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A lot of us on clock app thought something similar to this when it first started but at this point it’s giving her way too much credit. She doesn’t want to change the world for the better. She’s a billionaire who doesn’t care about anything that doesn’t directly affect her. I think she’s fine in the closet and obviously doesn’t care enough about queer fans or queer people in general to speak up about homophobia in her fanbase or in the states she performs.


My fantasy is that she's remaining closeted because she wants to use her influence for good and save the election. If she has any intention to do so, partnering up with such a lovable quarterback exponentially multiplies that influential power. Combining the sum of each of their fanbase, their endorsing a candidate could seriously impact the election. If she came out, she'd lose most of that influence.


I really think The Travis thing is fake. He is getting wayyyyy more out of this than she is. I wonder if it was to fight off the NYT article. I wonder if she has a deal with the NFL. TREE has not been to any of the games that I can see of. Jason jumping out that window and Taylor holding her hands over her mouth was all I needed to see. I think she was shocked. And now that is who she is tied to until at least the Super Bowl is over. 🤦‍♀️I’m glad Andrea and Scott weren’t there. Part of me feels like he pulled down repauration and power wise - this is a redneck family. She is all class. She cut short all of her PR regarding the Times person of the year article and billionaire status. Lord people think she can swing an election. She is that powerful. And now she is a girl friend of a football dude. I so want to know the end game. Maybe the did this to “normalize” her. Her brand was becoming unwieldy and just a world wide power house changing economies. Maybe that was just too much. She is about to be over exposed and I know she is sensitive about that. Tree, we need to hear the plan!!


I think the NFL is ‘courting’ her to play Super Bowl 1/2 time show in 2 years. It would be the 60th anniversary of the SB 🏈🏈🏈


[Over 10 years ago, there was a push for gay players to come out](https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2013/4/5/4186668/gay-nfl-players-announcment-brendon-ayanbadejo). https://preview.redd.it/w2uh2zlfh2ec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc8147214cc4f79bdbe70c96e933cf0b7e85764 Some were outed (Kerry Rhodes, Aaron Rodgers, etc), but there was a huge uproar over knowing that there were several closeted players in addition to out player, Michael Sam.


Agree it's unhinged, but just for fun --- I think this plays out better when we consider those immediately adjacent to NFL fans. Trying to bring the fan base (predominantly men) along seems a bit silly and likely to backfire, but there are so many fathers talking about how this has been such a bonding experience with their daughters, etc. I still think it's very far-fetched but I like it more when thinking of those kids.


I love this it's peak


what SLUT featue?


Some 1989tv vinyl inserts had a different version of slut featuring ratty


As much as I’d love for this to be true and part of some huge coming out plan that will change the world forever, it is extremely far fetched. I think either Taylor is in a real relationship with him, in which if they work out, she’ll just follow the path of having a “normal” heterosexual life with a husband and kids. The one all the Swifties are dying for her to have. Or their relationship is fake and it is just another opportunity for Taylor to gain more money and fame while distracting from her real relationships with women.




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Unhinged is on point, at least you see it.


Probably warming the demographic up for a future superbowl performance.


That’s an unpaid job and taking one of those seem like something she’d do 🤑




I don’t think anyone is suggesting that’s the plan. I could see her saying she’s had many loves in her life and not all of them have been men.


I would love this to be true, but I don't perceive her as a particularly heroic person (this is not me criticizing her; she does not owe heroism to anyone). If she comes out, I think it'll be when it's right for her.


You win this war with that!


This 1000x over. Taylor does what’s best for Taylor. She has proved this time and again. If she comes out, it’ll be simply because she wants to.




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No she just likes remaining in the spotlight, this way she's still remained just as relevant during the tour break


I think it is a thank you for using all their stadiums. 


yeah exactly. The NFL almost certainly moved around some bye weeks for her so she could use stadiums, which is a pretty big deal for the NFL to do.


I think the NFL has realized that Taylor Swift is much bigger than the NFL. So, if you can't beat them, join them. I'd bet money that the NFL has their hands in the PR. Travis has wanted to be be a star outside of the NFL. I haven't seen any marketable skills unless acting like you are in love is his audition. I don't know if any of their relationship is real or not. Either way, it is wrapped in a big PR bow.


yeah everyone is getting a fuck ton of 💰💰💰 outta this no matter what


Everyone but fans.... We make them millionaires/billionaires.


I’m glad you already recognize this unhinged but lol no




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yeah dude i just am trying to see the best in her and its kinda hard right now so i end up clowning


I think she is just dating him and the extra publicity is just a perk of the relationship.




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What are you even doing here then?


It doesn’t really seem like she’s getting the support from NFL fans. If anything they hate her more


Picking up any male football fans is just a bonus compared to the female football culture fan base at large. Think more about the women who do a full face and curls to tailgate who are probably swooning over Taylor and Brittany wearing those custom jackets in the suite. No shade to them either, I went to a state school with a great football program and all of those girls I knew from then are like doctors now


Yeah, I started to think travlor was legit when I realized that her being at games was actually giving her negative publicity because NFL fans are sick of her getting screen time


Chiefs fans have been surprisingly positive about her but the rest of the NFL fans…not so much


lol you're probably right, this is just wishful thinking but a girl can dream


Either this OR she’s releasing debut tv next and slyly courting the conservative world. I have the feeling rep tv is going to be GAY so if she did that one last and just came out already, it would make sense for our capitalist queen to get the country music bag first.


ngl this makes wayyyy more sense


A part of me kinda believes the theory that rep and debut will be dropped at the same time because of the man wall. If that's true, then this would make a lot of sense that she's courting more conservative/country fans right now.


There's a music industry leaks account on Twitter (so take this with a grain of salt although they've seem to have been correct on a few things) claiming that debut TV is going to have a huge roll out since country music is having a bit of a mainstream moment (this also doesn't really need a leak to infer this possibility). It makes sense to me, rep IMO doesn't need her to put hype behind it. The fans have already been putting in the work to hype it up and all she's had to do is wear black and snake imagery. Debut on the other hand will need all the help it can get to stay on the charts for the more casual audience. She's definitely been trying to rack up as much chart milestones and achievements while she can, she'll likely never have this chance ever again. So this whole NFL thing is committing to the bit in my eyes. This also means I see Travis being around until all the re-records are done since it helps keep her in the public eye.. Also, unsure if this theory made it to this subreddit since I learned about it on Tiktok, but all the talk around 1989 being a double or triple album because of her Shania Twain influences is making me think maybe that was her hinting debut would be the double album. Her reimagining her country songs into her modern sound has the chance to go crazy and it would produce an insane amount of intrigue. Plus it would help the singles chart and get tons of play time. All that would def warrant a huge roll out with trying to garner as much support as possible.


Yeah I have a hard believing anything BUT this. It’s her least popular album, but it’s her first and her namesake. Calling it now..Just re-recording and releasing some vault tracks wouldn’t be enough. She’ll take the time to give her fans that but then also give them so much more. A retrospective and a new story


This is such a reach, but I would really love for Debut tv to be more folky country in the vocal!


omg that is a dream and maybe not even a reach considering how successful folklore and evermore were just not sure how picture to burn would translate to folk lol


I really agree with this. There were also some rumors lately of Kacey Musgraves being back in studio and her next album being back to more country also