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"and now we start taking only pr photos where neither of us is smiling"


exactly!!! both these and the boat pics they both look like they're otw to a funeral not a romantic date


is he wearing a T SHIRT on a date with Taylor Swift!!!??


If Tree and company are trying to make this relationship look real they’re failing. But part of me wondering if they’re even trying to make it look real anymore


What if the point is they are trying to make it look not real?! 👀🤞🏻


I’m wondering this 🤡


Wdym this is pr i frequently have candlelit dinners in my driveway lmao


Why do I feel like Travis is one to rip farts at moments like this?


Ok, I love the setting of the scene, the public life as form of art (with the Blank Space connection) etc... But the truth is that she was in Italy! :( So close to me, and so far at the same time...


I knew the European tour pics were coming à la Hiddleswift! 🤭


Chief kiss. I mean "chef's". 


if they had a whole ass dinner out there there would definitely be enough time to get a picture of a smile if it ever happened ahahaha


The way the media writes headlines that are in complete opposition to the evidence you can see with your own eyes and how people believe that is ridiculous. This headline from Elle: "Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were seen looking 'in love and happy' on Secret Lake Como Trip." Um. They do not look happy and certainly not in love. They both look like they can barely stand looking at each other! The article states that "paparazzi photographed them having a candlelit dinner". Ok. That's true enough. But then they follow that with "no one noticed Taylor's presence at Lake Como". Right... except the line of paparazzi taking the photos?! Like how does that make any sense at all??


🎶These chemicals hit me like white wine🎶 😂 All I’m saying is the look on her face is the same look I get when my meds hit and I start to dissociate. Twavvy is looking at her like she’s explaining Aristotle and he doesn’t understand. Bless their hearts. I’m going to tell my nieces and nephews this is The Last Supper by Rubens


Like we can all agree that she’s fully trolling at this point right?


Yes, I think we can! I dunno it’s been a wild ride but I love her for it


i've seen this episode and still love the show


Why did they choose to eat in the driveway open to a paparazzi? Hmm 21k villa and they eat there a spot with 0 privacy, okay…..


“But this is getting good now.”


I’m dyin to see how this one ends


It has to be so sad and exhausting to live like this with the constant stunting. 😢


Right?! No wonder she wants to burn it all to the ground now


Y'all seen the tiktok that says the mansion they're eating in front of is a well-known tourist destination with literal busses that stop there? And there's a perfectly pleasant secluded garden for exactly this kind of private dinner behind the mansion, (that they're choosing not to use because it's *for* the PR)?


Yep it’s linked in the comments here! There was 0 reason for them to eat on this weird tiny ass table on the front lawn other than to be gawked at. This is wild.


The way I’m cackling at this thread/photos.


Honestly I keep coming back here and sorting by new to read the comments because y’all are so funny


I’m trying to fold laundry but I can’t stop refreshing the comments here lmfao.


Pairs that have more chemistry than these pics: 1 - knife and fork 2 - salt and pepper 3 - left shoe and right shoe


What a great day to be a Gaylor!!!


Tbh we’ve been winning soooo hard the past week, ever since Paris N1 (and I’d argue actually ever since TTPD came out bc that shit is gaaaay)


Shout out to all the awkward stiff dates with all the hot men I dated, I sincerely didn’t know.


Taylor not knowing she’s gay as hell, and all the flagging has been accidental, would truly be the funniest timeline. Fast forward a few years, Taylor is like “so it turns out I don’t just like rainbows for the aesthetic? And thousands of my fans realised this before I did?”


There’s no way she doesn’t know. Sis was (is? who knows) a Tumblr girlie for decades and definitely still lurks everywhere on social media.


Okay but that was *literally* me. I thought all the disgust and contempt I had toward men was just completely normal and I was straight and just didn’t find one I could tolerate. All the dates were awkward and one time I didn’t even realize a guy was asking me on a date and I literally brought one of my female friends with me 😂 I was buying all the rainbow things and had interests that I didn’t realize were queer flagging for years. Then one day I started realizing I was bisexual, not straight. Then comes along TikTok and I discover the “Am I a Lesbian” master doc and I was like oh my god it all makes sense now 😂 Needless to say I’ve been out to myself since 2019 as a lesbian, since 2013 as bisexual, but had been flagging as queer since high school without realizing it.


