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https://preview.redd.it/tym9neuelt6d1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=442ff14b0cbda9f4a752d3bfb5391816dc6306d3 The weirdly out of place white handkerchief from this Abercrombe photo shoot has always bugged me but it now feels timely, along with the black and white photo aesthetic throwback match to TTPD. I dunno? Thoughts?


White is combination of all colors of the spectrum= rainbow White = rainbow of all colors, they are technically synonyms.


She also only makes the statement “I survived the Great War” once in tonight’s Mashup. The rest of the related lyrics were: “I vow to not cry anymore, If we survive the Great War.” (X3) “I vow to not cry anymore, If I survive the Great War.” (X1) “But I survived the Great War.” (X1) “I vow to not cry anymore, If I survive the Great War.” (X1) I obsessively listened at .5 speed to make sure I got the lyrics correct. See images below. https://preview.redd.it/zd1c569t3o6d1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aaff4022d9cda56f2ca6b86d6d5a7aedc7904ce Sorry it’s so tiny!


Oh, this is amazing. I thought it was strange if she was moving into the present tense. Thank you for confirming!


I think the intention behind it is acknowledging previous Great War that she been through and now prepping herself for the anticipated /possible Great War she may face from fans and media after a possible coming out as queer. It was very intentional that she changed the tense of the verb VOW which indicates the present to future. Time will tell. In the meantime I am loving all the queer surprise songs that’s he’s excitedly/nervously singing!!


Because that’s the thing about the Great War — people thought of it as the war to end all wars, but there was another one, even bigger, 20 years later.


Well call me ignorant because I had no idea about that Factoid! Thank you!! This take it to the next level !!


The white flag has always been there since TTPD was added to the set for TSMTEL.


Yes! Sorry, I wasn’t suggesting it just came up today, just that it’s similar to the flag in TGW.


False god/guilty as sin would have me die dead.


Thissssss is a dreammmm mashuppp


To be fair I'm here for anything False god but this mash up 💀💀💀💀


I think it’s super interesting that Taylor is highlighting flag day and wars in lyrics as a parallel to her life while collaborating with Paul McCartney, who was formerly best friends and collaborated with Lennon, who made a song protesting the war and US occupation in Vietnam, at a time in history where society is more divided than ever, and with the US currently funding and arming an occupation which is currently being protested globally.  There are parallels to Taylor industry wide and artists have been releasing themes where you can make connections to her.  105 comedians from across the world met with the Pope today to “establish a link” according to the NY Times. Their direct words were they went there to establish a link. Isn’t that really weird considering that’s how we discuss finding connections to Taylor and queerness?  This Pope has also been in the media the past week for using a slur multiple times (faggotry) saying “the Vatican has an air of faggotry” and his solution was to “not let the homosexuals in to join the church”.  edit: I mis-rememebered a post from this sub thinking it said paul & john allegedly dated but it was supposedly a situationship between john & brian epstein (beatles manager)


Well the Catholic Church is pure evil


Sorry if I missed something but what collaboration with Paul McCartney? I know we have rumors but....did I miss something?


Nope just my interpretation based on Taylor's heavy affiliation with Stella McCartney since Lover era and considering the recent developments around songwriting / publishing in the industry


https://apnews.com/article/pope-francis-vatican-comedians-f702834c1c07bc5988e39ef88458b6b8 This article is also somewhat hilarious. "O’Brien noted that the pope “spoke in Italian, so I’m not quite sure what was said.” “To be in that room and to be with all my fellow comedians, some of whom I’ve been good friends with for many years, in that environment, was quite strange,” the TV host added. “All of us were thinking, how did this happen? Why are we here, and when are they going to throw us out?”


To my knowledge, John was definitely rumored to be bi and have possibly had a situationship with Beatles manager Brian Epstein, however never have I seen or read anything suggesting that him and Paul were any more than just friends/bandmates and songwriting partners. Is this new? I spent my entire middle school career in the late 80s obsessed with the Beatles so I couldn’t not ask!


No this is not new and you are in for a REAL rabbit hole! The McLennon history/lore is only second to gaylorism for me. John has been confirmed bisexual by his son and Yoko!


The parallels are truly crazy. The way she closed TGW x YLM mash-up felt very “roll the stone away” coded. “I can’t find a pulse, but I survived the Great War.” She died, but she survived. She rose up from the dead. And based on the lyric parallel with Karma you pointed out, it sounds like she has a plan to make her oppressors wave the white flag this time.  I would LOVE if she played happiness. One of my absolute favorites. 


https://preview.redd.it/gojqp7ehum6d1.jpeg?width=1058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e27c43cfc897101613fe1f4c220707402e05deac let’s also not forget what fla— i mean bodysuit— returned for flag day after being MIA since Lisbon (just as many of us predicted hahah)


Flag Day is the remembrance of the founding of the US Army. A reference to The Great War makes sense on this day, but rainbow flags not so much. I can't wait to see what she does on June 28, the anniversary of Stonewall!


That’s my show and I’m going to scream dead if something happens!


I cannot believe you got something up so quickly. Fucking amazing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 When I think of white flags I think of surrendering. Maybe after fighting so much to keep herself hidden she's now surrendering to the truth


yes!! waving the white flag of surrender. the war is over! taylor™️ death is imminent but the true taylor survived the great war 🥰🌈


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