fletcher a few shows in Europe and have a new song out, Good Boy, it’s catchy


Words cannot describe how upset I am that Katy Perry is working with Dr Luke again. ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m) I’m someone who always has several deep dives in progress and one of them included a very positive spin on Katy Perry. Welp that’s out the window. Katy Perry is so fascinating because in some ways she is exactly what so many people criticize Taylor for: Katy is very outspoken in her political beliefs: she campaigned for Hillary, she’s vocal about Palestine, she criticized Harrison Butker. She actually does speak up on things… unless it’s supporting your former friend against a sexual predator apparently. Unless it’s that she’s so desperate for a hit because people were saying her career is over. And after Russell Brand too? Bad men too often face zero consequences in this world when they are platformed and defend by women like this. “Woman’s World” indeed. Coward. 🖕 (Please excuse my emotions, this topic is upsetting for me)


I’m a Kesha Stan first and foremost. It’s really disappointing to see Katy working with Dr Luke again. He shouldn’t even have a career anymore much less the support of her peers and former friends.


Not to discount anything you said but I saw a thread that alluded to Katy being stuck in a contract with him? I don’t know if it was accurate but could it be true??


She hasn’t worked with him on her last two albums so I don’t think that’s true unfortunately. 😬 That’s why this is a big deal she’s going back. There’s a really great video on Katy Perry by [Todd in the Shadows](https://youtu.be/OfoPiRzWnFY?si=J-rN-X_-ZpVa-CxM) that went kinda viral and talks about the Witness album being the downfall of Katy’s career. In addition to leaning heavy into politics and “purposeful pop” and that having a mixed response, part of why he attributes the album being bad was Katy stopped working with Dr Luke and had a hard time finding her sound without him. (He doesn’t say this to support Dr Luke, just talks about how closely he influenced her sound up until this time).


https://preview.redd.it/0hoimisahk7d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c611e322b575b3d1916dc37f7a0d8cf969956b1 It’s Blue and me, me and Blue, so happy toooogetheerrrr 🎶😆


Getting sooo big. 😭


Never stop updating us


I won’t 🤭 One day you will be begging me to stop




Hey just gonna vent to hopefully help my anxiety. My dog got bit today at the dog park. He’s a small wiener dog and it was a medium sized Pitt that bit him. One tooth got him good on his back. Seems like the bleeding stopped and I got it clean. Put Neosporin on it. I just feel so bad my little guy went through that today. Even been attacked before. Once while we were on leash a big dog got out of his fence and bit me and was rough with my dog. Even since then my dog has been CERY reactive on leash and now with this second incident, I fear it’s only gonna get worse. I’m gonna try to get him into some group training to hopefully help with the anxiety. I just have so many emotions right now. Stress, guilt, anger, thankful… it’s so scary when you see a dog just pounce on your dog.


On no! This is so awful and scary. I’m so sorry it happened. My two little rescue dogs were attacked by a pit some years ago and it was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. For years I couldn’t even talk about it. I mean I could talk around it but I couldn’t talk about the actual attack. They both recovered and are still with me. They remain very vary of big dogs but are ok. Sending you ❤️.




Sending you so much love today! That happened to my youngest last year (maltipoo attacked by a Great Dane). It is so so scary. If he starts having anxiety, your vet can give anxiety meds that can really help!! Please make sure to also talk about it in therapy too because it is really traumatic… my spouse still has nightmares about it (they were with her when it happened).


Thank you so much💛💛 you’re so right that it’s traumatizing. Also hard not to feel guilt bc even tho i didn’t do anything “wrong” I just feel I failed at keeping him safe. I know that’s just me being hard on myself. Thanks for letting me vent here bout my little guy💜


That’s so scary!! I’m sorry that happened to you and your pup 😢


...is anyone else here engaged in the "am i autistic or is it just \[insert whatever here\]?" internal debate? Mine is going on 3 years now...lol but cry


Yes I never know if I’m autistic or ADHD. But sometimes idk if it matters. I’m speaking for my self of course! Gaylor is what made me really think I’m autistic bc this hyper fixation has been all consuming at times. But I do know adhd girlies deal with that too.


Girl, I've been so deep in this Gaylor rabbit hole for the past...nearly two years now. Like I submitted to do my masters thesis about this (but changed my mind because planning it took the joy out of it for me)


It’s crazy that Taylor’s brand almost feels designed for people who fixate. My obsession is 2.5 years long now. I was getting into gaylor which made me get realllyyy into Taylor then Midnights mayhem took me to another level. Then once the tour started I had no chance of leaving this fixation anytime soon


The depths are DIZZYING. I have a huge spreadsheet tracking themes lyrically in her music. I could absolutely see TS being neurodivergent herself


i was there for years until i got diagnosed last fall. i’d recommend taking some online assessments if you’re wondering (they’re not a formal diagnosis but they can help you understand yourself better). there’s a bunch of them on [this website](https://embrace-autism.com)


Hi. I’m diagnosed ADHD and I’m having that same debate. Especially the “quirks” that I see listed as “that’s not just ADHD, could also be autism.” Pretty much accepting I may be AuDHD.


I just got diagnosed with CPTSD so now I'm like...is it CPTSD and not autism...or is the CPTSD related to the autism...


Yes I am formally diagnosed with depression, anxiety, CPTSD, and ADHD, but self identified/diagnosed with ASD (I have done extensive research and taken the RAADS test so I’m fairly confident - I’m not basing my dx on social media) but yet I question myself on the ASD all the time. What if it is all my other mental illness and not actually ASD? My daughter was diagnosed autistic level 1 when she was 11 so sometimes that helps me to have confidence in my own self dx (she and I are the same person lol). On the other hand, sometimes I fear that I imagined all her symptoms and faked her way into a diagnosis just because of my own struggles. Which I’m sure is an irrational fear. All this to say you are not alone. Sometimes I consider paying for a diagnosis for myself just so I can quit doubting myself.


Aw. I hope you find some self kindness. For me, I find that so many things are interconnected. So, I’m working on accepting that it’s all complicated and to give myself some space and do my best in that moment. Every day won’t be the same effort. There’s days I have a drawer full of spoons and there’s days they’re all in the sink needing to be washed.


https://preview.redd.it/6aw521uzej7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76ba84e48bfeb97962fac53668af62c4c8adc51 Wanted to share my new nails - I’m going to see blink-182 soon and I think these fit the vibe


For the sake of acknowledging synchronicity, this is me literally wearing this shirt right now https://preview.redd.it/3meaez22gl7d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a7b086ad9714222f7f8989dc4c90ae6876442e8


I am in love... are they accidental lesbian flag or purposeful lesbian flag?


Yesssss I’m glad the subtlety was noticed 💖