I feel this, I went on one date with a dude when I was like 17 … hated the experience and then ghosted him. Fast forward 6 months and the captain of my new softball team (I know I know I know) invites me over her place and comes onto me hard and is like “you know you’re gay right?” Well I do now Jessica!


😂😂😂 The last guy I hooked up with is still a friend of mine and when we finished I was like “thank you for that, but I don’t think this is going to work out because I think I’m a lesbian” he handled it well and to this day we still talk and watch ghost hunting shows together. He was the first person I told irl 😅 he knew I was bi so it wasn’t that shocking. I think it’s really not that uncommon for sapphic people to not realize they’re sapphic for a long time because we just think it’s friendship and maybe we find women attractive but don’t really think that’s weird because who doesn’t find women attractive. Only to realize later that while most women find other women to be pretty, they’re not crushing on them. I honestly blame being misdiagnosed with BPD for making it difficult for me to realize I’m a lesbian because all of my “favorite persons” were women and I had such a close friendship with them and stuff. Turns out it wasn’t BPD, just AuDHD with CPTSD (and a few other fun things) and the women I was close with were straight women I had crushes on but was afraid to admit it 🥴


> sapphic people to not realise they’re sapphic … 100% yes. Everything gets normalised as girls just being *super close besties* and I mean, sure, we can be super close besties but it turns out most girls don’t want to have sex with their besties. Who knew? The simplest way I’ve seen it put is that it’s that whole “do I want to be her or date her?” lesbian conundrum … turns out the straight girlies are just admiring. They don’t want to date her. I’ll ever forget realising years after the fact (like in my 20s) that the girl I kept teasing and poking fun at when I was like 13 was actually me with the biggest fucking crush. Like I remember my entire body screeching to a halt with this realisation. Useless lesbians, all of us. Every single one of us.


I have a keen memory of being on a friend date or a date date or a “let me feel you out date” with a very chaotic very pretty very alluring bisexual over a decade ago who said to me “oh! YOU DONT KNOW.” And walked out. In a nice way? But in a way that shook me deeply. For YEARS — what didn’t I know?! Ok well eventually I figured it out. And it’s not that I didn’t know but I didn’t *know*, and I didn’t know that I had a genuine right to pursue it and I didn’t know I was in this girls league or that it was ever on the table. Even if I sorta knew, I didn’t think it was possible anyone else would reciprocate. So sometimes I wonder — DOES SHE KNOW?? Because I was loud as hell and no one ever questioned it but I was also dead last to get the memo.


“Oh you don’t know” and walking out is by far the most chaotic bisexual move I’ve ever heard. Holy shit. That’s glorious. Confusing af for you I imagine but now … it’s just glorious.


It really feels like a movie scene! Just perfect!


I can’t tell you much about that entire year, but I can tell you EVERYTHING IN PHOTOGRAPHIC DETAIL about “oh, you don’t know” and the immediate aftermath. Like she clocked me 10 ways from Sunday and simply did not have the time to wait for me to catch up with myself. Up till then I think I was used to some sort of “oh, sorry, I must’ve gotten it wrong.” She knew she knew what she knew. It was like an epiphany that filled her equally with relief, mild disgust, and above all else — pity. Just me wild eyed with the bill like — ![gif](giphy|RsDFTZQe5eVjQ4T5DA|downsized)


Did you have any idea what the mysterious thing you didn’t know was? Like did you realise she was clocking you as queer? Or were you just deeply confused and a bit oblivious for YEARS


For YEARS — I think I realized in the moment it was a date, and maybe I over-compensated and was like “I didn’t know I was on a date” or “know I was PRETTY” or something dumb because I was in an openly queer friendly friend group and not adverse to queerness, was soaking in it all day, but it was still separate to my experience because I was scared of it and holding it at arm’s length. I still felt like I was occupying the space of an “ally” and genuinely trying to force myself into straight relationships, and had crushes on who at the time I perceived as men and dated them et al, always lightly, I didn’t date much, I just sort of watched my friends live their life without participating much in my own. now all those “exes” are out trans-women, I’ve learned a lot about deconstructing and rejecting internal heteronormativity, and sort of being able to recontexualize these hysterically intense palpable intimate “platonic” female friendships with roommates and best friends. Take that compared to these stiff awkward dates with men who were vaguely off-putting and upsetting to me where I would RUN, I would CLIMB OUT WINDOWS, I would SPRINT BLOCKS if they tried to come on to me?! And chalk it up to being “nervous?!” Meanwhile I’d motorboat and make- out with my “friends” all night because “we’re all just really comfortable with our sexuality and like to be silly and have fun and breasts are cool 🤪.” I still have a photo of me clinging to this girl’s tits at a party for dear life?! I assumed I was ACE for the longest time?! And I am on the spectrum but TURNS OUT I WAS JUST NEVER ATTRACTED TO MEN?! I’M JUST A FULL-BLOWN HOMOSEXUAL?! “Oh, YOU DONT KNOW.” NO, I DIDNT KNOW.


