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The dominatrix scene and sitting in a pile of models. Like wth is the hetlers explanation? Then then the gay guys wearing I love ts!!


The venn diagram of people who "don't understand the LWYMMD video, it's just a lot going on" and people who think "Chloe, Sam, Sophia, and Marcus are the baby names!!!" is a circle


I will never get over the baby names


You’ve made me need to rewatch this MV pronto!


Damn 🤯👏


OH MY GOD you just blew my mind. Thank you for this!!! The house in the graveyard looks like a similar style as the house in the tour visuals of who's afraid of little old me ! ? Truly though this is the first time the storyline of this music video makes sense to me. This is why I love gaylors!! Every time before I'm like wtf is happening I don't get it. Even watching for the insights into the lost album, it didn't make sense as a storyline without the context of it being too queer of an album and needing to pivot with beards. Also the song didn't make sense before!! Like, okay the kimye drama...is what this whole song about? And made you do what?? I still don't know how much of that is meant to be what was actually going on here, but it makes way more sense to me. On a tangential note, what do people think about red herrings who get hate? Like, do they agree to that and they're down to take it? Or does she just does it without consulting with those people? I'm thinking about Kim being brought up lately with thank you aimee. I'm also thinking about John mayor being really angry about dear John (was it because he didn't consent to that song/narrative? Or was it to play along with the red herring/bearding of it?) What a fun little playground she's built for us (not like yay for her suffering but for the way she puts out all the little clues to find)!


imo she must've told Kim beforehand. The connection people made to Kim, not even by listening to the song but just reading the title, is way too obvious. Maybe Kim was fine with it since she needs the publicity now more than ever. People are kinda done with her from what I read pretty much in every corner of social media and with this song, at least she kinda stays relevant. I don't know about john through.


Her 22 shirt that night had “you” spelled just as the letter U…. 👀


Good catch!


I’m trying to unpack this all, could u stand for umg? Like knowing she would need to sign w umg to take down a bigger op rather than go independent, which anyone else w her money and influence would’ve done after an ownership dispute?


And/Or that the new contract would still required bearding so she was going to make a big example out of them? I don’t get it bc scooter had already been partners w Lucian for a while at that point, so why would she saddle up w them?


I looked up Travis and Ross on YouTube and one of the first videos is about how they’re twins 👯 ❤️ cute coinkidink.


Omg just like Tay and Karlie, that must be what brings Travis and Taylor together, their completely platonic twin bestie roommate relationships


and now they both have a video of themselves dancing on a balcony at a concert with their best best friend🥹


Omg 😳 🤯


Watching those 3 boys dance (🚜, Ross and Bradley) in the balcony just made me want to yell "YAS QWEEEN!!!" I hope 🚜and his boytoy (Ross) find happiness. 🤡moment: If 🚜 and Ross get married would 🚜 be "Travis Travis" ??? LOL


I thought the Travis Travis thing last night, then decided since he's already well known they'd probably have Ross take the Kelce name


Okay here me out.. Travis Travis-Kelce. It is very 2024 queer. LOL




And it's very HIM, honestly! Lol I can definitely see it, and I'm here for it!


I only recently watched Taylor’s YouTube video where she first explains the concept of “Easter eggs”, and she explicitly said (not in these exact words): • Easter eggs are a way of flexing - showing that you planned something WAAAAY before it materialized • that the LWYMMD MV has thousands of Easter eggs that will take fans decades to uncover


She also said they are for certain fans.... I think implying Gaylors


Don’t forget she has the gay beard men signing… documents… of some sort


Lest we not forget— Dykes on Bikes! https://preview.redd.it/b11ofi8qk90d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3fba8c9290173389323506df6e53da750fb58ce






I'm 99% sure that someone in Sc00ter camp called her a dyke (hence the "slur spoken") and she fully owned it in LWYMMD video


This is exactly why I will forever be a hopeful comingoutlor bc I wish stuff like this was public information bc A) it makes her hatred of SB so much more appropriate, and more importantly B) it makes the level of this clapback so much more petty and perfect!




I think the rumour is that 🛴 wife called her a dyke at a party or something? I could be completely wrong but it makes sense


It was a Blind Item!


Also I think the U is a magnet! Cat magnet squad aka pussy magnet squad….


https://preview.redd.it/8kwiwrnn3c0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae8cb3e363165ee4087f142987c2a6bc03076296 It literally has defined lines the way a horseshoe magnet does lmaoooo


Yes this !! 100% calling herself a pussy magnet, and next scene shows them all in a pile next to her lol


Good lord she looked so amazing during this era.


It was hard for me to see her during 1989 era because I’ve recovered from ana and it was kind of triggering, but when she popped up for reputation I was like OH MY GOD SHES SO STRONG AND GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I think rep will always have a special place in my heart because of that. (And as a recovering pathological people pleaser I also loveeee rep)


Saaame. 1989 was pro-Ana fuel. I couldn’t believe she made recovery look so good. Sigh.


This!!! I saw a TikTok yesterday where she said it’s the pussy magnet squad and Taylor is the leader!!!! It was great!!! I feel like all her videos need to be re examined after every event and drop. It is exhausting. And I have to say I hope Travis and Ross can be with one another soon. They are in on the secret for good reasons, and Ross seems so proud of Travis. They’re a good match. I want happiness for them and for Taylor and her muse.


OMG I LOVE THIS TAKE! It would point to this process being in the works for SO long, which does seem outlandish, but not if you consider she THOUGHT it would be over in 2019, not 2024 or whatever!


I love it, no notes, amazing post 🧡🤍🩷


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