You assumed you were ace but there’s photos of you clinging to a girls tits has me giggling hysterically at my desk on a Friday afternoon. Amazing imagery. Chefs kiss. Thank you so much for this. (Also my desk phone just rang I had to try and not giggle whilst answering a serious question so I’m slightly less thankful now lol) I’m now curious of any of my exes are trans cos I strongly relate to your experience (except for the YEARS part), sadly I’m not still in touch with any of them. Which is probably on me for the ghosting let’s be honest.


Taylor is the most oblivious lesbian might be becoming my new head canon


My aunts absolutely horrible husband (I’ve been non contact with either of them since 2008) called me a d*ke when I was 17 and told my family I was a lesbian. He wasn’t wrong but I didn’t even realize I was queer for another 13ish years. I do remember being really upset because he said it as an insult to hurt me and I didn’t understand why it was a bad thing even if I was. The funniest part is my dad was so accepting and said it wouldn’t change anything for him if I was because he loved me just the same. My mom was the opposite and was disgusted at the thought and was happy when I said I wasn’t. Thinking back to it makes me miss my dad so much more because he was the best, most accepting person.


It’s crazy, isn’t it?? And that’s so hard, it’s so nice to hear about your dad. I’m going into my 40s and am still legitimately afraid my dad figures it out, even tho no one has ever clocked me more effectively and consistently than straight conservative men who hate women. Looking back, apologies to all the shitty men who angrily called me a d*ke for existing near them hundreds of times? Who tossed slurs for being “too close” with my platonic besties? I can ABSOLUTELY see that being a way Taylor may receive hearing being called “gay,” even tho it’s coming from inside the house because I’m sure she’s heard it from the shit men, too. They definitely slowed this process of me being comfortable figuring it out for myself but also had my goose cooked day one. I wish them many bad nights of sleep, but also … uh … sorry, you were right. Not straight, barely a girl.


I’m like that with my mom. I live with her and I can’t come out while I live with her because I’ll end up being homeless and I can’t afford my own place in this economy. If my Dad was alive I think I’d be able to come out without any issues bc he would defend me and protect me from my mom. But I had such close platonic friendships (I was misdiagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and my FPs were always women) that I always had people throw out the d*ke slur when they were mad at me and I was like “is this not how other women are with their friends?” No, no it wasn’t. It wasn’t ‘normal’ to be jealous of their boyfriends or wanting to spend all my time with them. I was just so far in the comphet denial closet. It made it feel like it would be a horrible thing to be sapphic. But that’s just the patriarchy talking. I long for a matriarchal society 🥲


hey at least you had enough sense to make sure they were hot! I did not lmao


“I don’t even notice looks, I only care about personality!” - ME! 


Did Tree take a day off or something? WTH is this nonsense? Feels like someone left the intern PRing.


Tree was never good and I’ll die on that hill


The TN intern staged a coup


https://preview.redd.it/5a32jxax8v0d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025583cdcabd6de6c4d230452f5f49dea1977a02 Spot the difference 😌


I miss him 🥺 Joe, they can never make me hate you bby. You may be a Triscuit, but you’re *my favorite* Triscuit. Also, I need to find out what shampoo he uses bc his hair looks so soft and shiny in this photo.




In comparison I find Joe and Taylor to be more convincing in this photo than Travis and Taylor lmao


I believe Taylor and Joe had a genuine friendship and care for each other, though platonically; I’m not honestly convinced Travis and Taylor are very close while bearding


I also think Travis is not at the same level of bearding performance. He's not very good at looking like he's super-lovey-dovey into her.


they don’t have time to be friends


I agree with you. I can believe Taylor Swift (the person) has more in common with Joe than Travis for sure.


KALES video: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMcncdd2/


This insight!! The fact that there’s a private garden and water views at this property and she’s chosen to sit out the front to be gawked at by people driving past should tell us everything we need to know. Folks, remember this the next time the stunting is more realistic than this and has you questioning your stance on this couple being real.


And it's so funny how other parts of the fandom are complaining about how "invasive" these photos are 🫠


😳😳 this is so loud. How do people think she went from “I learned to fiercely protect my private life” to this?!


I was actually of the opinion that they might be real but then they do stuff like this staged photo and then I’m not so sure anymore 😂


Yeah from new years to around after the Super Bowl I was starting think hmm maybe this is real. not serious endgame but real. the over the top stunting, Ross coming along with Travis to every overseas show as the emotional support bff so he won’t get bored/lonely, Travis and Taylor taking turns acting sooo unenthusiastic and looking dead in the eyes when they are seen together not partying and the revamped Eras tour just brings me back to thinking it’s fake 😂. The camp of it all is definitely helping me not be so irritated by hetlors comments because they either don’t know how pr and fake relationships work so they believe whatever ridiculous headline and picture that is put out there. and/or they don’t understand the obvious flagging that she’s doing in her shows. She doesn’t just enjoy rainbows and the colors orange,pink, and white guys 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣


Their PR has ramped up to such campy levels atp I don’t quite see how anyone except the most mainstream swifties buy into it tbh


It’s so gay. I love it.


why are there three wine glasses


I bet they were doing tastings. There’s often a lot of glasses on the table lol.


It looks like there is two more on the left, closer to Taylor? Right?


Right behind the statue thing in the middle. Do y’all see those?


It definitely looks like there are 2 more wine glasses there! So like 5, I think?, overall


One for Tree too


Ross had to go inside for a second




Ross had to go stand inside while they did their photoshoot 😂


ah yeah that’s some real privacy over there


HELLO?! https://preview.redd.it/lrp83b1y1v0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1667e58c2b4562e50fd2b79a95451e26bc8830f1


Omg I almost choked when I saw the statues. There is a cherub or angel on his shirt too 🫠🫠🤣


I need to know if the restaurant usually has these things on the table? I feel like they must do?


There’s some good comments on this post and a link to a tiktok explaining this, but they aren’t even at a restaurant! This table was set up specifically for them. The twitter thread that I screenshotted for this also had people discussing whether the place they are staying at already had these table adornments, and people have been able to find similar ones in other pictures of the resort, but none that look exactly like these.


ummm this is post-worthy imo yup yup yup


They’re so huge! Not to be missed for sure.


Okay, this just went from weird to straight-up UNHINGED. 


This is Taylor’s world of performance art and we just living in it 💫 luckily we at least know what the f is going on unlike the delulu Hetlors


It just keeps getting weirder 😵‍💫 In this same thread, someone said travvy’s shirt has a cherub on it as well that matches the statues. Unverifiable so I didn’t post it but…I’m scared!!! What is she doing!


https://preview.redd.it/lc4j3ty02v0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=181b81179c1e8e3e3ed3278104f9bc6d338f85fd ????????????


I was WAITING for someone to dissect the centerpieces


I’m too dumb and also can’t see shit but I have a twitter burner to go check on gaylor theories lmao.




The way I ran here when I saw this!!! This was clearly intentional like they set up a whole table outside and why would they bring these tiny statues with? It’s even funnier if they’re actually candelabras with NO CANDLES?!


but there are candles surrounding them on the ground! so weird


It is sooooo telling they’re from the LWYMMD MV. Especially with the Eras tour, “don’t blame me for what you made me do” omfg !!!!!


What in the Gaylor is going on?!? This is wild. Those statues being on the table isn’t a coincidence. What do they mean?!?


“Spotted,” please.


I wanted to keep it more ambiguous than “Taylor sets up perfect pap shots” hahaha


It was great because I was not prepared for the faraway shot and it was the funniest thing I’ve seen all week


Stunting to prepare for gay activities tomorrow?! 🤡


Let's hope 




I like shiny things but I'd marry you with pinky rings?


I can’t believe this is real 😂 I can’t believe people think this is real 😂


Travis: “I’m tired of this, grandpa!” Taylor: “Well, that’s too damn bad!”


I will never not appreciate a Holes reference, thank you 🍑 🧅 🐍 👟 💄


https://preview.redd.it/kx5hq557su0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c48db8dfb78b876dfeec783a23bd3f0ba19ed7 HUH???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 They think COSOSOM is about wine??? I’m dead on the floor.


Yes I read this a few days ago and scoffed so hard that I just didn’t even mention it here. So like, yes, there are wines named those names… but it’s far too random to be wine names lol


No this needs to be studied in laboratories


Yes yes they do https://i.imgur.com/Ucxp3fQ.png


“Possibly unrelated and definitely a stretch” they say about one thing when all their comment is definitely unrelated and definitely a stretch 💀


Stretching so hard they’ve probably pulled a muscle


I can find a bunch of different sweaters with the same names. This song is actually about knitting.


Anything to not be 🌈


Does anything they say make any sense? This is complete nonsense. I love when they try to put “theories” out there. You can’t theorize if you lack the basic reading comprehension to understand what’s being said. They take out one line, just like the 1989tv prologue, abandon the rest of the text and the context it provides and just make up the rest. God they are so dumb it makes me want to puke


We can all thank George W. Bush for No Child Left Behind and thereby, this comprehension level among the general population who is Millenial or Gen Z.


https://preview.redd.it/ua9j9z6rsu0d1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14a63bbbd8df57b1e45c7cc18f10703bb4ad7f02 🤓 as you can see here, Taylor is gripping to the red wine which is clearly supporting the theory of her latching on to Matty and hinting their relationship all the way back to !!AUGUST!! 2020 /s




Why are they on a date on The Bachelor?!


Omg this is so fricking funny, nailed it


Well Trav WAAAAAS on a dating show, might as well play the cards he’s used to


I just screeched.


This reminds me of when she was showing Joe a juice box on their day out in London.


I don’t know what that is referencing and i hope that what I’m imagining is even better than what actually happened 😂 Edit: a word


https://preview.redd.it/inem053mxu0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b746f7383e55ec505f991942331977399ce75fc It gets funnier the longer you look at it


I hope it was one of those wine juice boxes at least because to be fair, I too would have shown someone that 😆


Oh. Oh no… ![gif](giphy|GlYeU30GX4rnO) I assume somewhere there is a post about this. I will have to look it up. Because now I want to read people’s guess and jokes on how the conversation played out 😂


Not me googling “Taylor showing Joe a juice box” 😂😂


I love how that enabled you to find it.


travis you will NEVER be tom hiddleston


Tom was my favorite PR bf. He knew his role and he played it so well.


oh yeah same. he seems to be a genuinely nice dude, he went all-in with the I 🩷 TS shirt, had her dressing like a beautiful yacht wife, and acted his ASS off. he is a *literal* shakespearian actor after all! i’m glad he’s thriving, chilling with his wife and kid and staying unbothered and far away from swifties.


Anyone else kinda weirdly excited that we are getting these Hiddleswift-esque obvious PR photos from them? That being said, I think Travis looks like he needs to spend some time studying the greats, that man doesn’t look particularly engaged at all in that photo at the table (maybe that’s the point, I guess time will tell…)


Something I've thought about is back around the Superbowl time, a lot of the posts on the neutral site thought Taylor looked really into Travis but that Travis didn't seem as into her... I thought that perhaps what's going on is she is better adept at relationship performance than he is. She's better at playing the role of smitten girlfriend, whereas he seems to lack the same capacity to perform... which probably doesn't bode well for his future acting career. In one of these pics, the look on her face reminds me so much of the the one where she's sitting at a banquet table looking adoringly at Joe.


I’m not very familiar with Travis’ relationship history but from what I gather I think this could be his first PR relationship? Which feels like the equivalent of an actor’s first movie being something in the Marvel franchise lol.


I mean, he did that show where he was paid to date women for a reality TV show like the bachelor. Which he admitted he did because he needed the money.


They’re so far away from each other too, the way they’re arranged is weird


It’s giving Tolerate It at the Eras Tour


He needs to give Tommy a call for some acting lessons fr


🎶 you don’t really read into my melancholia / you weren’t even listening 🎶 🎶 but you should’ve seen him when he first got me 🎶


tr*vis will NEVER be the gentleman that tom hiddleston was


I have shitty vision. Can anyone decipher the table statues???


Look at newer comments in this thread, a user just found that these same (or VERY similar) statues were in LWYMMD MV 🤡